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Ian Punnett

Started by sillydog, April 06, 2008, 04:15:35 PM

What do you listen to when you can't take C2C anymore?

Mainstream talk radio
Progressive talk radio
Ian's my favorite host right now, with Knapp in close second. The only reason I pick Ian over Knapp is personality, though. I vibe more with Ian. As hosts, they're equally good in my mind for the show. They're not afraid to drill a guest or caller for answers, like Art. I think they're both reading from Bell's playbook much more than Noory's.

As far as this "Ian hater", though, fuck'im. Let him go rub his cheek on Noory's sweaty babies. Ian is a stand-up, real guy. And he's genuinely nice and funny. I feel that I definitely know that just from listening to him. If this other guy doesn't get it, he's either deaf or got something personal against my main mang Punnett.


Oh, I feel better now.

You get $$$.

Quote from: EvB on October 17, 2008, 01:31:27 PM
Oh, I feel better now.

You get $$$.

"Gettin' paid!" :)

But seriously, Ian is great. I have thought of one small issue I have with him though. I don't think he's very well-suited for shows that are supposed to be scary. He's got an upbeat and positive, and funny attitude - which doesn't reflect as well when compared to Art's creepy, cynical version of humor. Knapp actually might be better for "Ghost to Ghost' type shows.

I must say my favorite thing about Ian, though, is he's a comic book fan. It helps me relate to him a lot because I can share in his awesome geekdom. ;D


QuoteHe's got an upbeat and positive, and funny attitude - which doesn't reflect as well when compared to Art's creepy, cynical version of humor.

I know what you mean.  Ian is more excited by paranormal possibilities than creeped out.  But Knapp's persona is so RATIONAL and stable- I don't know if he'd be any better.  Still - for a Ghost to Ghost - I try Knapp first.


Are you testing because others - besides me  - are not getting "new posts since last visit" ???

        :o :o :o

I'm pretty tired of all things comic book. He also seems to have run ins with guests moreso than would be normal even with the average c2c quack. I liked him to begin with but I'm increasingly finding him to be just another side of the snoory coin.


He should change his name to Ian Plummet.


Quote from: EvB on November 04, 2008, 07:43:25 PM
Spike gets prickly 'bout Ian from time to time.

She's cat-finicky.


Quote from: PhantasticSanShiSan on November 04, 2008, 07:46:03 PM
She's cat-finicky.

It's nice to know we could always count on Phan for the gratuitous pussy reference!   ;D

Quote from: Spikegirl on November 04, 2008, 08:14:04 PM
It's nice to know we could always count on Phan for the gratuitous pussy reference!   ;D

Good laugh of the night - check

and check ;)


as far as im concerned GK is holding fort big time at the moment. GN has bored me to tears with his fright week shit, and im pretty sure i know what a jinn is now, even if george STILL appears not to. Ian is on this 'dont question any of my beliefs' tip, where he seems to be pretty curt with callers who have a question, and he keeps going on about 'lets get as many callers in as we can' while he's on air. i said a long time ago that i felt he was moving in a different direction with the show, well he is. is it true that the company that owns coast is an advertising company?

I agree with Ian hater. Ian sucks the big one and IMO, is as bad as Noory. Outside of Knapp, there has to be someone that can rekindle the energy that Art brought to the airwaves. I would really like to see Knapp go full-time, but I don't think this will happen.


Quote from: workingindreamland on November 12, 2008, 02:35:41 PM
I agree with Ian hater. Ian sucks the big one and IMO, is as bad as Noory. Outside of Knapp, there has to be someone that can rekindle the energy that Art brought to the airwaves. I would really like to see Knapp go full-time, but I don't think this will happen.

You're entitled.  Obviously I'm a fan. 

What I will say, though, is that my CRITIQUE of Weird Ian Hater had more to do with gratuitous nasty jabs without any substance at all - than the fact that he's not a fan.


PKA -- I thought of you and your post a couple of days ago when Ian, himself, made the comment that he's just not the person for some of the more out there paranormal stuff (the caller had mentioned seances and Ouija boards) because he knew he'd giggle though the whole thing.

