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Messages - anagrammy

Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
July 21, 2011, 07:21:35 PM
I'd love to hear Knapp tear Dames a new one, but has ANY of the hosts ever confronted any of the regular guests? 

Quote from: Treading Water on July 20, 2011, 06:47:45 PM

Here, here.  Would like to join that circle.

AND...you're in.  We're your natural cohort, being early Baby Boomers as well.  By the way, is Annette Funicello still alive?  I'd better check that alive or dead website....:)

Welcome, Dan-Dan!  I've read a few of your posts and enjoyed them. You definitely can hold your own across the generations! 

Quote from: Scully on July 19, 2011, 06:57:54 PM

but what makes me furious is having to listen to propaganda of any sort while trying to enjoy things that go bump in the night.

Peace, Brother.  Sorry I hit a nerve.  It's George Noory who sucks!  :o

Let us join hands in remembrance of our shared values ^ THIS.

What day was it, El K - we can all check our sources.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
July 20, 2011, 12:44:46 PM
Quote from: Morgus on July 18, 2011, 03:14:59 PM
How accurate were the facebook sites previous predictions about Art Bell?  :P

In actuality his recent big announcements turned out to be about his getting approval for installing a ham antenna on his Manila condo building roof.
Doubt he would go to all that trouble if he were moving back to the USA soon.  8)

He didn't get the signatures.  His FB page says he is in Pahrump, NV now--SURPRISE!  Which is huge, of course.

Now if we can just get the Great China Debate covered by TMZ!   This is great fun--I'm sending it around, REPOST people, esp to Premiere.  They want some feedbag by people with no political/religious agenda?  There you have it!

Quote from: Agent : Orange on July 19, 2011, 09:21:44 PM
I would love to hear this. Any chance of pointing us in the right direction to find it?

Me too! Anyone know?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Noory appreciation
July 18, 2011, 01:55:32 AM
Quote from: Michael Vandeven on July 17, 2011, 09:08:48 PM
i'd like to point out that if the original poster had submitted that post on ANY other c2c forum where people predominantly aren't fond of noory, the OP would have been flamed out of existence until all that remained was a carbon flake.

you guys are a class act.

i think a variety of opinions couldn't hurt one bit.

Absolutely.  I am particularly interested in specific examples of George Noory being a good host, listening to the guest and asking a question or making a comment that contributes to the conversation.  He does have devoted listeners and inquiring minds want to know....why?

Quote from: Scully on July 17, 2011, 12:22:45 AM

Lisa just got around to reading this Coastgab thread to Georgie.  It's a good sign ... they like us, they really, really like us.   ;D

Clearly George's eight hours of show prep each and every day do not include the news channels.  He's the last one to know, always, which is why he did such hyperventilating tongue acrobatics when reading the AP wire when news was breaking re Osama bin Ladin's death while he was hosting Coast live.

Quote from: El Kragen on July 15, 2011, 05:32:34 PM
The one that comes to mind is George's show from March 2004 featuring Wayne Green and David Booth. One of the few times I've heard George call BS on a guest and kick them off the show for good. At that time I still thought George was a decent host and doing a good job.

This is the description from the C2C website: Booth said he met Sister Lucia, now 97, at a Carmelite convent in Portugal and held a private conversation with her for five minutes. He would only reveal that he was told that a "new star" that had been prophesized about would begin to shine. Because Booth had been booked on the show to discuss his meeting with Lucia, and refused to elaborate further upon it, the interview was cut short, and the last 90 minutes of the program was reserved for Open Lines.

Both these guys were on the week prior and were brought back on after reporting this visit with the Sister. BS of course because they were just trying to sell more books and survival products. George was really annoyed wasn't shy about telling them so. He refused to talk about anything else and threatened them with the boot at the bottom of the hour if nothing was said. Green tried to change the subject by talking about what people could do to prepare. George cut him off with "NO ONE'S GOING TO BUY PLASTIC TUBES AND BURY THEM IN THE GROUND TO LIVE IN!", something he had been pushing in the last appearance. Booth suggested that he couldn't speak about what was said due to threats on his life.  George wasn't having any of it: "You were on here last week for a full show, crying, talking about your grandkids...". He rode out the 1/2 hour and sure enough they were gone after the commercial break. Wayne Green hasn't been on since and I thought the same for Booth but I saw he was on briefly in 2007. I find that somewhat surprising because the guy was a jackass but then again that version of George Noory and C2C no longer exists.

Fascinating--I'm going to dig that one up and listen again.  You bring up an excellent point, El K, that has been hinted at but not explored fully.  There may have been something happen politically at Premiere that changed the environment, making George the milquetoast agree-with-everyone host that he's become. 

