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Billy Meier - Michael Horn

Started by Nboy, February 23, 2009, 05:47:04 AM

MH is a Liar


You recently came in here all hoity-toity-like posting links about Meier's  prophetic abilities based on some letters he allegedly wrote in the 50's.  I asked you a simple question: is there any evidence at all that these letters were written when you claim?

Continued silence on this and we must infer that the answer is "no."

Man, you'd actually be willing to debate  Mahigitam??  Don't you want to see your cult continue to exist?


R,A: Well apparently she has some discernment.

GS: If that's the high point of your life anyway, you're probably getting notified of scheduled guests. So maybe it's better if you let...me know if/when I'll be on.


Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 31, 2016, 03:16:52 PM
R,A: Well apparently she has some discernment.

GS: If that's the high point of your life anyway, you're probably getting notified of scheduled guests. So maybe it's better if you let...me know if/when I'll be on.

Go back and read some of Billy's letters. I am sure he has the date and time listed from back in the 50s.

Quote from: coaster on March 30, 2016, 04:09:18 AM
I kinda like that turd. Falkie is an enigma    enema.
FIFY  ;)

Roswells, Art

Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 31, 2016, 03:16:52 PM
R,A: Well apparently she has some discernment.

Yeah, she doesn't like facing facts regardless of the damage it does. You're a shoe-in for that show.

MH is a Liar

You are using as a "corroboration" prophecies Meier stole from Anton Johansson??


Is that "la, la, la" you putting your hands over your ears?   La, la, la, I can't hear you!  Billy's a prophet umkay?!

This is getting embarrassing. 

MH is a Liar

Anton Johansson (1858-1929):   

"About America I heard our Lord say that five great wars are to be expected for that land in the future, whereof two will be violent civil wars ending with America’s division into four or five smaller confederations. In one of the great wars America will be drawn into a conflict with Canada."

"Henoch Prophecies" published by Billy Meier 1987:

"272. America and Russia will have the most terrible weapons of mass destruction at their disposalâ€"a fact which is already the case to a certain extent todayâ€"and will clash with violent force against each other at that time of conflict, whereby Canada will also be dragged into this conflict.
273. The source of this conflict will substantiate the Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada.
286. Yet the misery on Earth will continue, as two terrible civil wars will break out in America, whereby one will follow the other.
287. Afterwards, the United States of America will break apart and deadly hostility will prevail among her, which then leads to the division into five different territories..."

I get that you are heavily invested in this Meier hoax thing and you not gonna publicly admit Meier is a fraud at this point.  But perhaps your efforts are better spent at a place where your/Meier's lies aren't going to get repeatedly called out?


Line up a show, be ready to debate and...don't chicken out like Mahigitam, etc.

Until then...la, la, and...la.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: MichaelHorn on April 02, 2016, 10:19:39 PM
Line up a show, be ready to debate and...don't chicken out like Mahigitam, etc.

Until then...la, la, and...la.

So you do accept your one armed bandit steals others' scribblings?

Quote from: MichaelHorn on April 02, 2016, 10:19:39 PM
Line up a show, be ready to debate and...don't chicken out like Mahigitam, etc.

Until then...la, la, and...la.

Do you really expect your arch nemesis to essentially dig his own grave by arranging to meet you on a show knowing full well you will rhetorically gut him like a scrod?  You need to line up the show yourself and then issue a challenge for him to debate you one-on-one, with no holds barred, no referee, and absolutely no mercy if he dares.  If you wait for him to act, you'll be singing "la, la, and...la" in your mellifluous voice for a long time while he snickers up his sleeve at you. Nobody wants that.


If you were a real person, who had the faintest clue as to what you were talking about, and not such a complete and utterly insecure wimp, afraid to actually debate someone who'd mop the floor with you - and take no joy in doing so - well, then this message wouldn't be necessary, oh ball-less wonder.

(NOTE: This comment is generic since it applies to a good number of pretend people here who know who they are...because they clearly don't know who they really are, or what they're talking about, and probably never will in this lifetime and, yes, this is really redundant.)

Quote from: MichaelHorn on April 03, 2016, 12:07:07 PM
If you were a real person, who had the faintest clue as to what you were talking about, and not such a complete and utterly insecure wimp, afraid to actually debate someone who'd mop the floor with you - and take no joy in doing so - well, then this message wouldn't be necessary, oh ball-less wonder.

