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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM

Quote from: Value Of Pi on January 20, 2016, 11:11:21 PM
Yes, but kind of interesting from a business point of view. The station is paying nothing for the content, so any ad time they do sell is pure profit. But if the ratings stink, who cares because your ad rates tank and nobody wants the time anyway. Welcome to radio, Heather. Show 'em what you got.

I agree with you about the business side of taking her on. It won't hurt them if they give her the ole' college try.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on January 20, 2016, 11:06:00 PM
Anyone think Art gave some classified info about future plans to 560 KLZ and they decided to pick up the show because of this secret info?
No, he likely gave them some classified cash to pick up the show, for the sole purpose of BellGab seeing the announcement.

Oink oink, any sweet man tantrums yet? Thanks little piggies LOL.  Also, that gif is rad.


Quote from: Royal_Tenenbaum on January 21, 2016, 12:26:11 AM
Oink oink, any sweet man tantrums yet? Thanks little piggies LOL.  Also, that gif is rad.

he hasn't posted all day lol, art must have called him off

Quote from: norland2424 on January 20, 2016, 11:06:56 PM
Aka his comeback in the next 30 days..

Probably sooner than that.  Most radio contracts are done monthly.


Quote from: henge0stone on January 20, 2016, 04:30:34 PM
Art's facebook comment was unnecessary. How many times are you gonna complain about trolls? Yeah some of the shit was said about you but the fact of the matter is most people who visit bellgab are Art Bell fans one way or another.

The trolls that hate on Art don't care what he said about them, but now he is just blaming the forum for everything, his not coming back, Heather not coming back ect. How about you focus on the FANS on the forum and not just the trolls, which btw did you really think quitting for 7th time would go over well? Art Bell just doesn't give a shit as he is now dissing the forum that helped him the most and contains his most hardcore fans.

Art knows he is never coming back to radio so he just wants to burn every single last bridge on the way out.
So he makes childish little posts on facebook about BellGab and its members.
Possibly even trying to hurt the revenue of the site.

A forum where the majority of its posters supported him and his most recent comeback(s).
Without this forum it would not have been near as smooth, perhaps even impossible, for him to return and have an actual chance at having the last laugh at Noory and the gang.

If he truly wanted to return he would have done so by now with all the heat MITD and DMDN is facing.
He has had loads of time now to get his shit together.
But nothing.
He just lurks behinds the scenes still loving that monthly deposit into his paypal account  8) while being a little bitch whining and complaining about trolls... wahhhh!!

Big boy pants are located on aisle 7 Art. Buy a few, I'm sure it won't set you back any  :P

At least we still got Richard C. Hoagland  ;D Even his show outlasted Art haha


Quote from: novat0 on January 20, 2016, 12:04:42 PM
Does anyone else suspect that redacted's "I'm just keeping the seat warm for Art" statements come from a position of wanting to preserve subscribers as opposed to legitimately communicating that she is just filling in on "Art's show"?

In my cynical moments, I suspect that's being said by Heather just to keep subscribers; keep them on in the  hopes that Art will return eventually (like "when the stalker is caught").  Now Keith has this new commercial which basically dangles the carrot that Art might return.  If they both know he won't, they're low people.


Quote from: Freyja on January 20, 2016, 06:46:54 PM

You may just have hit the bulls eye here.....is it possible that Art is dazzled and impressed by her vocal performance outside of MITD? ;)



Quote from: Paper*Boy on January 20, 2016, 10:06:23 PM
Oh yes, let's all rush out and help Art.

It would be too good if she left DMDN and did her thing elsewhere.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on January 20, 2016, 10:51:45 PM
5,000 watt day/night station. I checked the FCC site. Interesting (to me, anyway) that the reason I never listened to a station below 570 is that (if 560 is representative of this end of the band) they are all, as I suspected, low power and mostly day only or night only. If you were driving around, you would be hard pressed to find one of these stations and stay tuned to it.

