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Random stupid things on your mind. Post them.

Started by timpate, September 20, 2010, 07:56:24 PM


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 05, 2020, 09:09:55 PM
what you two actually do when you’re apart from one another.

I wish she knew.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 05, 2020, 09:09:55 PM
Let the hijinx ensue! This one’s a winner, guys! I can feel it. ;)

Can she say the same?


Quote from: Jackstar on December 05, 2020, 09:52:50 PM
I wish she knew.

Can she say the same?

Yeah, mang! Let that dick joke be the first one in the show and keep ‘em coming!


Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on December 05, 2020, 08:12:36 PM
Now, yes I messed up

No, she did not--not at all, not with me. Also, she was lied to, not by me. I told her not to go alone, and it was very likely a waste of time to even go at all, and her friend who gave her the very worst advice ever is the one who messed up, not Grapefruit.

I'm sorry to have to throw your "friend" under the bus, but I simply can't have you blaming yourself like this. And a bus would just bounce off of that porker anyway.

Quote from: Jackstar
Fallout from this event continues to be immense.

I hope she doesn't kill the trumpets after she reads this.


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 05, 2020, 08:22:09 PM
It was WHO you ran away WITH rather than THAT you ran away...

She was whisked away in a fleet vehicle under aegis. She thought she was going to get away clean, but I swooped in at the last moment and joined the colour guard along with a spare Fair Witness, and we all got to listen to his excited squeals while waiting. It seemed to me like, even though I was of course willing to drive to the airport, someone thought I was going to cause trouble, by deliberately breaking his promises and sandbagging the drive.

Because, Grapefruit was kind enough to put on the speakerphone while on the phone with Tex. "What's Jack doing? Just standing there? Sounds like something scripted."

Yeah, I don't know either. Also, the vehicle arrived late, because it was mistakenly directed to the wrong pickup location, on the wrong side of the highway. It had the right name, right star, but we weren't there, we were here.

I will never forget these final moments, as long as I live. Google Analytics.

Quote from: Ciardelo on December 05, 2020, 08:22:09 PM
The dick-sucking and swallowing of Pubini semen was just a bonus.

Classy. I always thought you and your posts were reasonably okay, and you seemed to be largely neutral towards me. Yet these recent experiences have clearly tipped your hand. I honestly can't tell which of us here you hate more, and I can't imagine what makes you think beating up on and insulting my girlfriend is an acceptable thing to do. It's not like she's leaving me because I cheated on her, or something. Oh, no, no no, no no no.

It's a business trip. She told me. And, she's under aegis. And she had assured me, she had no intention of doing any negotiating with The Commander's Lil' Fighter. Frankly, I wished at the time that I could have gone with her, but someone had to stay behind to watch the pussycat, who couldn't be boarded, because boarded animals require vaccinations, and Grapefruit doesn't believe in vaccinations.

But, she believed in the CRN. Oh-kay. And the Google Analytics. And she believes she was better off claiming that she thought me unreliable, thus requiring hiring a manservant to drive. A manservant from Yemen. I begin to wonder if the driver is an AI construct.

And, what do you care about networks, old or new? The more this thing unpeels like an onion, the less sense you spastic retards are making. Remember: y'all let me assimilate #RubeMagick into the Man In Black CDE Network, right out from under your noses, on 11/11. You people are soft. You didn't even see it coming. But as soon as I found out that Rubini was gonna be loaded into a car for eight or nine hours on Veteran's Day, The Plan sprung into my mind fully formed, and I knew that Tex wasn't even going to be able to NOTICE THE LAUNCH OF MY NEW NETWORK when it happened... because Tex will be driving the whole way, Grapefruit's peg leg won't allow her a turn. You know, all y'all should probably be worrying less about new networks, and more about new Sourcerors, as there are plenty of those come up.

For example: A great many of you are willing to make fun of him--#RapeyCommander--and are willing to openly insult her... hey, you know she's an actual girl, right? And, what's wrong with fellatio? When the Hell did this place become such a gang of squares?

What the vast majority of you do not know--because no one has asked me--is it this series of events has thoroughly supported my viewpoint on strict monogamy.