I guess he agrees with your assessment of what's not his niche!   ;:)

I still like Ian.  I agree it's a different type of show when he hosts, but I like his chipperness.

Quote from: EvB on November 12, 2008, 04:01:16 PM
PKA -- I thought of you and your post a couple of days ago when Ian, himself, made the comment that he's just not the person for some of the more out there paranormal stuff (the caller had mentioned seances and Ouija boards) because he knew he'd giggle though the whole thing.

I guess he agrees with your assessment of what's not his niche!   ;:)

That's what I like about Ian too. He's honest and he knows himself. Unlike Noory, who still apparently believes he brings the creepiness factor to the paranormal subjects that Art did.

Everybody has their thing. IMO, Ian's meant for C2C, just not certain subjects. Noory on the other hand is meant for a vacuum cleaner infomercial or at best, sportscasting.

Also, with the seemingly high traffic we've been getting, I'd be willing to bet Ian's a somewhat regular reader at our forums. He's net-savvy, has a good sense of humor, and surely knows we're WAY more honest than those knuckleheads over at the other C2C forums..(which are essentially created to lick Noory's sweaty choad.)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Ian and Knapp are the only good things about C2C anymore. They just take care of different areas of curiosity for the listener. Are either of them Art? Nah. But no one is Art but Art. If anything, I say Knapp reminds me the most of Art, while Ian brings a new and welcome feeling to the show from time to time. I like them both equally overall. 


Someone just left a comment on Ian's blog saying that if it were not for him and for George Knapp she would cancel her Streamlink account.

She didn't sound like one of us.  Her complaints were a bit different and she didn't cuss  ;:)


Quote from: Max on November 23, 2008, 10:27:07 AM
got a link?

I think so - I would have left on before but the  FM107.1 blogs they give their hosts have a really clunky navigation, and i want' sure it would work.

here Tiz:  http://gabster.fm1071.com/fm107_ian/blog/2008/11/16/ip__freely

SCROLLLLLL down to the second comment.

If that does NOT work - it under comments, blog Sunday, November 16, 2008


Unless Knapp is on the weekend is no different than during the week with Noory...bad.
Punnett is and always has been at best a mediocre local talk show host. His Iansufferable attempt at word play and failed puns are most of the times in very poor taste and on more than a few occasions left the guest speechless. Also, his junior HS level of maturity and lame attempt at humor is not befitting c2c. I find he is very intolerant of dissenting views, becomes defensive when any for of criticism is directed his way, and is just a very shallow person. He purports to be ethical and intelligent person but his actions show otherwise. "where you going to take us" and "right, right" seem to be most of his ramblings in an interview, intertwined with some low brow humor and sad puns. So sad how far a once good radio show has fallen with these two clowns. I liked it when he had his "own"  pre - c2c show on the weekends because my local would not carry it saved me the trouble of hearing his voice.


Quote from: Centurion73 on December 06, 2008, 11:05:06 PM
Unless Knapp is on the weekend is no different than during the week with Noory...bad.
Punnett is and always has been at best a mediocre local talk show host. His Iansufferable attempt at word play and failed puns are most of the times in very poor taste and on more than a few occasions left the guest speechless. Also, his junior HS level of maturity and lame attempt at humor is not befitting c2c. I find he is very intolerant of dissenting views, becomes defensive when any for of criticism is directed his way, and is just a very shallow person. He purports to be ethical and intelligent person but his actions show otherwise. "where you going to take us" and "right, right" seem to be most of his ramblings in an interview, intertwined with some low brow humor and sad puns. So sad how far a once good radio show has fallen with these two clowns. I liked it when he had his "own"  pre - c2c show on the weekends because my local would not carry it saved me the trouble of hearing his voice.
Hey Centurian!!!!! Nice to see ya over here cutie pie. The only thing good about C2C sucking is meeting all you cool and very smart peeps!!!!

A good solution would have been for Prem Rad to cancel C2C after Art left. Better that then the torture we have to endure.


Quote from: Centurion73 on December 06, 2008, 11:05:06 PM
Unless Knapp is on the weekend is no different than during the week with Noory...bad.

