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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Quote from: zeebo on April 21, 2015, 11:58:09 PM
I wondered last nite if anyone noticed when the guest (the one who got bumped) mentioned that much of his time is spent in physical therapy as he recovers from somehow almost dying and George very oddly just completely ignored it, skipping right to the next question without showing an ounce of common human interest or empathy for the guy.  It was really quite strange I thought, showing a kind of complete detachment. 

My theory is maybe George is some kind of android prototype, who's emotion chip hasn't quite been worked out.  Kind of like an early Data from Star Trek.  Perhaps his neural net has not quite evolved enough, or maybe one time he drank a slurpee too fast at that gas station and it froze up his primitive personality circuitry.

Nah, even robots are more engaged than Noory.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on April 21, 2015, 11:11:19 PM
George is taking credit for a story about the government looking at protecting the grid from terrorist attacks and storms due to global warming.  Does he even have a clue that these have nothing to do with the EMP or CMEs he's been 'campaigning' to protect the grid from, or that the fix for this is probably completely different than protecting from an EMP?  He doesn't even believe in global warming, and he hasn't talked about conventional terrorist attacks on the nation's electrical infrastructure, yet he repeatedly took credit for having brought this to the World's attention

The other night Tommy farted and George took credit for it

Quote from: Gassy Man on April 21, 2015, 11:47:51 PM
George has got to be the worst conversationalist in entertainment.  He has no instinct for it, which is remarkable given that that used to be a pre-requisite for having a talk show.  But let's assume that he had to learn to have conservation, the gift of gab not being something he was born with.  He's had decades to do so.  Decades.  And his capacity to hold a conversation is still lacking.  I sometimes wonder if George is autistic.   

I've posited before that he might be an alcoholic -- and I still think that's possible.  But he seems so disconnected socially, like he is just disaffected by human relationships, that it starts to seem like something that is simply part of the way his mind works.  I'm not joking or cracking on him.  That would mean George is not being conventionally lazy.  He is simply operating to the best of his ability.  It would also explain why he slurs words, as speech problems often turn up in children with autism and become an issue throughout their lives.  It might explain why he responds to criticism so sharply, as he may lack the capacity to express his feelings appropriately, and why he is fascinated by socially inappropriate things -- like horrible stories concerning children -- but seems to have no clue that such things might actually be highly distasteful to his audience.

George has already explained all this.

He was born with someone else's deformed tongue

I think this guy is going to be dumped, except for the fact that he's not a first time guest.


Quote from: Route 66 on April 21, 2015, 06:10:44 PM
Last night George did it again, when the truck driver from Utah related a tale from the summer of '69. After dropping off a buddy at a girlfriend's house, he turned a corner and found his '53 Ford surrounded by about 20 zombie-like kids, "like on Halloween." 
I would love to hear that story... But it is not Georges' fault.  The fault lay with the call screener; and, to a lesser degree, the caller.  You do not call with alien abduction stories on a "health night", you do not call for health advice on a night with the numbers lady, and you do not call with zombie stories on "make a wish" night.

George limits his prep time to 8 hours.  As such, he can only be expected to be prepared for questions and stories directly relating to the subject matter covered that evening.  The caller should have waited for a "classhic coast" show and the call screener should be fired of incompetence.  Allowing such a call through undoubtedly put Dave off his game for the rest of the night while he struggled to get back to the topic at hand.

Really, George is the victim in all of this.  And the caller should wait until July to place another call to relate his story...  Hell, even I could make that interesting for at least 5 minutes...


Quote from: Humilia Lepus Foramen on April 21, 2015, 11:58:34 PM
Think that was his parents he said was an arranged deal.

Also by his own admission he has some sort of speech impediment and ADHD, that partially explains why he is how he is, especially if he doesn't believe in meds as his show topics would imply.

That's the first time I've heard that, HLF. I've always figured he does, but have never heard him admit it.  Has he said that recently?


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on April 22, 2015, 01:20:09 AM
I think this guy is going to be dumped, except for the fact that he's not a first time guest.

I just had the realization I've been half-listening to this guy for nearly an hour and I've registered exactly nothing of what he's said.  I think I'll switch to my ocean waves cd, at least it's a more pleasant form of white noise.


