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The GabCast (A podcast about BellGab)

Started by onan, October 22, 2013, 06:30:19 PM


Quote from: Auslandia on February 06, 2016, 10:27:17 AM
It's the same guy. The whois identifies the author is that Gary weirdo.   In all honesty he, he might actually have a valid point but who in their right mind has the time or patience to sift through a 1995 Geocities-style rant of a site with 10 different font sizes & colors, videos and weird stills of Hoagie & crew?  On the phone he sounded intolerable to listen to as well.  There's no way anyone is gonna give that guy a mic unless he learns to be succinct & organizes his thoughts a little better.
Bath salts are a helluva drug.


Quote from: Auslandia on February 06, 2016, 10:27:17 AM
It's the same guy. The whois identifies the author is that Gary weirdo.   In all honesty he, he might actually have a valid point but who in their right mind has the time or patience to sift through a 1995 Geocities-style rant of a site with 10 different font sizes & colors, videos and weird stills of Hoagie & crew?  On the phone he sounded intolerable to listen to as well.  There's no way anyone is gonna give that guy a mic unless he learns to be succinct & organizes his thoughts a little better.

And pays $500

Quote from: Soylentblue on February 06, 2016, 08:05:18 AM
Hoagland might be nutty but Gary Leggiere is an absolute crazy.

I was searching for something to listen to last night on my internet radio and stopped at Late Night in the Midlands. At first I thought it was a repeat from weeks ago but then I heard Michael Vara talking about Art Bell on the Gabcast the night before.

The more I listen to these guys, paranormal radio the more convinced I am that they are ALL crazy.

Leggiere made it hard for Vara to get a word in edge wise.

Look for it, it's hilarious.

BTW MV is mentioned multiple times.

The whole show is up now:

Vara talks about it for the first 20 minutes, then has Leggiere on starting at 2 hrs. 21 mins.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Ciardelo on February 06, 2016, 10:21:36 AM
Can you please boil that thing down to an "elevator speech" oops, I mean "lift speech"?

Consider your audience please, we may not be on the specific medications you seem to employ.


I've had words with him about it before now; he should try to type up a synopsis so the average six year old can comprehend it. He loses a lot of the readers on here when he delves into reasonable adult level English. I'll tell him again.


Quote from: Auslandia on February 06, 2016, 11:37:49 AM
I would need at least that much to listen

MV might be able to rein him in a bit and get a couple of coherent sentences out of him.

I think onan should cohost. He can having a soothing effect.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 06, 2016, 11:45:53 AM
I've had words with him about it before now; he should try to type up a synopsis so the average six year old can comprehend it. He loses a lot of the readers on here when he delves into reasonable adult level English. I'll tell him again.
It's not the words he uses per se. It is the fact that I can hear his eyes bugging out when I read his rantings.  Perhaps he could try some of those tranquilizers they use for elephants?  Anything to slow him down so mere mortals can follow his train of thought.  He obviously feels strongly about whatever he is trying to convey.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on February 06, 2016, 10:18:51 AM
From reading the comments yesterday, it sounded like this show was going to be one huge disappointment. Although a lot of questions went unanswered, I think it was a bit more revealing than many people realised. First of all, it would have been uncomfortable and unfair to do any sort of interview that didn't give Art all the respect in the world for being such a great broadcaster. I have been listening to a few old Art shows recently, and he was peerless at what he did. They also, however, show that there crept in a certain lack of enthusiasam once he 'retired' back in the '90s, and I don't think he every really recaptured the glory days. Turning the GabCast into some sort of adversarial showdown would have done the man a disservice, because it's just a radio show, and it would have been out of place. But this was still an opportunity for Art to clear a few things up for his listeners.

When it came to the 'stalker' question I think you needed to read between the lines. Now that we have had the chance to hear him recount it, event by event, I don't think it's hard to see that he is using it as an excuse to stay off the air. The first 'event' could have been anything. If those shots were meant to be aimed at the house the 'stalker' must have the worst aim in the world. If they were meant to intimdate then they ought to have been seen by Art, which they weren't. It makes no sense, and the most obvious conclusion is that his neighbour got confused. It sounds like there was a lot of stuff going on that night, and she could have got caught up in the general hysteria along with Art. The second 'event' seems more credible until you remember that this was the man who also considered shooting a 'shadow person' in his home a few months before. Finally, the third 'event' has become a bit garbled with the telling. Art has forgotten that he told us that he heard a voice from the darkness telling him 'you were...', but that sounds like it has been dropped from the story now. Again, it could have been anything. It's a handy story because it's open-ended and doesn't have to rely on evidence. At the same time there is nothing whatsoever to back up his claim. If you think you have been shot at then you don't equivocate and say it might have been a firecracker. It was ironic that he later said that his reason for believing Bob Lazar was because his story never changed. You can believe Art's story, if you want; but I hope that the short bus has comfortable seating, because you are going to be riding it for a long time.