Knapp is all that's left. I don't even listen to Punfart on streamlink anymore unless he's got a good guest on, I think the last one was Russell Targ. If I see a good guest coming up I always email the guest not to start bashing religion or he'll get the Punfart Boot like Maurice Cotterell did, I warned four of these guests now. I really loved it when Steve Quayle climbed up his butt, Ian wasn't ready for that...lol  Punfart would like nothing better than to turn whats left of this C2C mess into a Bible Pounding four hours on late nite radio. One thing I will say about Punfart is if you critique his show (meaning telling him how bad he sucked) he will answer his email and argue with you until he thinks he's won the argument, what he wants you to do is to call him a Dickhead and then he thinks he's won.

The only way this show is gonna change is if you email everybody you can find an email address for on C2C including the people at Premier and tell than how incompetent they are in that they have let this stupidity perpetuate for years now, they must not even listen to the damn show themselves.


Quote from: Boomer on December 11, 2008, 10:45:24 PM
Knapp is all that's left. I don't even listen to Punfart on streamlink anymore unless he's got a good guest on, I think the last one was Russell Targ. If I see a good guest coming up I always email the guest not to start bashing religion or he'll get the Punfart Boot like Maurice Cotterell did, I warned four of these guests now. I really loved it when Steve Quayle climbed up his butt, Ian wasn't ready for that...lol  Punfart would like nothing better than to turn whats left of this C2C mess into a Bible Pounding four hours on late nite radio. One thing I will say about Punfart is if you critique his show (meaning telling him how bad he sucked) he will answer his email and argue with you until he thinks he's won the argument, what he wants you to do is to call him a Dickhead and then he thinks he's won.

The only way this show is gonna change is if you email everybody you can find an email address for on C2C including the people at Premier and tell than how incompetent they are in that they have let this stupidity perpetuate for years now, they must not even listen to the damn show themselves.
Your post is very spot on and oh so true in all you say and Punfart love that. I think he looks and acts like a  Mongoloid version of Elton John. You are so correct about what he will do if confronted about him ever being wrong or unknowing. I had what those email from him and you're right he wants you to loose it but I did not but he took the cowards way out and had others do that for him. I took him to task about shit he said wrong about Pat Tillman and how he said Tillman died or was killed because he mocked god (small g intentional). I had him or rather his radio station apply pressure and he changed his blog three times when I gave them evidence of what he said was wrong and he never once said he was sorry. Not to me but to his family and I am supposed to believe he is supposed to be a good, religious person. He is a poser, the kid who never fit in because he was always such a tool, the kind of kid whom stayed home on Halloween to "help his parents" hand out candy because he had no friends.


Quote from: Centurion73 on December 12, 2008, 03:37:56 AM
a  Mongoloid version of Elton John.

Damn...I wish I'd thought of that one...that's good! I used to call him "Kermit the Frog" In some of his photos he looks like him.

QuoteI took him to task about shit he said wrong about Pat Tillman and how he said Tillman died or was killed because he mocked god (small g intentional).

I remember that one well.

Quotehis blog

His Blog is another thing. In my observations over the past few years Punfart has been doing his best to CEMENT himself into the C2C Website and the whole C2C Concept with his Ads for his Blog and his announcements of Prayer Vigils or whatever the hell they are, it's an effort to make his name synonymous with Coast to Coast, you know the routine, "get rooted in there and then they can't get you out", or Job Security. In the past he's made comments that he was there before Snoory and other barley detectable comments slamming Bell and Snoory, in other words it should be his show. He would like nothing better than to see Snorry get a full time gig on TV (which ain't gonna happen...that last TV gig really sucked) or have a heart attack and disappear. I also believe the Producers or Premier have slapped him around abit in the way he's screwed up the show kicking Cotterell off and beating on Steve Quayle only to have these two guests come back on within a month with a different host, that's where all the email to these idiots running the show comes in handy, if they get enough complaints they listen. Oh and yeah, this works great, when you email be sure and send it to everybody, even those who have no decision making and in the primary addressee line, NOT Copies or Hidden Copies, I call it the Embarrassment Factor, that means Bell, Knapp and even the Window Washer at Premier get emailed...lol Next time I do this I'm going to include the management at that hokey radio station in Minnesota that produce the "Ian and Margy Show", GETM ALL!!!   LOL


QuoteBell and Snoory, in other words it should be his show.

