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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Unlike Ian, George has no idea how to mine a topic or a guest. Too busy rushing thru his index cards with his standard questions....."When did you get interested in this?", "What's going on out there?", and "People are interested in this stuff, aren't they?". Idiot.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: El Kragen on October 19, 2011, 11:08:32 AM

Seriously...It's awful. Why does he do that? Pure laziness. He can't carry the show so he uses the callers as filler. It's like being forced into listening to "those ophen lines!"

      Noory should be in sports radio, where ninnies like JT The Brick just let their proto-simian callers ramble endlessly.


Noory's really benefiting from a strong crop of heavy-weight authors on book tour lately.  I can't recall a string like this before...Buchanan, Chopra, Lindsey, Von Danikan; in less than two weeks...very mainstream compared to the typical fringe paranormal/New Agers whom I assume are mostly self-published.  Lucky for him these were seasoned major authors who know how to control the interview so he couldn't dumb it down. 

I do wish though, that Noory had had the balls to rip into Hal Lindsey and his End Times nonsense.  He's made a fortune keeping fundamentalists hooked by ignoring all major history events from AD 100 to 1980 and linking the rantings of Revelations only to our times. 

Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on October 19, 2011, 02:09:47 PM
Unlike Ian, George has no idea how to mine a topic or a guest. Too busy rushing thru his index cards with his standard questions....."When did you get interested in this?", "What's going on out there?", and "People are interested in this stuff, aren't they?". Idiot.

'How arre yew?'  'Whut's nexcht for yew?'  'Where can people get your book?'  'Give us yer website address.'  'Sumpthin's happenin' out there, do yew feel it?'  'Ok, are yew ready for sum callers?...'

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on October 19, 2011, 02:14:57 PM
      Noory should be in sports radio, where ninnies like JT The Brick just let their proto-simian callers ramble endlessly.

Oh god.  Imagine if instead of trying to copy Art Bells show, St Louis George 'Thuh Dumbhawk' Noori had decided on a sports show.

He could tell thuh lissners about how innerected he's been in sports his whole life, then go on to not watch a single game, not read anything about the topic, compile a stack of index cards with comments he thinks go well with any sports conversation, get a fat dumb brown-nosing call screener-producer...

George:  'There were a lot of games this week, weren't there?'  'Yuh jest never know whut's gonna happen, whutta yuh thinks gonna happen next?'  'Some of these players are pretty good, right?'  'Yuh know, I think they shud play all thuh games all year around.  Why Not!!'  'I've alluhs wondered why they don't play some of my favorite games on TV, like 4 square, tag, red rover, kick-thuh-can, when I useta play hide-n-seek, they never found MEE, haw, haw, haw haw...'

George could read off a list of injuries at the beginning of the show relishing in the excruciating details, he'd try to schedule cheerleaders for in-studio interviews and be creepily drooling all over them..  and the rest of us would still have our show, and never have even heard of George Noori.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 19, 2011, 05:17:04 PM

Oh god.  Imagine if instead of trying to copy Art Bells show, St Louis George 'Thuh Dumbhawk' Noori had decided on a sports show.

He could tell thuh lissners about how innerected he's been in sports his whole life, then go on to not watch a single game, not read anything about the topic, compile a stack of index cards with comments he thinks go well with any sports conversation, get a fat dumb brown-nosing call screener-producer...

George:  'There were a lot of games this week, weren't there?'  'Yuh jest never know whut's gonna happen, whutta yuh thinks gonna happen next?'  'Some of these players are pretty good, right?'  'Yuh know, I think they shud play all thuh games all year around.  Why Not!!'  'I've alluhs wondered why they don't play some of my favorite games on TV, like 4 square, tag, red rover, kick-thuh-can, when I useta play hide-n-seek, they never found MEE, haw, haw, haw haw...'