Art said he thinks he knows who it is, but didn't want to take out a restraining order. His reasoning was that it 'could make things worse'. How could it be worse when he has been driven from the airwaves because he fears for the safety of himself and his family? He later went on to say that the 'stalker' must be 'crazy'. So he refuses to do anything to prevent an insane person who is threatening the lives of his family, because it might make things worse? The reason that there has never been another incident is clearly because there doesn't need to be. There's no reason to believe that staying off the air is connected with his safety at all. All you need to do is look at Art's behaviour â€" not listen to his words â€" to see how seriously he is taking this 'stalker'. I don't think MV needed to bang the table over this, it was enough to leave the more intelligent listeners to figure it out for themselves.

I was disappointed in the whole Heather discussion (if you can call it that) but not surprised. I don't think you need to start by saying how wonderful you think she is, even if you believe it to be true (which I hope he doesn't). I wish someone would tell me why there is a code of silence around her (or 'Sister Heather of the Perpetual Meltdown', as she is known in the convent). The way some people talk about her I expect her to start turning water into wine pretty soon. I never found out how a total novice can be Art's 'first choice'. Art knows what it takes to succeed in broadcasting but he hands the show off to a total amateur. What. The. Fuck? I wish MV had asked why someone so inexperienced is also saddled with running the board and being her own producer. Couldn't Art dig into his jeans and get her some support if he's that keen for her to succeed? I thought Art's aside that 'she's done some good shows' was quite revealing. She's been doing this for two months, and the best he can say is that she's done 'some' good shows? How many, and which ones? The only way people talk about St Heather is polite euphemism. 'She's doing a great job under the circumstances' means that she's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. 'Heather's getting better' sounds like the sort of thing you say about a child in a remedial class. I took MV's comment that she could get a job on lots of radio stations to mean that 'there are lots of shitty broadcasters out there, and she isn't the worst'.   

Art said he wanted fellow BellGabbers to give Heather advice. Perhaps Bateman? I might suggest something along the lines of 'you are in the wrong job'. Putting Heather behind a mic long enough does not automatically turn her into a tolerable broadcaster, any more than attaching wheels and pedals to my grandmother transforms her into a bicycle. The fact is, even when she did the GabCast she wasn't very memorable, but it wasn't worth pointing out. When you regularly do a show with someone like b_dubb (who seemed to make it a point of professional pride to fuck a goat every single show) then anyone is going to look good in comparison. You could stick Terri Schiavo in there under those circumstances and she'd look like Rush Limbaugh. Yet, Art never had any doubts that this woman â€" totally inexperienced â€" could take over a show in an area of broadcasting that is notoriously difficult to make interesting these days. Preferred above someone like Howard Hughes, who has been doing that sort of show off and on for nearly two decades. If you can't get Art to answer those questions then you failed to do a proper job. You never know, he may have made a good stab at telling us what we are missing. Instead, all we got was that 'despite what you may have heard, she's doing a great job'. In other words, 'the audience doesn't like her, but I do. So there!'

I think the overall tone of the show was that Art's over it but he doesn't want to say it in so many words. There's no point criticising the man, but I wish he'd be a little straighter with the listeners and stop treating us like babies. He was also being disingenous about the show - saying that she should make it her own - if Heather needs all the bumper music to be pre-approved. The only reason that most people are continuing their subscriptions is simple inertia at the moment. If Art categorically stated that he was done with the show then we would see a sharp drop. He knows this, but is being duplicitous. This isn't adult behaviour. Neither is it smart to claim that Heather is 'carrying the network' in a dig at Hoagland. If Art announced tomorrow that he was quitting for good we'd soon see how capable Heather is of carrying anything. Art sounded lucid but he has also shown some deplorable judgement over the last months. Having the lunatic Leo Ashcraft fouling the airwaves with his news segment shows us that Art's sense of what is good on the air is defective these days, to say the least. His fussiness over basically irrelevant details like sub-optimal audio quality is another example of the way that his priorities have become skewed over the years. He was always a bit of an audio nut but this has developed into a neurosis.

