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Art Bell cancels show for good

Started by Auslandia, December 11, 2015, 04:36:47 PM


Quote from: Dr Who on December 19, 2015, 03:28:41 PM
The only lab Art will have running will be one to tinker c crane radios.

I was gonna buy one for my husband this Christmas, to listen to the show.  :'(


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 19, 2015, 03:35:56 PM
I was gonna buy one for my husband this Christmas, to listen to the show.  :'(

The idea of one day hearing live Art Bell through my trusty C. Crane radio is one I just can't quite abandon.  :-\


Quote from: zeebo on December 19, 2015, 03:37:52 PM
The idea of one day hearing live Art Bell through my trusty C. Crane radio is one I just can't quite abandon.  :-\

My biggest problem - til the show as we knew it was shot to hell - was which C. Crane radio to buy. I mean, my god! The choices! I'm just a girl.. I don't get radios the way you men do. (Not to be sexist. I'm sure a lot of lovely ladies here know more than I do about electronics)  :D

Dr Who

Well ask Santa and you never know what might happen,George Noory may even bring it dowb the chimney to you.


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 19, 2015, 03:40:12 PM
My biggest problem - til the show as we knew it was shot to hell - was which C. Crane radio to buy. I mean, my god! The choices! I'm just a girl.. I don't get radios the way you men do. (Not to be sexist. I'm sure a lot of lovely ladies here know more than I do about electronics)  :D
yeah but I think they probably wear camo pants and play softball...I still use my old trusty CCRadio it still has the obsolete TV bands on it. I was going to get the internet version but as it appears, I don't need to.

If your hubby is running a Plex server he can probably use a Roku or something to use TV to listen to the audio.


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 19, 2015, 03:43:46 PM
yeah but I think they probably wear camo pants and play softball...I still use my old trusty CCRadio it still has the obsolete TV bands on it. I was going to get the internet version but as it appears, I don't need to.

If your hubby is running a Plex server he can probably use a Roku or something to use TV to listen to the audio.

Yeah, we have a few of those around here. :) 


Quote from: Dr Who on December 19, 2015, 03:40:54 PM
Well ask Santa and you never know what might happen,George Noory may even bring it dowb the chimney to you.

As long as Santa doesn't look like George Noory.. 


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 19, 2015, 03:12:32 PM
I'm pretty sure that a meth lab in one of the outbuildings would perfectly explain a person's reluctance to get the cops involved Segundus.

Ha-ha.  Cool, Ciardelo. 


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 19, 2015, 03:16:12 PM
Just asking to clarify, not to argue..  this makes it sound like Art went out of his way to make sure that no police were involved, which is totally not true.  Listen to his show on the 21st of October, and he mentioned repeatedly that the cops were around.  (I just replayed that show this morning).    If he wanted this hushed up, he could have tried a bit harder, no? I agree, that doesn't mean he went out of his way to file reports and get the bad guy(s) either, but I don't believe he is trying to hide something.   How (or why) would that make any sense?

Art didn't know for a fact, at least as of Oct 21st, that this person was after him. He assumed the person was, but he couldn't say for sure. He looked around the following day, and found no bullet holes.  All he has is the word of neighbors that somebody in a car drove by and fired some shots.  Later, in that same program, he did say that some lights on his property went on - which means someone was likely walking around. That might make it seem more likely the person was there specifically for Art.  The cops, I would imagine, had already left, or he would have probably clarified that on the air..  So who or what was lurking around? No idea.

That night, I think it very well could have been him deciding it wasn't that big of a deal (yet), and he didn't need to make more of it than he felt necessary.  When it continued with more incidents, then you could argue perhaps that he should have taken more steps to make sure this wasn't going to continue, or that the person couldn't get to his family. I'm not in his head. I have no idea what he was or wasn't thinking..

but again, I think you're probably off with the idea that he was specifically trying not to get the police involved, for some nefarious purpose.. like he didn't want them snooping around his property.   :o

maybe (as crazy as this is) when you're Art Bell, giving out all of this info as it's playing out, you feel you're already telling the cops? You're making a public statement.   :o
Look, I don't know what goes on in that guy's mind. 
I look at the facts.
Everything we actually have, most of it at least, are things we've heard from his mouth, and when it comes time to take serious action, get professionals involved, he backs out.
This is why some are saying he just did not want the drag of doing a nightly show any longer and this was a good excuse to bow out.  The threat either is not there or is WAY exaggerated by him. 

I don't say nothing happened, just that he says a lot, there is almost no collaboration and he discourages expert help. 