George could read off a list of injuries at the beginning of the show relishing in the excruciating details, he'd try to schedule cheerleaders for in-studio interviews and be creepily drooling all over them..  and the rest of us would still have our show, and never have even heard of George Noori.
sports fans would go berserk.  you'd never hear the end of it.  just the though of his shittiness would send people into a rage spiral


 Interesting to note KMOX 1120 am in St. Louis, does NOT carry C2C? Perhaps they knew something we did not? Again in the sports vien go to you tube and listen to anything by Les Miles. He is George Noory


My favorite Noory Stupidity in the Von Daniken interview:

Von Daniken:  "Please excuse my English.  I don't use it often.  I mainly speak in German."

Noory:  Haw-haw ... "No, you speak English better than most PEOPLE." (emphasis his)

Von Daniken:  pause ... heh heh  ???


I have noticed a paradox about Noory that I haven't quite resolved in my mind...

Have you ever noticed that a guest or caller will merely mention some obscure reference, and the Gorchmeister will manage to cite the author and book title almost immediately, or some sundry other fact or event? It seems his recall is really quite good. Thus, the paradox because this is despite all of his ongoing failures that I don't need to detail here.

The skeptic in me wonders, especially with callers who have been screened with a HEPA filter, if the info he needs to refer to is sitting there on the computer screen for him to read and create the illusion of intelligence. But this explanation is hard to apply to guests because knowing what they may refer to is harder to predict and prepare for over the course of an interview that lasts a couple of hours.

Another thought I had is perhaps Gorn is demonstrating signs of senility, one symptom of which, I believe, is enhanced recall of past events, but being unable to follow the thread of things going on in the present. But since I never heard him during his Nightsquawk days, it's difficult to know how much he might've degenerated over the years.

So, to use a computer analogy, maybe it's a matter of him having a big hard drive, but an itsy-bitsy teeny-weenie little processor.

Or, how about this one? Is it possible that this man is some kind of, dare I speculate, an evil genius?! What better gatekeeper could there be, but a man who possesses the intelligence to constantly dumb-down and misdirect guests, callers and the audience, to the point that anything of value is nearly impossible to discern? On the whole, such a host would be better than someone who is genuinely stupid because even a stupid person might occasionally slip up and let some light in. I think there is some merit in this hypothesis.

Odds that he only paruses guest information and takes most of his questions from fastblasts?
Also, when I wasn't boycotting that effeminant disinformation agent, I swear that I could hear his mouse clicking constantly. There's not way he can listen to the guest, decipher and analyze the comment, and formulate a valid reposnse relavent to the topic on hand while surfing the internet. I suppose those clicks could have been attributed to the opening & closing of fastblasts, but that would further back up my analysis and theory.


Noory and his staff are obviously using google constantly during the show.
He has no magic memory, its all just from google. But it distracts from concentrating on the interview and is probably the reason he asks questions later that were already answered earlier during the show...

Quote from: Morgus on October 20, 2011, 02:52:23 AM
Noory and his staff are obviously using google constantly during the show...

One screen for google, one for wikipedia, one for watching movie trailers, one for celeb gossip. 

There is a bit of a delay before George breathlessly jumps back into the conversation with his factoid, generally the guest has moved on to a different topic by the time George finds something to bring up

Guest:  'We arrived at our hotel in Paris...'

(George stops listening and enters Paris in Wikipedia)

Guest (continuing):  '... when our contact arranged to meet us and introduce us to the person that would eventually lead us to King Solomon's mines...'

George (interrupting):  'Didjuh know that with the antenna the Ef, uh, Effull Tower is over 1000 feet high.  That's way up there, isn't it?'


Quote from: Morgus on October 20, 2011, 02:52:23 AM
Noory and his staff are obviously using google constantly during the show.
He has no magic memory, its all just from google. But it distracts from concentrating on the interview and is probably the reason he asks questions later that were already answered earlier during the show...
Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 20, 2011, 03:47:32 AM
There is a bit of a delay before George breathlessly jumps back into the conversation with his factoid...

     It's gotta be google.

Quote from: Scully on October 20, 2011, 12:04:18 AM
My favorite Noory Stupidity in the Von Daniken interview:

Von Daniken: "Please excuse my English. I don't use it often. I mainly speak in German."