Now that's what I'm talking about!  Don't just throw down the gauntlet, slap his face with it and make him smell it first!


Are they really doing that well getting guests? I'd assume they would try to get all the guests they can. Horn's silly story is no worse than the rest of them. Hell, she had a guy on the other night who sold ghost boxes or something. I mean, c'mon. At least this story contains some entertaining shit. Dinosaurs, lounge singers, flying trash cans. A one armed goat-thumper.
I'd take that over the other bullshit any day.


Your assumptions are obviously incorrect. They are among those who, like the majority here, also know that they can't credibly assail the Meier case - and that they too have long ignored all the warnings that are now coming down on our heads.

When claims to the contrary are hurled only on quaint little forums, with a large number of frustrated malcontents who wish they were getting recognized for...something, for ANYTHING and this is it, then it also functions as the only place that I can blow off steam occasionally (while still trying to enlighten the open-minded a bit) especially since there isn't a credible (or even non-credible) challenger to spare with in a debate.

Obviously, since a SKEPTICAL professor has now had me make TWO presentations in his university classroom (the other just a few days ago) - much to the delight of his students whose questions I answered for almost an hour - limp-wristed "challenges" such as are mumbles here are as boring as those who ineffectually make them.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: MichaelHorn on April 03, 2016, 02:33:38 PM

wish they were getting recognized for...something, for ANYTHING and this is it,

Remind the gallery again who started this thread? The same person perchance who has tried unsuccesfully from day one to convince anyone that what he said had any credibility? Could it be one and the same? I'm saying probably yes. That apart (and a dodgy cd), what exactly have you ever done that wasn't deceit, nefarious or just down right certifiable?


Sure, it was:

Billy Meier
« on: February 23, 2009, 05:47:04 AM »

This will probably bore those who were already treated to my lengthy, ever-growing list of accomplishments and credits but, since you asked so nicely Links available at my site):

Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Michael is the producer/director of the new Billy Meier documentary, "The Spiritual Teaching in Everyday Life", the writer/producer/director of the award-winning new film, "And Did They Listen?", as well as the co-producer of the new documentary "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival".

Michael's very eclectic background includes:

award-winning film director

award-winning film producer

award-winning film writer

prize-winning painter

designer/creator of the still popular fashion fad "fingernail art" (featured in Harper's Bazaar magazine)

award-winning songwriter

one of the first creators of digital online book publishing (ebooks)

music and video producer

science researcher

national and international lecturer

frequent media guest

published writer

credentialed teacher


pioneer in commercial water purification applications (Starbucks)

set designer

health care professional

creator of the Future Self interactive therapeutic video technique

volunteer work with children and seniors

Michael is the creator of the Standing In Spirit stress relief program (which Michael was invited to teach to corporate and government leaders in Europe, such as BASF, Eurochemie, Rabobank, KLM, Cyco Software, ING Bank, Meta Visie, by a consultant to Princess Diana), creator/teacher of the Sit & Get Fit regenerative movement videotapes and program for seniors, as well as for personnel at U.S. corporations like Xerox and Candle.

Michael has been featured in two issues of the international martial arts magazine INSIDE KUNG FU demonstrating advanced strength and flexibility Chi Gong exercises and has articles published in Nexus, Mystic Pop, UFO and Veritas magazines. Additionally, he teaches movement classes and has also created and taught a self-defense course for women for the City of Los Angeles Commission on the Status of Women. "More Than Just Survival", Michael Horn's song CD of all original songs, has been released featuring the single "Forgive Yourself".

"Breaking the Silence" is the new, award-winning, documentary about five courageous young women that Michael and his daughter produced. Michael also wrote the song for the film, "I'll Be My Own Hero".

Be sure to visit his blog.

Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts
The Blog!
The Adventures of Billy Meier
MichaelHorn's YouTube Channel

Accolade Winner.jpg ADTL.jpg IndieFEST Winner.jpg

  And Did They Listen?

  as the time fulfills
  The Silent Revolution of Truth

  Michael Horn & Davida Horn
  Breaking the Silence

"But, to reflect on the statement that's in the film, I also remember seeing a shot on the Super8 reel that showed a UFO circling around a fairly tall tree. According to that shot, we said that we can't conclusively say whether it's real or not, but it seemed impossible to stage that kind of a shot with a miniature (it would have to be hanging on a very tall crane, with wires - but even then the movements would be hard to achieve.) So, yes, in regards to that shot, we mentioned that we could definitely do it today with CG, but at the time these were supposedly shot - it would have been very hard, probably even impossible, to fake this kind of shot."

