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The Spec Sheet

Started by MV/Liberace!, May 30, 2009, 11:47:14 PM


Quote from: wr250 on August 13, 2014, 09:08:24 AM
fidgets can time travel according to this call to art bell:

is it mr fidget here on bellgab? i have no idea.
No doubt lol. His voice is familiar.


Quote from: wr250 on August 13, 2014, 09:08:24 AM
fidgets can time travel according to this call to art bell:

is it mr fidget here on bellgab? i have no idea.

i don't think that's the mr. fidget of bellgab.


Quote from: MV on August 21, 2014, 01:28:49 PM
just have it look for the word "horse".

How dare you sir. I never say the word "horse" without the word "porn" tacked on.


Quote from: MV on August 21, 2014, 04:07:25 PM
i don't think that's the mr. fidget of bellgab.

Despite the claim that he can call at any time and a similar more "normal" sounding voice I don't believe that this is our Mr Fidget. Would you look at that. I just called Mr. Fidget, "our" Mr. Fidget. All your fidgets belong to us.

Mr. Fidget

Quote from: MV on August 21, 2014, 04:07:25 PM
i don't think that's the mr. fidget of bellgab.
Yes indeed, that is "call #1" of my three call trifecta. There was the one call a year (or so) earlier, under the pseudonym of "Sam" where I "mysteriously" told Art "I had some [important information] to send him about how people cope with time." and then hung-up abruptly. I was "setting the stage." Art said he remembered that call, in the one in question.
   In the Mr. Fidget thread I also posted the call in question, but from the tape recording I made at the payphone booth, so you can hear the delay... background sound effect a bit. The one peng' posted is much better audio quality.
   Like this little bit of minutia surfaced, so too will every single claim... story... detail... and fact that I have asserted in my thread also surface... as the whole truth told to the best of my ability. I don't seek "a parade," all I want is the shadow of purported "malfeasance" lifted from the shoulders of my story. My intent, reinforced by tolerating all the Bellgab "abuse" ;) is simply to clear the record by providing the factual documentation that illustrates the course of events that lead to "The great fidget debacle of 1997."
   It resurfaced (very much by luck, and karma) in 2009 with the "Somewhere in Time" replay, as a result (my best guess) of Ian inquiring to the C2C archivist to get the show... so he could (as we all know is in his character) research the issues I brought up to him on the phone while he was at the NAB convention.
   Had there been an intent on the part of C2C to "clear this whole matter up" at that time, it would have been presented with some forethought.
   It was not, an is more akin to "David & Goliath" than most anyone knows. Only Ian, the archivist, and the undoubtedly aghast "suits" know for sure.

Mr. Fidget
The Mr. Fidget ;)


Did you change your voice for this call or the other calls because you did sound different?

Mr. Fidget

Quote from: jazmunda on August 21, 2014, 04:44:29 PM
Despite the claim that he can call at any time and a similar more "normal" sounding voice I don't believe that this is our Mr Fidget. Would you look at that. I just called Mr. Fidget, "our" Mr. Fidget. All your fidgets belong to us.
^Now you know. At the time of that call, my "big conspiracy story" was a month old, and there were no conspiratorial details to know. All I knew was I had been assaulted, could not even find out what the "alleged behavior of mine" was, let alone understand the whole scope of the matter.
   The "me" that was on the Gabcast, was a me that has been conspired against more than a decade earlier, proved it and wanted to "get on with life" but instead got ganged up on... insulted with implied "mental imbalance" and actually muted to be silenced. Anyone in their right mind ;) would have much difficulty dealing with anything even remotely as twisted as this experience has been.
   When I don't have to "fight my way out of a corner" to communicate, my demeanor is much more "grounded." In time this will all be publicly acknowledged, and my "living under the shadow of conspiracy" will cease. So too I hope will cease, is the emotional effect of having to have "all this" to say when someone I give a Linkey Fidget ask's "These are cool, why don't you market them?"

It's not an easy position to spend a decade with.

Quote from: jazmunda on August 21, 2014, 05:13:32 PM
Did you change your voice for this call or the other calls because you did sound different?
I never changed my voice. Stress like I have had takes a toll. :)


It wasn't an attack on you or your story. I was simply pointing out that your voice in this clip whilst sounding similar was not as high and excited as the other times I have heard your voice. But who am I to say anything as I talk funny too.

Mr. Fidget

   I have listened to the Spec Sheet a few times, and I would like to see MV start using a crowd source Google Doc like night<>attack does. It would be a great way of him getting content, and the listeners having some advanced input method in order to add too, or change the tone of the show... to that content which the users find most interesting. Imagine Leo L. w/ a playbook. ;)
   Of course the final say on all matters regarding the spec sheet shall be the sole right of MV & Curtis to decide, that option would simply give them more to decide on. Also, of course, it would give listeners the pleasant option of contributing their ideas and topics!