Now he's offering a reward.  If he's throwing money around, file police reports and hire detectives, people who actually CAN help.  He seems very shrewd and manipulative.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 19, 2015, 03:35:36 PM
I don't think it's even close to being that dramatic/headline news a reason; how about simply being economical with the truth? I don't know what the US equivalent is. Filing a statement in this country (when it is signed) is evidence and can be presented in court. There's a reason why police officers allow the witness to read through and make corrections on statements before signing.

I'm aware of an occasion where the daughter of an old friend of mine made a false allegation against her own mother and dictated a statement to that effect. The female police officer knew she was lying (by dint of the provable evidence) and allowed her opportunity to retract/alter her signed statement several times before the immortal words:
" Jane Doe,  â€œYou do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.”

She got to the end of the bold part before his daughter shouted out, "I'm sorry I'm sorry, I made it up" A really fucked up family I admit, but the police do take things like that very seriously.

It could be AB hasn't pursued it because he knows it invites questions he'd rather not be asked.
Thank you.


Quote from: Segundus on December 19, 2015, 03:59:14 PM
Look, I don't know what goes on in that guy's mind. 
I look at the facts.
Everything we actually have, most of it at least, are things we've heard from his mouth, and when it comes time to take serious action, get professionals involved, he backs out.
This is why some are saying he just did not want the drag of doing a nightly show any longer and this was a good excuse to bow out.  The threat either is not there or is WAY exaggerated by him. 

I don't say nothing happened, just that he says a lot, there is almost no collaboration and he discourages expert help. 

Now he's offering a reward.  If he's throwing money around, file police reports and hire detectives, people who actually CAN help.  He seems very shrewd and manipulative.

To be honest, I actually thought he was being sarcastic when he threw that out there.. but now that he's posted it on FB, I guess he's serious.

The police don't have enough info to go off of, for sure.. so they're not going to offer a reward.  They don't even know who would go after Art, because it's Art Bell. He's got who knows how many whack jobs who'd like to get on his property and peep in his windows, or who knows what else. This is the king of late night paranoia, going on what.. 30+ years now? I don't even know.  So at this point, Art is calling the shots. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 19, 2015, 04:09:22 PM
To be honest, I actually thought he was being sarcastic when he threw that out there.. but now that he's posted it on FB, I guess he's serious.

The police don't have enough info to go off of, for sure.. so they're not going to offer a reward.  They don't even know who would go after Art, because it's Art Bell. He's got who knows how many whack jobs who'd like to get on his property and peep in his windows, or who knows what else. This is the king of late night paranoia, going on what.. 30+ years now? I don't even know.  So at this point, Art is calling the shots.

Oh, I think you're right. Fortunately the local police aren't wasting any time on it.


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 19, 2015, 04:09:22 PM
To be honest, I actually thought he was being sarcastic when he threw that out there.. but now that he's posted it on FB, I guess he's serious.

The police don't have enough info to go off of, for sure.. so they're not going to offer a reward.  They don't even know who would go after Art, because it's Art Bell. He's got who knows how many whack jobs who'd like to get on his property and peep in his windows, or who knows what else. This is the king of late night paranoia, going on what.. 30+ years now? I don't even know.  So at this point, Art is calling the shots.
Well, the police can't do anything if the guy does not file reports with them.  It's not that they are not cooperating, but that he's resisting. 

I don't know, Art looks more and more like a lot of superficial razzle-dazzle with little underneath.  I am so disappointed to  be seeing this side of him. 


This thread has become a metaphor for religion vs. agnosticism.

Except the religion proxies are awaiting the 6th Coming.


Quote from: Segundus on December 19, 2015, 04:26:59 PM
Well, the police can't do anything if the guy does not file reports with them.  It's not that they are not cooperating, but that he's resisting. 

I don't know, Art looks more and more like a lot of superficial razzle-dazzle with little underneath.  I am so disappointed to  be seeing this side of him.

The whole entire situation, from A to Z, is disappointing.  At best.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on December 19, 2015, 04:37:08 PM
This thread has become a metaphor for religion vs. agnosticism.

Except the religion proxies are awaiting the 6th Coming.

Five documented divine appearances is a pretty good track record for any religion.   :D


Quote from: Segundus on December 19, 2015, 04:26:59 PM
Well, the police can't do anything if the guy does not file reports with them.  It's not that they are not cooperating, but that he's resisting. 

I don't know, Art looks more and more like a lot of superficial razzle-dazzle with little underneath.  I am so disappointed to  be seeing this side of him.
Well, actually they can if they believe public safety or a serious felony (like shooting AT someone or an occupied home) are involved.  They didn't.  But then, they're the just on-site cops, what do they know compared to a gaggle of obsessed loyal talk show listeners. 