For example: if a couple is already monogamous when they get married, what do they do on their honeymoon? Pretend to be more excited than they actually are? This makes no sense to me. She and I had argued about this point to some degree for years. If one wants to be cohabitated, be monogamous, and be strict about it all, one must first acknowledge that necessary acts of destruction must preceed every act of creation--and after all that, why not just get handfasted? Marriage is for the weak. Having just one lover for the whole rest of one's life sounds like a real energy saver, but allowing only one honeymoon seems downright cruel.

That being said, when Tex heard that I was back on the scene--I had left to go pick up some smoked salmon as a gift, the subtext there being "don't you have enough salmon already?"--things got a bit tense, supposedly because I was threatening to cause trouble, but really because I turned out to be reliable after all, and whomsoever thought I was going to break a promise and openly sabotage Grapefruit's plans, wasted their time and money on car service. Note that he did not waste his money on her plane ticket and accommodations--she paid for all that. I'm sure it was presented as, since it was a big business trip, and she being a strong independent woman, it was more dignified for her to pay her own way.

And he claimed that he was "broke" and that he would pay her back later. So I guess she bought her own ticket, and then I guess he paid for the car... hey, howdy-hey, [size=78%]hey look at that... suddenly not broke.[/size]

Fancy that. And after all that, the car was sent to the wrong pickup location in the wrong parallel universe, necessitating an extra ten minute wait, while I stood by  vaping like a smokestack, wondering if Grapefruit had noticed the plainclothes security smoking a joint on the other side of her and knew that her departure was being witnessed by four eyes, two security cameras, and overheard by one increasingly frenetic wop kike nigger spic wop jew. I can tell, he's watching the clock tick down to blast-off, and if he's this antsy about me interfering with my lady's departure, this guy doesn't know much about my lady.

Did I just say "wop" twice? Well, fuck it, I'm going anyway. He seemed reluctant to accept my cooperative prescence for what it was--neutrality and calm balance. He kept hanging up on her to call the taxi comp...  I mean, the fleet service, and when he would call back a minute later, it was always the same drill: "They don't know when. Is he still standing there? What's he doing?"

Blowing phat clouds of elderflower and nicotine vapor into the air, openly struggling not to bust out laughing, as I realized that Tex had to keep hanging up on her to make another call... because he only had one phone to use. This fucking guy. He can't use VoIP on his laptop? He wants me to watch her get hung up on--sorry, disconnected--over and over and over?

Let me tell you, if there's one thing Grapefruit hates more than getting hung up on, it's watching me vape--she thinks it's disrespectful to her ancestors, as tobacco is a sacred plant in her culture. I think she had imagined a more dignified egress. And, less smoke signals.

And less able to control his growing urge to laugh, with each disconnect. Mind you, I had already said that I would be happy to drive. Why would I want to miss a single moment of this? I had been assured by Grapefruit that she hadn't planned on going to have any sex with him, this was all strictly business. So at this point, I'm simply mildly insulted that these night owls thought they had to wait for this stupid fleet vehicle, instead of just getting in my nice low-profile pre-9/11 sports trim sedan--green, of course--and sailing off to Sea-Tac.

It is when I realize that the fleet vehicle is a yellow taxi cab, driven by an actual Yemeni, who cheerfully states that he was woken out of bed to make this trip (it's about five in the morning, at this point), as there were no other drivers available... and, by the way, "where are you from?"... that this smooth operator really is Cabal, (REDACTED), most likely, and My Lady is getting actually trafficked.

Since when is the first question a driver asks his passenger, "where are you from?" Since fucking never, that's when. He didn't even get out to open the door for her, but that was largely because Grapefruit was so eager to get away from the fire of my vape and into the yellow frying pan, she even hurried past me to open her own door. Now, for context... she's leaving like TWO HOURS EARLY. She asked me before about the best way to the airport, and I told her that while of course I would drive, she would be best off using Shuttle Express. It's cheap. It's reliable. Also, I would get to not drive. And now instead, she's getting into a spooky cab driven by an actual glowing nigger--a grinning one, to boot--and she's practically flying out on her own already. What the Hell is she thinking? I ask Myself rhetorically for a likely explanation, and one arrived quickly: airport bar.