Never heard anything like that - but then I'm not one who listens to every word.

Most people here know that I'm a defender of (almost) all things Punnett - so forgive me when I say I think you've gone way off the deep end here.  Let me know if you need a life raft.

That said - all opinions are welcome here - as long as one expresses them with the slight bit of decorum MV requires (as you both have) and doesn't bore everyone to death with mindless repetition (which you clearly have not.) 

Thanks for adding some new blood to the board!


Quote from: EvB on December 12, 2008, 07:21:50 PM
Never heard anything like that - but then I'm not one who listens to every word.

Most people here know that I'm a defender of (almost) all things Punnett - so forgive me when I say I think you've gone way off the deep end here.  Let me know if you need a life raft.

That said - all opinions are welcome here - as long as one expresses them with the slight bit of decorum MV requires (as you both have) and doesn't bore everyone to death with mindless repetition (which you clearly have not.) 

Thanks for adding some new blood to the board!
I am sorry to rain on your Ian parade and I have show decorum as much or  more decorum than should be shown to Corky Punnett. He has taken his religion and used it as a tool of hate and hurt so he deserves no respect from me and any others who have and do serve to protect his sorry ass and views. The things he said were beyond any sense of decorum to a family that lost a son, brother, and to those who lost a friend and yes a protector. He has called Tillman an atheist because Tillman said things in a firefight to get his men to fight back, you loose one person in a fight because they are praying or in fear you say what you have to say to get them on point and back in the game and engaged, if not that one religious or not puts the whole unit in danger. Old Corky cannot understand that because he is here in the US safe from all the work that others bleed for, until he wants to help maybe come to the field and be a chaplain he should not judge others actions especially those that die for his right to be a pompous ass and judge.

"Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Kauzlarich, Regimental Executive Officer at Forward Operating Base Salerno on Khowst, Afghanistan under which Tillman was serving at the time of his death, and who led the second investigation in to Tillman's death, has made controversial statements about the Tillman family?s search for the truth based on Tillman's apparent agnosticism. In comments to ESPN, Kauzlarich said: "These people have a hard time letting it go. It may be because of their religious beliefs" and "When you die, I mean, there is supposedly a better life, right? Well, if you are an atheist and you don?t believe in anything, if you die, what is there to go to? Nothing. You are worm dirt. So for their son to die for nothing and now he is no more... I do not know how an atheist thinks, I can only imagine that would be pretty tough." " - You think this guy was alone, or in the minority, in respect these feelings in military personnel?  In these latest wars?

A real "American" fights for freedom so that EVERYONE can exercise those freedoms, especially the people who piss you off.  If it's conditional, then it's not "American", so you're fighting for something else.

The military offers incentives, and "ways out", for many people.  Soldiers can no longer be painted with a broad, honor-dripping brush.  It's a corporation now, and this isn't WWII.  I'm not saying there aren't soldiers who have honorable intentions.  What I'm saying is that next to that guy who does is 3 people who joined for free education, 2 others who joined to get reduced sentences, another who's going career, a guy who wants to be a future politician, a kid who joined because his daddy & granpappy did, a kid who joined cause all his buddies were, and another guy who "GOTS NO PLACE ELSE TO GO, SARGE!!!!".  Until a soldier becomes a bona fide Rambo or Braddock, the motive is everything.


QuoteI am sorry to rain on your Ian parade and I have show decorum as much or  more decorum than should be shown to Corky Punnett.

Like I said - I didn't hear it.  That dosn't mean it didn't happen. I've disagreed with Ian before - on his own blog. (Not because I didn't want you all to see it - but because I hoped HE would)

As for decorum - I agree you have shown all any of us expect - perhaps more -  and you are (though it goes without saying) entitled.

What I will say is that I've heard him loose his temper in ways that bothered me - though nothing to the degree you describe.  So, I don't doubt you.  I'd just have to hear it myself to know how it stuck me.

And, odd as it may sound, I'm glad you aren't the sort who would let my pro-Punnett proclivities to censor you!

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