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Bella-Haven is Live

Started by nbirnes, July 01, 2015, 12:44:24 AM


         8 DAYS      19 HOURS!   

BellaCast tonite 12AM Kalifornika Time!    ON AIR SHORTLY!

Hosts: nbirnes & RoseGirl

Possible Topics Include:
   First Week Guests: Graham Hancock, LMH,..
   The Pluto Fly-By
   Pre-Show Shows & Parties
   Lost Gold of the Tower
   And many more...!

Plus: CALL-INS: Gabbers, Gabblings & Civilians are all
Welcome to Call the Bella Line at: 215 488-7374

Full chat room last night! 
Come join the fun!


Quote from: Zenman on July 11, 2015, 09:49:03 PM
         8 DAYS      19 HOURS!   

BellaCast tonite 12AM Kalifornika Time!    ON AIR SHORTLY!

Hosts: nbirnes & RoseGirl

Possible Topics Include:
   First Week Guests: Graham Hancock, LMH,..
   The Pluto Fly-By (Monday)
   Pre-Show Shows & Parties
   Lost Gold of the Tower
   And many more...!

Plus: CALL-INS: Gabbers, Gabblings & Civilians are all
Welcome to Call the Bella Line at: 215 488-7374
Join the fun!

Guys! get into ufoship chat right now.


Tunes are on. We're all listening to Steve Warner's Dark City. Bateman! Hoagland!

Afterwards, we'll turn on Bella-Haven at 2:


and continue the par-tay!

Juan Cena

Good show tonight.

If you're looking into closing music, maybe you should check out some of the exotica artists that art part of the Tiki Revival movement. I'm sure one of them would give you permission to use their music.

I think that might be a good fit with the show.


I think that I have figured out what I like about Bella-Heaven...  I have always been a night person, and there is a different rhythm to the night.  A different atmosphere and feel that cannot be replicated anywhere else.  Go to a 7-11 at 2:00 AM, and if there are not drunks there, the clerk will be laid back, friendly, and in the moment.  There is no rush, no need to speed you through to serve the customer behind you, no reason to perceive you as an inconvenience.  At the same time, you are not likely to see the clerk as an inefficient means of conducting commerce... Just one small example of thousands when you live life after midnight...

I know that it is not just the time (if it were, Jorch would not suck as much...)  However, the show has an ebb and flow with callers, topics and thoughts.  It has an atmosphere that could not be created anywhere else under other circumstances.

Anyhow, just thought that I would stop here and say thanks for a great, intimate show.


Another seriously WOW show! It'll actually be nice to decompress for a couple of nights. I definitely couldn't take this much excitement continuously, lol. You ladies are superb.

Hey wotr, we night people know exactly what you mean about the night atmosphere. It's a whole different opposite world at night. The daytime tension is gone and there's room to move about, literally and figuratively. NightWorld is definitely my preferred location.

Quote from: WOTR on July 12, 2015, 02:36:33 AM
I think that I have figured out what I like about Bella-Heaven...  I have always been a night person, and there is a different rhythm to the night.  A different atmosphere and feel that cannot be replicated anywhere else.  Go to a 7-11 at 2:00 AM, and if there are not drunks there, the clerk will be laid back, friendly, and in the moment.  There is no rush, no need to speed you through to serve the customer behind you, no reason to perceive you as an inconvenience.  At the same time, you are not likely to see the clerk as an inefficient means of conducting commerce... Just one small example of thousands when you live life after midnight...

I know that it is not just the time (if it were, Jorch would not suck as much...)  However, the show has an ebb and flow with callers, topics and thoughts.  It has an atmosphere that could not be created anywhere else under other circumstances.

Anyhow, just thought that I would stop here and say thanks for a great, intimate show.

I think it's the physics of the hyperdimensional torsion field that does that after 1930 hours (military time).


Well I bet I know one of tonites topics Yeah?


Quote from: Art Bell on July 12, 2015, 06:21:40 PM
Big news coming Tomorrow!


         7 DAYS      19 HOURS!   

BellaCast tonite 12AM Kalifornika Time!    ON AIR SHORTLY!

Hosts: nbirnes & RoseGirl

Possible Topics Include:
   BIG NEWS TOMORROW - Rumor & Speculation
   And more...!

Plus: CALL-INS: Gabbers, Gabblings & Civilians are all
Welcome to Call the Bella Line at: 215 488-7374
Come join the rumor and speculation!


Quote from: Zenman on July 12, 2015, 07:45:55 PM
Come join the rumor and speculation!
The rumor is that there will be speculation on Bella Haven.


I speculate that we will hear of many rumors on Bella-Haven.


Quote from: brig on July 12, 2015, 08:03:15 PM
I speculate that we will hear of many rumors on Bella-Haven.

Rumor has it that rumors will be flying in that rumor mill Bella-Haven


Quote from: serenity on July 12, 2015, 08:09:04 PM
Rumor has it that rumors will be flying in that rumor mill Bella-Haven

Stop spreading that rumor.


Quote from: aldousburbank on July 12, 2015, 07:58:17 PM
The rumor is that there will be speculation on Bella Haven.

I believe that's hearsay.


The show is like an after party sit around at a friends house.  Glasses of wine, sitting around the table just shuffling the cards. 


I hope Nancy makes us meatballs.


Quote from: bateman on July 12, 2015, 09:02:45 PM
I hope Nancy makes us meatballs.
And I hope she doesn't mind a little smoking. 


What? Gossip on Bella-Haven? Say it isn't so!