 2 nights ago I woke up around 2 a.m. couldn't fall back to sleep so I turned on the radio around 2.45 a.m. cst. just in time to hear dave say The last Horooo!!! while intruding, once again ,while the guest was talking!!! Then quickly he becomes quiet.His darn transplanted forked tongue strikes again.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 22, 2015, 12:15:50 AM
George has already explained all this.

He was born with someone else's deformed tongue

It seems to me the technical/acoustic quality of the new studio is greatly improved and does Joorch no favours. There seem to be a lot of 'Damn, you caught me with a mouthful of coffee/turkey sammidge' noises, and it highlights his vocal tics. As well as the odd pronunciations - 'happaneen', 'oweez', 'sohssull' (social), etc - I've become much more aware of how he pronounces the letter 't' as 'th', presumably because of his lizard tongue. I would give cudos to Joorch if he carried all this and produced great radio. As it is, it just throws his general weirdness and incompetence into sharper contrast. Making allowances for it would be like excusing a crap NBA player because he has a club foot.


Quote from: wotr1 on April 22, 2015, 01:33:49 AM
George limits his prep time to 8 hours.

Thank you for my morning belly laugh. I love the implication that he would do more if he was able. Some would help.

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on April 22, 2015, 08:46:14 AM
... the new studio... highlights his vocal tics. As well as the odd pronunciations - 'happaneen', 'oweez', 'sohssull' (social), etc - I've become much more aware of how he pronounces the letter 't' as 'th', presumably because of his lizard tongue...

Well, none of the others with lizard tongues can speak at all


Quote from: wotr1 on April 22, 2015, 01:33:49 AM

George limits his prep time to 8 hours. 

Really?  Eight hours? For each show?  Bwaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 22, 2015, 12:15:50 AM
George has already explained all this.

He was born with someone else's deformed tongue

Well, if vaginas can be restored to a virginal state, I'm certain his tongue can be fixed.


This just in....Apparently, Georg Noree sucks.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled "George Noory Sucks!" thread.


Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 22, 2015, 09:52:01 AM

This just in....Apparently, Georg Noree sucks.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled "George Noory Sucks!" thread.

Quoteby his own admission he has some sort of speech impediment and ADHD, that partially explains why he is how he is, especially if he doesn't believe in meds as his show topics would imply.

QuoteThat's the first time I've heard that, HLF. I've always figured he does, but have never heard him admit it.  Has he said that recently?

Quote from: Gnoory on August 20, 2013, 10:35:31 PM
Yes I do. m taking the time to spend with each guest...I think my ADHD was getting the better of me

Quote from: Gnoory on August 13, 2013, 07:35:58 PM
If someone doesnt think they can grow and learn everyday then they are kidding themselves. Bellgabers, I am far from perfect
and realize that I can get better. A few things you DONT know. I was born with a someone deformed tongue. Dont laugh!!!
You should have heard me as a boy. It took me years to challenge myself to talk before a crowd, etc. I did that and Im dam proud of that, my military career (yes Ive said before I never saw combat) and the people I care deeply for.

Quote from: Mizak on April 22, 2015, 07:22:10 AM
2 nights ago I woke up around 2 a.m. couldn't fall back to sleep so I turned on the radio around 2.45 a.m. cst. just in time to hear dave say The last Horooo!!! while intruding, once again ,while the guest was talking!!! Then quickly he becomes quiet.His darn transplanted forked tongue strikes again.

I always knew George was Count Floyd, especially on Ghost to Ghost night.

Horoooo!!!! Horooooo!!



Lizard tongue. Unfamiliarity with normal conversation and human interaction. Sociopathic tendencies. Delusions of grandeur. Delight in stories of human suffering. Hmmm I think he should have David Icke as a guest to determine whether Norry is a repitilian (like the rest of our over-lords and royalty!) ;)


"If someone doesnt think they can grow and learn everyday then they are kidding themselves. Bellgabers, I am far from perfect
and realize that I can get better. A few things you DONT know. I was born with a someone deformed tongue. Dont laugh!!!
You should have heard me as a boy. It took me years to challenge myself to talk before a crowd, etc. I did that and Im dam proud of that, my military career (yes Ive said before I never saw combat) and the people I care deeply for."

Joorch demonstrating the benefits of (allegedly) a degree in Media Communications. It leaves you unable to write, punctuate or spell.



