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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 03, 2015, 01:38:22 PM

Bollox; there isn't enough flour to roll her in to aim for the damp bit.
Holy shit

Quote from: area51drone on September 03, 2015, 01:02:49 PM

OLG, be careful about being "friends" with George, but let's just spill the beans now, shall we?   I have a rumor on good authority from an anonymous source that what happened is that Kathy was GANG BANGED by Patty's ex-husband and ex-boyfriend while Patty watched.   I approached Kathy and George about the story, and was immediately told by George that he had to go and discuss something privately with Cockroach Kathy.  After a 5 minute pow wow,  they called back and Kathy said "[source] is just guessing, he doesn't know that for a fact."   I warned George that this was going to come out and asked him what should be told to Little Chris if he posted the story on his blog.  George said to say "no comment," which in Senda land must mean, yes, there's truth to the story, because otherwise it would have undoubtedly been a flat out denial.

Source also rumored that Kathy's bruising of her face is the result of a medical condition related to that so-called attack, but I didn't ask them about it, so I really can't comment on that.

I don't believe this is the true revelation story at all.  George said previously that Patty revealed a vile past betrayal to Kathy, which sounds to me like Patty personally did something to or against Kathy herself.  Are you implying that Patty witnessed this act, that the act was not done with Kathy's consent, and that Patty just stood by and watched?  If so, are you further implying that Kathy did not know that Patty was there to see it while it was happening?  (Where was she - hiding in the closet, or coincidentally peering in through the window again just at the right time?)  If Kathy was aware of Patty's presence, though reprehensible, it would not have been the shocking past injustice against her that Kathy just learned of recently.

Besides, Patty's ex-husband and ex-boyfriend were into each other - not Kathy.  They both harbored lustful passions for other men, and (one can assume) may have also had Patty willingly available to them as she had had past relations with both of them.  I hope for Kathy's sake, and for the dignity of this thread, that your "source" (LittleChris) was wrong.


Hey Falkie. Oh man if there is any truth to the Patty Kathy, Kathy Patty situation then you need to toss Kath out on the street as fast as you can. If she is of such low morals that she would allow herself to get banged by 2 fags then there is no telling what she is capable of. Obviously she is very very selfish. While you slave to keep the place clean she sits on her ass plotting her next escapade.


Quote from: onan on September 03, 2015, 12:55:03 PM
Why don't you and Kathy get a support grizzly bear?

Best laugh of the day.


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 03, 2015, 05:12:12 PM

I don't believe this is the true revelation story at all.  George said previously that Patty revealed a vile past betrayal to Kathy, which sounds to me like Patty personally did something to or against Kathy herself.  Are you implying that Patty witnessed this act, that the act was not done with Kathy's consent, and that Patty just stood by and watched?  If so, are you further implying that Kathy did not know that Patty was there to see it while it was happening?  (Where was she - hiding in the closet, or coincidentally peering in through the window again just at the right time?)  If Kathy was aware of Patty's presence, though reprehensible, it would not have been the shocking past injustice against her that Kathy just learned of recently.

Besides, Patty's ex-husband and ex-boyfriend were into each other - not Kathy.  They both harbored lustful passions for other men, and (one can assume) may have also had Patty willingly available to them as she had had past relations with both of them.  I hope for Kathy's sake, and for the dignity of this thread, that your "source" (LittleChris) was wrong.

I don't know anything more about it than what I've already said.   The source was NOT LittleChris.  The only involvement LC had in this is the potential to report on it.  Secondly, LC refused to report on it unless he had some sort of independent verification.   Everything I said in my statement is true, OLG, you have to believe me that what *I* said was true.     I told you George's response, initially it was to have a 5 minute pow wow with Kathy, to come back and then say "they must be guessing, no one else could possibly know" and then to say only "no comment" if there was to be an article about it.    You can take that for what it is, if you want to believe Shit-fuck Senda's girlfriend DID NOT do that, you do so at your own peril.   I believe when it finally comes out it will vindicate everything I have said.  Of course, now that I've said it they probably won't admit it.    But I have alternate proof of Kathy's behavior, so I don't really give a shit.