So, we learned that Art's reason for staying off the air is, at best, thin. But we never found out why a total amateur is good enough to follow a broadcast legend. If he'd been challenged on this then he might have been able to put up a good case. But he wasn't, so we are none the wiser. As it is, I don't think many people would have been encouraged to retain their subscriptions, let along bring in new ones. It's not mean-spirited to ask these question, and it doesn't have to come across in a bad way, so it was an opportunity lost.
A very good assessment, SV.  I enjoyed listening to the cast.  Your analysis is similar to mine. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: whoozit on February 06, 2016, 12:11:48 PM
It's not the words he uses per se. It is the fact that I can hear his eyes bugging out when I read his rantings.  Perhaps he could try some of those tranquilizers they use for elephants?  Anything to slow him down so mere mortals can follow his train of thought.  He obviously feels strongly about whatever he is trying to convey.

Couple of points; That is hardly ranting, bloody hell the threshold for what constitutes a rant is ridiculously low if that is defined as such.

Secondly, if mere mortals can't follow the post they should reassess where English comes in their first/second language list. I've no degrees of any kind, let alone English language, but it makes sense to me.

Sure, the precis could be: "AB let off lightly, and he's a bit vague on the details; 'Heather' has ambitions above her ability, and for reasons we can only guess at, AB thinks she's grade A broadcasting material"; but SV's full post is more rounded and in-depth.


Groundhog day without the laughs = Thursdays show

Quote from: ItsOver on February 06, 2016, 12:16:31 PM
A very good assessment, SV.  I enjoyed listening to the cast.  Your analysis is similar to mine.

Ditto. The resident ferret puts words together real good.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on February 06, 2016, 10:18:51 AM
From reading the comments yesterday, it sounded like this show was going to be one huge disappointment. Although a lot of questions went unanswered, I think it was a bit more revealing than many people realised. First of all, it would have been uncomfortable and unfair to do any sort of interview that didn't give Art all the respect in the world for being such a great broadcaster. I have been listening to a few old Art shows recently, and he was peerless at what he did. They also, however, show that there crept in a certain lack of enthusiasam once he 'retired' back in the '90s, and I don't think he every really recaptured the glory days. Turning the GabCast into some sort of adversarial showdown would have done the man a disservice, because it's just a radio show, and it would have been out of place. But this was still an opportunity for Art to clear a few things up for his listeners.

When it came to the 'stalker' question I think you needed to read between the lines. Now that we have had the chance to hear him recount it, event by event, I don't think it's hard to see that he is using it as an excuse to stay off the air. The first 'event' could have been anything. If those shots were meant to be aimed at the house the 'stalker' must have the worst aim in the world. If they were meant to intimdate then they ought to have been seen by Art, which they weren't. It makes no sense, and the most obvious conclusion is that his neighbour got confused. It sounds like there was a lot of stuff going on that night, and she could have got caught up in the general hysteria along with Art. The second 'event' seems more credible until you remember that this was the man who also considered shooting a 'shadow person' in his home a few months before. Finally, the third 'event' has become a bit garbled with the telling. Art has forgotten that he told us that he heard a voice from the darkness telling him 'you were...', but that sounds like it has been dropped from the story now. Again, it could have been anything. It's a handy story because it's open-ended and doesn't have to rely on evidence. At the same time there is nothing whatsoever to back up his claim. If you think you have been shot at then you don't equivocate and say it might have been a firecracker. It was ironic that he later said that his reason for believing Bob Lazar was because his story never changed. You can believe Art's story, if you want; but I hope that the short bus has comfortable seating, because you are going to be riding it for a long time.

Art said he thinks he knows who it is, but didn't want to take out a restraining order. His reasoning was that it 'could make things worse'. How could it be worse when he has been driven from the airwaves because he fears for the safety of himself and his family? He later went on to say that the 'stalker' must be 'crazy'. So he refuses to do anything to prevent an insane person who is threatening the lives of his family, because it might make things worse? The reason that there has never been another incident is clearly because there doesn't need to be. There's no reason to believe that staying off the air is connected with his safety at all. All you need to do is look at Art's behaviour â€" not listen to his words â€" to see how seriously he is taking this 'stalker'. I don't think MV needed to bang the table over this, it was enough to leave the more intelligent listeners to figure it out for themselves.

