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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Frys Girl on October 01, 2011, 05:56:26 AM
Did George Noory really just compared his idea of talking to the troops to Bob Hope's visits to the troops?

What an ass! Seriousy, this time, you've gone too far.

Agreed.   Since when has Noory gone to a war zone, the way Bob Hope did, and entertained the troops???  There have been talk show hosts who have gone to Iraq and Afghanistan to entertain the troops, but Noory ain't one of them.


check out @George__Noory on twitter for a page about how he sucks and need to be fired.  It is probably someone on this board that runs it. :)

Last night I had the show on for 5 minutes and turned it off.  It was unlistenable.  The same old fear mongering BS about the economy that Norry and his guests spit out every week.  The sad thing is people listen to this crap and think it is real.

Frys Girl

Quote from: fabucat on October 01, 2011, 06:41:39 PM
Agreed.   Since when has Noory gone to a war zone, the way Bob Hope did, and entertained the troops???  There have been talk show hosts who have gone to Iraq and Afghanistan to entertain the troops, but Noory ain't one of them.
He suggested it as a fun thing to do. He is so offensive! No one would probably know him.

Frys Girl

Quote from: MrGreen on October 01, 2011, 06:42:53 PM
check out @George__Noory on twitter for a page about how he sucks and need to be fired.  It is probably someone on this board that runs it. :)

Last night I had the show on for 5 minutes and turned it off.  It was unlistenable.  The same old fear mongering BS about the economy that Norry and his guests spit out every week.  The sad thing is people listen to this crap and think it is real.
LOL! He just tweeted something to Kim Kardashian.


Quote from: fabucat on October 01, 2011, 06:33:30 PM
Personally, I think that guests, unless they are explicitly political specialists, should STFU with regard to partisan politics.  I'm no big Tea Party fan, but WTF do they have to do with astronomy or Pluto?  Valdez, I feel your pain.  Once when Jay Weidner was on with his new age crap, which I was actually kind of digging, he took a long detour into Nancy Pelosi hatred (this was when she was still Majority Leader).  Definitely a buzzkill.  It would've been a buzzkill if he'd been trashing Leader Boehner as well.  Here was this guy yucking it up about Universal Love, and then he veers into the ditch of Red Hot Partisan Hate. ...

I have been singing this song for years, Fabucat.  I used to write to Noory about losing listeners when politics are thrown into the mix. Gave up on getting through that Bonehead's skull long ago.

Nothing kills the love like partisan politics out of place.  :P

Quote from: Frys Girl on October 01, 2011, 06:56:05 PM
LOL! He just tweeted something to Kim Kardashian.
Feel the harmness. Does anyone have a confirmation on what kind of car Noory drives? I'm putting my $$$ on one of those piss-filled flexfuel jobs. I'd be surprised if it's an American company, Daihatsu comes to mind.
Go take some thorazine Noory. Take a couple.


Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on October 01, 2011, 10:06:59 PM
Feel the harmness. Does anyone have a confirmation on what kind of car Noory drives? I'm putting my $$$ on one of those piss-filled flexfuel jobs. I'd be surprised if it's an American company, Daihatsu comes to mind.
Go take some thorazine Noory. Take a couple.

Hold onto your hard-earned cash, General.

Last year, in an in-depth profile of the Snoron and Coast in the February edition of The Atlantic ("The Listener," available online), we learn that he drives a black Lincoln Navigator. 

Now to me, this is pretty much in character.  Ralph thinks he's pretty cool, he'd like to think he's smart, that his finger's on the pulse of his audience and while  people may not like him or respect him, they damn sure wanna be guests on the show (hence the ass-kissing).  There's no question that he's veryl likely getting pretty wealthy. 

But while he might dream, there's no Ferrari or Aston Martin for the Snoron, no siree.  He doesn't even drive an upscale BMW or Jag.  That's because  his whole trip is all schtick and a shuck, and deep down he knows it -- so he prefers the anonymity of a non-Hollywood-style "errand car," in a Lincoln SUV.   It's definitely kind of a step down from the big time -- even in the Valley.

