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Billy Meier - Michael Horn

Started by Nboy, February 23, 2009, 05:47:04 AM


Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 22, 2016, 04:35:00 PM

Coaster, as someone who in their younger years survived...nine auto crashes with whiplash and neck injuries (requiring braces, meds, etc.), I affirm your perception. It has done wonders for regaining pain-free flexibility, etc.
ya know, when you are not talking the billy meier nonsense, you are sort of a decent guy.
That being said, I will definitely look into it. I also have some pretty bad knee problems. I weight lifted for years, and my joints are shot because of it. now it is all about mobility and trying to get the joints working again. I am 34 going on 80.
I've had a few accidents in my day. Had one where I was the passenger in a van, and the driver drove head first into a concrete bridge divider. The engine shot out and hit my knees while my head went through the windshield. Have no idea how my body bent like that without some serious damage. I get anxiety while driving to this day. Be defensive while behind the wheel. Most of the time, its the other dipshits you have to worry about, not yourself.


I forget if someone once said, “Annoyingly adorable” or “adorably annoying” but…on to the knee thing.

Some years ago, I did some push hands T’ai Chi with Don “Mastadon” Miller (http://mastodonproductions.com), a former heavyweight champion in the quaint art. He was a lot heavier than I and, in compensating, I did something screwy and ended up with a knee problem.

Somehow I found out about Prolotherapy and went had a couple treatments…from an MD (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolotherapy). Never another problem with the knees. I took up marriage as a substitute sport, then found out that was even more dangerous.

Now, that head shot you took? Could account for difficulty in getting the Meier case but...one thing at a time.


Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 22, 2016, 06:54:27 PM
I forget if someone once said, “Annoyingly adorable” or “adorably annoying” but…on to the knee thing.

Some years ago, I did some push hands T’ai Chi with Don “Mastadon” Miller (http://mastodonproductions.com), a former heavyweight champion in the quaint art. He was a lot heavier than I and, in compensating, I did something screwy and ended up with a knee problem.

Somehow I found out about Prolotherapy and went had a couple treatments…from an MD (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolotherapy). Never another problem with the knees. I took up marriage as a substitute sport, then found out that was even more dangerous.

Now, that head shot you took? Could account for difficulty in getting the Meier case but...one thing at a time.
Thanks for the tip, though the wiki says the evidence is still out on whether or not it works. But thats you huh, Michael. screw evidence heh. Eh, you're ok. I will tell you what though. Billy Meier falls right in with aliens, the X-Files and Three's Company. It's all entertainment. If people like it, who am I to judge. I bow out of this debate. White flag. I have lost interest so long ago.
I am, however always interested in tips for health and whatnot. I may poke fun at your impishness, but you look pretty good for your age. I will give you that. Not a damn thing wrong with taking care of yourself. Btw, If Billy ever lets you borrow one of his buddy's time-traveling UFOs, go back 20 years and tell old me to slow down a bit. Tell him life catches up with you and it hurts when you're older. Cheers Mike.


Re Prolotherapy, I've met three MDs now who do it. Of course opinions may vary but apparently a lot of athletes also use it.

As for the time travel thing...well what the heck do you think is going on now? We knew that at 14 you wouldn't listen.

As for the age thing, I'm glad I didn't say that I have the body of a 25 year-old...and then have to say that she left when we broke up.


Wow, this thread has really taken an unexpected turn!


P.S. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-03-mindfulness-meditation-eases-chronic-pain.html

Also, I taught seniors a regenerative movement program I created (Sit & Get Fit) that included rehabilitating movements for the back, spine, etc. Average age: 88, oldest students: 101 and 102. NO injuries in those classes for all of the 16 years.


Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 22, 2016, 09:32:12 PM
Re Prolotherapy, I've met three MDs now who do it. Of course opinions may vary but apparently a lot of athletes also use it.

My doc, Marc Darrow is a specialist in prolotherapy and I had it done on my knee and it healed up after about 6 sessions. The premise is that injecting the affected joint with a saline solution produces inflamation which increases blood flow, which promotes healing. Apparently the Romans did it way back when and it helped in healing injuries. Doesn't work for everyone, but for me it healed me up completely.

Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 22, 2016, 04:35:00 PM

...as someone who in their younger years survived...nine auto crashes with whiplash and neck injuries (requiring braces, meds, etc.)

Wow! It sounds like you were incredibly unlucky or a terrible driver. It wasn't because of the unconventional style of driving mittens you were wearing, was it? :D


Please send my regards to Marc (who's also an attorney), one of the three MDs I was referring to, while I haven't seen him for some years we've known each other since the 1980s, he's a good guitar player too.

As for my driving, extensive testing revealed that I was magnetically attracting metal boxes on rubber wheels but, fortunately, it wasn't of the magnitude to attract larger objects...like airplanes. I actually cured myself of this terrible affliction but egg nog wasn't involved.

Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 22, 2016, 11:08:06 PM

As for my driving, extensive testing revealed that I was magnetically attracting metal boxes on rubber wheels but, fortunately, it wasn't of the magnitude to attract larger objects...like airplanes. I actually cured myself of this terrible affliction but egg nog wasn't involved.

Now we know why the aliens never let you drive one of their ships. They no doubt foresaw that you'd get t-boned by a rogue asteroid and raise their insurance premiums.

And I know you're smart enough to realize egg nog and driving don't mix! That's just crazy!


Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 22, 2016, 11:08:06 PM
Please send my regards to Marc (who's also an attorney), one of the three MDs I was referring to, while I haven't seen him for some years we've known each other since the 1980s, he's a good guitar player too.

He's super nice and down to earth. I will tell him you said hello, but now I'm sort of scared to go back to him since he associates with you.  :)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 22, 2016, 04:35:00 PM
YP: Uh-oh, look what Meier wrote in…1951 ():

"Television, already invented, will belong in the every day life of every family, as will the technology of the computer, which is already being worked on diligently in America, Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union. The television and the computer will become the most important information media, but, also, they will become the significant forms for the public advertising of prostitution."

Now arncha sorry you went for the computer when the following was published in…1958 (http://www.theyfly.com/1958-warning-all-governments-europe-prophecies-and-predictions)?

19.) The end of the Second Millennium will, on one hand, be marked by very rapidly establishing computer technology, and on the other hand, rebellion and a great war which would be called the first gulf war, and a second gulf war would follow, coinciding with the start of the Third Millennium, released by the U.S.A. who has already deluded itself since the First World War that it is the world police and also wants to bring world control under its sword.

127.) And in the Third Millennium the time comes when big parts of the continents disappear and the people will have to flee to the mountains, yet their sense of the catastrophes will only be of short duration, because they will forget everything again quickly and therefore make an effort to do much rebuilding, because they are already creating phantasmagoria, through movies and television, as well as later through a worldwide netting of computers and electronics (NOTE: That's the INTERNET he's also foretelling.), through which they deceive themselves and see things that do not exist, and are only visually determined for the eye, subsequently their sense for reality disappears and they can no longer distinguish between reality and fiction, whereby they lose themselves more and more in the labyrinth of life, while those who produce phantasms commercially as well as religious and sectarian phantasms, have an easy game with the people of faith, who they deceive in every possible manner and make them into humble beings, like cringing dogs.

I know, I know, you’re gonna try and cover it all up with silly attacks. Maybe you need some…mittens.

You're a fucking moron..get someone to read my post to you again, and explain conflating your response to my post. Moron.



The answer is, as always, very simple.

Don't go back to him...go forward to him. It will also prevent unnecessary bumps and injuries, hence save you money on future treatments.

You're welcome.

As for YP, not much can help such a dyspeptic fellow, nit egg nog, mittens, etc.

Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 23, 2016, 03:42:50 PM

As for YP, not much can help such a dyspeptic fellow, nit egg nog, mittens, etc.

I've never heard of "nit" egg nog, but it must be lousy.  And for your information, Yorkie has more egg nog and mittens than he can handle responsibly, and you're lucky he does.  "Dyspeptic" doesn't begin to describe how he gets if he's deprived of one or both for a couple of days. Trust me, you don't want to be around him when that happens.  Word.


The occasional, tiny misspelled wurd appears to test attentiveness.