Noory: Haw-haw ... "No, you speak English better than most PEOPLE." (emphasis his)

Von Daniken: pause ... heh heh  ???

     Yeah.  As opposed to...orangutans?  Parrots?
*     *     *
     Tonight George was talking about some old radio guy that had on "whacked out guest, just like coast to coast."  Truth Seeker's feelings revealed.  He also switched up the format a bit with news, a short segment with diabetes guy, Jeff O'Connell, open lines, then Carla Wills-Brandon with "deathbed visions".  She was interesting, George was relatively engaged, not too idiotic, and all in all an ok show.  It happens.

So, yet another guest dealing in the topic of death?

M Knight

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 20, 2011, 03:47:32 AM

One screen for google, one for wikipedia, one for watching movie trailers, one for celeb gossip. 

There is a bit of a delay before George breathlessly jumps back into the conversation with his factoid, generally the guest has moved on to a different topic by the time George finds something to bring up

Guest:  'We arrived at our hotel in Paris...'

(George stops listening and enters Paris in Wikipedia)

Guest (continuing):  '... when our contact arranged to meet us and introduce us to the person that would eventually lead us to King Solomon's mines...'

George (interrupting):  'Didjuh know that with the antenna the Ef, uh, Effull Tower is over 1000 feet high.  That's way up there, isn't it?'

I've actually heard Nooron feverishly pecking away at a computer keyboard as a guest was talking.  Soon after he blurts out a delicious non-sequitor that continues to define himself as the Master of Broadcast Disaster.


Quote from: M Knight on October 20, 2011, 06:11:16 AM

I've actually heard Nooron feverishly pecking away at a computer keyboard as a guest was talking.  Soon after he blurts out a delicious non-sequitor that continues to define himself as the Master of Broadcast Disaster.

Well, if you've never heard of the guy, check out Rob McConnell. He broadcasts out of Canada on The X-Zone. 90s much? The shows are on iTunes last I checked. And I swear to God on High, he is actually worse than George. You mentioned hearing George on the keyboard, but with RM you can hear the distinct typing click-clack like he's clog dancing or some such. I once heard him with a guest who took a very different stance from the mainstream Christian view of hell and damnation. The man spent several minutes parsing the Scriptural references, lucidly and explicitly explaining who would be saved and who would be damned, and why they would meet the reward or punishment they were dealt. Only to be followed up with an RM question, "Who will go to hell?"

I wrote this chap an email telling him that he basically sucks, only to get a reply that he was going to report me to the Hamilton Ontario police.

Lesson: as bad as it is, it could be worse.

Lovely Bones

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 20, 2011, 03:47:32 AM

One screen for google, one for wikipedia, one for watching movie trailers, one for celeb gossip. 

There is a bit of a delay before George breathlessly jumps back into the conversation with his factoid, generally the guest has moved on to a different topic by the time George finds something to bring up

Guest:  'We arrived at our hotel in Paris...'

(George stops listening and enters Paris in Wikipedia)

Guest (continuing):  '... when our contact arranged to meet us and introduce us to the person that would eventually lead us to King Solomon's mines...'

George (interrupting):  'Didjuh know that with the antenna the Ef, uh, Effull Tower is over 1000 feet high.  That's way up there, isn't it?'

You have the whole scenario down pat.

He reminds me of a kid who has all the answers written on various parts of his body, who then, trying to look smart in class, reads from his palm when he should have been reading from his elbow. 

That's way up there, indeed. 

M Knight

Quote from: Galaga on October 20, 2011, 06:34:36 AM
Well, if you've never heard of the guy, check out Rob McConnell. He broadcasts out of Canada on The X-Zone. 90s much? The shows are on iTunes last I checked. And I swear to God on High, he is actually worse than George. You mentioned hearing George on the keyboard, but with RM you can hear the distinct typing click-clack like he's clog dancing or some such. I once heard him with a guest who took a very different stance from the mainstream Christian view of hell and damnation. The man spent several minutes parsing the Scriptural references, lucidly and explicitly explaining who would be saved and who would be damned, and why they would meet the reward or punishment they were dealt. Only to be followed up with an RM question, "Who will go to hell?"