What kind of alternate proof do you speak of Drone? Photos?

Quote from: akwilly on September 03, 2015, 07:51:51 PM
What kind of alternate proof do you speak of Drone, Photos?

STFU, we do NOT need see those or know about them.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on September 03, 2015, 08:03:21 PM
STFU, we do NOT need see those or know about them.
Photo would be nice to have, only because sometimes I take a viagra thinking I have a sure thing, but when it dosn't work out it would be nice to stare at a Kathy nude photo to kinda talk me down.

Quote from: nooryisawesome on September 03, 2015, 08:03:21 PM
STFU, we do NOT need see those or know about them.

Speak for yourself, mookie.  Since this thread seems to have descended to the "anything goes" level, I for one am interested in seeing how depraved it can be, and who exits and who stays along the way.  I know that Ibby and I are made of sterner stuff and can run it to the end of the line.  Anyone else want to take a ride?

Kathy is clearly no more than a stupider and lazier version of Falkie.  I could see her getting gangbanged by two fags if there was a box of jelly donuts in it for her.

Post the pictures, and let's hear more about Falkie contributing his pud to a gangbang.  I thought I had heard everything about him but that's a new one on me.  I'm also curious if Patty was a working gal in a past life, and she was Falkie's gateway onto Redbook.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 03, 2015, 08:44:32 AM
Do you remember a time when some of you Bellgab folks claimed that Falkie is "essentially harmless" and that I'm some kind of psycho stalker for spreading the word about him on the Internet?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Also, go fuck yourselves.

Guilty as charged... I'm getting use to the idea of having Trump for president, to hopefully end some of the craziness our entitlement mentality government allows.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 03, 2015, 08:12:59 PM
getting gangbanged by two fags if there was a box of jelly donuts in it for her.

Oh like YOU'VE never done anything like that, Mr. High and Mighty.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 03, 2015, 08:12:59 PM
Speak for yourself, mookie.  Since this thread seems to have descended to the "anything goes" level, I for one am interested in seeing how depraved it can be, and who exits and who stays along the way.  I know that Ibby and I are made of sterner stuff and can run it to the end of the line.  Anyone else want to take a ride?

I agree. The more depravier the better


Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on September 03, 2015, 09:52:55 AM
With all due respect to George, I'm beginning to wonder if this whole Patty situation is ever going to be resolved, and I'm at the point of questioning if this whole thing is even real.  We've been hearing for months now that all of Patty's lies, treachery, betrayals, and deceit would be revealed after certain events took place (I'll keep that between George and myself as it is his timeline), but I was under the strong impression that this would happen while I was away for my surgery in early August.  However, when I got back online, I was saddened to see that there were still no further updates.  I was then led to believe that everything would take place after the 1st, but lo and behold, George informed me last night that we now have to wait until NEXT month at the earliest.

George - I still believe in you (and Kathy), but this can't keep dragging on month after month.  If WhiteCrow was here, he might liken this to the glasses saga that he always talked about ("follow the glasses").  We need a resolution soon, my friend.  Please throw your audience some "red meat" on topics like Patty, the housekeeper, and others!  The litter box clarification was a start, and I believe you that you keep them cleaned out as you care deeply about your cats (there is NO STENCH, people!), but we need more.
Yep I played along with George, believing he was harmless.... Millions of people abusing and are sucking on the Goverment dole....  I can't get upset at All of them ... But Geroge and Kathy are now symbols for All of them.

As for the glasses, it was clear to me, from watching his videos, that George was using his glasses to scam money. On different videos, he placed tape on the same glasses in different places.
And come on, no one with income would go around for over a year with broken glasses and even do the Dave video with the frames completly broken. The  broken glasses were always a set up.


Quote from: WhiteCrow on September 03, 2015, 08:32:34 PM
As for the glasses, it was clear to me, from watching his videos, that George was using his glasses to scam money. On different videos, he placed tape on the same glasses in different places.
And come on, no one with income would go around for over a year with broken glasses and even do the Dave video with the frames completly broken. The  broken glasses were always a set up.
Some people work harder at not working than if they would just get a real job.