Volker Engel, Marc Weigert - Uncharted Territory
Academy Award-winners, Special Effects for "Independence Day"

Recent Presentations by Michael Horn:

Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ

Lillian Smith Library, Toronto, Canada

International UFO Congress, Hong Kong

Rainbow Lounge, Flagstaff, AZ

Campos do Jordao, Brazil

AUFORN, Australia

Saw Shop Bistro, Kelseyville, CA

Community of Infinite Spirit, San Jose, CA

Alien Cosmic Expo, Brantford, Canada

Sedona MUFON, Arizona

Bay Area UFO Conference, Santa Clara, CA

Space Cities, Mountain View, CA

Texas Station Hotel, Las Vegas

Barnes & Noble, Flagstaff, Arizona

Flagstaff Southside Center, Arizona

ASPE Conference, New Mexico

Metropole Hilton, London

Ontario Science Center, Canada

Meta Center, New York City

University of Alberta, Canada

University of Calgary, Canada

University of, Victoria, B.C.

Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles

NEXUS Conference, Amsterdam

NEXUS Conference, Australia

Art Institute of Los Angeles

Dolphins and ET Civilizations, Hawaii

Bodhi Tree Bookstore, Los Angeles

First Friends Fellowship Hall, Los Angeles

Conscious Living Expo, Los Angeles

National UFO Conference, Hollywood

IUFOC, Laughlin

Night Search World Forum, Memphis

New Life Expo, San Francisco

Recent Media Appearances:

ABC News Talk Channel
CNN International
COAST TO COAST AM International
FOX Radio Alan Colmes Show National
CRN National
G4TECHTV National
KEVIN SMITH SHOW International
TALK SPORT International
WKQX National

KLBJ Austin
WCBM Baltimore
WYDE Birmingham
KKUP California
KTOX California
WGN Chicago
KNON Dallas
KOA 850 Denver
DRQ Detroit
WPON Detroit
WLRQ Florida
WDRC Hartford
WCRA Illinois
WYBR Indiana
KCMO Kansas City
KFI Los Angeles
KLOS Los Angeles
KRLA Los Angeles
KROQ Los Angeles
WSAR Massachusetts
KQRS Minneapolis
WOTW New Hampshire
FLY New York
WBAI New York
WLW Ohio
WKY Oklahoma
WFTW Pensacola
KYW Philadelphia
WURD Philadelphia
WMKX Philadelphia
KMOX St. Louis
KKUP San Francisco
KPRI San Diego
KIRO Seattle
KTKT Tucson
WFAD Vermont
KGAB Wyoming
WDLB Wisconsin

International Internet: 

Achieve Radio
Allan Holender's ZenBiz Radio
Be Reasonable
Betsey Lewis Show
Cattell's Stardate
Conscious Media Network
Dark Matter
Dr. Gianni Hayes Show
Exploring Unexplained Phenomena
Expanding Consciousness
Far Out Radio
Frank Church Show
Frank Whelan Show
Higher Love
Home Tree Radio
I Sci-Fi
It's Rainmaking Time
Jeff Rense Program
Karma Air Radio
Kevin Smith Show
Lou Gentile
Joe McNeil Show
Magick Mind
Meria Heller Show
Mike Siegel Show
Moore Talk
Mysteries of the Mind
Neglected Eclectic
Nexus Radio
Night Fright
Nocturnal Frequency
Now That's Weird
Ohio UFO Radio
Orbit Radio
Out There TV
Pair A Normal Guys
Paradigm Unhinged
Para-Nexus Radio
Planet X Live
RBN Live
Real Astrology
Red-Ice Radio
Redneck Radioman
Sared Matrrix
Sarah Simmons Show
Spirit of Film
Stardust Radio Network
Stirring the Cauldron
The Bev Collins Show
The Black Vault
The Conspiracy Show
The Headroom
The Hillary Raimo Show
The Kevin Cook Show
The Mancow Show
The Moore Show
The Parent's Hour
The Rob Simone Show
The Tazz & Paula Show
The Thom Hartmann Show
The Tommy Mischke Show
The Paracast
The Parafactor
The What Cast
Third Phase of the Moon
Through the Keyhole
Topic: UFO
Truth Medicine and Politics
Unkown Origins
Unraveling the Secret
World Of The Unexplained
X-Squared Radio
X Zone Radio

