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Started by ArtBellFan, April 08, 2008, 08:39:26 PM

Are some flying saucers extraterrestrial in origin?

8 (61.5%)
1 (7.7%)
Not Sure
4 (30.8%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: September 19, 2013, 09:57:21 PM

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: MV on June 12, 2013, 10:56:06 AM
i just finished thumbing through a billion threads to merge all of those that are UFO focused.  probably around 20 different threads ended up in the merge.  i find it amazing that even with that number of UFO threads being merged, the resulting mega-thread is only 6 pages long after over 5 years of this forum's existence.  i think this suggests UFOs are overblown in terms of being a topic people are interested in... even among those who are partial to "fringe" subject matter.
Indicative of the readership here having lives and not being mentally ill. For the most part.



Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 12, 2013, 11:06:22 AM
          Indicative of the readership here having lives and not being mentally ill. For the most part.


actually, perhaps this is the best way to look at it.  on the whole, coastgab's member base seems rather grounded.


Quote from: MV on June 12, 2013, 11:14:30 AM

actually, perhaps this is the best way to look at it.  on the whole, coastgab's member base seems rather grounded.
you've been successfully disinformed. move along. nothing to see here


Outside of ongoing individual reports, some "pictures" and C2C guest speculations there really is nothing newer than old John Leer interviews with Art to talk about. From Roswell to modern abduction reports it just seems to be a spinning wheel of redundant old hat.

Has it really come down to the individual saying "I know what I saw dammit"! perhaps minus the "dammit".

After all, I know what I saw, thank god my wife saw it too.

Yorkshire pud

Not if YT is anything to go by...There are dozens of (tongue firmly in cheek) genuine UFO sightings. Some really are UFO's. Insofar as they're unidentified flying objects; but that's a stretch from saying they're interstellar craft visiting little old us. The digital camera age has a lot to answer for too.. Because anyone is a photographer. They have no understanding of flare, aberrations, distortions or in fact anything that can effect an image. Look on YT to see how many 'two suns' videos there are.. There was one (from allegedly a pro film maker) who tried to convince his audience there were two suns in his video..This guy was allegedly university educated in photography!! How the hell he got his degree based on his bollox is anyone's guess. His tutors should be sacked and the person marking his work relegated to street sweeping if that is the level of his understanding.

rant over..  :)


I think for something like this it has always been about personal experience. I'm skeptical and were it not for more own experiences I would probably be one of those hardcore non believers that are so  sure they know all the answers to all the questions


Anyone know if there's been any recent research into the abduction phenomenon? David Jacobs' site doesn't appear to have been updated in a while, and, well, Budd Hopkins is no longer with us.. Or John Mack... Or Karla Turner...


Quote from: bateman on August 09, 2013, 09:43:08 PM
Anyone know if there's been any recent research into the abduction phenomenon?
Whitley Strieber has some other guests on alien abduction on his Dreamland internet show regularly.


Quote from: Morgus on August 09, 2013, 11:24:07 PM
Whitley Strieber has some other guests on alien abduction on his Dreamland internet show regularly.

Thanks, I'll have to check that out.

Uncle Duke

Noory's guest this past Friday, a young guy named Greenewald, was one of the better UFO types he's had on-air in a long time.  He's spent the last 17 years sending Freedom of Information Act requests to numerous government agencies about multiple subjects, but UFOs are his primary interest.  He's accumulated over 700000 pages of data, all posted on his website "The Black Vault".

Why do I think he's good?  First, the guy is a trooper, been doing this for over half his life.  He also clearly understands the FOIA process.  He's not one of those whinny nutjobs who say stuff like, "I wrote the White House asking for all their secret information on giants, but they didn't send me anything.  They are covering something up."  He talked about understanding why some documents can't be released, especially those whose release could affect the nation's security.  He did allow the process could be frustrating, but he wasn't irrational about conspiracies and the like.  Late in the interview, he made his best comment of the show when he talked about accepting the FOIA process was developed by the government, officiated by the government, and juried by the government.  Bottom line, you have to learn their rules, understand those rules, and play by those rules.  It's like understanding you can't run straight to second base in baseball when you hit the ball.

It was also refreshing to hear a guest who wasn't hyping a book/CD set and/or begging for money.  In fact, everything this guy does is available to the public at no cost.  What's not to like about "Free"?


Quote from: MV on June 12, 2013, 11:14:30 AM

actually, perhaps this is the best way to look at it.  on the whole, coastgab's member base seems rather grounded.

Ufo subject has been driven into the ground. Completely overdone.

And there's no real new information there. Some quasi interesting sightings and a lot of bs.


Thanks for your UFO posts in the supernatural thread.  The UFO topic is my personal favorite!

I've not personally seen one of the triangles, but I would also tend to think that it is some sort of experimental aircraft.  Second hand (seen by someone living next to one of our AFBs... fyi, I'm Canadian) I have heard that they are completely silent, a kind of silence that muffles other sounds.  Weird, but there you go.


That is an amazing clip.  I have seen others along that line on YouTube that are similar.  Will we ever know? 
I would like to know about the South American sightings around the volcanos near Quito.  That is some strange stuff with credible reporters and film.  Anyone have info on it?


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 12, 2013, 11:06:22 AM
          Indicative of the readership here having lives and not being mentally ill. For the most part.


For what its worth I found this pdf file on astronauts having their memories tampered with.

www.kathleenmcerlain.com/resources/Have Astronauts Minds Been Erased.pdf

I don't know why it shows up as the above.

I was able to find it on the net.

When I googled it, this came up and I clicked on the link and it worked.

I typed in the below to find the results.

memory lapses by astronauts who went to the moon

About 8,000,000 results (0.27 seconds)
Search Results

    Have Astronauts Minds Been Erased
    being able to witness what goes on on the Moon and in space. Is this why certain astronauts are experiencing a significant loss of memory when it comes to their.
    You visited this page on 9/22/13.


obviously all of their memories were altered because none of them partnered with Nike in order to market a brand of athletic shoe



any update on AldousBurbank's sighting?


"Only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity." - Marshall McLuhan


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 24, 2014, 05:01:16 AM

It grates on me when they call this stuff 'near miss'.. If it nearly missed, it stands that it collided.

rant over.
That's my rant, too. Idiots.


Quote from: b_dubb on January 01, 2014, 09:05:52 PM
"Only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity." - Marshall McLuhan


Quote from: bateman on January 28, 2014, 06:01:42 PM
That's a good find bateman.  Carl Day was a respected TV journalist in the Dayton, OH area.  I've heard a lot of stories from different people over the years and who knows if any are true.  But the idea of fabricating a story about an alien jaw bone is pretty strange.


Wow, some stuff in that documentary I have never seen nor heard before.  Thanks for the link Bateman.

Uncle Duke

Quote from: b_dubb on March 10, 2014, 08:48:02 PM

Is this for real? Or bs?

The Sky Dreadnought is the most advanced military weapons system in the history of human existence. Nothing on the face of the earth can even come close to comparing. The ship, a long, cigar-shaped craft, is almost 3,000 feet long, about the length of three aircraft carriers.

Sounds legit to me.  I just wonder where they land and hangar that big rascal. 

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