True to his Detroit roots, the same piece says Jorch holds court with his sycophants in a well-known local place in Sherman Oaks called The Great Greek on Ventura Blvd.   


Noory is hosting Sunday night's c2c since its the first Sunday of the month.
Look who is scheduled for the first hour:
In the first hour, actor/singer Pat Boone pops into the studio for a visit.

Quote from: Morgus on October 02, 2011, 02:15:29 AM
Noory is hosting Sunday night's c2c since its the first Sunday of the month.
Look who is scheduled for the first hour:
In the first hour, actor/singer Pat Boone pops into the studio for a visit.

Pat Boone was scheduled to make an appearance with George at the Conscious Life Expo this weekend - anybody put up the (reduced price of) $95 to dine with George and laugh at his jokes?   

Wasn't it at one of these appearences a few years ago where the always classy George made a big deal out of announcing to the room that one of the other speakers was having money problems, joked about it, then proceeded to give him the check for his fee in front of everyone?

Lunch with George and Award Ceremony
Saturday 12 Noon - 2 PM
Open seating begins at 11:45

Welcome to our favorite event at Conscious Life Expo: Lunch with George Noory. This year we reduced the price to $95 (includes the banquet lunch) and increased the number of Award Recipients. Join George and his esteemed guests for two hours of food, conversation, connection and an exciting Award Ceremony.

George began hosting Coast to Coast AM in 2001 as a guest host and has been full time since January, 2003. Coast airs on hundreds of radio stations and is the most listened to overnight radio program in the country. There have been thousands of broadcasts on thousands of mainstream and alternative subjects. Thank you George.

The 2011 Award Recipients

Eugene Mallove will receive, posthumously, the Visionary Award for his groundbreaking work on Cold Fusion. Among many other accomplishments, he was the editor of Infinite Energy magazine and was a frequent guest on Coast until his untimely passing in 2004

Pat Boone has been a frequent guest on Coast to Coast and will receive this year's Health and Fitness Award. Of course Pat is known for his lifetime artistic achievement in popular and gospel music as well as his controversial  political views. Not as well known is his advocacy for philanthropy, alternative energy and healthy living.

Whitley and Anne Streiber will receive a  Lifetime Achievement Award for their ongoing conversation about all things paranormal and alternative. Whitley is currently the host of Dreamland, avaiable online at www.unknowncountry.com. He is a prolific author, famous for Communion, 2012: The War For Souls and his new book The Omega Point.based on a hidden connection between 2012 and the Book of Revelation

Frys Girl

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 02, 2011, 03:28:20 AM

Pat Boone was scheduled to make an appearance with George at the Conscious Life Expo this weekend - anybody put up the (reduced price of) $95 to dine with George and laugh at his jokes?   

Wasn't it at one of these appearences a few years ago where the always classy George made a big deal out of announcing to the room that one of the other speakers was having money problems, joked about it, then proceeded to give him the check for his fee in front of everyone?

Lunch with George and Award Ceremony
Saturday 12 Noon - 2 PM
Open seating begins at 11:45

Welcome to our favorite event at Conscious Life Expo: Lunch with George Noory. This year we reduced the price to $95 (includes the banquet lunch) and increased the number of Award Recipients. Join George and his esteemed guests for two hours of food, conversation, connection and an exciting Award Ceremony.

George began hosting Coast to Coast AM in 2001 as a guest host and has been full time since January, 2003. Coast airs on hundreds of radio stations and is the most listened to overnight radio program in the country. There have been thousands of broadcasts on thousands of mainstream and alternative subjects. Thank you George.