I was disappointed in the whole Heather discussion (if you can call it that) but not surprised. I don't think you need to start by saying how wonderful you think she is, even if you believe it to be true (which I hope he doesn't). I wish someone would tell me why there is a code of silence around her (or 'Sister Heather of the Perpetual Meltdown', as she is known in the convent). The way some people talk about her I expect her to start turning water into wine pretty soon. I never found out how a total novice can be Art's 'first choice'. Art knows what it takes to succeed in broadcasting but he hands the show off to a total amateur. What. The. Fuck? I wish MV had asked why someone so inexperienced is also saddled with running the board and being her own producer. Couldn't Art dig into his jeans and get her some support if he's that keen for her to succeed? I thought Art's aside that 'she's done some good shows' was quite revealing. She's been doing this for two months, and the best he can say is that she's done 'some' good shows? How many, and which ones? The only way people talk about St Heather is polite euphemism. 'She's doing a great job under the circumstances' means that she's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. 'Heather's getting better' sounds like the sort of thing you say about a child in a remedial class. I took MV's comment that she could get a job on lots of radio stations to mean that 'there are lots of shitty broadcasters out there, and she isn't the worst'.   

Art said he wanted fellow BellGabbers to give Heather advice. Perhaps Bateman? I might suggest something along the lines of 'you are in the wrong job'. Putting Heather behind a mic long enough does not automatically turn her into a tolerable broadcaster, any more than attaching wheels and pedals to my grandmother transforms her into a bicycle. The fact is, even when she did the GabCast she wasn't very memorable, but it wasn't worth pointing out. When you regularly do a show with someone like b_dubb (who seemed to make it a point of professional pride to fuck a goat every single show) then anyone is going to look good in comparison. You could stick Terri Schiavo in there under those circumstances and she'd look like Rush Limbaugh. Yet, Art never had any doubts that this woman â€" totally inexperienced â€" could take over a show in an area of broadcasting that is notoriously difficult to make interesting these days. Preferred above someone like Howard Hughes, who has been doing that sort of show off and on for nearly two decades. If you can't get Art to answer those questions then you failed to do a proper job. You never know, he may have made a good stab at telling us what we are missing. Instead, all we got was that 'despite what you may have heard, she's doing a great job'. In other words, 'the audience doesn't like her, but I do. So there!'

I think the overall tone of the show was that Art's over it but he doesn't want to say it in so many words. There's no point criticising the man, but I wish he'd be a little straighter with the listeners and stop treating us like babies. He was also being disingenous about the show - saying that she should make it her own - if Heather needs all the bumper music to be pre-approved. The only reason that most people are continuing their subscriptions is simple inertia at the moment. If Art categorically stated that he was done with the show then we would see a sharp drop. He knows this, but is being duplicitous. This isn't adult behaviour. Neither is it smart to claim that Heather is 'carrying the network' in a dig at Hoagland. If Art announced tomorrow that he was quitting for good we'd soon see how capable Heather is of carrying anything. Art sounded lucid but he has also shown some deplorable judgement over the last months. Having the lunatic Leo Ashcraft fouling the airwaves with his news segment shows us that Art's sense of what is good on the air is defective these days, to say the least. His fussiness over basically irrelevant details like sub-optimal audio quality is another example of the way that his priorities have become skewed over the years. He was always a bit of an audio nut but this has developed into a neurosis.

So, we learned that Art's reason for staying off the air is, at best, thin. But we never found out why a total amateur is good enough to follow a broadcast legend. If he'd been challenged on this then he might have been able to put up a good case. But he wasn't, so we are none the wiser. As it is, I don't think many people would have been encouraged to retain their subscriptions, let along bring in new ones. It's not mean-spirited to ask these question, and it doesn't have to come across in a bad way, so it was an opportunity lost.

If anyone disagrees with any of this, I'd be curious to know which part(s) and why.

In addition to the 'shooter' no longer saying '''you were'', there were other problems with his storyline, but it's pointless to bring them up

I will say he is much better conveying his thoughts on air than he is in writing them.  Just not enough better to make it believable.


