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Ian Punnett

Started by sillydog, April 06, 2008, 04:15:35 PM

What do you listen to when you can't take C2C anymore?

Mainstream talk radio
Progressive talk radio


Quote from: anagrammy on June 04, 2011, 11:50:46 PMJust listening make s me feel guilty.  I feel like Nero while Rome was burning...
hey Nero ... throw another log on the fire will ya ?


Quote from: zensunni on June 06, 2011, 02:36:57 PM
The Michael Diamond show was AWFUL. I'm not Catholic, but I was astounded that Diamond could characterize John XXIII as a "demonic imposter", and Snoory never even uttered a "hey, wait a minute'.

On the other hand, I guess (since I'm not a member of the One True Church), I am hopelessly lost anyway.  ::)

Diamond is a nut job.   he's not mainstream RC - he's part of the anti-Vatican II movement. That, by itself, isn't what makes him nuts - he's just nuts.

Brother Michael Diamond 02 Exposing The Agents Of The Antichrist Freemasons 2

Quote from: zensunni on June 06, 2011, 02:36:57 PM
On the other hand, I guess (since I'm not a member of the One True Church), I am hopelessly lost anyway.  ::)

Oh, I beg to differ.  Anyone who knows the importance of the spice knows their place in the universe.

Speaking of sand worms, I retrieved an older graphic I put together many many moons ago for georgenoorysuck.com.  It's still one my favorites of the "before time."

You might refer to that time as GNS I and now we are in GNS II.  (cough)

If you click on the bottle to enlarge it, you can better see the "subliminal seduction" graphics of money, death, and sex.


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on June 08, 2011, 01:36:22 AM
Oh, I beg to differ.  Anyone who knows the importance of the spice knows their place in the universe.

Speaking of sand worms, I retrieved an older graphic I put together many many moons ago for georgenoorysuck.com.  It's still one my favorites of the "before time."

You might refer to that time as GNS I and now we are in GNS II.  (cough)

If you click on the bottle to enlarge it, you can better see the "subliminal seduction" graphics of money, death, and sex.
Memories... oh, the memories.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on June 08, 2011, 01:36:22 AM
Oh, I beg to differ.  Anyone who knows the importance of the spice knows their place in the universe.

Speaking of sand worms, I retrieved an older graphic I put together many many moons ago for georgenoorysuck.com.  It's still one my favorites of the "before time."

You might refer to that time as GNS I and now we are in GNS II.  (cough)

If you click on the bottle to enlarge it, you can better see the "subliminal seduction" graphics of money, death, and sex.

I looked closely at the Jagerspice bottle...and I saw death, sex, embarrassing college-era incidents, and sandtrout. 

I'm about halfway through Ian's superhero show. Not quite what I expected it to be. When I first heard about it I was under the impression it was a show about superhero physics - kind of like the examples James Kakalikos uses in his lectures (http://www.physicsofsuperheroes.com/). ie, How can Superman lift a building without it crumbling apart on top of him? Why can heroes lift impossibly heavy objects without being driven into the ground they're standing on? How can you explain changing directions in mid flight on a whim? What kind of impulse would a grown man need to exert to leap over a tall building in a single bound, and does that force jive with what it would take to stop a speeding locomotive of average mass? Would Spider-man really have broken the back of Gwen Stacy by catching her with webbing if she fell from the Golden Gate bridge due to the sudden deceleration?

Then I downloaded the torrent and saw the title "The Seven Laws of Superheros". Okay, this would be an interesting angle too. How many superheros are legally sanctioned by their governments to fight crime? How would powerful costumed vigilantes be treated in the real world? Would the citizens of these cities need Superhero Insurance due to the huge amount of collateral damage in the wake of their battles, and if so, how much would such a plan cost?

Again, a bit of a disappointment when I started listening and heard that the actual title is "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheros" based on a book written by Deepak Chopra's son.

Nevertheless the show is pretty good so far, useless fluffy Chopraness aside. I haven't yet heard the part where the Old Man gets on the line but Gotham is able to handle himself and explain himself well and clearly, and is not nearly as flowery as his Dad which I'm thankful for. I like the exploration of the motivation of the characters and tying the stories back to ancient myth is right up Ian's alley and he is well-suited to that kind of show. Many of the ideas were thought provoking or at worst some may consider them merely novel such as Ian's conception of a time-traveller who can't let go of the past (awesome).

So far my only complaint is an overall minor and yet simultaneously massively geeky one. Gotham mentions a story about Superman coming to Earth during the height of the cold war and landing in Russia instead of America where he is raised to be a communist paragon rather than a symbol of Americana. He had to think about it for a bit and identified the series as "Superman: Red".  Sorry "expert" but that should be "Superman: Red Son" ALL CREDIBILITY GONE -10 INTERNETS FOR YOU OMG


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on June 08, 2011, 01:36:22 AM
Oh, I beg to differ.  Anyone who knows the importance of the spice knows their place in the universe.

Speaking of sand worms, I retrieved an older graphic I put together many many moons ago for georgenoorysuck.com.  It's still one my favorites of the "before time."

You might refer to that time as GNS I and now we are in GNS II.  (cough)

If you click on the bottle to enlarge it, you can better see the "subliminal seduction" graphics of money, death, and sex.

Ah Cam! so good to see you post - and thanks for bringing back that image - I remember it and it was always on e of my favorites.

"Nevertheless the show is pretty good so far, useless fluffy Chopraness aside. I haven't yet heard the part where the Old Man gets on the line but Gotham is able to handle himself and explain himself well and clearly, and is not nearly as flowery as his Dad which I'm thankful for."

