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Ian Punnett

Started by sillydog, April 06, 2008, 04:15:35 PM

What do you listen to when you can't take C2C anymore?

Mainstream talk radio
Progressive talk radio
Quote from: Bandido on September 15, 2008, 09:34:26 PM
Don't despise, but he is a little annoying at times with his Where are you gonna take us? every 5 minutes. Also he used to be more interesting. I find I'm clicking off the radio more and more when he is on.

That kinda gets on my nerves a little too, but the substance of his discussions with guests/callers makes up for it.

Maybe I should e-mail him about toning that catchphrase down.


QuoteThat kinda gets on my nerves a little too, but the substance of his discussions with guests/callers makes up for it.

Maybe I should e-mail him about toning that catchphrase down.                       

I'd be interested to see how he'd react to that.  I head a caller take him on over it, in a kind of obnoxious way.  instead of a level critique this guy starts the conversation with "You're driving us all NUTS Ian, can't you hear the collective wince?"  Ian says "What are you talking about?"  The guy says "everyone hates that catchphrase"  The guy apparently though he was being funny.  Ian wasn't amused.   I got the impression that what annoyed Ian was the guy's general ham-handedness and the fact that he was speaking for "everyone" - not himself.

I won't bother trying to describe how Ian gave the guy a smack-down.  It was more a matter of tone and timing than anything, and the only time I've heard Ian annoyed with a caller in a way that made me uncomfortable. 

All that aside - what Ian said was the he uses that phrase because it moves people along.  They indulge in fewer ramblings and preamble.  (I think his actual words were closer to 'without a direction they tend to back into things') I think it works.  It's functional.  Is it pretty?  I dunno - I barely hear it anymore. 

If you are bother by it, hell - say so. 

I'm just lettin' you know you won't be the first.


It is so sad that George has felt the need not only to censure the calls he is willing to take on his show but also has to censor Ian when he hosts the show. I used to have respect for Ian but not since George clamped down on Ian asking guests difficult and challenging questions.

I had to laugh at last nights show when Ian had Jim Marrs on for the first hour. Jim Marrs said the most stupid thing. He said that if you distributed the $700 billion to the 200 million or so adults in the US, each adult would receive approximately $3.5 - $4 million dollars. I seriously think Marrs has been spending too much time learning alien math or smoking crack. On earth, $700,000,000,000.00/200,000,000 = $3500.00

To me $3500 is NOT the same as $3.5 Million - $4 Million.

I can't believe that Ian didn't or wasn't allowed to even challenge him on that, but then again it is censored radio. I wouldn't expect anything different from Coast to Coast but maybe Jim Marrs should spend a little more time on earth and less time in outer space.

I feel bad because I used to like Ian but after a show with Steve Quayle several months ago where Ian challenged him, Ian has clearly had his balls put in a vice by George.

But it is amazing how many of the shows complaining about government censorship and coverups, while the Coast to Coast crew engages in censorship of the listeners who might ask questions that aren't softball questions for the guests.


That Steve Quayle thing was pretty disturbing. Dunno what to think about the rest. 

Marrs is obviously a bit - errr - extreme (and apparently bad at math) But the man does talk about some things that need to get said.   Okay - it's a characature - but like most characatures, you can see the resemblance to reality.


Quote from: sociald on September 28, 2008, 08:22:45 AM
It is so sad that George has felt the need not only to censure the calls he is willing to take on his show but also has to censor Ian when he hosts the show. I used to have respect for Ian but not since George clamped down on Ian asking guests difficult and challenging questions.

I had to laugh at last nights show when Ian had Jim Marrs on for the first hour. Jim Marrs said the most stupid thing. He said that if you distributed the $700 billion to the 200 million or so adults in the US, each adult would receive approximately $3.5 - $4 million dollars. I seriously think Marrs has been spending too much time learning alien math or smoking crack. On earth, $700,000,000,000.00/200,000,000 = $3500.00

To me $3500 is NOT the same as $3.5 Million - $4 Million.

I can't believe that Ian didn't or wasn't allowed to even challenge him on that, but then again it is censored radio. I wouldn't expect anything different from Coast to Coast but maybe Jim Marrs should spend a little more time on earth and less time in outer space.

I feel bad because I used to like Ian but after a show with Steve Quayle several months ago where Ian challenged him, Ian has clearly had his balls put in a vice by George.

But it is amazing how many of the shows complaining about government censorship and coverups, while the Coast to Coast crew engages in censorship of the listeners who might ask questions that aren't softball questions for the guests.

Noory clipped Ian's balls after the Quayle/Chicken Little incident. I don't understand why Ian is still there. When Rollye James left, allegedly it was because of the 'politics' at Caost and George's stupidity. It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall at KFI.