Quote from: Humilia Lepus Foramen on April 22, 2015, 10:48:29 AM

This was George trying to win over the audience he carjacked from Art literally weeks before Art`s return to Sirius. Look for more false humility this spring\summer.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on April 22, 2015, 12:00:40 PM
"If someone doesnt think they can grow and learn everyday then they are kidding themselves. Bellgabers, I am far from perfect
and realize that I can get better. A few things you DONT know. I was born with a someone deformed tongue. Dont laugh!!!
You should have heard me as a boy. It took me years to challenge myself to talk before a crowd, etc. I did that and Im dam proud of that, my military career (yes Ive said before I never saw combat) and the people I care deeply for."

Joorch demonstrating the benefits of (allegedly) a degree in Media Communications. It leaves you unable to write, punctuate or spell.


George Dave has really worked hard at getting better hasn't he folks? I must say that I had it all wrong... and it is clear his writing is far worse than his speaking ability.

I'm still waiting to find out just who's deformed tongue Jorch was born with. And whatever happened to the person who should have had that deformed tongue in the first place? Were they born tongueless? Or, by some quirk of the universe, were they born with Jorch's original tongue, which just happened to be a tongue that was gifted with eloquence? Perhaps the person born with Jorch's original eloquent tongue has used it to become a world-class teacher of elocution. If that happens to be the case, Jorch should find out who it is, and sue them to get his original tongue back.


Occasionally I find myself looking elsewhere online for independant verification that...wait for it...Jorch sucks.

Found a brief article by one Steve Kowch, who ran two Canadian newstalk radio stations for 14 years. He cites three major flaws that make for bad talk radio, and I'm not surprised to discover Jorchie went 3 for 3.

Mistake #1 -  Talk Show Host Doesn't Have an Opinion

sNoory violates this at least two ways, he's constantly riding the fence on most issues, or when asked directly, saying "lots of people have seen things" or some such non-committal garbage. Plus he never calls out the bullshit when it's shoulder-deep.

Mistake #2 - Replacing Opinions with Questions

Pretty much his entire game plan every show, but it's even worse. Jorch never follows up on the index cards questions!

Mistake #3 - Stealing the Listener's Thunder

Here the author is referring to "telling listeners what the caller is going to say before putting them on air" but BumblesNoor has his own more condescending version. After a caller lays out his point, Jorch will sidestep it entirely and replace it with his own simplistic question. He's not just stealing thunder, he's rendering a caller's input completely useless.

Discuss.  ;D

Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140908141717-62696685-top-3-mistakes-talk-show-hosts-make-on-radio

The sh(pl)it show format is doing Jorch no favors.  I find myself tuning in less because no subject is approached with any depth.  At least before, Jorch had to struggle to carry on a conversation and maybe some unusual anecdote would filter through the sludge.  Now its 6 or 7 of Jorch's stock questions and then its off to the callers aka Bill and Annie.  Why bother?

Tonight more fear-mongering for the first 2 hours and then a sort of interesting guest for the final 2.  Well, Jorchie I'm not sitting through the  first guest to listen to the second guest. Its just not worth it.  You won't ask anything thought-provoking anyway.  You suck, Jorch.

Jorch told a guest a few nights ago "You spell it like it is!". Brilliant Jorch.


Quote from: Jorch Einstein on April 22, 2015, 10:07:55 PM
Jorch told a guest a few nights ago "You spell it like it is!". Brilliant Jorch.
Dave joked before to a caller that he was a robot, in an extended and frankly bizarre aside. I'm increasingly becoming convinced that Norry was either raised in a household using another language or iHateMedia,Inc HAS installed a computer program to do C2C because of these issues, frequent in immigrants/second-language (think Charlie Chan movies as a popular example) or earlier voice-recognition software. The mixing of phrases, the odd cadences, the odd grammar, mixing metaphors, etc. I don't think drinking, "bad tongues", lack of attention, or autism (etc) could explain it.

I decided I would listen to tonights show as u7 is killing me with the same 10 shows. Then, I saw the topic: "Pharmaceutical Malaise". I don't want to hear another huckster show about tooomurhic capsules. This is why I don't listen to Coast anymore. Every freaking time I try, it is the same old Noory bullshit. Maybe I will give Mind Control a shot tomorrow night. See if anyone can control Daveed Snooree into being entertaining.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 22, 2015, 12:13:41 AM
The other night Tommy farted and George took credit for it

He probably ordered the beef burritos on their dinner date.

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