The 2011 Award Recipients

Eugene Mallove will receive, posthumously, the Visionary Award for his groundbreaking work on Cold Fusion. Among many other accomplishments, he was the editor of Infinite Energy magazine and was a frequent guest on Coast until his untimely passing in 2004

Pat Boone has been a frequent guest on Coast to Coast and will receive this year's Health and Fitness Award. Of course Pat is known for his lifetime artistic achievement in popular and gospel music as well as his controversial  political views. Not as well known is his advocacy for philanthropy, alternative energy and healthy living.

Whitley and Anne Streiber will receive a  Lifetime Achievement Award for their ongoing conversation about all things paranormal and alternative. Whitley is currently the host of Dreamland, avaiable online at www.unknowncountry.com. He is a prolific author, famous for Communion, 2012: The War For Souls and his new book The Omega Point.based on a hidden connection between 2012 and the Book of Revelation

Who writes these things? Does Whitley like alternative music? Alternative medicine? Alternative food? Alternative operating systems?


QuotePat Boone was scheduled to make an appearance with George at the Conscious Life Expo this weekend - anybody put up the (reduced price of) $95 to dine with George and laugh at his jokes? 
I saw Pat Boone, conscious, and the word 'reduced' in the same paragraph and immediately my mind saw that as "Pat Boone will host a reduced consciousness expo". And Pat Boone ... Captain Vanilla himself ... seems like the perfect stooge to head up such an event

Frys Girl

Coast to Coast AM is just recession radio. Cheap host, crappy topics with little to no useful information.

Screw Premiere Radio. I can't believe they are still in business. Oh yea, Rush. Without him, there would be no Noory. Art Bell: PLEASE COME BACK. These post-expo/George Noory lecture high shows/scams are not only bordering illegal, but they suck more than ever.

Quote from: b_dubb on October 02, 2011, 10:22:09 AM
I saw Pat Boone, conscious, and the word 'reduced' in the same paragraph and immediately my mind saw that as "Pat Boone will host a reduced consciousness expo". And Pat Boone ... Captain Vanilla himself ... seems like the perfect stooge to head up such an event

Depending on one's sense of humor, this album alone should either ensure Pat gets in the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame, or keep him out..

In a Metal Mood: No More Mr Nice Guy

Quote from: Frys Girl on October 02, 2011, 07:29:23 AM
Who writes these things? Does Whitley like alternative music? Alternative medicine? Alternative food? Alternative operating systems?

Don't go over to Whitley's if you have a bad back, that alternative furniture can kill a person..

Pat Boone......jesus H christ......George is doing this to prove what a fucking dork he is, I swear to god.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 02, 2011, 12:13:23 PM

Depending on one's sense of humor, this album alone should either ensure Pat gets in the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame, or keep him out..

In a Metal Mood: No More Mr Nice Guy
That's the most stupid-assed album cover I've ever seen. What kind of pussy would consider that listening to metal? Oh wait...Noory. Punkass bitch.
Noory can't handle metal. Noory probably can't handle bluegrass either. I'd give anything to see Noory hop out of his Lincoln Pissmobile with a sleeveless ubabe vest acting all bad and shit cause he's listening to some fagass metal music.
Stupid sumbitch. I hope he gets laughed at everywhere he goes playing that.

Pat Boone - No More Mr Nice Guy

Ya, that twinkle in the eye totally gave me that perception.


George is quite the singer, too.  I heard him remark to a guest about it. 

He maybe working on a studio album now.  He will be singing a duet with Ga Ga and Pat Boone.  There will also be a rendition of Moon River.  He will do his own version of Listening to Coast to Coast with UFO Phil.  Finally, he is writing his own lyrics for Hanging with the Haters, heavy metal.

The cover will show  him after the Px90 training.  The Title, Ninety Nights with Noory.  It'll go gold!!!!  All of the fans will purchase it.  Amazon is selling advance copies before it is even being released.  Anticipated release date:  December 21, 2012.  SHHHHH, don't send this to TMZ, this is breaking first at Coast Gab.

It's great to be a fan!

