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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Morgus on April 04, 2015, 01:28:31 AM
Noory still tonight wouldn't admit his stupid 3-headed person stunt wasn't an April Fools joke.
Everybody else after such a joke at the end, always says "April Fools!" but Noory doesn't get it, you need to do that to finish the joke!

Right again, Morgus.  Although Noory bobbed and weaved better than usual, he still managed to keep that poor dumb woman unsure as to whether or not the 3-headed person is for real.


Not really an Abba music fan but that song doesn't sound right if Art isn't hosting :(


Quote from: Jorch Einstein on April 04, 2015, 01:32:26 AM
Is Annie from Alabamy co-hosting the show with Jorch now? WTF, I put it on for a few seconds and there she is again.

Annie, Cornelius, and Bill the AAA now make up roughly 1/3 of all c2c callers.  Morgus may know the exact numbers on this.


Quote from: Scully on April 04, 2015, 02:07:54 AM
It drives me insane that Noory's fans call him for definitive answers on world conditions. These people vote and breed also ...  :(

These clowns that call in, like earlier "George wow you've interviewed all these people, and you're so smart, what do you really think is going on with Aliens/GMOs/China/Bigfoot/Government/etc."  Think of all the available books, documentaries, experts, and the friggin internet out there ... and you're gonna pick the NightGoof as your expert?

Caller refers to Gaiam as "that yoga channel," to which Noory says "yup." Hah.

Caller:  "Everytime I get the chance, I listen to you."
George:  "Thank you.  So do I.  Thank you."

I skipped Seth Shostak.  I've heard his spiel enough times before tonight.  Plus, he's pretty boring. I doubt I'll be listening to much Noory live for a while.  Not that I'll miss much.

Gassy Man

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on April 04, 2015, 02:44:00 AM
Caller:  "Everytime I get the chance, I listen to you."
George:  "Thank you.  So do I.  Thank you."
Phil.  Bill.  Phillip.  Bill.  Bhillip.

Well, I hope that "the water is warm" guy wasn't coordinating a radiological attack on America's water supplies for Easter weekend.  Sweet dreams everybody.  Goodnight  ;D


Quote from: Scully on April 04, 2015, 02:07:54 AM
It drives me insane that Noory's fans call him for definitive answers on world conditions. These people vote and breed also ...  :(
And apparently believe Snoors interviewed a three-headed person the other night.


Quote from: Scully on April 04, 2015, 02:10:17 AM
Right again, Morgus.  Although Noory bobbed and weaved better than usual, he still managed to keep that poor dumb woman unsure as to whether or not the 3-headed person is for real.

It`s kind of like his satan voice hoax he pulled on that elderly woman author who was his guest a couple of years ago. And his LMH prank. George is a misogynist pig.


Quote from: zeebo on April 03, 2015, 08:58:22 PM
She said at one point that a carrot from like fifty years ago was eleven times more nutritious than one today.  I'd love to know if there's any truth to this.
Probably b.s. but 11 times sounds much more scientifically believable than 10x,doesn`t it?


Upon receiving an urgent text message from Noele in Santa Monica, and the message being read in a commanding voice  ::) to Georgie by Butler Tommy, Georgie was rambling about ISIS (channeling his Rambo persona) and the "problem in the Yemen." Tommy also mentioned a woman at "the event last weekend" he and sNooron attended who had expressed her concern about "how much we're going to take from ISIS." The following WTF?! ensued.

sNooron verbatim: "I'm convinced, and some experts agree with me now, that ah, bombing them (ISIS) alone is not going to wipe them out."

He went on to describe the thousands of people who have "signed up" to join ISIS from various countries, echoing what others from the start have said in this forum and elsewhere; You don't solve a complex problem like ISIS with bombs alone, including nuclear bombs. But now we witness (and record for historical posterity) sNoory has flip-flopped and reneged on his "nuke 'em high" mantra of the past?  Wasn't sNoory the one who kept urging the use of nuclear weapons to use on ISIS? Wasn't sNoory the one who went so far as to suggest it to his 'Weird Nuts Diary' buddy, Jerome Corsi? That's the HUGE problem with sNoory, you never know what face he's speaking with.


I just had this real strange conversation with my brother. Who is a smart guy but thought the three-headed person interview was real. I was completely stunned that a normally smart guy would think it was genuine and demanded him to explain himself.