Your post got me thinking about a certain betrayal that took place while I was still working.  The Vice President did not stick up for me as I ventured into the new ideas he and I had discussed.  Thereafter, I was just phoning it in, going through the motions, having lost all interest in the creativity I thought I could bring to the job. 

Maybe he took some kind of a reaming for making a statement like, "Nobody's going to buy a ------" since he is now hawking some pretty strange personal products.   Reminds me of the advice that new 12 year old runway model got from her mother, "Never say anything negative about any product EVER.  You never know who may want to hire you to sell their product in the future."

Or maybe he is guilty of confronting a guest, saying in effect, "BAD GUEST!" Thus making it harder for Lisa to get the inexperienced public speaker who has written a book and agreed to be a guest for free to hawk it.

It's hard to imagine anyone would deliberately become the kind of host George has become.  He definitely acts like it's not his show, that he has no authority, that he is just going along for the ride.  Even though he says it's "his show" and he has control, people who feel the need to say that usually have doubts or are trying to cover up the fact that they don't have control.


Quote from: Lunger on July 17, 2011, 10:21:39 AM

I pay That Idiot Noory $1,000,000 cash if he could explain ho wto use a slide rule!

THANK YOU, Lunger.  If the guy who can't tell a person's age if they were 50 in 1953 carried around a slide rule as a teenager, then I carried a gas chromatograph in my purse.

Quote from: Treading Water on July 17, 2011, 08:37:48 AM
Long story, involves my experience with Domestic Violence Services.  Anyway, I was determined that our son would become more than just a payroll deduction to his father.  And be physically safe at the same time.  Lots of work, but we're actually better "friends" now.  Since we don't tell each other what to do.  ::)

That is very zen-- I am impressed how anybody can get past DV to become friends.  Good on ya-- write a book!

Hey thanks Morgus-- I did tune in a little early , which I normally don't do.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
July 17, 2011, 01:24:30 PM
Facebook sites are rumoring that Art Bell family is returning to U.S.

Wall PhotosBy People Who Miss ART BELL On C2C IPS Coast To Coast AM ·  7 of 7

=134567796596483&p[]=480737]Share[url=http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/268997_193012767418652_134567796596483_480737_5684266_n.jpg?dl=1]DownloadReport This PhotoIn this photo: we all, (my AB fans) suspect he is coming to the US, as his wife Airyn said in a comment on her page, that they will miss everyone there in the Philippines...!!! :)

The "real" Art Bell site says news coming this week (haven't heard that before.......)

It's not exactly a jolt of adrenaline for this dying thread, but maybe a cup of coffee, no extra shot?

I'll never trust tune-in.com to "find" me a station again.  I think I was definitely off=track--plus forgot to refresh (damn white zin) and got left in the dust without me ghost recipes!

Quote from: Afixer on July 16, 2011, 08:04:45 PM
If Noory needs a fresh theme song, the one from this show works perfectly...

I used to rush home from school in sixth grade to watch the Mouseketeers Club.  I always played Annette when we pretende we were Mouseketeers and did the role call.  The cute boy in the top row on the very left starred in his own show that followed after, called "Spin and Marty" which was another can't miss.  When I got a little older, it was American Bandstand.  The kids all watched the same shows so we talked about them at school.  It was a bonding experience because we were all close in age to the Mouseketeers. 

It makes me wonder if kids are trying to find that same common experience when they Twitter what they are doing/watching to their friends.  I'm glad I grew up when I did--it was a great, safe time to be a child in America.

Quote from: Treading Water on July 16, 2011, 12:07:35 PM
Good.  Can I come out of my room, now?
I really hate it when Mom and Dad fight. 
It's been a shit month all around, I think.  My "ex" had heart surgery, a bad reaction to the medication, an early release from the hospital, a hit and run in MY car(guess who gets the fine?), and a subsequent heart attack.  Now I'm waiting for him to come here to recover.  Did I mention that he was my "EX"?
Now I have to run.    ::)

Good Grief TW!  Why did you two divorce, if you don't mind my asking?  Sounds like you are amicable and still close... he was driving your car?

Quote from: Michael Vandeven on July 16, 2011, 11:20:56 AM

it's been that kind of month for me, brother.  nabila and i had to find a new place to live under on a short deadline, then we had to take care of getting moved, then my grandma died during the two day period we had to move and clean up our old apartment, then nabila left me to go visit her family in morocco and won't be back until sept 22, then i had a MASSIVE spasm in my back thursday morning and had to be carried out of my home by an ambulance crew where the ER pumped me full of morphine and valium shots coupled with a prescription for percocet, muscle relaxers, and steroids which i've been doped up on for the last two days.  so, to put it mildly, i'm in something of a world of shit at the moment.  yay, me.

mail pity to 123 asskick st., cape girardeau, mo.