I'll trust what you said about Yorkie but you could've told me before I showed up to offer him that cute little toy that makes awful sounds when he bites it.

Oh well, live and learn.

Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 23, 2016, 08:03:32 PM
The occasional, tiny misspelled wurd appears to test attentiveness.

I'll trust what you said about Yorkie but you could've told me before I showed up to offer him that cute little toy that makes awful sounds when he bites it.

Oh well, live and learn.

You don't get to call him Yorkie.  He's YP or Mr. Pud to you, Mitten Man.


No need to be so ruff...ruff, ruff.


Look, things have gotten bit too relaxed, apathetic, even friendly here. So, while I hate to do this, how else am I gonna rekindle some of that fire that made this place what it was?


MH is a Liar

 I'll take the bait. I think I posed the question like some 40 pages ago in this thread.  I see you are relying on Meier's info from some letters he allegedly wrote in the 1950's -- is there any evidence he wrote those letters back then?

MH is a Liar

PS --  Did we ever get an explanation from Billy on why he decided to plagiarize Might of the Thoughts?


Ole Mike is talking to himself again...oh my...

Quote from: MH is a Liar on March 26, 2016, 08:15:30 PM
PS --  Did we ever get an explanation from Billy on why he decided to plagiarize Might of the Thoughts?

Nice to see you again, MHiaL! Believe it or not, I was just thinking about adding you to the "People we miss" thread. There really are no coincidences!  It sounds like Michael has grown weary of singing Kumbaya with us, so I thought he might like these festive Easter relaxation mittens to help take the edge off his temper.  What do you think?

MH is a Liar

No coincidences, indeed. And thank you, nice to hear my contributions here were appreciated.  "MHiaL" -- I like that! Reading it all one word like.  Mm-hile!  Fun.  The original is a mouthful anyway.  I set up my name that way because I thought it would be funny if Michael was trying to address me and he had to write "MH is a Liar" every time he did so.  But I give you permission, Michael, to use this new nifty shorthand.  And speaking of short and hands: 

I love the mittens, but I actually like MH when he is at his angriest.  I gotta hand it to him, he can come up with some pretty creative, oft hilarious insults. 

But I also hope he'll actually answer my questions.. 


Can you imagine spending all your time on trying to convince people that crappy UFO photos and videos and a one arms Swiss mans insane story are true? Can't think of a bigger waste of time.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on March 23, 2016, 10:23:25 PM
You don't get to call him Yorkie.  He's YP or Mr. Pud to you, Mitten Man.

Let it go this time Vanessa. But if he forgets his place again let loose with the toy raygun and phasers set to stun.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on March 27, 2016, 08:58:38 AM
Let it go this time Vanessa. But if he forgets his place again let loose with the toy raygun and phasers set to stun.

Will do. I've got you covered, Stephanie!

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on March 27, 2016, 09:54:23 AM
Will do. I've got you covered, Stephanie!

It's so special what have. I treasure it. If only Mike could have the same with his one armed bandit. Instead he just uses his hand.

Quote from: henge0stone on March 27, 2016, 07:30:41 AM
Can you imagine spending all your time on trying to convince people that crappy UFO photos and videos and a one arms Swiss mans insane story are true? Can't think of a bigger waste of time.

Ever worked for a government agency, or for a business subject to government regulations and report filing? 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 26, 2016, 05:39:02 PM
Look, things have gotten bit too relaxed, apathetic, even friendly here. So, while I hate to do this, how else am I gonna rekindle some of that fire that made this place what it was?


When you die can you leave your brain to medical science. It needs though to be harvested before your heart stops to keep it in a state where blood still flows. Then hooked up to find new and vital anti psychotic medications-using your brain as a benchmark. Science in the making where deeply disturbed patients might be cured.

Quote from: henge0stone on March 27, 2016, 07:30:41 AM
Can you imagine spending all your time on trying to convince people that crappy UFO photos and videos and a one arms Swiss mans insane story are true? Can't think of a bigger waste of time.

Art Bell could use a spokesman/baby sitter.  I think Horn has the necessary ability and willingness to spin tales, and just the right amount of contempt for the followers - he just may be a perfect fit for the role.

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