Radio stuff for those who really like radio.


Remember it's a new day for terrestrial radio, and many (if not most) also offer live streaming. Listeners are no longer limited to car radio range, just plug in your phone and stream in the car or anywhere. See the comments at their website from listeners in Poland and Greece.

On their stream now is someone interviewing former Gov Perry of Texas from what sounds like a Shooting/Gun convention in Las Vegas.  He sounds like a giddy teen cheering for second amendment rights.  UFOs and guns...Yee-Haw!


Quote from: coaster on January 20, 2016, 10:51:34 PM
Yes, but that is so stupid. Revenge against the folks who went out of their way to help him. It's absurd.
I think what upset me most is when Art said "That place that was once filled with what we thought were friends now sadly is just filled with blind evil, people who create lies and then find ways to build on them. I understand that many of you have no idea what I am talking about, be thankful you don't."
Be thankful that you don't know about Bellgab? You mean the site that helped you? What a fucking butthead.
I was pretty much done before that post... But that one really made me realize what is wrong with the whole situation.

First off, I don't consider myself to be one of his "defenders" or "white knights" by any stretch.  However, I watched a number of posters defend him over and over.  For Art to not blunt that statement by adding a line like "barring a few good members..." kind of throws out the babies with the bathwater.  No, I'm not personally offended as I consider myself more bathwater than baby.

I suppose I was just surprised that there was no exception made, no blunting the words and no acknowledgement that maybe there are still a few good (albeit) misguided members.

Oh well.  I suppose when I spent my day playing politics and trying to avoid needlessly offending people the lack of qualifications on that statement struck me as kind of odd...


Quote from: paladin1991 on January 20, 2016, 11:15:43 PM
But, we already did contact....I mean, we already worked that bolt....we ..... we listened to the roll call of affiliates that were joining the Bellgab army...the panzers were rolling baby....we witnessed the fall of a good portion of the West coast to the Bell army .....we were gonna take it all....we were gonna take back the night.....after a day on the front lines, we'd gather by the fires and .....And then......

And then.....

Very bittersweet....both the sentiment and the song.  And very true.


Quote from: ziznak on January 20, 2016, 09:52:29 PM
Who in their right mind hands this man a live baby?
Particularly knowing that her prefers them dead? ;)

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on January 21, 2016, 01:00:22 AM

Remember it's a new day for terrestrial radio, and many (if not most) also offer live streaming. Listeners are no longer limited to car radio range, just plug in your phone and stream in the car or anywhere. See the comments at their website from listeners in Poland and Greece.

On their stream now is someone interviewing former Gov Perry of Texas from what sounds like a Shooting/Gun convention in Las Vegas.  He sounds like a giddy teen cheering for second amendment rights.  UFOs and guns...Yee-Haw!

True about plugging in your phone and streaming. The other side of the coin, for radio stations and all other content providers, is that the listener can now choose from thousands of stations and other sources of programming. So, if your driving around looking for something on your "radio," will you listen to MITD or something better? With Art on the show, it's one situation; with Heather, it's another.

I still like listening to what's out there on the airwaves, whenever I can.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: WOTR on January 21, 2016, 01:06:25 AM
I was pretty much done before that post... But that one really made me realize what is wrong with the whole situation.

First off, I don't consider myself to be one of his "defenders" or "white knights" by any stretch.  However, I watched a number of posters defend him over and over.  For Art to not blunt that statement by adding a line like "barring a few good members..." kind of throws out the babies with the bathwater.  No, I'm not personally offended as I consider myself more bathwater than baby.

I suppose I was just surprised that there was no exception made, no blunting the words and no acknowledgement that maybe there are still a few good (albeit) misguided members.

Oh well.  I suppose when I spent my day playing politics and trying to avoid needlessly offending people the lack of qualifications on that statement struck me as kind of odd...