Quote from: Some Random Fat Dude in Missouri on February 06, 2016, 12:29:33 PM
Ditto. The resident ferret puts words together real good.
SV should place an excursion to the Chattooga River in his vacation plans.  It would be a guaranteed good time.

cosmic hobo

Quote from: SredniVashtar on February 06, 2016, 10:18:51 AM
From reading the comments yesterday, it sounded like this show was going to be one huge disappointment. Although a lot of questions went unanswered, I think it was a bit more revealing than many people realised. First of all, it would have been uncomfortable and unfair to do any sort of interview that didn't give Art all the respect in the world for being such a great broadcaster. I have been listening to a few old Art shows recently, and he was peerless at what he did. They also, however, show that there crept in a certain lack of enthusiasam once he 'retired' back in the '90s, and I don't think he every really recaptured the glory days. Turning the GabCast into some sort of adversarial showdown would have done the man a disservice, because it's just a radio show, and it would have been out of place. But this was still an opportunity for Art to clear a few things up for his listeners.

When it came to the 'stalker' question I think you needed to read between the lines. Now that we have had the chance to hear him recount it, event by event, I don't think it's hard to see that he is using it as an excuse to stay off the air. The first 'event' could have been anything. If those shots were meant to be aimed at the house the 'stalker' must have the worst aim in the world. If they were meant to intimdate then they ought to have been seen by Art, which they weren't. It makes no sense, and the most obvious conclusion is that his neighbour got confused. It sounds like there was a lot of stuff going on that night, and she could have got caught up in the general hysteria along with Art. The second 'event' seems more credible until you remember that this was the man who also considered shooting a 'shadow person' in his home a few months before. Finally, the third 'event' has become a bit garbled with the telling. Art has forgotten that he told us that he heard a voice from the darkness telling him 'you were...', but that sounds like it has been dropped from the story now. Again, it could have been anything. It's a handy story because it's open-ended and doesn't have to rely on evidence. At the same time there is nothing whatsoever to back up his claim. If you think you have been shot at then you don't equivocate and say it might have been a firecracker. It was ironic that he later said that his reason for believing Bob Lazar was because his story never changed. You can believe Art's story, if you want; but I hope that the short bus has comfortable seating, because you are going to be riding it for a long time.

Art said he thinks he knows who it is, but didn't want to take out a restraining order. His reasoning was that it 'could make things worse'. How could it be worse when he has been driven from the airwaves because he fears for the safety of himself and his family? He later went on to say that the 'stalker' must be 'crazy'. So he refuses to do anything to prevent an insane person who is threatening the lives of his family, because it might make things worse? The reason that there has never been another incident is clearly because there doesn't need to be. There's no reason to believe that staying off the air is connected with his safety at all. All you need to do is look at Art's behaviour â€" not listen to his words â€" to see how seriously he is taking this 'stalker'. I don't think MV needed to bang the table over this, it was enough to leave the more intelligent listeners to figure it out for themselves.

I was disappointed in the whole Heather discussion (if you can call it that) but not surprised. I don't think you need to start by saying how wonderful you think she is, even if you believe it to be true (which I hope he doesn't). I wish someone would tell me why there is a code of silence around her (or 'Sister Heather of the Perpetual Meltdown', as she is known in the convent). The way some people talk about her I expect her to start turning water into wine pretty soon. I never found out how a total novice can be Art's 'first choice'. Art knows what it takes to succeed in broadcasting but he hands the show off to a total amateur. What. The. Fuck? I wish MV had asked why someone so inexperienced is also saddled with running the board and being her own producer. Couldn't Art dig into his jeans and get her some support if he's that keen for her to succeed? I thought Art's aside that 'she's done some good shows' was quite revealing. She's been doing this for two months, and the best he can say is that she's done 'some' good shows? How many, and which ones? The only way people talk about St Heather is polite euphemism. 'She's doing a great job under the circumstances' means that she's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. 'Heather's getting better' sounds like the sort of thing you say about a child in a remedial class. I took MV's comment that she could get a job on lots of radio stations to mean that 'there are lots of shitty broadcasters out there, and she isn't the worst'.   