He did give a good explanation, that Jorch guests are normally so full of BS that the lines of real guest and joke guest has become blurred.

Nick el Ass

Yeah, it is clear Dave's opinion on any given subject changes with the direction of the wind... or which guest he is talking to at any time. The man has no credibility whatsoever. 


Norry you have to get them back on.  Here is a question I want asked.  "How many Facebook accounts do you have?"


Quote from: Izintit? on April 04, 2015, 05:25:46 AM
It`s kind of like his satan voice hoax he pulled on that elderly woman author who was his guest a couple of years ago. And his LMH prank. George is a misogynist pig.

Just for the fun of it, and for those of us newbies who are still learning the many sides to this fascinating man, could you sketch out those other two pranks? Satan and LMH? You might be right about the misogyny, sadly.


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on April 03, 2015, 11:51:09 PM
Why does Joorch keep referring to 'liquid water'? Is it in case Thumper's listening, so he can distinguish it from 'stiff water'?
cuz if he started talking about 'hard' water, he'd have to go into the story of his conception in a public pool...

I'm not sure about the other prank, but the LMH joke I'd heard live when it happened.  Mind you, Linda has been Coast's unofficial reporter since Dreamland days, and Noory started an interview with her by jokingly, but in a serious tone of voice, saying that she was fired.  Like Art and many I thought (and still would like to believe) that Noory is a nice guy, but the way he acts on air sometimes really makes me wonder.

Quote from: michio on April 04, 2015, 06:13:01 AM
Upon receiving an urgent text message from Noele in Santa Monica, and the message being read in a commanding voice  ::) to Georgie by Butler Tommy, Georgie was rambling about ISIS (channeling his Rambo persona) and the "problem in the Yemen." Tommy also mentioned a woman at "the event last weekend" he and sNooron attended who had expressed her concern about "how much we're going to take from ISIS." The following WTF?! ensued.

sNooron verbatim: "I'm convinced, and some experts agree with me now, that ah, bombing them (ISIS) alone is not going to wipe them out."

He went on to describe the thousands of people who have "signed up" to join ISIS from various countries, echoing what others from the start have said in this forum and elsewhere; You don't solve a complex problem like ISIS with bombs alone, including nuclear bombs. But now we witness (and record for historical posterity) sNoory has flip-flopped and reneged on his "nuke 'em high" mantra of the past?  Wasn't sNoory the one who kept urging the use of nuclear weapons to use on ISIS? Wasn't sNoory the one who went so far as to suggest it to his 'Weird Nuts Diary' buddy, Jerome Corsi? That's the HUGE problem with sNoory, you never know what face he's speaking with.

He suggested it at least once a night for probably a couple of weeks, even to guests with completely unrelated specialties who then tried to politely tell him it was a stupid idea.  In fact, I've never heard anyone on the program except Noory suggest nor condone the idea.  But, what would frauds be without revisionist history?  Just imagine what the world would be like if Hoagland hadn't been single-handedly responsible for every major advancement at NASA, for instance.


Quote from: albrecht on April 03, 2015, 08:11:53 PM
Ugh. I know been known for many a time even smearing lard or fat will help in extreme cold. I recall some old Norskie type telling me you shouldnt shower esp not use soap, esp on face n hands in winter. What I wonder is...how the heck did people survive past one generation with those practices? Haha. Now days everybody gotta be groomed,heck even waxes etc to pro-create. Then again, verrry long winter nights.
Yes, don't you remember people greasing themselves up to swim the English channel and stuff?

Also its why geese and ducks have so much fat when you cook them, I think.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on April 04, 2015, 07:35:52 AM
I just had this real strange conversation with my brother. Who is a smart guy but thought the three-headed person interview was real. I was completely stunned that a normally smart guy would think it was genuine and demanded him to explain himself.

He did give a good explanation, that Jorch guests are normally so full of BS that the lines of real guest and joke guest has become blurred.

I was afraid that might happen.

Carnival sideshows used to have some "freaks" who were faked.  I remember reading about one guy from India who supposedly was a conjoined twin with a sister.  In real life, conjoined twins are always identicals and identicals are always the same sex(obviously).  They come from one egg. This is one reason the Dionne quints were so fascinating.  They came from one egg that kept splitting.  The odds are overwhelmingly against this.