What do you say MV, Curtis, & Listeners?

ps. My worst fear is that that would turn it into the "Spec goatsee Sheet" but I may be overestimating the maturity of the listening base. ;) No problem Jaz, and just a joke people. :)


I dont think you need to worry about how they do their show. They were doing it fine before you came along.

Im sure your suggestions are truly valued. However, the listeners are happy for the most part.  With the exception of 2 or 3. And who really cares about them?  Their core audience is still there.

Quote from: Mr. Fidget on August 21, 2014, 05:50:39 PM
ps. My worst fear is that that would turn it into the "Spec goatsee Sheet"

And you just blew the Fall format reveal!!! thx !

::edit:: not as bitchy as its typed out to be. Just saying the show is fine the way it is. So dont blow a gasket.


Everybody go to UFOShip.com/chat so we can test the new chat room.  We want to get as many people on at the same time as possible to really tax the server it's running on.  Goooo!!!  Noooow!!!


Tried to get into chat, but it gave me the boot.

[21:33] qwebirc v0.92

[21:33] Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project.

[21:33] http://www.qwebirc.org

[21:33] Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.

[21:33] == *** (qwebirc) Looking up your hostname...

[21:33] == *** (qwebirc) Couldn't look up your hostname!

[21:33] == Connected to server.

[21:33] -chat.ufoship.com- *** Looking up your hostname...

[21:33] -chat.ufoship.com- *** Found your hostname (cached)

[21:33] == ERROR: Closing Link: Foodlion[localhost] (Too many connections from your IP)

[21:33] == Disconnected from server: Connection to IRC server lost.

Im the only one from my IP that visits Bellgab.


Tried to get in 5 times, and each time I got that message. It's a NOGO for me. I also tried using the page link vs the URL link. Nothing's changed.


Quote from: Foodlion on August 22, 2014, 08:39:10 PM
Tried to get in 5 times, and each time I got that message. It's a NOGO for me. I also tried using the page link vs the URL link. Nothing's changed.



Once you said something about moderation last week, I was gonna suggest IRC.  Excellent choice :)


Quote from: Khameleon808 on August 22, 2014, 09:04:04 PM
Once you said something about moderation last week, I was gonna suggest IRC.  Excellent choice :)

it should work far better for us.


Last night's test cast was awesome!!  Chaotic, hilarious and unrecorded.  Thanks for getting me through a late night of work smoothly :)


Quote from: Khameleon808 on August 23, 2014, 02:54:21 PM
Last night's test cast was awesome!!  Chaotic, hilarious and unrecorded.  Thanks for getting me through a late night of work smoothly :)

heh your welcome. got most of the bugs worked out it think


Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in U.S. Taxes

Microsoft Corp. is currently sitting on almost $29.6 billion it would owe in U.S. taxes if it repatriated the $92.9 billion of earnings it is keeping offshore, according to disclosures in the company’s most recent annual filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



Quote from: Khameleon808 on August 23, 2014, 02:54:21 PM
Last night's test cast was awesome!!  Chaotic, hilarious and unrecorded.  Thanks for getting me through a late night of work smoothly :)

No problem. I'm glad you girlfriend was into horse porn the show.

I may or may not call into the next Spec Sheet with a printer problem. Do MV or Curtis know how to fix a printer that has been smashed into a thousand pieces with a hammer?


Quote from: jazmunda on August 24, 2014, 06:54:41 AM
I may or may not call into the next Spec Sheet with a printer problem. Do MV or Curtis know how to fix a printer that has been smashed into a thousand pieces with a hammer?


The Spec Sheet comes your way tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8PM Eastern, 5PM Pacific. Visit UFOShip.com to listen live and chat. Call the show at 573-837-4948.


Nice little story for the spec sheet to cover.


I was wondering why drudge had this picture

over the burger king leaves to Canada story.
It's a picture of a Crash in Russia, with a stop sign. Subliminal message? who knows.
Unfortunatly since I started this post, it was fixed even though it's been happening since this morning. I didn't get a daggum screen shot of it when I had a chance. :(


The Spec Sheet is live in 50 minutes. UFOShip.com to listen.


The Spec Sheet Tuesday, Aug. 26,  8PM Eastern - 5PM Pacific

Join the live Stream and chat here: http://ufoship.com/chat/

Call The Spec Sheet: 573-837-4948


chatroom text:


The latest episode can be found here.


how did everyone like/hate the new chat room?
questions, comments,suggestions accepted. all horse porn and cock pics will be forwarded to jazmunda

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