I always figured George to be a Hummer owner.  Oh, well.   ;)


Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on October 02, 2011, 02:08:05 PM
George is quite the singer, too.  I heard him remark to a guest about it. 

He maybe working on a studio album now.  He will be singing a duet with Ga Ga and Pat Boone.  There will also be a rendition of Moon River.  He will do his own version of Listening to Coast to Coast with UFO Phil.  Finally, he is writing his own lyrics for Hanging with the Haters, heavy metal.

The cover will show  him after the Px90 training.  The Title, Ninety Nights with Noory.  It'll go gold!!!!  All of the fans will purchase it.  Amazon is selling advance copies before it is even being released.  Anticipated release date:  December 21, 2012.  SHHHHH, don't send this to TMZ, this is breaking first at Coast Gab.

It's great to be a fan!

Too freaking funny!

Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on October 02, 2011, 01:34:28 PM
That's the most stupid-assed album cover I've ever seen...

In a Metal Mood: No More Mr Nice Guy

These CDs are perfect for the Christmas gag gift exchange down at the office.   

You're going to want to be sure to bring in a CD player to hear Pat cover Judas Priest, Deep Purple, AC/DC, Alice Cooper, Ozzy, Led Zep, Guns N Roses, Van Halen, Metalica, Jimi Hendrix...  For a laff, go to Amazon and listen to samples..

Frys Girl

I thought George said all he listens to is emerging artists stuff that Tommy and the interns burn to CDs for him.

Quote from: Frys Girl on October 02, 2011, 06:18:20 PM
I thought George said all he listens to is emerging artists stuff that Tommy and the interns burn to CDs for him.

I think a "metal" Pat Boone qualifies as an emerging artist.   ;D


Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 02, 2011, 03:28:20 AM

Pat Boone was scheduled to make an appearance with George at the Conscious Life Expo this weekend - anybody put up the (reduced price of) $95 to dine with George and laugh at his jokes?   

Wasn't it at one of these appearences a few years ago where the always classy George made a big deal out of announcing to the room that one of the other speakers was having money problems, joked about it, then proceeded to give him the check for his fee in front of everyone?

Lunch with George and Award Ceremony
Saturday 12 Noon - 2 PM
Open seating begins at 11:45

Welcome to our favorite event at Conscious Life Expo: Lunch with George Noory. This year we reduced the price to $95 (includes the banquet lunch) and increased the number of Award Recipients. Join George and his esteemed guests for two hours of food, conversation, connection and an exciting Award Ceremony.

George began hosting Coast to Coast AM in 2001 as a guest host and has been full time since January, 2003. Coast airs on hundreds of radio stations and is the most listened to overnight radio program in the country. There have been thousands of broadcasts on thousands of mainstream and alternative subjects. Thank you George.

The 2011 Award Recipients

Eugene Mallove will receive, posthumously, the Visionary Award for his groundbreaking work on Cold Fusion. Among many other accomplishments, he was the editor of Infinite Energy magazine and was a frequent guest on Coast until his untimely passing in 2004

Pat Boone has been a frequent guest on Coast to Coast and will receive this year's Health and Fitness Award. Of course Pat is known for his lifetime artistic achievement in popular and gospel music as well as his controversial  political views. Not as well known is his advocacy for philanthropy, alternative energy and healthy living.

Whitley and Anne Streiber will receive a  Lifetime Achievement Award for their ongoing conversation about all things paranormal and alternative. Whitley is currently the host of Dreamland, avaiable online at www.unknowncountry.com. He is a prolific author, famous for Communion, 2012: The War For Souls and his new book The Omega Point.based on a hidden connection between 2012 and the Book of Revelation

Vomit.  Since when does a Xian fundamentalist show up at a New Age fest?  I've been friends with Christian conservatives and there's nothing most of them hate more than a bunch of New Age pagans who might be getting spiritual sustenance from places other than the Bible.  Pat Boone comes from a background where even Mormons are considered cultists.  How could Boone deal with a Whitley Streiber, for pity's sake? 