In the animal world, two-headed babies are sometimes born, but don't live long.  Remember the hubbub about the two-headed kitten a few years ago? The mother cat's name was Butt-butt.  That's what happens when you name your cat something like that. When I was a girl a roadside girl in Western Montana used to have a stuffed two-headed hereford calf(just the heads).  That place(thankfully) went out of business.  Somehow the heads ended up on display in a souvenir shop on the Seattle waterfront.


Quote from: Jorch Einstein on April 04, 2015, 01:35:47 AM
Heh heh. All the big Rush fans I've known have been major league assholes. They seem to attract them like flies.

Was agreeing with you until I realized you were referencing the band, not Limbaugh.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on April 04, 2015, 01:42:48 AM
I never heard anything special about Rush until maybe three or four years ago (of course I knew their music, but it never stood out for me).  Now all of a sudden it's supposed to be what every Canadian plays all the time.  Maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention all those decades.

That's too bad.  Nothing wrong with Rush, but you guys have such a rich vein of popular music. Any news on Joni Mitchell, BTW?


Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 04, 2015, 01:49:11 AM
They've come out of the woodwork since Rush got into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  The Moody Blues and probably 250 other artists/bands should have gotten in before them.

Yes, indeed.


Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 04, 2015, 01:05:35 AM
6.Other than the Uyghurs in the North and the Buddhists in Tibet I'm not familiar with any major religious/ethnic problems in China, and neither of those are in major economic areas.  Wouldn't be the first time I was just uninformed though.

7.I'm not familiar with any problems with travel in China as rural areas have been depopulating for a long time.  They are likely trying to industrialize new areas because the populations in the major areas are already so large.

8.Sexual disparity gets back to the problem of keeping the one child policy too long.

Paper*Boy's point on the lack of resources gets to why China is so active in Africa.

China is a fascinating country with the longest history in the world.  They probably had about 7 opportunities to take control of practically the entire planet.  I took a couple courses on modern and then ancient Chinese History with the same instructor, who was a China Scholar and a former Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces.  His most frequently used phrase was "China did it first."

Famous scholar Joseph Needham started to write a short book on Chinese inventions and he ended up taking years writing a multi volume encyclopedia.

China should probably be around eight different countries.  Unlike in California, there are no legal attempts to split up the country. I wonder if Lucien Bouchard is behind what's going on in California.

Writing this at midnight and Rush is playing on the bumper music.  As a Canadian, I apologize profusely for Rush.

Thanks.  Notice that he mentioned that they had no social safety net?  That could be as disaster waiting to happen. 

If this guy does become a regular on Coast, they could do a lot worse, don't get me wrong.  At least he's not one of those with the bitter, defensive, near-paranoid attitude.

Remember the dust-up during the Olympics when the Chinese had a cute little girl lip-synch and a homelier one singing backtsage? To me, it kind of symbolizes their utilitarian approach to things--the individual just isn't as important. I don't want this country to become like that.


Quote from: zeebo on April 03, 2015, 08:58:22 PM
She said at one point that a carrot from like fifty years ago was eleven times more nutritious than one today.  I'd love to know if there's any truth to this.

Me too. This morning I heard Dr. Jerry Mixon say a similar thing about a peach.

Noory and the crew don't give their audience much credit, but even they probably thought everyone would know it was a joke when the conjoined triplets consisted of a mix of races and genders.


Norry went on, again, about how he thinks dolphins are as smart as people, maybe more. The problem, according to Norry's theory that he always mentions? "They don't have thumbs." How many times has he stated this theory? I know anytime the mermaid subject comes up his says it. Seth replied with a laugh "yeah, it is hard to operate a soldering iron." I think he was getting tired of Norry's theories and inane speculations.

Quote from: albrecht on April 04, 2015, 01:27:29 PM
Norry went on, again, about how he thinks dolphins are as smart as people, maybe more. The problem, according to Norry's theory that he always mentions? "They don't have thumbs." How many times has he stated this theory? I know anytime the mermaid subject comes up his says it. Seth replied with a laugh "yeah, it is hard to operate a soldering iron." I think he was getting tired of Norry's theories and inane speculations.

Seth said something interesting though.  He said the dolphins were the smartest ones until we came along.  That kind of sucks for them.

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