Quote from: area51drone on September 03, 2015, 01:02:49 PM

OLG, be careful about being "friends" with George, but let's just spill the beans now, shall we?   I have a rumor on good authority from an anonymous source that what happened is that Kathy was GANG BANGED by Patty's ex-husband and ex-boyfriend while Patty watched.   I approached Kathy and George about the story, and was immediately told by George that he had to go and discuss something privately with Cockroach Kathy.  After a 5 minute pow wow,  they called back and Kathy said "[source] is just guessing, he doesn't know that for a fact."   I warned George that this was going to come out and asked him what should be told to Little Chris if he posted the story on his blog.  George said to say "no comment," which in Senda land must mean, yes, there's truth to the story, because otherwise it would have undoubtedly been a flat out denial.

Source also rumored that Kathy's bruising of her face is the result of a medical condition related to that so-called attack, but I didn't ask them about it, so I really can't comment on that.

As happens so often, Drone changes the truth to suit his own ends.
There is NO rumor because no one other than I or Kathy could have created or started such a rumor and we did not.
Drone is a little boy who's upset because he got told off for associating with a convicted child molester and creep and being someone who has no ethics or morals when it comes to being a purported " friend " of myself.
Friends don't consort with people who slander and libel friends.
They shun them and Drone, having little character, chooses to associate with a deranged and sick individual.
Because he can't or won't admit that his actions are morally and ethically wrong, he chooses to attack the attacked instead of standing up for a friend and also accuses another poster of being in my pocket, as if I had the power or means to do so, which I do not.
To Drone, like so many others on here, if you defend me, you are a tool or the enemy.
Kathy had to repeatedly tell him to knock off sexual innuendos and questions and he wouldn't which is why she finally got fed up with him and would not talk to him anymore.
I got fed up with someone who claimed to be a friend and wasn't.
My friends of many years, both current and deceased would have not associated with an enemy and would have defended me.
Drone's association with Casio and Big Shits shows he is and in all probability never my or our friend.
Friends don't talk out of school and don't ally with enemies.
Drone has never grown up and frequently his mind stays in the sewer and he should know better but either doesn't care or does it for shock value or to make himself feel more important or justify his actions.
Kathy has said repeatedly that the bruise on her face is due to her sleeping face down on her stomach.
It is NOT due to my beating her, being raped or any external force other than her moving her head back and forth while she sleeps.
Here is the position she is in when she sleeps ( see below ).
As to his other allegations, I will let Kathy tell the tale in a video sometime this month and as I have said before, if it doesn't come from either me or Kathy, it is bs or being printed to further the ends of the poster.
The story will be told after we go to Patty's tomorrow.
We went to U Haul this afternoon and the manager gave us a deal that saved us on the mileage costs immensely.
We get the truck in the morning. I got no sleep last night and came home and took a short nap and we will be on the road at 7, get the truck and be off to Patty's and I will be doing a video from Patty's house today.
One last thong. I installed the software that supposedly would allow me to stream live on my Imac. It installed but when I clicked on it in Applications it does not work and I do NOT have 2-400 to pay for such an application. Yet...
And a fellow cat owner here has 4 cats and says that the idiots here who rail against having multiple cats have no idea how easy it is to sift and dispose of cat litter waste.
After cat feeding, I will go and empty out the two cat boxes and soak them in the tub so they can be disinfected, rinse and dry them out and put new liners and litter in them and dispose of the soiled litter down the garbage chute in a large garbage bag.

Addenda :

Kathy woke up, talked to me for a minute. I told her I was going to take a picture of her in her usual sleeping position and asked her not to move. She didn't move and was aware of my taking the picture and immediately went back to sleep once I turned the light off.
This sleeping position and NOT any abuse by anyone is WHY she has the pronounced bruises on her face.
I once saw a character actor on a television show who had the same bruises on his face in the same spot. They were covered up by makeup but were noticable.

Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin - Topic Overview
Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Guide

    Topic Overview
    Check Your Symptoms
    Home Treatment
    Preparing For Your Appointment

Bruises develop when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a bump or fall. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes the black-and-blue color. As bruises (contusions) camera.gif heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green. Sometimes the area of the bruise spreads down the body in the direction of gravity. A bruise on a leg usually will take longer to heal than a bruise on the face or arms.

Most bruises are not a cause for concern and will go away on their own. Home treatment may speed healing and relieve the swelling and soreness that often accompany bruises that are caused by injury. But severe bruising, swelling, and pain that begin within 30 minutes of an injury may mean a more serious problem, such as a severe sprain or fracture.

If you bruise easily, you may not even remember what caused a bruise. Bruising easily does not mean you have a serious health problem, especially if bruising is minimal or only shows up once in a while.

    Older adults often bruise easily from minor injuries, especially injuries to the forearms, hands, legs, and feet. As a person ages, the skin becomes less flexible and thinner because there is less fat under the skin. The cushioning effect of the skin decreases as the fat under the skin decreases. These changes, along with skin damage from exposure to the sun, cause blood vessels to break easily. When blood vessels break, bruising occurs.
    Women bruise more easily than men, especially from minor injuries on the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms.
    A tendency to bruise easily sometimes runs in families.

Occasionally after an injury, blood collects and pools under the skin (hematoma), giving the skin a spongy, rubbery, lumpy feel. A regular bruise is more spread out and may not feel like a firm lump. A hematoma usually is not a cause for concern. It is not the same thing as a blood clot in a vein, and it does not cause blood clots.


Quote from: WhiteCrow on September 03, 2015, 08:32:34 PM
Yep I played along with George, believing he was harmless.... Millions of people abusing and are sucking on the Goverment dole....  I can't get upset at All of them ... But Geroge and Kathy are now symbols for All of them.

As for the glasses, it was clear to me, from watching his videos, that George was using his glasses to scam money. On different videos, he placed tape on the same glasses in different places.
And come on, no one with income would go around for over a year with broken glasses and even do the Dave video with the frames completly broken. The  broken glasses were always a set up.

How nice to read that someone whom I thought was friendly to me merely " played along " with me, no doubt because doing so probably perversely amused him.

The broken glasses were NO setup. I've broken 3 or 4 pairs of glasses IN this apartment in part because I CANNOT * SEE * my glasses if they are not on my face. I've rolled over on top of them in my sleep, have stepped on one pair that have fallen on the floor and I don't remember the other ways they got broken. I still have pieces of lenses and frames around here somewhere that I have used to help me look for my glasses when I cannot see them. I've had neighbors and Kathy help me look for them over the years. The current black frames blend in with the dark carpet which one reason I stepped on one pair. My near vision is blurred beyond 4 inches. That is how nearsighted I am. Add astigmatism and I'm practically blind further than that although I can see everything far away, it too is blurred.
As to my having income, other things need to be paid as well like rent, utilities, food, cat food and other bills and $160+ is around a sixth of my income. At times, I cannot afford that kind of expenditure, whether some of you like the thought of it or not.
Thanks to Noory's kindness, I now have a second pair which I can use to find the first pair if I can't see it and they are kept in a glasses case 24-7 and in a pouch in my second laptop bag so they won't get broken.
Get over this obsession with it. People here helped pay for one pair and I am eternally grateful for it and for the fact that for the first time I have an extra pair of glasses.
Eventually both pairs will become obsolete as my vision changes with age but I will hopefully be able to see with them.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on September 03, 2015, 12:04:54 PM
Ah, another Blackadder fan, I see.

Oh yes! I have to go back and binge watch them. What was his henchmen's name...can you remember? ?


Quote from: area51drone on September 03, 2015, 01:02:49 PM

OLG, be careful about being "friends" with George, but let's just spill the beans now, shall we?   I have a rumor on good authority from an anonymous source that what happened is that Kathy was GANG BANGED by Patty's ex-husband and ex-boyfriend while Patty watched.   I approached Kathy and George about the story, and was immediately told by George that he had to go and discuss something privately with Cockroach Kathy.  After a 5 minute pow wow,  they called back and Kathy said "[source] is just guessing, he doesn't know that for a fact."   I warned George that this was going to come out and asked him what should be told to Little Chris if he posted the story on his blog.  George said to say "no comment," which in Senda land must mean, yes, there's truth to the story, because otherwise it would have undoubtedly been a flat out denial.