Here is just a sample of what the media is saying about Michael Horn:

Even nationally syndicated conservative talk radio host Michael Medved had to admit “… Look, I’m intrigued by this because, again, some seemingly very bright people seem to believe this. Michael, I appreciate your spirit of openness and sharing all of this with us and your willingness to bring us all up to date on the Billy Meier controversy involving flying saucers and extraterrestrials.”
- Michael Medved - National talk radio host

"I enjoyed visiting with you on the air very much and the audience enjoyed it as well judging by the amount of positive e-mail. We should do this again some time and I look forward to meeting you in person out there where the weather is so much nicer!"
- John B. Wells - Coast to Coast AM

"Thanks very much! Our audience loves this topic."
- Alan Colmes Show - Fox News

"Thanks, Michael Horn, for researching this all these years and putting it together in a way that those with open minds can consider it for themselves. This story has intrigued me and many of the brightest, most diligent people I know for decades. The implications are astounding."

"I find the Billy Meier material as compelling and useful as almost anything I have seen. A while ago we posted this: And Did They Listen? â€" A Profound Offering and an Exercise in Critical Thinking. We at Thrive Movement value 'And Did They Listen?' for its stunning and profound content, for how it spurs our critical thinking, for the questions that it raises, and for the conversations that become possible. We pass it along to you and invite your own critical thinking.”
Foster Gamble, President & Co-Founder of Clear Compass Media

“Michael Horn has appeared on Kevin Smith Show several times, and he is always a fascinating guest with a powerful command of his information.  He does not demand that others believe his information, but very politely presses them to know his information and investigate it.  One thing he does that makes his appearances stand out is that he provides a lot of corroborating evidence from other sources.  It is always a pleasure to have Michael Horn on the Kevin Smith Show.” 
-  Kevin Smith, Host â€" Kevin Smith Show

“… And that is without a doubt the best show that I think I’ve ever done on the Meier case. Actually, I didn’t do it, I just hosted it. Michael Horn did it so he goes down as the best spokesman for Meier that I’ve ever had on.”
- Art Bell - Coast to Coast AM (after interviewing Michael for four hours)
500+ Radio Stations 5 million + Listeners - the largest late night talk show in the world

"You're a fantastic guest!"
- Ian Punnett - Coast to Coast AM (after interviewing Michael for three hours)

And, typical of the effect that Michael is making nationwide, mainstream talk radio host Karen Grant summed it up perfectly “Michael is a phenomenal guest. Whether you are a skeptic or not, he brings information that is fascinating and keeps the audience glued to their radios. The responses I receive after he has been on my show have been overwhelming. The one guest you want to have when it comes to the Meier case and contacts in general.”
- Karen Grant - National talk radio host

"Michael Horn, always a fascinating guest when he appears on Coast to Coast."
- George Noory - Talk radio host

"Thanks again for doing my show a few weeks ago. I rarely get email from listeners but I did get a few that really enjoyed hearing you and wanted your website info."
- Arielle Ford - Talk radio host, leading publicist

Regarding Michael's presentation of the scientific proof for the Billy Meier UFO contacts, and the prophetic material (documented and published by Billy Meier in 1975, 1987 and 1995) that specifically gave advance warning of the destruction of the WTC, the upcoming attacks by the USA and the president, and other events unfolding right now...legendary, conservative talk show host Barry Farber said:

"... I didn't dream I could ever enjoy a discussion of this nature, but Michael, you amaze me. It's supremely enjoyable...If you can prove one of them...then you're gonna change the world. I'm sitting here as a fascinated listener and talk host having a good hour. But if you can prove that anything [like that] came down...then I'm telling you pal, you're wasting time on the Barry Farber Show. You can change the world... It was a delight! You handle skepticism well and kept things going briskly. I've already put your material in the "volcano" file" meaning hot guests who are welcome repeatedly on the show."
- Barry Farber - Talk radio host

"You were great! You are very articulate and knowledgeable. I thoroughly enjoyed our chat and I hope you did, too. Would you like to come back on in the future? I appreciate you coming on and you were such a gentleman and very charitable about the questions. Thank you so much."
- Gianni De Vincent Hayes - Christian talk radio host


Until I see an interview by George Senda, these credentials are meaningless...


