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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM


Quote from: Juan on November 13, 2013, 04:18:50 PM
I'm out a couple of hundred dollars, too.  I signed up for a year.  I chose the streaming option because I live in an apartment with only northern exposure - I wasn't sure I could receive the satellite signal.  For the first month, the stream failed multiple times per half hour.  It was a real issue.  I'm pissed as well.

Yea sorry to hear that. And yes your situation totally warrants using streaming. People can stream anything the hell they want over the internet these days. Why sirius XM can't make that happen? who knows. I don't blame anyone who was planning to rely on the streaming option one bit. There are millions of streams on the internet right now. (good quality audio too I might add)


Quote from: onan on November 13, 2013, 04:21:42 PM
You don't know the full reason, none of us do. Your conjecture is noted and certainly has weight to it.

What doesn't have much weight is to claim you bought Sirius to listen to Art. I have no doubt that you wanted to listen to Art. But to remain a customer with a company that isn't providing what you pay for is on you, and completely your choice. I always wonder why anyone would pay for a year subscription to save a paltry few dollars. You must have had some faith and that faith was dashed... many of us feel the same way. What most of us have, for whatever reason is a willingness to believe more in Art Bell than Sirius. You can dislike that and call us some derisive version of fan if you must, but it doesn't help your argument.

You feel Bell was underhanded. OK, so what? If your goal is to walk away feeling superior, knock yourself out.

I listened to Art on the gabcast interview. I listen to people for a living. I have to make critical decisions for forensic reasons. I believe Art is truthful in his report. I also believe he could have handled things better. But it is all water under the bridge. It seems you want to stay angry and keep paying for what you don't want. Hope that serves you well.
I agree Onan. It is hard to believe that after this long people are still this bitter. Everything that needed to be said has been said. Now we are just sounding like a broken record.
I thought it was cool of Art to call up and talk you guys about it. Why we arent calming down is beyond me.


Quote from: Cynnie on November 13, 2013, 02:12:48 PM
Im thinking art should just do the podcast with you guys for awhile ..it would be fun
I'd pay to subscribe to that.  Unless Dave Noorie shows up again.


Because this was a bullshit move, Art is lying and we (I) are/am without moneyu for a service we/I ONLY signed up for to support Art.

Because you people are fine with smoke blown up your asses while fawning over your hero- I am not star struck. The guy is an asshole and a liar. A good interviewer, yes...But a total flake of a human being.

SO I will continue to bitch until I feel I have bitched enough. I held off until yesterday...Waiting to see if Arts Bullshit panned out.

He is gone. I and others are stuck with a sub and Art is lying. Thats why I am pissed.

"But oh noes, our deity only gives us truth..." Bullshit.


DarkP :

Sorry to break it to you, but Art is not lying. If you want you can go over to that other show and trust that guy. The guy that has now been proven to be a lying cheating scumbag slime ball. It's all up to you. No one else could be more true.


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on November 13, 2013, 03:55:19 PM
I didnt have those issues because I didnt stream.

But, if 'streaming' was the reason for canceling, there were actual 'Live streams' up during the show and the entire show was posted the next day (absent of Sirus, these were Pirated Streams- But they worked well...) would Arts fans support him anyhow.

So his fans cancelled because they couldnt stream and Art quit over streaming. leaving many of us 'holding the bag' after buying radios and subs JUST to support him.

The buildup lasted longer than the show....

The 'stream is an excuse. Granted there may have been some trouble with it (I dont know) but if it was all about 'streaming' why did Art ever go to Satelitte radio and not just run his own streaming service?? I am pretty sure I know the answer, as I said- he did this to give C2C a black eye and NOT for his fans. When he saw that wasnt going to happen RIGHT AWAY- he gave up.

Art, wanna buy me out of  my Sirius contract? I am not canceling since I made an agreement to pay and I ONLY made that agreement because YOU were returning. Its not Sirus's fault you quit- So what do I do with a year of PAID radio which I dont use? George is going to GIVE someone money for new glasses, I would like you to purchase my Sirius plan from me since I am not getting the content I paid for (not because of Sirius)...

Streaming is an "out" to save face. Satellite was a bad move to begin with.

Aert Bell is gone for good and to listen to the folks here its all because of evil Sirius and C2C and has nothing to do with Art quitting...Again...

Why would Art not believe that Sirius live streaming would not work at least as well as C2C? And if there were problems with Sirius streaming, why would it take them a year to fix it???? Why would they not take the deal Art offered them since he thinks his website could stream live, as do I? They basically gave C2C that deal. C2C streams live from their website for about $55/year.

