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Started by Caruthers612, July 01, 2010, 11:34:40 PM


Quote from: DanTSX on October 27, 2015, 12:00:41 PM
The Brits are not my "family".

Spoken in a very broad geopolitical 'cousins' kind a thing.  Chimps aren't in my family yet many think we are 'descended' fm them.   And if there were a chimp relationship, wouldn't it be more accurate to say that we are 'ascended' fm them?


Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 27, 2015, 12:14:02 PM
Yeah, I was born wivvin the sahnd of Bow Bells, innit!

I am a Cockney, while you, darling, are just quite the a cock cocksman.



Quote from: DanTSX on October 27, 2015, 12:18:17 PM
Well, I'm afraid I cannot top that good Sir.  I remove my hat in defeat.    You dastardly Brits are always one step ahead.


Wow, limp irony too. I am truly dealing with a Jedi master. Unfortunately I just took a dump (it had an odd resemblance to your posts, strangely enough), so I have no more shit to give.

[I guess I really should insert an emoticon here. I think that's usually what people resort to when they have nothing else to offer, other than a few tired old tropes.]


Quote from: paladin1991 on October 27, 2015, 12:26:59 PM
Chimps aren't in my family

Keep telling yourself that. Don't forget Aunt Greta, who used to come in to dinner swinging from the light fittings.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 27, 2015, 12:14:02 PM
Yeah, I was born wivvin the sahnd of Bow Bells, innit!

I am a Cockney, while you, darling, are just a cock.

You're okay with hosting GC and the Yanks thinking you're Australian?  Oh well.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 27, 2015, 12:32:15 PM
Keep telling yourself that. Don't forget Aunt Greta, who used to come in to dinner swinging from the light fittings.

ONLY when she tied one on.  Otherwise, sober as a judge......considering today's American Judicial system....yeah, she's a chimp.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on October 27, 2015, 12:35:24 PM
You're okay with hosting GC and the Yanks thinking you're Australian?  Oh well.

I shall climax my set with a moving rendition of "Any Old Iron". IB said she would accompany me on the washboard, as one of BG's noted scrubbers.

And I wouldn't say "hosting" so much as "adorning" GC, like a beautiful tiara.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 27, 2015, 12:38:06 PM
I shall climax my set with a moving rendition of "Any Old Iron". IB said she would accompany me on the washboard, as one of BG's noted scrubbers.

And I wouldn't say "hosting" so much as "adorning" GC, like a beautiful tiara.

Oh in your dreams. You'll be hereby known as Senda MK 2.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 27, 2015, 12:04:48 PM
No, we speak English still.
This will likely be remedied soon by some European court, or maybe just by immigration policy (or lack thereof.)


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on October 27, 2015, 12:50:10 PM
Oh in your dreams. You'll be hereby known as Senda MK 2.

Oh yes, I will no doubt get pelters, but they can bring it on, because I shall come loaded for bear.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 27, 2015, 12:28:14 PM
Wow, limp irony too. I am truly dealing with a Jedi master. Unfortunately I just took a dump (it had an odd resemblance to your posts, strangely enough), so I have no more shit to give.

[I guess I really should insert an emoticon here. I think that's usually what people resort to when they have nothing else to offer, other than a few tired old tropes.]



The NRA has done a great job of keeping the crowd riled up, but they have done a very poor job of presenting most gun owners as respectful, responsible, and reasonable. And that will not help in the future.


Quote from: onan on October 27, 2015, 05:23:20 PM
The NRA has done a great job of keeping the crowd riled up, but they have done a very poor job of presenting most gun owners as respectful, responsible, and reasonable. And that will not help in the future.


Fundraising requires appeals to fears / extremes of the base that it represents.

However, it's not as if anyone wishing to debate the NRA is interested in a respectful or reasonable discussion either at this point.

The entire debate is unfortunately politicized to the extremes, and rhetoric, mistrust, and fear rule the day for both sides.


Quote from: GravitySucks on November 15, 2015, 01:05:03 PM
Largest centerfire rifle

No thanks, I fired a 10 ga. goose gun once.  They'll feel that all week. The shock/terror on the faces in the instant of firing is precious.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on November 15, 2015, 01:33:08 PM
No thanks, I fired a 10 ga. goose gun once.  They'll feel that all week. The shock/terror on the faces in the instant of firing is precious.
Yep, there is nothing fun about shooting a 10 guage. A friend of mine is an avid bird hunter and used to drag me along for ducks and geese. One year for his birthday, he bought himself a 10 guage. Fired it straight up at a goose one time and never shot it again. I thout we were going to have to carry him out of the salt marsh.