QuoteIt would be interesting to be a fly on the wall at KFI.

Yeah - but only long enough to get the idea - after that, I'd likely puke.


QuoteI can't believe that Ian didn't or wasn't allowed to even challenge him on that, but then again it is censored radio.

While I agree there is some obvious political posturing going on - I suspect this one was just a "whoops"  - Ian has been pretty hot on this topic for a while and my impression is he was, over all, playing along with the broad strokes - and not the details.

So, in this case, I think the answer to "Why didn't Punnett challenge Marrs?" is more likely "cuz he fucked up" than "cuz he didn't want his pee-pee slapped"

Hey, I gotta give George some props.  He handled Alex Jones like a disobedient child at the beginning of Jones' interview last week, and Jones admitted (or at least acted like it)to acting out of order in regards to the Michelle Malkin incident. (Whether or not I agree is moot).  And as for Maars/Marrs, if he said trillion instead of billion the figures work out.  Maybe he subconsciously slipped and said billions because he wanted to be on during a week night and was thinking of how many fans Noory has.


Quote from: PhantasticSanShiSan on September 28, 2008, 11:02:30 AM
.....and Jones admitted (or at least acted like it)to acting out of order in regards to the Michelle Malkin incident.

All I can say is Michelle Malkin got her comeupance. She's an animal. She is a self-hating Pillipenis (or Phillipina, if you want to use the correct term) who is the Asian-American answer to Anne Coulter (or Anne Cunter, as I like to call her. I'm also fond of the moniker, "Anne 'The Man' Coulter", but that's not my invention). Malkin has said many hateful and outrageous things, among them that it was right for the Japanese to be in internment camps during the war.

See, "In Defense of Internment" by Michelle Malkin


QuoteHey, I gotta give George some props.

You know - there was a show recently where the guest was all over the map - and George handled him with both firmness and grace.  I was impressed.  (I wish i could recall which - it may have been first hour Friday) He went so far at one point as to tell the guest "No, don't go on to that now, or you won't finish what you were just saying" The guest backed up  things went more smoothly.  George actually earned his check while that guest was on.

IMO, there's nothing wrong with specifically pointing out when George handles things correctly. Perhaps it will help him conduct the show more gracefully to see positive feedback for doing things right from people like us. We are, after all, his biggest public critics.


Quote from: EvB on September 28, 2008, 12:38:24 PM
You know - there was a show recently where the guest was all over the map - and George handled him with both firmness and grace.  I was impressed.  (I wish i could recall which - it may have been first hour Friday) He went so far at one point as to tell the guest "No, don't go on to that now, or you won't finish what you were just saying" The guest backed up  things went more smoothly.  George actually earned his check while that guest was on.

Even a broken clock is right 2 times a day.


Quote from: Spikegirl on September 28, 2008, 01:29:30 PM
Even a broken clock is right 2 times a day.

True, but that (despite George's saw) is coincidence. What this said to me is that if he either 1) was taking whatever meds he was on that night or 2) made a freaking EFFORT - we may still miss Art and prefer Knapp - but it's less likely we'd spend so much time and effort bashing Noory. 

We'd find some other target worthy of our creativity.  ;D


Quote from: EvB on September 28, 2008, 01:58:03 PM
True, but that (despite George's saw) is coincidence. What this said to me is that if he either 1) was taking whatever meds he was on that night or 2) made a freaking EFFORT - we may still miss Art and prefer Knapp - but it's less likely we'd spend so much time and effort bashing Noory. 

We'd find some other target worthy of our creativity.  ;D

Oh, there are plenty of worthy targets, to be sure. But the only one that ruined Coast for me is George.


Quote from: Spikegirl on September 28, 2008, 02:33:44 PM

Oh, there are plenty of worthy targets, to be sure. But the only one that ruined Coast for me is George.

AND it's unlikely George will take his meds or make the effort - so it's moot.


Quote from: EvB on September 28, 2008, 02:37:18 PM
AND it's unlikely George will take his meds or make the effort - so it's moot.

I kept hoping he would get canned, but (sigh).....I guess we're stuck with him. (gag)


Ewww - Can-O-George would make ME gag too!   :P


Quote from: EvB on September 28, 2008, 02:40:25 PM
Ewww - Can-O-George would make ME gag too!   :P

LOL! Thanks, Ev. I've had a stressful week and was in a bad car wreck last week. I could use the laugh.


Quote from: Spikegirl on September 28, 2008, 02:41:38 PM
LOL! Thanks, Ev. I've had a stressful week and was in a bad car wreck last week. I could use the laugh.