Quote from: Zenman on July 12, 2015, 07:45:55 PM

         7 DAYS      19 HOURS!   

BellaCast tonite 12AM Kalifornika Time!    ON AIR SHORTLY!

Hosts: nbirnes & RoseGirl

Possible Topics Include:
   BIG NEWS TOMORROW - Rumor & Speculation
   And more...!

Plus: CALL-INS: Gabbers, Gabblings & Civilians are all
Welcome to Call the Bella Line at: 215 488-7374
Come join the rumor and speculation!

You are a dreamy dreamy man, Zenman, to post these regularly and with great precision. This little enterprise is starting to talk-off.


Quote from: WOTR on July 12, 2015, 02:36:33 AM
I think that I have figured out what I like about Bella-Heaven...  I have always been a night person, and there is a different rhythm to the night.  A different atmosphere and feel that cannot be replicated anywhere else.  Go to a 7-11 at 2:00 AM, and if there are not drunks there, the clerk will be laid back, friendly, and in the moment.  There is no rush, no need to speed you through to serve the customer behind you, no reason to perceive you as an inconvenience.  At the same time, you are not likely to see the clerk as an inefficient means of conducting commerce... Just one small example of thousands when you live life after midnight...

I know that it is not just the time (if it were, Jorch would not suck as much...)  However, the show has an ebb and flow with callers, topics and thoughts.  It has an atmosphere that could not be created anywhere else under other circumstances.

Anyhow, just thought that I would stop here and say thanks for a great, intimate show.

This is the nicest thing anyone has written since I began doing radio five years ago. If I could have remote-viewed this email, it would have been easier.

You articulated a bit about that special feeling when you can stride the night in confidence, or listen with no fear of the hard sell or total awful commerce.

Ideas are so much softer on the ears.

Thanks you for listening. 🌸Bella🌸


Quote from: aldousburbank on July 12, 2015, 09:06:46 PM
And I hope she doesn't mind a little smoking.

A little? If you don't go overboard, you're not allowed to board.

Not really. We run a tight ship.

Way hay and up she rises.


Quote from: serenity on July 12, 2015, 06:43:25 PM
Well I bet I know one of tonites topics Yeah?

Can you give a clue?


Quote from: RoseGirl on July 12, 2015, 09:42:14 PM
..and....more graphics

Been grabbing them and they are all located at:


Pick a pretty picture and make it your own. I know I am. Thanks, Rosie!


Thank you very much, Nancy! I appreciate it!
Here's the revised version to go out shortly:

      7 DAYS      19 HOURS!   

BellaCast tonite 12AM Kalifornika Time!    ON AIR SHORTLY!

Hosts: nbirnes & RoseGirl

Possible Topics Include:
   BIG NEWS TOMORROW - Rumor & Speculation
   Art's AMA on Reddit is ON!  (Tuesday tentatively?)
   And more...!

Plus: CALL-INS: Gabbers, Gabblings & Civilians are all
Welcome to Call the Bella Line at: 215 488-7374
Come join the rumor and speculation!



Quote from: RoseGirl on July 13, 2015, 12:32:17 AM
oh gawd...I can't stop

So which one of your pictures, in your and Nancys eyes, best represents Bella-Haven? Pick one that I can use as a link on the blog. I haven't had enough coffee yet so decisions of this sort are beyond me. Well they are beyond me anyway with or without coffee lol. Anyway, listening now. Thanks for the quick posting of the show

Im gonna have to get a bigger drive


Quote from: serenity on July 13, 2015, 04:18:07 AM
So which one of these, in your and Nancys eyes, best represents Bella-Haven? Pick one that I can use as a link on the blog. I haven't had enough coffee yet so decisions of this sort are beyond me. Well they are beyond me anyway with or without coffee lol. Anyway, listening now. Thanks for the quick posting of the show

Im gonna have to get a bigger drive

As far as I know, based on the Fission editing program I'm using, the image comes along for the ride when you use Soundcloud. I'll also be embedding the Soundcloud version in the permanent web page, just like Future Theater. I've been picking the latest image that seems to reflect the theme.

Here's tonight's, for example ... and I just realized that I can embed them here, I'll bet. So, if all goes according to plan, here is last night's show, Bella-Haven 9.



Quote from: nbirnes on July 13, 2015, 04:37:44 AM
As far as I know, based on the Fission editing program I'm using, the image comes along for the ride when you use Soundcloud. I'll also be embedding the Soundcloud version in the permanent web page, just like Future Theater. I've been picking the latest image that seems to reflect the theme.

Here's tonight's, for example ... and I just realized that I can embed them here, I'll bet. So, if all goes according to plan, here is last night's show, Bella-Haven 9.


Awesome! I have a link to BH in my blogroll, but you girls have become my morning staple supplanting the local news, so I want to put you in a block like DMDN and AB etc. Oh I added a couple for RoseGirl above. I like the fact that you can post the show here. It's great It seems to me that Art coming back and the blitz and all has stirred the creative juices of many of us to do more of the things we love. Keep it up!


Quote from: nbirnes on July 13, 2015, 04:37:44 AM
As far as I know, based on the Fission editing program I'm using, the image comes along for the ride when you use Soundcloud. I'll also be embedding the Soundcloud version in the permanent web page, just like Future Theater. I've been picking the latest image that seems to reflect the theme.

Here's tonight's, for example ... and I just realized that I can embed them here, I'll bet. So, if all goes according to plan, here is last night's show, Bella-Haven 9.

Thats so nice and convenient :)  Gmorning everyone....As much as I tried to stay awake, my eyeballs fell asleep and would not stay awake,  so I am listening now with my morning coffee. 

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