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Messages - WanagoBleu

Quote from: Ciardelo on November 26, 2015, 11:20:39 PM
Thank you! A Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Here's one for you!

There once was a turkey named Chummy,
Mom thought that he might be quite yummy.

He waddled away
On Thanksgiving Day --

But still ended up in my tummy!

I never said I was too classy ;)
LOL.  Cute and appropro
Greetings Bellgabbers!!! Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs to all of you. And since I can't pour you a drink for a laugh, ill give you a poem for your Soul.

The Swan

Did you too see it, drifting, all night, on the black river?
Did you see it in the morning, rising into the silvery air -
An armful of white blossoms,
A perfect commotion of silk and linen as it leaned
into the bondage of its wings; a snowbank, a bank of lilies,
Biting the air with its black beak?
Did you hear it, fluting and whistling
A shrill dark music - like the rain pelting the trees - like a waterfall
Knifing down the black ledges?
And did you see it, finally, just under the clouds -
A white cross Streaming across the sky, its feet
Like black leaves, its wings
Like the stretching light of the river?
And did you feel it, in your heart, how it pertained to everything?
And have you too finally figured out what beauty is for?
And have you changed your life?
--Mary Oliver, an American Pulitzer Prize Winning Poet
Quote from: FLLFlash on November 26, 2015, 12:48:05 AM
Well I am hopelessly behind in the thread and otherwise need to retreat into sleep. (I hope.)

Thanks to all those who expressed their good wishes tonight. It's been kind of a bad one.

I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving! Good night!
hope you sleep well FF.
Quote from: Barfly on November 26, 2015, 12:40:37 AM
I have only lived with one redhead, i was going to make a witty remark about redheads but unfortunately she was shot in the head by some fuckhead in Chicago, this was many years ago, i still miss her and keep in contact with her brother.
I'm sorry for your loss Barfly. That must have been heartwenching.
Quote from: MichaelFromVA on November 26, 2015, 12:40:55 AM
There are two of us at least!  I'm not alone! ;D
stepping up next t to you two. 😁
Quote from: ShayP on November 26, 2015, 12:36:54 AM
I lost my virginity to a Ginger.  It's true.  I believe the implant will activate soon.  Or my spawn will visit me and show me the path to enlightenment.  In addition I hope to have powers....or lots of money.
all will manifest as you wish...😁
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 26, 2015, 12:31:51 AM
It's incorrect. Gingers did not evolve on earth.
I'm a Redhead. Pretty sure ^ is true 😁😁😁
Quote from: Ciardelo on November 26, 2015, 12:27:42 AM
Thanks for all the fish...
so long.......and thanks......... on a different note......how about"Even Cowgirls Get the Blues," or "Jitterbug Perfume?"
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on November 26, 2015, 12:28:24 AM
Lovely, dolphins aren't native to Earth.
we always knew you were special...
Quote from: TinCupChalice on November 26, 2015, 12:26:03 AM
Wonder what the "Sources" bibliography of his book looks like.
out of this world?😁
Quote from: zeebo on November 26, 2015, 12:19:33 AM
lol just made me spill my cabernet ... luckily i'm wearing a burgundy jacket
satin with velour trim? Yum!
Quote from: JamesMcDonald on November 26, 2015, 12:18:43 AM
Art's a cat man.

Maybe he needs a couple of these in the yard?

he can call Siegfried & Roy for those.
Quote from: JamesMcDonald on November 26, 2015, 12:11:26 AM
Just not sure Art's willing to kill.  Art's more the type who would want to take the perp alive.

In re to concealment, it's not applicable in Art's case.  This guy is roaming around outside his house.
professionally trained military dogs. Excellent part of a first line of defensewhen one has acres of dark desert to protect.
Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on November 26, 2015, 12:10:43 AM
Not me. I love it when a guest throws out all kinds of intermingled info. Forces me to focus on what's being said. ;)
I agree. I often think all this stuff makes sense when put together, as opposed to just one event/theory/ztory.
Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on November 26, 2015, 12:07:13 AM
Vimanas ?
wow! I was thinking more along the line of the Vedas, but this part of them......I didn't know! Thx for sharing.
Quote from: TinCupChalice on November 25, 2015, 11:59:45 PM
I often wonder, what is the thought process of the people who buy books from guys like this? Like, what the hell is going through your head as you pull out your wallet, get out your debit card, and enter your information into Amazon?
and Wal-Mart humans? Any more weird on our own planet?
Quote from: trostol on November 25, 2015, 11:54:20 PM
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
what he said.😁
Quote from: zeebo on November 25, 2015, 11:56:16 PM
ya peeps, da herb'n legend, truth peace
I miss herbn. He was always running an interesting edge on the show.
Quote from: FLLFlash on November 25, 2015, 11:53:55 PM
Meanwhile, this guest is batshit crazy.   ::
yes. I love it. And since everything is so bTshit crazy now, maybe this REALLY is true? Ha! Like the Indian Vindanas. Spelled wrong.
Quote from: zeebo on November 25, 2015, 11:51:40 PM
Guys give this a chance, it's like listening to an earlier, even choppier draft of the Prometheus script.
is there a DVD video on that?
Quote from: ShayP on November 25, 2015, 11:48:31 PM
I'm guessing outlaw stuff like david allen coe.
"well, it was all I could do to keep from crying," one of my most favorite country an d western songs.....perfectly written. DAC!!! MF!!
Quote from: VoteQuimby on November 25, 2015, 11:46:56 PM
Ambassador who was tasked with preventing war in alien worlds eh?

I've missed you and your perfect gifs. 😁
Quote from: VoteQuimby on November 25, 2015, 11:46:56 PM
Ambassador who was tasked with preventing war in alien worlds eh?

I've missed you and your wonderful gifs.
Did the guest just say that Aliens like country music? The good old stuff? Or the crappie y new stuff.
Quote from: TigerLily on November 25, 2015, 11:42:31 PM
TigerLily stalking in (too soon?) . I would like to get my claws in to this disgusting dirt bag threatening  Art and his family. This person is the lowest form of life. Even though Art is not sharing publicly who he thinks it is, he is certainly telling Pahrump's Finest. They need to track down this slime and lock him up.

This will be my only post tonight. Internet still really bad, probably due to extra turistas down here for Thanksgiving. But wanted to send warm Thanksgiving wishes to all.
happy T-day and hugs to you Tiger Lily!
Quote from: FLLFlash on November 25, 2015, 11:40:19 PM
I suspect he would have been good, unless he flubbed his story. You can always talk yourself into a problem. That's why it is always best to STFU and lawyer up when you are a shooter. Always.
excellent advice.
Quote from: zeebo on November 25, 2015, 11:34:38 PM
True.  I also recommend craft beers with Bigfoot.
I just tried a Sam Adams 'pumpkin' beer this week. Didn't taste like pumpkin at all. Which I was kind of relieved about.
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