Art said he wanted fellow BellGabbers to give Heather advice. Perhaps Bateman? I might suggest something along the lines of 'you are in the wrong job'. Putting Heather behind a mic long enough does not automatically turn her into a tolerable broadcaster, any more than attaching wheels and pedals to my grandmother transforms her into a bicycle. The fact is, even when she did the GabCast she wasn't very memorable, but it wasn't worth pointing out. When you regularly do a show with someone like b_dubb (who seemed to make it a point of professional pride to fuck a goat every single show) then anyone is going to look good in comparison. You could stick Terri Schiavo in there under those circumstances and she'd look like Rush Limbaugh. Yet, Art never had any doubts that this woman â€" totally inexperienced â€" could take over a show in an area of broadcasting that is notoriously difficult to make interesting these days. Preferred above someone like Howard Hughes, who has been doing that sort of show off and on for nearly two decades. If you can't get Art to answer those questions then you failed to do a proper job. You never know, he may have made a good stab at telling us what we are missing. Instead, all we got was that 'despite what you may have heard, she's doing a great job'. In other words, 'the audience doesn't like her, but I do. So there!'

I think the overall tone of the show was that Art's over it but he doesn't want to say it in so many words. There's no point criticising the man, but I wish he'd be a little straighter with the listeners and stop treating us like babies. He was also being disingenous about the show - saying that she should make it her own - if Heather needs all the bumper music to be pre-approved. The only reason that most people are continuing their subscriptions is simple inertia at the moment. If Art categorically stated that he was done with the show then we would see a sharp drop. He knows this, but is being duplicitous. This isn't adult behaviour. Neither is it smart to claim that Heather is 'carrying the network' in a dig at Hoagland. If Art announced tomorrow that he was quitting for good we'd soon see how capable Heather is of carrying anything. Art sounded lucid but he has also shown some deplorable judgement over the last months. Having the lunatic Leo Ashcraft fouling the airwaves with his news segment shows us that Art's sense of what is good on the air is defective these days, to say the least. His fussiness over basically irrelevant details like sub-optimal audio quality is another example of the way that his priorities have become skewed over the years. He was always a bit of an audio nut but this has developed into a neurosis.

So, we learned that Art's reason for staying off the air is, at best, thin. But we never found out why a total amateur is good enough to follow a broadcast legend. If he'd been challenged on this then he might have been able to put up a good case. But he wasn't, so we are none the wiser. As it is, I don't think many people would have been encouraged to retain their subscriptions, let along bring in new ones. It's not mean-spirited to ask these question, and it doesn't have to come across in a bad way, so it was an opportunity lost.

Lucky for Art SV didn't have the balls to call in otherwise he would have really told him.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: cosmic hobo on February 06, 2016, 01:52:25 PM
Lucky for Art SV didn't have the balls to call in otherwise he would have really told him.

In the UK it was the small hours; but then, you knew that!  It's why SV presented several questions to MV to ask on his behalf, but they weren't asked.  ::)


I agree with pretty much all of the SV assessment. I could be wrong but I think when Art talks about something he can't take back the bridges he refers to that he burned are at the affiliates.  How many program directors had to say "but it'll different this time" and it wasn't.   The rank and file fans will come back to some degree if he does, just like after Sirius implosion. Our of loyalty or just selfish desire, they'd come back, myself included.  The bigger terrestrial stations probably not. I thought the affiliates weren't the goal but it seems that may not have totally been true. 


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 06, 2016, 12:22:05 PM
Couple of points; That is hardly ranting, bloody hell the threshold for what constitutes a rant is ridiculously low if that is defined as such.

Secondly, if mere mortals can't follow the post they should reassess where English comes in their first/second language list. I've no degrees of any kind, let alone English language, but it makes sense to me.

Sure, the precis could be: "AB let off lightly, and he's a bit vague on the details; 'Heather' has ambitions above her ability, and for reasons we can only guess at, AB thinks she's grade A broadcasting material"; but SV's full post is more rounded and in-depth.
Sorry, SV's post is fine.  Sredni's post are always well structured an logical.  It's hard to miss the point because he sometimes rubs your nose in it.  I had a brain cramp and thought I was responding about Hogie's stalker.  That guy is batshit crazy.  I hope this explains the confusion and stops you from wondering if I am getting drool all over my floors.

cosmic hobo

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 06, 2016, 01:54:40 PM

In the UK it was the small hours; but then, you knew that!  It's why SV presented several questions to MV to ask on his behalf, but they weren't asked.  ::)