I am so sorry for all the crap you're going through, you must be exhausted. If you don't mind a suggestion from me, I have had great results with pain relief going to an acupunturist.  There's just so much drugs can do and ancient Chinese techniques have been around forever.  It's worth a shot.

WOW - the show just ended.  I think I must have tapped into a program out of the Mid West so the time difference doesn't sync up.  You know, I haven't listened to the show in quite a while and I guess the rest of you CoastGabbers have taken your energies elsewhere also.

I am probably going to catch this ghost recipe show then on Funkybaldy's site tomorrow.

Peace Out!

GN Why don't they (aliens) say settle the debt? (completely out of the blue, of course)
Another ouija board/witchcraft caller.... sigh.
Caller:  I HAVE THINGS CONNECTED TO MY EYEBALLS - tubes with lights.  It's taking pictures.

GN:  You/re like a hidden video camera (hahahaha!)

Guest Allen:  You're exactly right. That's what they are doing, monitoring things.
Small clouds hide crafts.

GN:  what do they want

Guest:  they want to know us but we go for our shotguns
Alien hybrids from earth are being dumped on other planets. (George NOory)
Hello posters, lurkers and everything in between.  Noory is talking to a guest so we're off to a great start.  Hoagland has secret photos which Geo describes as "riveting" - objects not from the earth...  Guest raised on military base, had black light in his room and objects from off-earth glowed green and discharged little objects. 

Caller just mentioned Art Bell - and Noory always says the same thing "that's a LONG time ago."   

What happened to the ghost recipe lady?  I'm going to check the channel that I'm hearing.  I don't think I'm at the beginning of the show...

NOTICE:  Friday Night Countdown Tonight under OTHER topics - a hideous topic not to be missed, crazy lady with recipes given to her by the departed?   Followed by Open Lines....

Quote from: Michael Vandeven on July 15, 2011, 08:51:18 PM
i really have nothing to say in response.  i do think your decision to accuse me of prejudice due to my criticism of this president was uncalled for, lazy, and disappointing.  i stand by my statements, and my disappointment in you.

OK - it's your privilege to choose not to respond to my reasonable requests for your reasons for considering Obama to be the least qualified in any room.  Your personal attacks are unwarranted, however, and in the past you have asked people who post here NOT to do what you just did.  You may be unwilling to discuss race as a factor in our country's evaluation of this president, or his ability to get results, but that's really no reason to attack me personally.

This kind of treatment by an administrator drives people away, doncha know?

Perhaps it is best not to discuss politics if you insist on belittling the other person.  I mention racism because I am interested in it and ask if it might be a reason someone says another person would always be the least competent in the room. I took a class recently and started a thread and was surprised by the emotion brought up by (the nerve!) my bringing up the subject. I learned that Sometimes gross generalizations can mask racism.  Sometimes a great deal of anger toward a public figure or celebrity can be fueled by the same thing. In no way do I mean it as a personal slur against you or anyone else.  I like to talk about it, just like I like to talk about religion even though I am not a believer myself. (No- please, no baseball)

I am completely open to discussing all possibilities.  If you would like to discuss why you think Obama is not competent, I would like to hear it, but preferably without the condemnations of me as lazy or taking a cheap shot, or of less intelligent or of less value than yourself.

I believe freedom of speech includes talking about things which in other venues might be considered non-PC.  If a liberal cannot ask a conservative why they feel the way they do, then how can we ever come together? 

I don't criticize you for making generalities, I would like specifics, but if you feel too angry to discuss it with me or here, I am ok with that too.  And if it lowers your opinion of me because of the way I express myself, well I'm not everybody's cut of tea, but I do hold you still in high esteem despite your sharp words.

Maybe later -- I am open to discuss politics with you or any other--I would still like to know why some conservatives have the views they do and would like to ask any of you some sincere questions.  (I could listen to talk radio, but I prefer to hear what my friends here on CoastGab think)


I cannot bear the loud commercials, so I use Funkybaldy's site instead of streamlink.  It was very, very hard to pick the topic that makes me fly to turn the show off the most, since there is so much religious garbage with Bible quotations.

God, it has to be Glynnis the Numbers Lady.  I can actually feel crawling under my skin when she comes on.

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