I wrote this chap an email telling him that he basically sucks, only to get a reply that he was going to report me to the Hamilton Ontario police.

Lesson: as bad as it is, it could be worse.

I've evolved to the point where I now judge the Nooron on how fantastically excellently he screws everything up.  This casts more of a positive light on the process of truly appreciating all of his massive, numerous, exquisite errors.  I am rarely disappointed, and walk away from most of his shows with a deep sense of respect for someone who can so consistently use daisey-cutter-like incisiveness with guests and the audience.  Bravo.


Quote from: Galaga on October 20, 2011, 06:34:36 AM
Well, if you've never heard of the guy, check out Rob McConnell.

I'll listen to a couple of his podcasts, but it'll take some doing to convince me he's worse than Noory. His mustache is cheesier than Noory's, though.



I just heard the podcast of Noory's reporting of exotic animal story in Ohio last night. He stated that all but 2 of the 56 animals had been recovered. No mention that 49 of those 56 animals (2 wolves, 8 bears, 17 lions, 1 baboon, 3 mountain lions, and 18 rare tigers) were ambushed and massacred by the local police, while most of the animals just stood by the cages they knew as home.

That's not a recovery, Noory. It's an effing slaughter!

You can bet your ass if the police had shot a Bigfoot, Noory would be screaming bloody murder!

You're an animal lover, Noory??? Yeah, right. You just keep spouting that lie, I know the truth. You are a piece of floating shit!


Noory makes a cameo in this mock trailer being used by a produced screenwriter to pitch a new movie called GRIM NIGHT to studios:

Grim Night Trailer
I bet that's EXACTLY what ol' George would sound like on the night that a million Grim Reapers appear on Earth to murder everyone: SUPER UPBEAT.  No doubt about it!


Norry's first guest couldn't hear Noory at all, but the guest talked a lot by himself with interesting info on Edgar Cayce.
Of course, Noory couldn't handle that without him asking stupid questions and hung up on him.
Too bad, it could have been Noory's best interview without Noory butting in and just letting the guest talk by himself.
Oh, they called the guest up again and now he can hear Noory. Oops the connection dropped again after a couple minutes.
Noory is going to open lines instead.


I thought the guy was just ignoring george. That would of been hilarious.


Quote from: coaster on October 21, 2011, 12:33:40 AM
I thought the guy was just ignoring george. That would of been hilarious.
thats what all guests should do - just totally ignore noory and give out their info without Noory's interruptions.
it was great for 10 minutes or so without hearing noory until he started interrupting with "can you hear me?"  :P


another guest tonight had the same problem after awhile, he couldn't hear Noory over the phone while he could be heard on the radio.
maybe somebody in Noory's studio is playing a joke on Noory tonight? :o

with all the talk of the Mayan calendar end date of Dec 21,2012 - I noticed a set of AA batteries I had all have the expiration date of Dec 2012. A coincidence or do they know something?  8)


Quote from: Morgus on October 21, 2011, 12:26:10 AM
Norry's first guest couldn't hear Noory at all, but the guest talked a lot by himself with interesting info on Edgar Cayce.
Of course, Noory couldn't handle that without him asking stupid questions and hung up on him.
Too bad, it could have been Noory's best interview without Noory butting in and just letting the guest talk by himself.
Oh, they called the guest up again and now he can hear Noory. Oops the connection dropped again after a couple minutes.
Noory is going to open lines instead.
I was really enjoying a guest proving that Noory is a completely unnecessary component of an interview.  The guy was going on just fine without the interruptions.  Noory kept trying to ask the same question as though the interview stood still.  I guess he didn't want to go onto his second cue card without obtaining an answer to the first.