You know. Strong independent woman and all. Earlier I had wondered if I was going to be able to beat the driver to the privilege of opening her door, and decided that I would simply offer to carry her baggage, but no, she's beating us both to the punch, and she's got it all: cane, pastel patterned luggage, and cellphone nightmare rectangle.

Sloppy job, (REDACTED). She's traveling under aegis at all times anyway--tribal edict--whether I'm in her presence or not, and I had already deflected an earlier runaway maneuver, a mere TWO DAYS PRIOR. I realize then and there that these were all kidnappings, and fortunately for her... I really am a big deal around here. Just ask VC. Just ask Metron. Just ask Zaza. I'm so intimidating, these feebs can't even cope.


Quote from: Jackstar on December 06, 2020, 11:55:46 AMimagine what makes you think beating up on and insulting my girlfriend is an acceptable thing to do

Too bad you're such an unreliable narrator Jack.

Look, look.

Read, read. If sucking Pubini's dick is insulting, perhaps one should not be sucking Pubini's dick?

Kind of like you posting over & over & over all that bullshit from him?

Here, have some back, how's that taste, Jack?


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 06, 2020, 01:48:56 PM
Kind of like you posting over & over & over all that bullshit from him?

That wasn't me. I am the sole author of any and all posts on this login. Nice starman strawman, don't chase.

Quote from: Ciardelo on December 06, 2020, 01:48:56 PM
Here, have some back, how's that taste, Jack?

You are off The Team. Effective immediately. Pack your shit, Crisco.


Quote from: Jackstar on December 06, 2020, 01:56:25 PMI am the sole author of any and all posts on this login.

and many, many more we have learned...


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 06, 2020, 01:48:56 PM
perhaps one should not be sucking Pubini's dick?

Perhaps? Perhaps? Perhaps? I suppose there might be some question about this for you, but I'm clear that this is not my area.

Let me be clear here: I don't have a single solid idea what's going on here. I don't get fast full access. And even if I did, I'd just use it on malt liquor and Pixie Stix.


Quote from: Asuka Langley on December 06, 2020, 01:57:16 PM
She's a lot of peoples girlfriend

I want you on my staff. Effective immediately. Go see her for a lap check, bring a garotte if you like. You're both immortal, so just have fun with it.

Bring back the documents directly to me. Thanks in advance. I'm not asking for a friend. Expect to find me in the #EscapeRoom.

So, Fishmate; how you like me now? Say hi to your sister for me, and tell her to tell her dad: Hell is coming.


It was forty years ago today that Stephen King assassinated John Lennon.  :'(


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 08, 2020, 10:04:33 PM
It was forty years ago today that Stephen King assassinated John Lennon.  :'(

This is why we need better books control!  >:(


Quote from: Jackstar on December 06, 2020, 11:55:46 AM
She was whisked away in a fleet vehicle under aegis. She thought she was going to get away clean, but I swooped in at the last moment and joined the colour guard along with a spare Fair Witness, and we all got to listen to his excited squeals while waiting. It seemed to me like, even though I was of course willing to drive to the airport, someone thought I was going to cause trouble, by deliberately breaking his promises and sandbagging the drive.

Because, Grapefruit was kind enough to put on the speakerphone while on the phone with Tex. "What's Jack doing? Just standing there? Sounds like something scripted."

Yeah, I don't know either. Also, the vehicle arrived late, because it was mistakenly directed to the wrong pickup location, on the wrong side of the highway. It had the right name, right star, but we weren't there, we were here.

I will never forget these final moments, as long as I live. Google Analytics.

Classy. I always thought you and your posts were reasonably okay, and you seemed to be largely neutral towards me. Yet these recent experiences have clearly tipped your hand. I honestly can't tell which of us here you hate more, and I can't imagine what makes you think beating up on and insulting my girlfriend is an acceptable thing to do. It's not like she's leaving me because I cheated on her, or something. Oh, no, no no, no no no.

It's a business trip. She told me. And, she's under aegis. And she had assured me, she had no intention of doing any negotiating with The Commander's Lil' Fighter. Frankly, I wished at the time that I could have gone with her, but someone had to stay behind to watch the pussycat, who couldn't be boarded, because boarded animals require vaccinations, and Grapefruit doesn't believe in vaccinations.