Satellite could have been a good move if it had worked as expected. Personally, I was satisfied with on demand rather than live but I can understand why so many want to listen live ... as it happens from the high desert. I don't live reruns of most things but DM on demand suited me fine.

Maybe it was an out but I take Art at his word and understand why it would be unsatisfactory. Maybe Sirius never intended it to work out in the first place and if that is true, what does that do to your theory?

Quote from: nooryisawesome on November 13, 2013, 10:39:07 AM

Let Sirius know to #freeartbell from his noncompete clause:

Email: nonmgmtdirectors@siriusxm.com

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Quote from: Nighthawk on November 13, 2013, 04:36:26 PM
DarkP :

Sorry to break it to you, but Art is not lying. If you want you can go over to that other show and trust that guy. The guy that has now been proven to be a lying cheating scumbag slime ball. It's all up to you. No one else could be more true.
Dude, I trust Noory about as much as a cat in a Henhouse.

I am not on Noorys 'side' nor am I even taking sides...C2C sucks. It has sucked for many years. Its an infomercial for my Grandma OR a right wing militia Illuminati resistance circle jerk.

Art IS lying because his reasons make no sense (except to the religious Bell cultist's among you)

No. It doesnt make sense to break a contract, throw your fans under the bus and quit your job over streaming and cell phone calls after six weeks...Perhaps it makes sense to you- But...

This was the last gasp of Art Bell. Sadly... But he did this to himself and he is finished. Hope it was worth it over some streaming issues.


Quote from: dortmunder on November 13, 2013, 03:35:57 PM
Well, there goes my girlfriend. Thanks a lot, BellGab!!! No, just kidding. I fucked that up all on my own. Good thing, too. Now I can go back to doing what I want. Phew! What a week!
jazmunda's fault


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on November 13, 2013, 04:41:03 PM

Like I said, you seem to want to stay angry. I got nothing for you. I let it go. I don't care, I am powerless to change Art or Sirius.

I choose to like Art. It is really that simple.

Your choice to be where you are.


I had not problem getting a refund, Penguin. I have no idea why you won't try.


Quote from: onan on November 13, 2013, 04:44:42 PM
Like I said, you seem to want to stay angry. I got nothing for you. I let it go. I don't care, I am powerless to change Art or Sirius.

I choose to like Art. It is really that simple.

Your choice to be where you are.



Quote from: onan on November 13, 2013, 04:44:42 PM
Like I said, you seem to want to stay angry. I got nothing for you. I let it go. I don't care, I am powerless to change Art or Sirius.

I choose to like Art. It is really that simple.

Your choice to be where you are.
Yes,, we are powerless to change Art/Sirius/Noory and C2C (along with a plethora of other things) and 1000+ pages of "suck thread" proves that our opinions mean little.

But we still express them...Especially on forums...On the interweb... Which is kind of the point of a forum doncha think? Or is it only okay to express and bitch about things you agree are okay to bitch about?


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on November 13, 2013, 04:47:45 PM
Yes,, we are powerless to change Art/Sirius/Noory and C2C (along with a plethora of other things) and 1000+ pages of "suck thread" proves that our opinions mean little.

But we still express them...Especially on forums...On the interweb... Which is kind of the point of a forum doncha think? Or is it only okay to express and bitch about things you agree are okay to bitch about?

Is it just that you want to argue? I never suggested you stop bitching. I did suggest it is only impacting you. So again, your choice.


Quote from: onan on November 13, 2013, 04:44:42 PM
Like I said, you seem to want to stay angry. I got nothing for you. I let it go. I don't care, I am powerless to change Art or Sirius.

I choose to like Art. It is really that simple.

Your choice to be where you are.

What's that saying my grandmother had in needlepoint on her wall?  "...grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."  ;)


Quote from: DarKPenguiN on November 13, 2013, 04:41:03 PM

Art IS lying because his reasons make no sense (except to the religious Bell cultist's among you)

By "religious Bell cultists" I presume you mean:

1) Those who take what Art is saying at face value
2) Those who may be doubtful/skeptical but are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt
3) Those who may not believe him, but have given up fighting and bitching about it
4) Those who are simply over it and have let it go
5) Those who just disagree with you and/or don't want to argue for the sake of arguing, now that everything has pretty much been said and it's a waiting game

Did I miss anyone?

Needless to say, your lengthy and substantial postings here on this site (a whopping 19 posts since you first registered...yesterday) absolutely give your opinions the weight and credibility they deserve. Keep fighting the good fight, brother.