Source also rumored that Kathy's bruising of her face is the result of a medical condition related to that so-called attack, but I didn't ask them about it, so I really can't comment on that.

I call bullshit.  That's a threesome not a gangbang.  Hell, she aint even pulling a train. 

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: ONeill on September 03, 2015, 04:40:07 AM
Let me add two important Falkie quotes:

So then it's OK to steal from the gov't and people who really need it and really can't work. Flackie you are the lowest of the low.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 03, 2015, 08:12:59 PM
Speak for yourself, mookie.  Since this thread seems to have descended to the "anything goes" level, I for one am interested in seeing how depraved it can be, and who exits and who stays along the way.  I know that Ibby and I are made of sterner stuff and can run it to the end of the line.  Anyone else want to take a ride?

Well, okay, but I'm driving.  Bend over, DPS.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 03, 2015, 09:44:39 PM
and being someone who has no ethics or morals when it comes to being a purported " friend " of myself.
Friends don't consort with people who slander and libel friends.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Look I never said I would be your friend, just your trainer.   Get on your knees, put your head back and I will balance this Sardine on your nose.  Wait for my hand signal then flip and eat the little fishy.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 03, 2015, 01:38:22 PM

Bollox; there isn't enough flour to roll her in to aim for the damp bit. Although, it would be a porn movie that would be instantly banned in at least 210 countries and almost all US states.
Was this a gang rape or was she, kathy a consenting adult?  Very big difference.  As well then please tell us the faclkie rape story? Are you A51D reporting his fraudulent activities re: SSI to the proper authority's.  With this and any other info you have, if it is concerning criminal behavior, you A51D are obligated by law to come clean. If I was you and he is going for a big fall, then you need to get out infront of this or you will find yourself in the jackpot with those two creeps.


Hey Falkie, I read that you said Kathy's bruises are caused by her sleeping. Jeez man did you stash rocks in her pillow? With all the time you spend in bed napping why don't you be a good guy and allow Kathy to rest her big mug on you're squishy belly? I mean if it's good enough for the cats then it's good enough for Kath.


Quote from: area51drone on September 03, 2015, 07:28:25 PM
I don't know anything more about it than what I've already said.   The source was NOT LittleChris.  The only involvement LC had in this is the potential to report on it.  Secondly, LC refused to report on it unless he had some sort of independent verification.   Everything I said in my statement is true, OLG, you have to believe me that what *I* said was true.     I told you George's response, initially it was to have a 5 minute pow wow with Kathy, to come back and then say "they must be guessing, no one else could possibly know" and then to say only "no comment" if there was to be an article about it.    You can take that for what it is, if you want to believe Shit-fuck Senda's girlfriend DID NOT do that, you do so at your own peril.   I believe when it finally comes out it will vindicate everything I have said.  Of course, now that I've said it they probably won't admit it.    But I have alternate proof of Kathy's behavior, so I don't really give a shit.

Well, there is NO source other than us. I have and had told Drone and ONLY Drone things in confidence in the past and had told him that Kathy would bring various matters up AFTER we got the stuff out of Patty's.
I have had NO contact with Big Shits for months and only had talked on the phone/Skype or hangouts with Cunandero81, Military Justice or Drone and no one else. Casio did call me with harassing calls months ago.
So Drone's so-called " source " is bs. The only possible source is us and his so-called information is WRONG.
And my talking to Kathy was about personal issues that needed to be discussed with her immediately as a crisis situation and during our discussion Drone emailed me a DEMAND that I  apologize to him for my telling him off for his association with a pervert.
I told him my needing to talk with Kathy right away was more important than talking to him.
He got angry over that.
Kathy will tell all in a video and will also tell about Drone once we get everything out of Patty's and she's so angry about his calling her Cockroach Kathy she's both livid and speechless for now.
Drone should know better not to insult her but doesn't care because its a thinly veiled way to attack me.
His time will come...