But, she believed in the CRN. Oh-kay. And the Google Analytics. And she believes she was better off claiming that she thought me unreliable, thus requiring hiring a manservant to drive. A manservant from Yemen. I begin to wonder if the driver is an AI construct.

And, what do you care about networks, old or new? The more this thing unpeels like an onion, the less sense you spastic retards are making. Remember: y'all let me assimilate #RubeMagick into the Man In Black CDE Network, right out from under your noses, on 11/11. You people are soft. You didn't even see it coming. But as soon as I found out that Rubini was gonna be loaded into a car for eight or nine hours on Veteran's Day, The Plan sprung into my mind fully formed, and I knew that Tex wasn't even going to be able to NOTICE THE LAUNCH OF MY NEW NETWORK when it happened... because Tex will be driving the whole way, Grapefruit's peg leg won't allow her a turn. You know, all y'all should probably be worrying less about new networks, and more about new Sourcerors, as there are plenty of those come up.

For example: A great many of you are willing to make fun of him--#RapeyCommander--and are willing to openly insult her... hey, you know she's an actual girl, right? And, what's wrong with fellatio? When the Hell did this place become such a gang of squares?

What the vast majority of you do not know--because no one has asked me--is it this series of events has thoroughly supported my viewpoint on strict monogamy.

For example: if a couple is already monogamous when they get married, what do they do on their honeymoon? Pretend to be more excited than they actually are? This makes no sense to me. She and I had argued about this point to some degree for years. If one wants to be cohabitated, be monogamous, and be strict about it all, one must first acknowledge that necessary acts of destruction must preceed every act of creation--and after all that, why not just get handfasted? Marriage is for the weak. Having just one lover for the whole rest of one's life sounds like a real energy saver, but allowing only one honeymoon seems downright cruel.

That being said, when Tex heard that I was back on the scene--I had left to go pick up some smoked salmon as a gift, the subtext there being "don't you have enough salmon already?"--things got a bit tense, supposedly because I was threatening to cause trouble, but really because I turned out to be reliable after all, and whomsoever thought I was going to break a promise and openly sabotage Grapefruit's plans, wasted their time and money on car service. Note that he did not waste his money on her plane ticket and accommodations--she paid for all that. I'm sure it was presented as, since it was a big business trip, and she being a strong independent woman, it was more dignified for her to pay her own way.

And he claimed that he was "broke" and that he would pay her back later. So I guess she bought her own ticket, and then I guess he paid for the car... hey, howdy-hey, [size=78%]hey look at that... suddenly not broke.[/size]

Fancy that. And after all that, the car was sent to the wrong pickup location in the wrong parallel universe, necessitating an extra ten minute wait, while I stood by  vaping like a smokestack, wondering if Grapefruit had noticed the plainclothes security smoking a joint on the other side of her and knew that her departure was being witnessed by four eyes, two security cameras, and overheard by one increasingly frenetic wop kike nigger spic wop jew. I can tell, he's watching the clock tick down to blast-off, and if he's this antsy about me interfering with my lady's departure, this guy doesn't know much about my lady.

Did I just say "wop" twice? Well, fuck it, I'm going anyway. He seemed reluctant to accept my cooperative prescence for what it was--neutrality and calm balance. He kept hanging up on her to call the taxi comp...  I mean, the fleet service, and when he would call back a minute later, it was always the same drill: "They don't know when. Is he still standing there? What's he doing?"

Blowing phat clouds of elderflower and nicotine vapor into the air, openly struggling not to bust out laughing, as I realized that Tex had to keep hanging up on her to make another call... because he only had one phone to use. This fucking guy. He can't use VoIP on his laptop? He wants me to watch her get hung up on--sorry, disconnected--over and over and over?

Let me tell you, if there's one thing Grapefruit hates more than getting hung up on, it's watching me vape--she thinks it's disrespectful to her ancestors, as tobacco is a sacred plant in her culture. I think she had imagined a more dignified egress. And, less smoke signals.