Quote from: MichaelHorn on April 03, 2016, 06:16:16 PM
Sure, it was:

Billy Meier
« on: February 23, 2009, 05:47:04 AM »

This will probably bore those who were already treated to my lengthy, ever-growing list of accomplishments and credits but, since you asked so nicely Links available at my site):

Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts, which he has researched since 1979. Michael is the producer/director of the new Billy Meier documentary, "The Spiritual Teaching in Everyday Life", the writer/producer/director of the award-winning new film, "And Did They Listen?", as well as the co-producer of the new documentary "as the time fulfills", which presents an abundance of ironclad, prophetically accurate scientific evidence that irrefutably authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, "The Silent Revolution of Truth", as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD "The Meier Contacts - The Key To Our Future Survival".

Michael's very eclectic background includes:

award-winning film director

award-winning film producer

award-winning film writer

prize-winning painter

designer/creator of the still popular fashion fad "fingernail art" (featured in Harper's Bazaar magazine)

award-winning songwriter

one of the first creators of digital online book publishing (ebooks)

music and video producer

science researcher

national and international lecturer

frequent media guest

published writer

credentialed teacher


pioneer in commercial water purification applications (Starbucks)

set designer

health care professional

creator of the Future Self interactive therapeutic video technique

volunteer work with children and seniors

Michael is the creator of the Standing In Spirit stress relief program (which Michael was invited to teach to corporate and government leaders in Europe, such as BASF, Eurochemie, Rabobank, KLM, Cyco Software, ING Bank, Meta Visie, by a consultant to Princess Diana), creator/teacher of the Sit & Get Fit regenerative movement videotapes and program for seniors, as well as for personnel at U.S. corporations like Xerox and Candle.

Michael has been featured in two issues of the international martial arts magazine INSIDE KUNG FU demonstrating advanced strength and flexibility Chi Gong exercises and has articles published in Nexus, Mystic Pop, UFO and Veritas magazines. Additionally, he teaches movement classes and has also created and taught a self-defense course for women for the City of Los Angeles Commission on the Status of Women. "More Than Just Survival", Michael Horn's song CD of all original songs, has been released featuring the single "Forgive Yourself".

"Breaking the Silence" is the new, award-winning, documentary about five courageous young women that Michael and his daughter produced. Michael also wrote the song for the film, "I'll Be My Own Hero".

Be sure to visit his blog.

Michael Horn
Authorized American Media Representative
The Billy Meier Contacts
The Blog!
The Adventures of Billy Meier
MichaelHorn's YouTube Channel

Accolade Winner.jpg ADTL.jpg IndieFEST Winner.jpg

  And Did They Listen?

  as the time fulfills
  The Silent Revolution of Truth

  Michael Horn & Davida Horn
  Breaking the Silence

"But, to reflect on the statement that's in the film, I also remember seeing a shot on the Super8 reel that showed a UFO circling around a fairly tall tree. According to that shot, we said that we can't conclusively say whether it's real or not, but it seemed impossible to stage that kind of a shot with a miniature (it would have to be hanging on a very tall crane, with wires - but even then the movements would be hard to achieve.) So, yes, in regards to that shot, we mentioned that we could definitely do it today with CG, but at the time these were supposedly shot - it would have been very hard, probably even impossible, to fake this kind of shot."

Volker Engel, Marc Weigert - Uncharted Territory
Academy Award-winners, Special Effects for "Independence Day"

Recent Presentations by Michael Horn:

Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ

Lillian Smith Library, Toronto, Canada

International UFO Congress, Hong Kong

Rainbow Lounge, Flagstaff, AZ

Campos do Jordao, Brazil

AUFORN, Australia

Saw Shop Bistro, Kelseyville, CA

Community of Infinite Spirit, San Jose, CA

Alien Cosmic Expo, Brantford, Canada

Sedona MUFON, Arizona

Bay Area UFO Conference, Santa Clara, CA

Space Cities, Mountain View, CA

Texas Station Hotel, Las Vegas

Barnes & Noble, Flagstaff, Arizona

Flagstaff Southside Center, Arizona

ASPE Conference, New Mexico

Metropole Hilton, London

Ontario Science Center, Canada

Meta Center, New York City

University of Alberta, Canada

University of Calgary, Canada

University of, Victoria, B.C.

Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles

NEXUS Conference, Amsterdam

NEXUS Conference, Australia

Art Institute of Los Angeles

Dolphins and ET Civilizations, Hawaii

Bodhi Tree Bookstore, Los Angeles

First Friends Fellowship Hall, Los Angeles

Conscious Living Expo, Los Angeles

National UFO Conference, Hollywood

IUFOC, Laughlin

Night Search World Forum, Memphis

New Life Expo, San Francisco

Recent Media Appearances:

ABC News Talk Channel
CNN International
COAST TO COAST AM International
FOX Radio Alan Colmes Show National
CRN National
G4TECHTV National
KEVIN SMITH SHOW International
TALK SPORT International
WKQX National

KLBJ Austin
WCBM Baltimore
WYDE Birmingham
KKUP California
KTOX California
WGN Chicago
KNON Dallas
KOA 850 Denver
DRQ Detroit
WPON Detroit
WLRQ Florida
WDRC Hartford
WCRA Illinois
WYBR Indiana
KCMO Kansas City
KFI Los Angeles
KLOS Los Angeles
KRLA Los Angeles
KROQ Los Angeles
WSAR Massachusetts
KQRS Minneapolis
WOTW New Hampshire
FLY New York
WBAI New York
WLW Ohio
WKY Oklahoma
WFTW Pensacola
KYW Philadelphia
WURD Philadelphia
WMKX Philadelphia
KMOX St. Louis
KKUP San Francisco
KPRI San Diego
KIRO Seattle
KTKT Tucson
WFAD Vermont
KGAB Wyoming
WDLB Wisconsin

International Internet: 

Achieve Radio
Allan Holender's ZenBiz Radio
Be Reasonable
Betsey Lewis Show
Cattell's Stardate
Conscious Media Network
Dark Matter
Dr. Gianni Hayes Show
Exploring Unexplained Phenomena
Expanding Consciousness
Far Out Radio
Frank Church Show
Frank Whelan Show
Higher Love
Home Tree Radio
I Sci-Fi
It's Rainmaking Time
Jeff Rense Program
Karma Air Radio
Kevin Smith Show
Lou Gentile
Joe McNeil Show
Magick Mind
Meria Heller Show
Mike Siegel Show
Moore Talk
Mysteries of the Mind
Neglected Eclectic
Nexus Radio
Night Fright
Nocturnal Frequency
Now That's Weird
Ohio UFO Radio
Orbit Radio
Out There TV
Pair A Normal Guys
Paradigm Unhinged
Para-Nexus Radio
Planet X Live
RBN Live
Real Astrology
Red-Ice Radio
Redneck Radioman
Sared Matrrix
Sarah Simmons Show
Spirit of Film
Stardust Radio Network
Stirring the Cauldron
The Bev Collins Show
The Black Vault
The Conspiracy Show
The Headroom
The Hillary Raimo Show
The Kevin Cook Show
The Mancow Show
The Moore Show
The Parent's Hour
The Rob Simone Show
The Tazz & Paula Show
The Thom Hartmann Show
The Tommy Mischke Show
The Paracast
The Parafactor
The What Cast
Third Phase of the Moon
Through the Keyhole
Topic: UFO
Truth Medicine and Politics
Unkown Origins
Unraveling the Secret
World Of The Unexplained
X-Squared Radio
X Zone Radio

Here is just a sample of what the media is saying about Michael Horn:

Even nationally syndicated conservative talk radio host Michael Medved had to admit “… Look, I’m intrigued by this because, again, some seemingly very bright people seem to believe this. Michael, I appreciate your spirit of openness and sharing all of this with us and your willingness to bring us all up to date on the Billy Meier controversy involving flying saucers and extraterrestrials.”
- Michael Medved - National talk radio host

"I enjoyed visiting with you on the air very much and the audience enjoyed it as well judging by the amount of positive e-mail. We should do this again some time and I look forward to meeting you in person out there where the weather is so much nicer!"
- John B. Wells - Coast to Coast AM

"Thanks very much! Our audience loves this topic."
- Alan Colmes Show - Fox News

"Thanks, Michael Horn, for researching this all these years and putting it together in a way that those with open minds can consider it for themselves. This story has intrigued me and many of the brightest, most diligent people I know for decades. The implications are astounding."

