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Chefist's BlogGab: A Gossip Thread About BellGab!

Started by chefist, April 10, 2016, 04:10:11 PM

Would you go to Vegas if Falkie was attending?



Quote from: MR. Spock on April 15, 2016, 10:17:26 AM
When is the next gabcast and are we going to talk about the senda monster?

Sunday the 17th, 8PM Eastern.  GabCast, for sure, not sure if MV and George will get things settled by then for a George Senda Co-Host.

MR. Spock

Quote from: chefist on April 15, 2016, 10:18:36 AM
That will be mentioned on End of Days Radio Saturday!
Ok when does the show airs?


Quote from: MV on April 15, 2016, 03:28:33 AM
was this supposedly being typed by falkie during his gabcast appearance?  i don't think it's him.
No.  This was that night you had Art on after he quit MITD.

MR. Spock

Quote from: brig on April 15, 2016, 10:19:31 AM
Sunday the 17th, 8PM Eastern.  GabCast, for sure, not sure if MV and George will get things settled by then for a George Senda Co-Host.
i will call if the gabcast airs this Sunday.


Quote from: MR. Spock on April 15, 2016, 10:20:05 AM
Ok when does the show airs?


Saturday April, 16th

7:30 pm PT; 10:30 pm ET


Quote from: jazmunda on April 15, 2016, 04:12:32 AM
That's very possible. The point I was making is that without any username and password logins anyone can be anyone. There have been many Falkie2013's in the chats over the years that were not Falkie Prime.
That's not the first time he attacked me, and he never said why.  Gee!  Doesn't THAT sound familiar ::) ;D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: starrmtn001 on April 15, 2016, 10:23:15 AM
That's not the first time he attacked me, and he never said why.  Gee!  Doesn't THAT sound familiar ::) ;D

By an accident of birth, you're female. Ergo as far as Senda is concerned you're fair game.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on April 15, 2016, 05:08:29 AM
Prior to whatever day Art was on the Gabcast, I was asked in PM's and emails if I was going to call in.
I said no as I was busy that day.
I have never listened to the show.
Furthermore, I've been in the Gabcast chat room exactly twice and both times I have immediately gotten attacked. The second time I left within seconds as I got immediately attacked & have NEVER been back in since, and as I seem to recall at one point there was someone pretending to be me in chat while I was on the Gabcast but I'm not entirely sure about that because I don't go in there.
I know that people have been impersonating me in there more than once.
I have NO idea who Starrmtn is and I do not and have NEVER referred to Kathy as a c*nt.
It's probably more bs from Big Shits that started this entire discussion in the first place.
He will now go to any lengths to lie and make me look bad at any opportunity.
I kept the emails and inboxes asking me about the show so I could look them up but I know I was busy that day.
Bad try, Big Shits.
May you have even worse luck next time and drop dead.
This may take a long while, but when I get re-connected tomorrow, I'll begin a search for the PMs from you a few years back.
Either your memory is going, or you are straight up lying!

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: starrmtn001 on April 15, 2016, 10:26:48 AM
This may take a long while, but when I get re-connected tomorrow, I'll begin a search for the PMs from you a few years back.
Either your memory is going, or you are straight up lying!

His attention span is limited to what to eat next. You can't reasonably expect him to differentiate between different people, let alone mere women. Get a grip woman.


Quote from: starrmtn001 on April 15, 2016, 10:26:48 AM
I'll begin a search for the PMs from you a few years back.

Let me guess, 500 words about his ailments and what a hard  life he's had, culminating in the written equivalent of bag-snatching, by begging asking for a donation?


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 15, 2016, 10:30:21 AM
Let me guess, 500 words about his ailments and what a hard  life he's had, culminating in the written equivalent of bag-snatching, by begging asking for a donation?

Wow, SV...George called you out by name on EODR! I could hear the vitriol in his voice (along with a been burrito I think)!

Quote from: chefist on April 15, 2016, 10:43:27 AM
Wow, SV...George called you out by name on EODR! I could hear the vitriol in his voice (along with a been burrito I think)!
I think Senda has a crush on SV.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 15, 2016, 10:26:47 AM
Speak for yourself; it got my sphincter puckering.

For the last time, nobody wants to hear about your puckered sphincter.

Quote from: brig on April 15, 2016, 10:19:31 AM
Sunday the 17th, 8PM Eastern.  GabCast, for sure, not sure if MV and George will get things settled by then for a George Senda Co-Host.
Is Senda hoping that MV will kiss his ass and beg him to be on the cast? I don't think that's going to happen. Senda's ego has no bounds.



George claims to have 2.9 million views on YouTube.

The 24 most recent videos from George have an average 91.625 views. If you multiply that by his 911 videos posted, that is only 83,470 views.

The most famous video, the crowning achievement of his "career", the George Noory Interview, has only 2530 views.

MATH:      1


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on April 15, 2016, 07:28:07 AM
That is not Falkie.  Not in a million billion years.  I've been reading his writing for 15 years now, that is not how he expresses himself.  I'm not just talking about the word "cunt;" none of it is consistent with his manner of expression.
You don't have to suck up DPS... I have it on good authority that your application to the fortress has already been denied. ;)

I should add that I ws there that night... And for what little it is worth, did not believe it was Falkie (I remember wondering which of his trolls friends was posing as him.)


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on April 15, 2016, 11:05:20 AM
Is Senda hoping that MV will kiss his ass and beg him to be on the cast? I don't think that's going to happen. Senda's ego has no bounds.

George gave MV an ultimatum...MV told him to go pound dirt!


Quote from: VoteQuimby on April 15, 2016, 11:16:09 AM
;D  ;D  ;D

Rekcuf has been hitting it out of the park for a long time sir. We go way back, remember? When we wuz kings!LOL ;D


come one come all for the main event

Chefist the Falkie slayer
George Falkie Senda

in a no holds barred verbal battle to the death

There will be no forgiveness and noooo coincidences


now we just need LittleChris to show up with brass knuckles when the ref's back is turned....  this could be great radio

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