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20150901 - Patrick Burns - Live Chat Thread

Started by MV/Liberace!, September 01, 2015, 09:20:02 PM

Bring the callers in to smash this dude.

I'm sensing a blood letting is coming like that guy who went after Nick Pope.

Juan Cena

Dave just had Howard Bloom on about the recent police shootings. I would so love to hear Art interview Bloom. It would be such an amazing conversation. Plus, Dave would feel so betrayed.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on September 01, 2015, 11:15:20 PM
Yes, it sounds odd. Add that with Eddie Dean's observations and I'm just not happy with this.
However, your avatar makes me happy.  Love the dolphin. 


That last one sounded like the guest talking into a big gulp cup!


This guy isn't even a good carnie act.  He should be barking for the 700 pound hairy Ukrainian woman.


I figured it out he's using a action figure with sounds and the battery is dying


Art has not played "Ride My See Saw" since he returned. Wonder if it's a licensing issue


Quote from: rozypalm on September 01, 2015, 11:22:07 PM
I figured it out he's using a action figure with sounds and the battery is dying
lol nailed it


i just got here, is today show good or not?


They evps of the other people make the hair on my head stand up. Not one of these tonight has creeped me out. I call bullshit.


Quote from: Juan Cena on September 01, 2015, 11:20:57 PM
Dave just had Howard Bloom on about the recent police shootings. I would so love to hear Art interview Bloom. It would be such an amazing conversation. Plus, Dave would feel so betrayed.
That would be a win win

I have great monitors used for pro audio....so it sounds like it maybe running through a blackberry, sorry. Not a fan of cellphones and I would suppose neither Art. Also not a fan of mp3s either, someone ask him what format these files maybe recorded in originally and does he compress them?


This is the biggest load of bs I've ever heard

Sat down for a prime rib, turned on my audio recording feature on my phone for sixty seconds, decided to turn it into a career.

Uncle Duke

Surprised Art hasn't done a spot for Bob Crane's earbuds.


Quote from: AL5J on September 01, 2015, 11:22:33 PM
Art has not played "Ride My See Saw" since he returned. Wonder if it's a licensing issue
I seem to recall him mentioning that anything prior to (1971?) will be off limits to him  due to the way that licencing works.  Apparently they are not covered under agreements and there have been court cases.

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