You're right, it's very odd that he wouldn't even recognize those BGers who were "loyal" to the last -- or at least fought back the temptation to voice the kinds of doubts others were voicing. At some point, he may just walk back his blanket condemnation a tad. Art being Art.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on January 21, 2016, 01:18:13 AM
True about plugging in your phone and streaming. The other side of the coin, for radio stations and all other content providers, is that the listener can now choose from thousands of stations and other sources of programming. So, if your driving around looking for something on your "radio," will you listen to MITD or something better? With Art on the show, it's one situation; with Heather, it's another.

I still like listening to what's out there on the airwaves, whenever I can.

Yes, radio competition is fierce.  Terrestrial or streaming, big or small, content has to be high-quality and unique.  And I agree about the airwaves :) ...great memories of long road trips, turning that dial to find Art's show on different stations along the way. (Sigh)


Quote from: Value Of Pi on January 21, 2016, 01:28:18 AM
You're right, it's very odd that he wouldn't even recognize those BGers who were "loyal" to the last -- or at least fought back the temptation to voice the kinds of doubts others were voicing. At some point, he may just walk back his blanket condemnation a tad. Art being Art.

He'll be back. The man can't stay away.


Well, okay, but yours isn't a realistic example.

Quote from: WOTR on January 21, 2016, 01:06:25 AM
... I suppose I was just surprised that there was no exception made, no blunting the words and no acknowledgement that maybe there are still a few good (albeit) misguided members...

That's what narcissist's do.  He's not concerned about anyone else.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on January 21, 2016, 01:18:13 AM
I still like listening to what's out there on the airwaves, whenever I can.
I am almost ashamed to admit it- but I still generally am tuned to AM.  Even when Art came back I generally could not be bothered to pull him up and stream him if I were in my truck (at home the computer almost always had him on.)

Tonight it is silent.  No radio, no stream, no "entertainment " at all.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Lt.Uhura on January 21, 2016, 01:30:12 AM
Yes, radio competition is fierce.  Terrestrial or streaming, big or small, content has to be high-quality and unique.  And I agree about the airwaves :) ...great memories of long road trips, turning that dial to find Art's show on different stations along the way. (Sigh)

It was, and still is, a great feeling when you're losing the signal and get it back just in time to hear something good. You don't get that gradual fade with cellular (or satellite, I guess). And picking up stations from thousands of miles away, that's a kick. Long live AM! FM, too.


Quote from: Jackstar on January 21, 2016, 01:38:58 AM
Well, okay, but yours isn't a realistic example.
But if found it on the internet- and they made a movie featuring it.  Now we are going down the road of questioning if a cartoon can represent reality better than real people captured on film.  I have spent far too long pondering this image in the past to go down that road again.


Quote from: coaster on January 20, 2016, 06:15:39 PM
I don't need her life story, but it would be nice to know some things. And this isnt just some show, it's Art's, a show I've listened to for decades now. It would be nice to know what redeeming qualities this mediocre person has that caused Art to drop everything and hand the show to her. God forbid I turn on some new show in the future to hear another anonymous person and find out I'm listening to fucking casio. So yes, knowing something about a person would be great. They ask for paid subscribers, they ask for advertisers to pay for ad time. Might as well  hand your money to some crazy homeless person, you know as much about them as you do the host of mitd. People deserve to know who the hell they are listening to.

I agree.  If I'm to respect the opinions proffered up by the host during the course of the show, I need to know something about the host's background in order to give any creedance to those opinions.


Quote from: Faustina on January 21, 2016, 02:14:02 AM
I need to know something about the host's background

You do know something about the host's background: it's (redacted).

I honestly don't know how people are not putting this all together. Is it too obvious? Is it the fluoride?

- .... . ... . / -.. --- - ... / .--. .-. .- -.-. - .. -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / -.-. --- -. -. . -.-. - / - .... . -- ... . .-.. ...- . ...


Quote from: malachi.martini on January 20, 2016, 01:46:37 PM

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

This made hot tea come out my nose.  Ouch! 

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