"I find the Billy Meier material as compelling and useful as almost anything I have seen. A while ago we posted this: And Did They Listen? â€" A Profound Offering and an Exercise in Critical Thinking. We at Thrive Movement value 'And Did They Listen?' for its stunning and profound content, for how it spurs our critical thinking, for the questions that it raises, and for the conversations that become possible. We pass it along to you and invite your own critical thinking.”
Foster Gamble, President & Co-Founder of Clear Compass Media

“Michael Horn has appeared on Kevin Smith Show several times, and he is always a fascinating guest with a powerful command of his information.  He does not demand that others believe his information, but very politely presses them to know his information and investigate it.  One thing he does that makes his appearances stand out is that he provides a lot of corroborating evidence from other sources.  It is always a pleasure to have Michael Horn on the Kevin Smith Show.” 
-  Kevin Smith, Host â€" Kevin Smith Show

“… And that is without a doubt the best show that I think I’ve ever done on the Meier case. Actually, I didn’t do it, I just hosted it. Michael Horn did it so he goes down as the best spokesman for Meier that I’ve ever had on.”
- Art Bell - Coast to Coast AM (after interviewing Michael for four hours)
500+ Radio Stations 5 million + Listeners - the largest late night talk show in the world

"You're a fantastic guest!"
- Ian Punnett - Coast to Coast AM (after interviewing Michael for three hours)

And, typical of the effect that Michael is making nationwide, mainstream talk radio host Karen Grant summed it up perfectly “Michael is a phenomenal guest. Whether you are a skeptic or not, he brings information that is fascinating and keeps the audience glued to their radios. The responses I receive after he has been on my show have been overwhelming. The one guest you want to have when it comes to the Meier case and contacts in general.”
- Karen Grant - National talk radio host

"Michael Horn, always a fascinating guest when he appears on Coast to Coast."
- George Noory - Talk radio host

"Thanks again for doing my show a few weeks ago. I rarely get email from listeners but I did get a few that really enjoyed hearing you and wanted your website info."
- Arielle Ford - Talk radio host, leading publicist

Regarding Michael's presentation of the scientific proof for the Billy Meier UFO contacts, and the prophetic material (documented and published by Billy Meier in 1975, 1987 and 1995) that specifically gave advance warning of the destruction of the WTC, the upcoming attacks by the USA and the president, and other events unfolding right now...legendary, conservative talk show host Barry Farber said:

"... I didn't dream I could ever enjoy a discussion of this nature, but Michael, you amaze me. It's supremely enjoyable...If you can prove one of them...then you're gonna change the world. I'm sitting here as a fascinated listener and talk host having a good hour. But if you can prove that anything [like that] came down...then I'm telling you pal, you're wasting time on the Barry Farber Show. You can change the world... It was a delight! You handle skepticism well and kept things going briskly. I've already put your material in the "volcano" file" meaning hot guests who are welcome repeatedly on the show."
- Barry Farber - Talk radio host

"You were great! You are very articulate and knowledgeable. I thoroughly enjoyed our chat and I hope you did, too. Would you like to come back on in the future? I appreciate you coming on and you were such a gentleman and very charitable about the questions. Thank you so much."
- Gianni De Vincent Hayes - Christian talk radio host


Have you considered creating your own YouTube channel and posting videos of yourself discussing various topics?

You do seem to be very knowledgable in LOTS of different things.

Would definitely be a good marketing move.

Be well.



Quote from: chefist on April 03, 2016, 06:22:21 PM
Until I see an interview by George Senda, these credentials are meaningless...

That would be AWESOME publicity for Mr.Horn!!

Falkie does feature the "I believe" poster in all his videos.



Quote from: littlechris on April 03, 2016, 06:38:26 PM
That would be AWESOME publicity for Mr.Horn!!

Falkie does feature the "I believe" poster in all his videos.


I would love to see that interview! MH, you should do it!

MH is a Liar

"...can't credibly assail the Meier case."

Are you serious?  I don't know what more could be done to credibly debunk the Meier case.

But let's talk about credibility  - you refer to prophecies that Meier STOLE as evidence of his authenticity?  And only a couple days after Mahagitam revealed Meier stole these prophecies?  How completely incompetent are you?   Meier needs a new PR guy.    Everything you have said here I have shown to be misleading or outright dishonest...and you're simply making it far far too easy for me to do so.  Should probably leave "Henoch" out of the convo for little while.