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 03, 2015, 09:44:39 PM
As happens so often, Drone changes the truth to suit his own ends.
There is NO rumor because no one other than I or Kathy could have created or started such a rumor and we did not.
Drone is a little boy who's upset because he got told off for associating with a convicted child molester and creep and being someone who has no ethics or morals when it comes to being a purported " friend " of myself.
Friends don't consort with people who slander and libel friends.
They shun them and Drone, having little character, chooses to associate with a deranged and sick individual.
Because he can't or won't admit that his actions are morally and ethically wrong, he chooses to attack the attacked instead of standing up for a friend and also accuses another poster of being in my pocket, as if I had the power or means to do so, which I do not.
To Drone, like so many others on here, if you defend me, you are a tool or the enemy.
Kathy had to repeatedly tell him to knock off sexual innuendos and questions and he wouldn't which is why she finally got fed up with him and would not talk to him anymore.
I got fed up with someone who claimed to be a friend and wasn't.
My friends of many years, both current and deceased would have not associated with an enemy and would have defended me.
Drone's association with Casio and Big Shits shows he is and in all probability never my or our friend.
Friends don't talk out of school and don't ally with enemies.
Drone has never grown up and frequently his mind stays in the sewer and he should know better but either doesn't care or does it for shock value or to make himself feel more important or justify his actions.
Kathy has said repeatedly that the bruise on her face is due to her sleeping face down on her stomach.
It is NOT due to my beating her, being raped or any external force other than her moving her head back and forth while she sleeps.
Here is the position she is in when she sleeps ( see below ).
As to his other allegations, I will let Kathy tell the tale in a video sometime this month and as I have said before, if it doesn't come from either me or Kathy, it is bs or being printed to further the ends of the poster.
The story will be told after we go to Patty's tomorrow.
We went to U Haul this afternoon and the manager gave us a deal that saved us on the mileage costs immensely.
We get the truck in the morning. I got no sleep last night and came home and took a short nap and we will be on the road at 7, get the truck and be off to Patty's and I will be doing a video from Patty's house today.
One last thong. I installed the software that supposedly would allow me to stream live on my Imac. It installed but when I clicked on it in Applications it does not work and I do NOT have 2-400 to pay for such an application. Yet...
And a fellow cat owner here has 4 cats and says that the idiots here who rail against having multiple cats have no idea how easy it is to sift and dispose of cat litter waste.
After cat feeding, I will go and empty out the two cat boxes and soak them in the tub so they can be disinfected, rinse and dry them out and put new liners and litter in them and dispose of the soiled litter down the garbage chute in a large garbage bag.

Addenda :

Kathy woke up, talked to me for a minute. I told her I was going to take a picture of her in her usual sleeping position and asked her not to move. She didn't move and was aware of my taking the picture and immediately went back to sleep once I turned the light off.
This sleeping position and NOT any abuse by anyone is WHY she has the pronounced bruises on her face.
I once saw a character actor on a television show who had the same bruises on his face in the same spot. They were covered up by makeup but were noticable.

Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin - Topic Overview
Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Guide

    Topic Overview
    Check Your Symptoms
    Home Treatment
    Preparing For Your Appointment

Bruises develop when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a bump or fall. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes the black-and-blue color. As bruises (contusions) camera.gif heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green. Sometimes the area of the bruise spreads down the body in the direction of gravity. A bruise on a leg usually will take longer to heal than a bruise on the face or arms.

Most bruises are not a cause for concern and will go away on their own. Home treatment may speed healing and relieve the swelling and soreness that often accompany bruises that are caused by injury. But severe bruising, swelling, and pain that begin within 30 minutes of an

injury may mean a more serious problem, such as a severe sprain or fracture.

If you bruise easily, you may not even remember what caused a bruise. Bruising easily does not mean you have a serious health problem, especially if bruising is minimal or only shows up once in a while.