GOOD LORD!  Are you okay?  And, distant second, how's the car? (or the insurance or whatever you need to deal with now)


Quote from: EvB on September 28, 2008, 04:45:26 PM
GOOD LORD!  Are you okay?  And, distant second, how's the car? (or the insurance or whatever you need to deal with now)


I was waiting for traffic to pass to make a left hand turn, when I was slammed into from the rear. Since I had my steering wheel slightly turned for the turn, I shot across 2 lanes of oncoming traffic. One car in the oncoming lane just missed clipping me. My car hurdled onto the grass, through some trees and what finally stopped me was that my car landed in a ravine. Thank God I had my seat belt on. Both my front airbags went off. The windshield was shattered. When I openned my door to get out, I realized I couldn't because of the running water under the car. Also it was a several foot drop to the water. I climbed out the passenger side. There was water running on that side as well, but there were also large rocks in the ravine for me to step on as I climbed out.  I landed about 10-15 feet below street level where the highway was. By the Grace of God, all I had were some scratches on my left arm and a bruise on my right where the airbag hit me. I should really be dead right now.

Thanks for asking.

Hey, speaking of your "2 front airbags"..........

As far as Michelle Malkin, she's the lowest form of pond-scum in my books.


Quote from: PhantasticSanShiSan on September 28, 2008, 06:52:42 PM
Hey, speaking of your "2 front airbags"..........

As far as Michelle Malkin, she's the lowest form of pond-scum in my books.

haha! They served to cushion the impact, too no doubt!

Gotta love anatomical safety features.


Quote from: Spikegirl on September 28, 2008, 05:30:57 PM

I should really be dead right now.

Thanks for asking.

Oh my holy fuck GAWD!  What DRAMA!  I'm glad you're okay.  I hope SOMEONE was well enough insured to get you a new car!


Quote from: EvB on September 28, 2008, 07:35:59 PM
Oh my holy fuck GAWD!  What DRAMA!  I'm glad you're okay.  I hope SOMEONE was well enough insured to get you a new car!

I'm dealing with that now. I don't know anything about cars. The way I got my last one is I walked onto the lot, told the salesman how much of a monthly payment I could afford, and he showed me which ones were in this price range. I picked out the pretty blue one. Didn't even check under the hood, because I wouldn't know what to look for anyway.

Frys Girl

To the author of this..... the figure is actually not that wrong. This country does not have 200 million tax paying citizens. max there is 100 million workers, stably contributing fat taxes. Honestly, it don't matter. That money doesn't even exist! We have a bazillion bucks deficit.

Frys Girl

Quote from: Spikegirl on September 28, 2008, 01:29:30 PM
Even a broken clock is right 2 times a day.
Bahahahahaha. Spikegirl strikes again!


I've discovered this guy - can't recall what he calls himself but his Tagline is: "Devil's Tea and Emote - and I do too." which is the only clever thing he has to say.  As much as I am a fan of Ian's - intelligent or even amusing critiques would be interesting to me.

Sure - we do "throw-away" insults re: George here - but those are incidental.  The main content has someting to SAY.  This ass-hat only says crap like "Well lah-dee-dah - Churchboy got himself a blog" and so forth. And, other than cringing at seeing Ian refered to as "Churchboy" in that tone (and that is MY issue - he's entitled) I'm left thinking:  "Yes, AND?" 

I've seen others rip Ian an new asshole or two - but it usually ABOUT something.  And, agree or not, that's fine.  I read 'em - and usually can see their POV - sometimes agree - sometimes not.  But THIS guy is such a freakin' waste of bandwidth.  He's not even troll-worthy!

Sorry - just had to rant - having run into this twit yet again . . .


Quote from: EvB on October 17, 2008, 10:53:55 AM
I've discovered this guy - can't recall what he calls himself but his Tagline is: "Devil's Tea and Emote - and I do too." which is the only clever thing he has to say. 
where is this guy?


Quote from: Michael Vandeven on October 17, 2008, 11:00:49 AM
where is this guy?

The easiest place to find him is Ian's own blog.   I was avoiding saying so (YES Spikegirl - I'm protective - for whatever strange reason, of Ian)  But what the hell?

Look under comments - 

EDITED to say:  I just figured out WHY I am protective of Ian.  It's to protect myself. I used to be quite tolerant of George.  Sometimes I even liked him well enough.  But, being here has raised my consciousness to his weakness as a talk host.  I don't enjoy him much anymore. 

OTHO - I enjoy Ian.  I learn from him.  He's his own thing, not Art, and maybe not even the ideal full-time c2c host.  But, he's not perfect.  No one is.  I don't want THIS place, which I also enjoy, to become a place that forces me to focus more on Ian's weaknesses than strengths.  That would make both this site, and Ian's shows,  less fun for me.

Is it for me to SAY where we go here?  Hell no, but I don't have to encourage it to go in a direction I don't care to follow either.

That said - I started this thread.  So now we'll see.

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