After that the first open line call had to be the worst thing I had heard.  What is the name of your band?  What style music do you play?  How long have you been playing?  You should send in a tape for our emerging artist night.  Where are your touring?  Nobody knows the band, but George was trying... it's tough without that script and I think he was thrown off his game by the guest who could not hear him. 

That had to be the most disjointed and pointless open line segment that I have heard in awhile. 


Quote from: Morgus on October 21, 2011, 12:26:10 AM
Norry's first guest couldn't hear Noory at all, but the guest talked a lot by himself...
Quote from: Morgus on October 21, 2011, 02:10:40 AM
...another guest tonight had the same problem...
Quote from: Morgus on October 21, 2011, 12:42:43 AM
...thats what all guests should do - just totally ignore noory and give out their info without Noory's interruptions...
Quote from: WOTR on October 21, 2011, 03:08:30 AM
I was really enjoying a guest proving that Noory is a completely unnecessary component of an interview.... 

     I had also thought that Raymond Tarpy was just ignoring him.  I thought it was great.  I hate crystal skull shows, and anything to jazz them up is welcomed.  So George does some open lines until he could dig up some other guest ( Jaap van Etten and Carolyn Ford ) to continue the crystal skull torture.  I mostly tuned them out, but the last guy of the night, Steven Mehler, was alright.  First guest, Len Horowitz, is usually cool, but tonight he sounded uptight and then some caller made a reference to Len's ex-wife and an article at World Net Daily which rattled him some more.  Hmmm.  Hey, wait a minute...the c2c website's recap of the show completely leaves out all the technical glitches.  Very uncool.

Lovely Bones

Quote from: WOTR on October 21, 2011, 03:08:30 AM
I was really enjoying a guest proving that Noory is a completely unnecessary component of an interview.  The guy was going on just fine without the interruptions.  Noory kept trying to ask the same question as though the interview stood still.  I guess he didn't want to go onto his second cue card without obtaining an answer to the first.

After that the first open line call had to be the worst thing I had heard.  What is the name of your band?  What style music do you play?  How long have you been playing?  You should send in a tape for our emerging artist night.  Where are your touring?  Nobody knows the band, but George was trying... it's tough without that script and I think he was thrown off his game by the guest who could not hear him. 

That had to be the most disjointed and pointless open line segment that I have heard in awhile.

Well, WOTR, you and Morgus have just rendered me completely unnecessary.  You've just written exactly the post I came on this thread to write. 

Lovely Bones

Quote from: Towi on October 20, 2011, 07:42:21 PM

That's not a recovery, Noory. It's an effing slaughter!

You don't really want to stir this up, do you, Towi? 

You'll have to work hard to find a bigger animal lover than I am.  But the local authorities were in a no-win situation caused by a sick individual.  They don't carry tranquilizer darts in their vehicles.  They're not trained in taking down large animals with tranquilizers even if they'd had them--even the zoo vet who attempted to use tranquilizers on a tiger was charged by the tiger and could have been injured or killed.  Nightfall was an hour and half away.  Authorities had no choice but to balance the safety of the community against the chaos created by the man who created the situation when he chose to let those animals loose on the community before killing himself.  He used them as a weapon to punish a community he was angry with.  Blame HIM for keeping the animals on his property in circumstances that weren't good for them in the first place.

Even Jack Hanna, close to tears at the deaths of the Bengal tigers, sided with the local authorities and said they had other choice. 

Lovely Bones

Quote from: valdez on October 21, 2011, 04:38:57 AM

First guest, Len Horowitz, is usually cool, but tonight he sounded uptight

Horowitz reminded me of Steven Quayle, unable to finish a complete thought before starting another one, and on, and on, and on, and on . . . 

That, plus his focus on selling crap from his website, made me want to puke.  I was lying there listening to this crap thinking all hope for C2C has evaporated completely.

And then the crystal skull fiasco began, confirming my suspicions.  The only bright spot in that mess was realizing that a knowledgeable guest, regardless of topic, can carry the show MINUS GEORGE. 

Dump the moron NOW, Premier. 

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