And less able to control his growing urge to laugh, with each disconnect. Mind you, I had already said that I would be happy to drive. Why would I want to miss a single moment of this? I had been assured by Grapefruit that she hadn't planned on going to have any sex with him, this was all strictly business. So at this point, I'm simply mildly insulted that these night owls thought they had to wait for this stupid fleet vehicle, instead of just getting in my nice low-profile pre-9/11 sports trim sedan--green, of course--and sailing off to Sea-Tac.

It is when I realize that the fleet vehicle is a yellow taxi cab, driven by an actual Yemeni, who cheerfully states that he was woken out of bed to make this trip (it's about five in the morning, at this point), as there were no other drivers available... and, by the way, "where are you from?"... that this smooth operator really is Cabal, (REDACTED), most likely, and My Lady is getting actually trafficked.

Since when is the first question a driver asks his passenger, "where are you from?" Since fucking never, that's when. He didn't even get out to open the door for her, but that was largely because Grapefruit was so eager to get away from the fire of my vape and into the yellow frying pan, she even hurried past me to open her own door. Now, for context... she's leaving like TWO HOURS EARLY. She asked me before about the best way to the airport, and I told her that while of course I would drive, she would be best off using Shuttle Express. It's cheap. It's reliable. Also, I would get to not drive. And now instead, she's getting into a spooky cab driven by an actual glowing nigger--a grinning one, to boot--and she's practically flying out on her own already. What the Hell is she thinking? I ask Myself rhetorically for a likely explanation, and one arrived quickly: airport bar.

You know. Strong independent woman and all. Earlier I had wondered if I was going to be able to beat the driver to the privilege of opening her door, and decided that I would simply offer to carry her baggage, but no, she's beating us both to the punch, and she's got it all: cane, pastel patterned luggage, and cellphone nightmare rectangle.

Sloppy job, (REDACTED). She's traveling under aegis at all times anyway--tribal edict--whether I'm in her presence or not, and I had already deflected an earlier runaway maneuver, a mere TWO DAYS PRIOR. I realize then and there that these were all kidnappings, and fortunately for her... I really am a big deal around here. Just ask VC. Just ask Metron. Just ask Zaza. I'm so intimidating, these feebs can't even cope.

Let them judge me. I don't really care. I am just Grateful to GOD that you are the man you are and could handle the mess I made. It's not like me. I have no idea how to describe the intricate details of what happened here. I will have to write a book. And the narrative you provide is borderline made for TV, so not like you.

I am so happy you launched your network Jackstar. You really and truly are the brightest Star. xoxoxo

Let's play some chess sexy Hungarian!
And deliver that Magic like only you can my Alpha Astrotheologian xoxoxo.


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 09, 2020, 10:41:18 AM
You shouldn't try to talk with your mouth full, sweetie.

LMAO. is that a fat joke and a ho joke!? KEK Don't hate me because I'm brave and brilliant/AKA dumb enough to get duped. YES I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOU! But the sarcasm just never really sticks with me. The cynicism is to negative. I know what you are against CIA, but what are you for!? 


Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on December 09, 2020, 10:50:02 AM
LMAO. is that a fat joke and a ho joke!? KEK Don't hate me because I'm brave and brilliant/AKA dumb enough to get duped. YES I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOU! But the sarcasm just never really sticks with me. The cynicism is to negative. I know what you are against CIA, but what are you for!?



Quote from: Ciardelo on December 09, 2020, 11:27:35 AM
I know that's right, heh heh

I never realized The Big One had a thing for weird bald guys in kilts. 


I don't get it. Bingo wings and Godzilla?
You old farts are weird.


Quote from: ItsOver on December 09, 2020, 11:44:29 AM
I never realized The Big One had a thing for weird bald guys in kilts. 

There's not a woman alive that doesn't turn her head when he walks by, and it isn't cuz he's weird. I'm not just with him because he's eye candy, but that is a bonus.


People turn around and stare at Falkie too.

Don't let the cocaine muddle your thoughts, Miss Mix.


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 09, 2020, 12:24:34 PM
People turn around and stare at Falkie too.

Don't let the cocaine muddle your thoughts, Miss Mix.

Next time I see some, I will be sure to stay clear... But Mr. Dildo, I don't think you quite realize the level of hot the Hungarian is blessed with. He's more than an eloquent writer and sweet optimistic beam of sparkling smiles.

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