Plus Boone's political beliefs rather flout the peace and luv vibe that this conference was supposed to have exuded.  Didn't Boone make some kind of comment to the effect that Obama was a Kenyan illegal alien?  I doubt that the attendees to the conference were Obama fans either, as they probably were a combo of left wing anarchists and Ron Paul fans.  Nonetheless, nothing kills a peace, love and higher consciousness vibe than racism, whatever one thinks of Obama's politics.


Quote from: Frys Girl on October 01, 2011, 06:56:05 PM
LOL! He just tweeted something to Kim Kardashian.

>:(  That's just plain sick.  Just wait ten years after Kardashian's sex appeal wanes and she becomes a psychic to the stars OR she's selling some quack cure to the overweight.  She'll be on C2C soon enough.

Quote from: fabucat on October 02, 2011, 08:50:12 PM
  Vomit.  Since when does a Xian fundamentalist show up at a New Age fest?  I've been friends with Christian conservatives and there's nothing most of them hate more than a bunch of New Age pagans who might be getting spiritual sustenance from places other than the Bible.  Pat Boone comes from a background where even Mormons are considered cultists.  How could Boone deal with a Whitley Streiber, for pity's sake? 

Plus Boone's political beliefs rather flout the peace and luv vibe that this conference was supposed to have exuded.  Didn't Boone make some kind of comment to the effect that Obama was a Kenyan illegal alien?  I doubt that the attendees to the conference were Obama fans either, as they probably were a combo of left wing anarchists and Ron Paul fans.  Nonetheless, nothing kills a peace, love and higher consciousness vibe than racism, whatever one thinks of Obama's politics.

Easy there, Fab.  That stream of consciousness post had a distinct Steve Quayle vibe to it. :)

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Frys Girl on October 02, 2011, 06:18:20 PM
I thought George said all he listens to is emerging artists stuff that Tommy and the interns burn to CDs for him.

    There's an idea...burning Noory cds.And I mean the old fashioned burning.

    Fuck it! Take the torch to Premier HQ!

Pathetic. What won't Noory push on the air? Is this Tumeric freebased?
Wait, I have it. Stay tuned folks for Max Baer Jr/George Noory's slamdunk, in your face album "Krunk".

Listen to Jethro Bodine and George Noory kick it and spit venom with real West Side G's as they bust out rhymes by former Rap Superstars such as "Easy E"

Laugh along as Noory and Baer smack bitches and lay down smack on muhfuckers, makin bank, and takin no slack
Guest Appearance by Legend Kool Moe Dee

HAL 9000

Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on October 02, 2011, 01:34:28 PMThat's the most stupid-assed album cover I've ever seen. What kind of pussy would consider that listening to metal? Oh wait...Noory. Punkass bitch. Noory can't handle metal. Noory probably can't handle bluegrass either. I'd give anything to see Noory hop out of his Lincoln Pissmobile with a sleeveless ubabe vest acting all bad and shit cause he's listening to some fagass metal music. Stupid sumbitch. I hope he gets laughed at everywhere he goes playing that.

Actually, the arrangements are pretty good - IF you appreciate big-band/jazz music - I played in a "big-band" for a number of years, including Maynard Fergusonesque bands (played with Maynard's band a few times).

I'll have to admit, when I heard Boone's interpretation of Smoke on the Water, it was the first time I actually understood 95% of the lyrics. I'm not saying I would put this album on my personal mp3 player - but it's at least not as bad as William Shatner's "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." (which I also have)

I have a lot of music/albums - not because I necessarily like it/them, but just because I can - someone is bound to request it sometime :)

So for those who are intrigued, here is a high-quality (320Kb/s) rip of Pat Boone's album:


Hal, is that the one where Shattner is singing about being high and gay? I have only seen that one time and thought it was special.

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