Quote from: zeebo on December 19, 2015, 04:45:42 PM
Five documented divine appearances is a pretty good track record for any religion.   :D
^^ This post has SO much awesome in it! How did you manage to get that all in? lol


Quote from: zeebo on December 19, 2015, 04:45:42 PM
Five documented divine appearances is a pretty good track record for any religion.   :D
Indeed.  I've already said Art should drop the radio gig and go for the real gold; call it a religion, call himself Art of the Desert, require  password to log on to the Sermon From Pahrump feed, and up the fee donation to $100/mo.; $500 to be a bishop (some prospects here). 


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 19, 2015, 05:00:08 PM
^^ This post has SO much awesome in it! How did you manage to get that all in? lol

I finally gave in and hired myself an editor.   ;)


I've come to the conclusion that Airyn has been nagging Art about how much of a time commitment the show has been, and the stalker was the final straw. In this context, it makes sense that Art hasn't committed to resuming the show full-time once the stalker is caught.


Gotta hand it to him, with some help of others he did build something up to a scale that surprised a lot of people, maybe even himself.  Maybe that was part of the problem.  But he proved he still has it.  Maybe in the end that was enough.


Quote from: saab93driver on December 20, 2015, 10:23:42 AM
Gotta hand it to him, with some help of others he did build something up to a scale that surprised a lot of people, maybe even himself.  Maybe that was part of the problem.  But he proved he still has it.  Maybe in the end that was enough.
The wanting is better than the having huh. That explains so, so much. Thanks.


Quote from: ZomZom on December 20, 2015, 04:24:40 AM
Airyn has been nagging Art about how much of a time commitment the show has been

My sentiments exactly.

Think about it, when they met, Art was retired.

Although Art says she's supportive, I don't believe this is the case.

I mean, he also said George gets it. It seems Art is either a poor judge of character or is just not very discerning (in some ways).

I think it comes as such a shock to some when this occurs - and folks dawn on it - because of the simple reason he's so good at what he does as a talk show host.

We are mesmerized, and that magical blanket of wonder he casts over us all with his words - the very thing that makes a rational person entertain extraterrestrial existence and other anomalies - and we forget he is a human being with flaws and issues and hang ups, just like any of his fans.

Art has not cancelled his show for good, but right now, it is for the best.


Quote from: Azzerae on December 20, 2015, 05:19:47 PM
I mean, he also said George gets it. It seems Art is either a poor judge of character or is just not very discerning (in some ways).

I agree with you here. I am not sure he is a bad judge, but he sure does let loyalty and minimal familiarity sway his decision making. I was astounded he asked for legal advice from this forum.


Quote from: onan on December 20, 2015, 05:49:35 PM
I agree with you here. I am not sure he is a bad judge, but he sure does let loyalty and minimal familiarity sway his decision making. I was astounded he asked for legal advice from this forum.
I've seen many purport expertise in a wide variety of disciplines on this forum.  Why Art would ask them for advice is confounding. 


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 20, 2015, 12:34:25 PM
The wanting is better than the having huh. That explains so, so much. Thanks.

Well, for Art, maybe it really is the case.  Seems the wanting is better for him than the having, it seems like that has been the case for a long time just looking at it from a distance..  For the rest of "us," his fans...maybe Shatner really says it like it really is.


Quote from: saab93driver on December 20, 2015, 09:42:05 PM
Well, for Art, maybe it really is the case.  Seems the wanting is better for him than the having, it seems like that has been the case for a long time just looking at it from a distance..  For the rest of "us," his fans...maybe Shatner really says it like it really is.
Ha. Somebody posted that video clip a few days ago when the clamor was getting loud from people (trolls mostly) who were demanding all sorts of "documentation. lol I imagine it is so much like this for poor Art. 


Quote from: Azzerae on December 20, 2015, 05:19:47 PM
My sentiments exactly.

Think about it, when they met, Art was retired.

Although Art says she's supportive, I don't believe this is the case.

I mean, he also said George gets it. It seems Art is either a poor judge of character or is just not very discerning (in some ways).

I think it comes as such a shock to some when this occurs - and folks dawn on it - because of the simple reason he's so good at what he does as a talk show host.

We are mesmerized, and that magical blanket of wonder he casts over us all with his words - the very thing that makes a rational person entertain extraterrestrial existence and other anomalies - and we forget he is a human being with flaws and issues and hang ups, just like any of his fans.

Art has not cancelled his show for good, but right now, it is for the best.

Airyn Bell, the Yoko Ono of paranormal radio.

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