Until you answer a few simple questions you clearly have zero credibility.   Namely, is there any evidence Meier wrote those letters in the 50's?    Apparently there is not -- the silence is deafening.  Come in here peddling laughable, demonstrable BS... and then you repeatedly duck comments which reveal your dishonesty, and we are the ones with no credibility?  What a weaselly lying sack of shit. 

Is there an innocent reason Meier plagiarized from James Allen?  Is there an innocent reason why Meier plagiarized apparently all of his "prophecies"?  Of course there isn't.  Because innocent people don't plagiarize. 

As cute as your endless insult-laden, substance-less comments are... perhaps you should at least attempt to answer a question if you want to maintain some remote shred of credibility.   

All this posturing, debate talk...its comical.  I realize your target audience is fools who are desperate to be believe in the extraordinary, but a  debate will likely not even serve you well even with them.   Every claim you make is a lie, and if your opposition is someone like Mahigitam, he will just be able to repeatedly respond with "we know you're lying because [...], and YOU know YOU are lying because you have been made aware of these facts many times...". 

Virtually every claim you make this response can be expected.  And demonstrated. 

It won't be good for business. 

Michael.  You do not want to debate.  Obviously.  Stop pretending.  As have made perfectly clear, all you want to do is insult and lie.  A debate would not bode well for you and you know it. 


Thanks, LC, I do have a YT channel with a few videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW0DlNizBaIJtXYRFK_jLTA/videos?app=desktop), you may find the one with Joe very interesting.

At some point I'll do some more for my own channel but there's no shortage of videos floating around on YT with me, like at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeaxf_xQYP0gai9tE7iok-A, etc., and the one I recorded 10 years ago (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29wnpEy2DY4), reporting on Meier's blunt forecast about financial conditions here...which are unfolding quite rapidly according to numerous financial forecasters.

MH is a Liar

Gotta say, you do always leave me scratching my head, Michael.

To be able to lie with a straight face, when the facts of the matter are literally on the same page in plain view... the incompetence/gall/insanity/brazen dishonesty... you are a really fascinating case study, in the least.


Hey, you're a weakling.

Get your own name, grow some balls and debate me for the 15 seconds you'd last, muttering, stuttering trying to form words.

MH is a Liar

I've tried to debate you here for a while.  But you don't seem to know what a debate is.  It entails a discussion of facts, and the inferences that can potentially be deduced from those facts. 

If you don't understand this then there is no point. Really, what would we be doing?--it wouldn't be debate. 

But, if you can manage to confront facts at least one time, then sign me up.  Here, if you answer me this, then we can do a debate:

Is there any evidence Meier wrote those letters in the 1950's?

Or, have you written countless articles and done countless interviews touting the alleged prophetic material contained therein knowing full well that there is no evidence these letters were written in the '50's? 

Which is it, Michael? Hey you -- Mr. Self-Responsibility, Mr. Cause and Effect --  are you going to comment on this perfectly justified question, or are you going to continue to dodge and shirk responsibility? 

If you will answer, then (should Mahigitam decline to  sit through your endless BS) we can try to do some debate like you are pretending you want to do.

Horn has taken a new tack.  By posting a long series of deadly dull, boring posts, he's hoping people will lose interest in the thread. 

I personally think a better plan would be to give us personal updates on the one-armed bandit himself, Falkie style.


"Is there any evidence Meier wrote those letters in the 1950's?"

Yes. Surprise.

BTW, a debate is a live either face-to-face or broadcast (radio, online) interaction in which two REAL (verifiably identifiable) people interact.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: MichaelHorn on April 04, 2016, 08:35:00 AM
"Is there any evidence Meier wrote those letters in the 1950's?"

Yes. Surprise.

BTW, a debate is a live either face-to-face or broadcast (radio, online) interaction in which two REAL (verifiably identifiable) people interact.

But you don't interact; your deep seated mental illness precludes it. You're a self gratifying narcissist. You have absolutely no interest in anyone but you and the one armed bandit. If Meier hadn't made up his bollox and started the cult of which you're a preacher of, it wouldn't have surprised me if you invented it instead. Incidentally; when you and Meier reach the end of your respective lives, will you be whisked away to start anew in a distant galaxy?

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