Quote from: Juan on November 13, 2013, 03:40:26 PM
The number of stream-issue deniers on this forum, particularly those who have registered since OCT (to quote George) 1, are interesting.
Some of them just registered yesterday, imagine that.  Because they're of the opinion that Art is lying, SiriusXM got screwed by him, C2C is brilliant, Art is never coming back.   Hell, they say, even if Art did come back, they wouldn't listen to him.   They don't give a shit what happens going forward, they say.  But they ARE going to stay here on Bellgab.com, THE Art Bell Fan Forum and spend pages and pages of posts arguing with those who disagree with them.  Weird.


Quote from: morphiaflow on November 13, 2013, 04:46:02 PM
I had not problem getting a refund, Penguin. I have no idea why you won't try.
I know I could get a refund... Many of you seem to have had easy success *(minus a $75 fee)- But that isnt really the issue to me (the money.)- I made a deal, a contract and I will honor it...

I am mad over the entire thing but honestly I think Sirius is the one who got screwed and I kinda feel bad for them- It isnt there fault Art quit and therefore my cancelling would be for reasons which they have no real control over...

Honestly I wouldnt even take Arts Money to buy out my contract (as I said) but it would have been a nice gesture. A few hundred dollars wont make or break me- But its the principal to me.

I am mostly angry about what I feel are lies (regardless of what has been said- I feel that way) and the fact that Art Bell is gone after I did all I could to support his show- For reasons I find suspect...And now we are stuck with snorge and the fading possibility of a good paranormal show. =(

-Thanks though. And you are correct.


Quote from: onan on November 13, 2013, 04:44:42 PM
Like I said, you seem to want to stay angry. I got nothing for you. I let it go. I don't care, I am powerless to change Art or Sirius.

I choose to like Art. It is really that simple.

Your choice to be where you are.


Quote from: morphiaflow on November 13, 2013, 04:52:00 PM
By "religious Bell cultists" I presume you mean:

1) Those who take what Art is saying at face value
2) Those who may be doubtful/skeptical but are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt
3) Those who may not believe him, but have given up fighting and bitching about it
4) Those who are simply over it and have let it go
5) Those who just disagree with you and/or don't want to argue for the sake of arguing, now that everything has pretty much been said and it's a waiting game

Did I miss anyone?

Needless to say, your lengthy and substantial postings here on this site (a whopping 19 posts since you first registered...yesterday) absolutely give your opinions the weight and credibility they deserve. Keep fighting the good fight, brother.
Thanks  ;D

Good to know I am winning hearts and minds.

Quote from: morphiaflow on November 13, 2013, 04:52:00 PM
By "religious Bell cultists" I presume you mean:

1) Those who take what Art is saying at face value
2) Those who may be doubtful/skeptical but are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt
3) Those who may not believe him, but have given up fighting and bitching about it
4) Those who are simply over it and have let it go
5) Those who just disagree with you and/or don't want to argue for the sake of arguing, now that everything has pretty much been said and it's a waiting game

Did I miss anyone?

6) Those who f5 stalk Noory's online status like giant creepers.
7) Those who wish death upon Noory, for really having nothing at all to do with Dark Matter ending. 
8) Those who throw a hissy fit at criticism of art and vulgarity, only to call Noory a whore and wish death upon him
9) Those who have seen Art quit every medium, but still think it's unreasonable to believe he really did it again.

I think that covers it.


Quote from: morphiaflow on November 13, 2013, 04:46:02 PM
I had not problem getting a refund, Penguin. I have no idea why you won't try.
Several people with subscriptions have posted that they called SiriusXM and were given refunds.  But some people would rather just camp out here on BellGab and howl at the moon.  Weird.


Quote from: lonevoice on November 13, 2013, 04:59:31 PM
Several people with subscriptions have posted that they called SiriusXM and were given refunds.  But some people would rather just camp out here on BellGab and howl at the moon.  Weird.

Yeah, honestly the only way to win is not to play.


Quote from: lonevoice on November 13, 2013, 04:59:31 PM
Several people with subscriptions have posted that they called SiriusXM and were given refunds.  But some people would rather just camp out here on BellGab and howl at the moon.  Weird.

Because we should punish Sirius because Art Bell CHOSE to walk off the job and break his contract...

But give Art a pass because its never his fault and he did nothing but try to be there for his fans until ebil Sirius and mustached super villein George Noory foiled his plans.

"And I would have gotten away with it too if not for you meddling kids!!!!!"


Quote from: dortmunder on November 13, 2013, 03:35:57 PM
Well, there goes my girlfriend. Thanks a lot, BellGab!!! No, just kidding. I fucked that up all on my own. Good thing, too. Now I can go back to doing what I want. Phew! What a week!
Did she meet up with some black eyed kids or get abducted by hybrids? :<

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