Quote from: chefist on October 23, 2015, 05:21:17 PM
I think the first step is for a willingness to have an honest discussion...both sides seem to have their fortresses built and are not willing to come out and talk...

1. The right thinks the left wants jack booted thugs to come into their homes, take their guns, and leave them defenceless against criminals and evil government...

2. The left thinks that guns are the root of these deaths and removing them is the best solution for society....even if your family is murdered by criminals, that is the price for "saving lives" by not having guns in the law abiding home...

Will this happen...maybe...but not in the near future I think....

How can you have a honest discussion, when the "left" just wants to take away more of our gun rights. The left goal is force gun owners to make a 'compromise' that will never end. Give them an inch, they will never stop coming back for more.   

this blog post says it best in my opinion.  http://thelawdogfiles.blogspot.com/2013/01/a-repost.html


Yesterday, the Senate voted down, again, a measure that would make it illegal for those named on the f'ing Terrorist Watch List/No-fly List to buy guns.  The NRA opposed it. The fucking Terrorist Watch List!!


Quote from: VtaGeezer on December 04, 2015, 10:34:57 AM
Yesterday, the Senate voted down, again, a measure that would make it illegal for those named on the f'ing Terrorist Watch List/No-fly List to buy guns.  The NRA opposed it. The fucking Terrorist Watch List!!

It is a form of zealotry.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on December 04, 2015, 10:34:57 AM
Yesterday, the Senate voted down, again, a measure that would make it illegal for those named on the f'ing Terrorist Watch List/No-fly List to buy guns.  The NRA opposed it. The fucking Terrorist Watch List!!

I remember reading that there was some elected official that ended up on a no fly list.  And it took 3 weeks to remove him from it even though he worked for the government, google is failing me though. Even if such a list worked like it was supposed to why don't they just call it a Muslim list, that's what it is. These terrorists were on watch lists to begin with why didn't anyone stop them? I am against any list that could be used to put anyone they want on to stop them from exercising their second amendment rights and i certainly don't trust Obama with it.

No-fly list is a joke anyway.  Innocent people have been placed on the list.


Yeah, there are lots of errors and innocent people on the "no fly" and other government lists. Glad they didn't pass some laws based on them. I'm not sure how they are even Constitutional but I guess they are these days. Instead of monitoring/prior-restraint Americans why not use the "lists" and intel we have to prevent Muslim peaceful actions? Almost after every Muslim peaceful action the government (here and abroad) say things like the Muslims were "on our radar," "traveled to x-country,
, " x posted on Facebook," "attended a certain Mosque" and so on....but only AFTER the Muslims have practiced their peace. Lest we offend Muslims by "profiling." Political-correctness and open-borders are the collective suicide of Western nations.

    People need to stop their pattern of thinking when it comes around to the notion that the federal government can fix this and that.  Outside of maintaining an army and defending our country, the federal govt. is bloated, ineffectual, wasteful and basically inept.  The  govt. doesn't enforce the laws that they have already passed unless it fits into the ideological paradigm of the President and other leaders.

  I get tired of the talking heads of the MSM whining that the government needs to do this or that to fix the problem.  Just do something they say as if another new law will automatically fix a problem like magic.  They never go back and check to see if new laws actually fix problems or create new ones.  I'm tired of it.


USSC today refused to hear an appeal of a city ban of assault rifles* and hi-cap mags by Highland Park IL.  This is very significant.  I bet the NRA email servers are smoking this morning.

(* This is the common idiom for AR15/AK/Bushmaster etc. in 2015 America.  Please save your rant about the technicalities of true assault rifles someone who cares.)


I wonder why Obama and all the other gun-grabbing types never complain about SI (IS,) or as this character Obama calls them ISIL, and their guns, here where "they are on our radar" but won't stop the attack because of political-correctness or government ineptitude. Oh, wait. They used to be his precious "rebels" and "springers" and "loyal" Iraqis. And now he wants to import them here as "refugees?"  :o "Fundamentally transform" the country indeed. Well, at least he wasn't a liar in his campaign promises....


Quote from: albrecht on December 09, 2015, 12:56:46 PM
I wonder why Obama and all the other gun-grabbing types never complain about SI (IS,) or as this character Obama calls them ISIL, and their guns, here where "they are on our radar" but won't stop the attack because of political-correctness or government ineptitude. Oh, wait. They used to be his precious "rebels" and "springers" and "loyal" Iraqis. And now he wants to import them here as "refugees?"  :o "Fundamentally transform" the country indeed. Well, at least he wasn't a liar in his campaign promises....


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