And the Vagtard's white knight cums riding in.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on February 06, 2016, 10:18:51 AM
I was disappointed in the whole Heather discussion (if you can call it that) but not surprised. I don't think you need to start by saying how wonderful you think she is, even if you believe it to be true (which I hope he doesn't). I wish someone would tell me why there is a code of silence around her (or 'Sister Heather of the Perpetual Meltdown', as she is known in the convent). The way some people talk about her I expect her to start turning water into wine pretty soon. I never found out how a total novice can be Art's 'first choice'. Art knows what it takes to succeed in broadcasting but he hands the show off to a total amateur. What. The. Fuck? I wish MV had asked why someone so inexperienced is also saddled with running the board and being her own producer. Couldn't Art dig into his jeans and get her some support if he's that keen for her to succeed? I thought Art's aside that 'she's done some good shows' was quite revealing. She's been doing this for two months, and the best he can say is that she's done 'some' good shows? How many, and which ones? The only way people talk about St Heather is polite euphemism. 'She's doing a great job under the circumstances' means that she's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. 'Heather's getting better' sounds like the sort of thing you say about a child in a remedial class. I took MV's comment that she could get a job on lots of radio stations to mean that 'there are lots of shitty broadcasters out there, and she isn't the worst'.   

Art has a history of making momentous decisions impulsively and trying to shore them up later.  He pretty much admitted this with his quitting announcement.  I am sure both he and Heather know her selection was a matter of convenience.  But I don't for a minute expect Art to say so while she is still trying to make a go of it.

The code of silence you perceive (somewhere other than here, surely!) is the courtesy given someone trying to make the best of a shitty situation.  That's all.

So, two polite fictions of the kind that make the world go around.  No mystery there.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 06, 2016, 11:45:53 AM
I've had words with him about it before now; he should try to type up a synopsis so the average six year old can comprehend it. He loses a lot of the readers on here when he delves into reasonable adult level English. I'll tell him again.

Oh you guys.

Honestly, at this point continuing the argument over good Heather vs bad Heather and the nefarious dealings of Art is past dead horse pass. The only place left for that duel is behind ambush trail.

Quote from: onan on February 06, 2016, 02:12:37 PM
Oh you guys.

Honestly, at this point continuing the argument over good Heather vs bad Heather and the nefarious dealings of Art is past dead horse pass. The only place left for that duel is behind ambush trail.

eyup. thems the kind that just need to be strangled in their sleep.


Quote from: Ciardelo on February 06, 2016, 10:21:36 AM
Can you please boil that thing down to an "elevator speech" oops, I mean "lift speech"?

Consider your audience please, we may not be on the specific medications you seem to employ.


Sure thing Ciardelo!

Quote from: SredniVashtar on February 06, 2016, 10:18:51 AM
.TL:DR (too long/didn't read)

... so it was an opportunity lost.

Quote from: BellBoy on February 05, 2016, 08:26:31 AM
.MS:SHR ... ANT-SHE (much shorter/should have read ... and nearly twenty-six hours earlier)

... It was an opportunity, squandered.

You're welcome. ;)

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: cosmic hobo on February 06, 2016, 02:08:51 PM
And the Vagtard's white knight cums riding in.

He's my son from a messy liaison with a London Brothel Madam; of course I'll have his corner.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 06, 2016, 02:28:45 PM

He's my son from a messy liaison with a London Brothel Madam; of course I'll have his corner.

Someday, I hope to be a vagtard, and have someone come to my rescue.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: onan on February 06, 2016, 02:36:39 PM
Someday, I hope to be a vagtard, and have someone come to my rescue.

You have turbo mode; can't you be satisfied with that?

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 06, 2016, 02:28:45 PM

He's my son from a messy liaison with a London Brothel Madam; of course I'll have his corner.

I've long wondered about that, and now it all makes perfect sense.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on February 06, 2016, 02:39:49 PM
I've long wondered about that, and now it all makes perfect sense.

I'm taking an injunction out on you for hacking my flickr account. Seriously.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 06, 2016, 02:45:05 PM
I'm taking an injunction out on you for hacking my flickr account. Seriously.

You should be proud of the fruit of your loins! He's a fine looking boy who takes after his dad!

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on February 06, 2016, 02:49:02 PM
You should be proud of the fruit of your loins! He's a fine looking boy who takes after his dad!

There is a resemblance; but he's taller than I am, and he never stops reminding me. Little bastard.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 06, 2016, 02:28:45 PM

He's my son from a messy liaison with a London Brothel Madam; of course I'll have his corner.

Well as long as it wasn't Rotherham you should be in the clear.

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