    Older adults often bruise easily from minor injuries, especially injuries to the forearms, hands, legs, and feet. As a person ages, the skin becomes less flexible and thinner because there is less fat under the skin. The cushioning effect of the skin decreases as the fat under the skin decreases. These changes, along with skin damage from exposure to the sun, cause blood vessels to break easily. When blood vessels break, bruising occurs.
    Women bruise more easily than men, especially from minor injuries on the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms.
    A tendency to bruise easily sometimes runs in families.

Occasionally after an injury, blood collects and pools under the skin (hematoma), giving the skin a spongy, rubbery, lumpy feel. A regular bruise is more spread out and may not feel like a firm lump. A hematoma usually is not a cause for concern. It is not the same thing as a blood clot in a vein, and it does not cause blood clots.

Okay fatso, what happened you keep aski g for cash and prizes from A51D and after he kept turning you do you "went to war" against him?

As far as the bruises crap, 95% of people who sleeps on a pillow sleep on their faces. I don't see people like her. Me thinks you protest too much, mr. I LOSE MY TEMPER SOMETIMES? And in all your bs crap about bruises I don't see faces mentioned. No matter what you say we all know you bat and box her ugly fat puss around, so stop already.
Think premrat and c2c, dave etc wants a mope like you on anythink that they have their name on...ehh Mr, Gang rape or gang band, reddit etc, etc.???


Quote from: akwilly on September 03, 2015, 10:52:24 PM
Hey Falkie, I read that you said Kathy's bruises are caused by her sleeping. Jeez man did you stash rocks in her pillow? With all the time you spend in bed napping why don't you be a good guy and allow Kathy to rest her big mug on you're squishy belly? I mean if it's good enough for the cats then it's good enough for Kath.

Someone's head on a tummy is heavy AND frequently Boop is lying on Kathy's pillow, Boop's pillow or sleeping on her head while she is sleeping.
Fluffy has now started coming on the bed and sleeping next to me and I've missed that a lot. There's no room on this bed for her to put her head on me and if she were to move it upsets the cats.
My naps are now primarily done because I didn't get enough or any sleep the night before. I got one hour of sleep this morning, none last night and after I paid my rent and went to U Haul ( among other places ), I came home and got 3 hours sleep as did Kathy.
Tomorrow we move all the crap out of Patty's and will have to move stuff around to get everything into storage and go home hot and sweaty and done with the woman.
Next week is my re-inspection.
After that we go and report Patty to housing and other authorities.
Patty is also in default of a student loan that she took out and gave the proceeds to her daughter.
There will also be a revelation about Patty's ex-husband which was NEVER told to Drone so he can't do his bs " source " again crap.

Jocko Johnson

Hey SLOB-O guess what...OLG is fucking with you too. No one here is your real friend, just like you aren't and are just trying to get whatever you can, we...OLG included are playing you for entertainment.  I've told you over and over, you are a joke, a clown. A real scumbag. You reap what you sow, you thieving dirtbag. 

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 03, 2015, 11:18:51 PM
Someone's head on a tummy is heavy AND frequently Boop is lying on Kathy's pillow, Boop's pillow or sleeping on her head while she is sleeping.
Fluffy has now started coming on the bed and sleeping next to me and I've missed that a lot. There's no room on this bed for her to put her head on me and if she were to move it upsets the cats.
My naps are now primarily done because I didn't get enough or any sleep the night before. I got one hour of sleep this morning, none last night and after I paid my rent and went to U Haul ( among other places ), I came home and got 3 hours sleep as did Kathy.
Tomorrow we move all the crap out of Patty's and will have to move stuff around to get everything into storage and go home hot and sweaty and done with the woman.
Next week is my re-inspection.
After that we go and report Patty to housing and other authorities.
Patty is also in default of a student loan that she took out and gave the proceeds to her daughter.
There will also be a revelation about Patty's ex-husband which was NEVER told to Drone so he can't do his bs " source " again crap.

So the cats go out, they come inside, they jump in bed with you...do you now have fleas too? Because there are big outbreaks of the "black plague" in the western USA from fleas jumping from rats, on to aminals, pets then on humans and biting them. I am willing to bet that you and that black and blue faced fat pig "ho" have flea bites all over your legs. Right fatty? That sty is infested with everything that crawls...including you two beasts!

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