One of my favorite parts of the show was the revelation that Gotham is putting a documentary together about his father.  I think that has great potential for humor and will show Deepak in a more ordinary angle that will expand the reality tunnel of several of his followers.   I could hear a distinct practicality in Gotham's voice that promises to eclipse Deepak's transcendental-speak throughout the documentary.

I can only guess that some were mentioning physics in describing the show because of a mental hiccup between "Spiritual laws" and "Laws of Physics." 

note to EvB: Hey stranger.   ;)

Seamus Capone

Some of the recent content and subjects in this thread are linked to each other. It's like a forum version of the Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon. Noory Voice: "Some people claim that Kevin Bacon wrote the Shakespeare plays." I'll give some examples to illustrate this.

During the zombie program, Ian twice expressed concern that Jewish people would be blamed for the epidemic. Perhaps he recalled how Americans blamed them for the Spanish and swine flus. In fact, Woodrow Wilson started a pogrom during the height of the former. Yep, modern America is just like Europe in the Middle Ages.

Ian mentioned that he liked a certain Mel Gibson movie. He also assured us, during his predictable qualifier, that he didn't approve of Gibson's drunken anti-Jewish and sexist tirades. Thanks for clearing that up for us, Ian. Otherwise, we might have thought that you were in the Aryan Brotherhood.

That takes us to Brother Michael Dimond, the Steve Quayle of sedevacantism. Both Mel and Mike are in breakaway Catholic cults. The good bro' was investigated by a Catholic apologetics organization, and they concluded that he was a crank who sold fear to the gullible. Maybe that's why Coast plays his ads now.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 09, 2011, 01:43:56 AM

During the zombie program, Ian twice expressed concern that Jewish people would be blamed for the epidemic. Perhaps he recalled how Americans blamed them for the Spanish and swine flus. In fact, Woodrow Wilson started a pogrom during the height of the former. Yep, modern America is just like Europe in the Middle Ages.

Ian mentioned that he liked a certain Mel Gibson movie. He also assured us, during his predictable qualifier, that he didn't approve of Gibson's drunken anti-Jewish and sexist tirades. Thanks for clearing that up for us, Ian. Otherwise, we might have thought that you were in the Aryan Brotherhood.

      Ian's philo-Semitism comes across as pandering and I'll play pop psychologist here, perhaps a bit of a overcompensating,"here's what I really think about Jews,but I project it upon straw men".


Seamus Capone

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 09, 2011, 09:21:50 AM
Ian's philo-Semitism comes across as pandering and I'll play pop psychologist here, perhaps a bit of a overcompensating,"here's what I really think about Jews,but I project it upon straw men".

To quote the Bard of Avon (Noory Voice: William Shakespeare sold makeup?), Ian be bitchin' too much about anti-Semitism and shit (Punnett Voice: That's a racist caricature!). Seriously, Ian wants us to know that he's PC. Like many PC people, he sees closet racists and hidden sexists all over the place. He perceives phantom bigots that don't exist. You can tell this by how he talks to certain callers and guests. It's like he views life through an extreme PC prism. I almost busted a gut, laughing, at one hilarious exchange with a caller. The subject was genes' impact on varied traits such as intelligence.

Caller: "Genes definitely play a role. Two brothers are NFL quarterbacks."
Punett: "That's racist!"
Guest: "Uh, I think that he was talking about Peyton and Eli Manning." (he was)

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 09, 2011, 09:05:14 PM
To quote the Bard of Avon (Noory Voice: William Shakespeare sold makeup?), Ian be bitchin' too much about anti-Semitism and shit (Punnett Voice: That's a racist caricature!). Seriously, Ian wants us to know that he's PC. Like many PC people, he sees closet racists and hidden sexists all over the place. He perceives phantom bigots that don't exist. You can tell this by how he talks to certain callers and guests. It's like he views life through an extreme PC prism. I almost busted a gut, laughing, at one hilarious exchange with a caller. The subject was genes' impact on varied traits such as intelligence.

Caller: "Genes definitely play a role. Two brothers are NFL quarterbacks."
Punett: "That's racist!"
Guest: "Uh, I think that he was talking about Peyton and Eli Manning." (he was)

    Agree wholeheartedly. The "brothers" in the NFL call was stuff of legend,and hilarious. Any discussion on immigration leads to his mentioning of his "brilliant" neighbors from Laos being superior to his American neighbors in every imaginable way. It's practically a parody at this point. Constant equivocation. Anybody who uses the $PLC as a source when talking about "hate crimes", I tune them out.

Seamus Capone

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 09, 2011, 09:55:25 PM
Anybody who uses the $PLC as a source when talking about "hate crimes", I tune them out.

I do too, and you just vindicated my instinctual mistrust of Punnett when it comes to his views on certain issues. I applauded when the group bankrupted a branch of the Ku Klux Klan. When they falsely accused people and groups of all sorts of nefarious things? Not so much. They're a biased, leftist, money-making propaganda outfit, plain and simple. They have no credibility now. For instance, they claimed that Lou Dobbs was anti-Mexican. That must be news to his Mexican wife.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 09, 2011, 10:35:23 PM
I do too, and you just vindicated my instinctual mistrust of Punnett when it comes to his views on certain issues. I applauded when the group bankrupted a branch of the Ku Klux Klan. When they falsely accused people and groups of all sorts of nefarious things? Not so much. They're a biased, leftist, money-making propaganda outfit, plain and simple. They have no credibility now. For instance, they claimed that Lou Dobbs was anti-Mexican. That must be news to his Mexican wife.

     It's especially laughable considering that if Morri$ Dee$ and Mark Potok had their way, C2C wouldn't even be on the air! David Icke appearances alone cause them fits of apoplexy. Don't shit where you eat,Ian.

    The Michael Donald lynching case from March,1981 is still capitalized upon today by the $PLC. God only knows how many millions have entered Dee$ personal bank accounts from that event.


Seamus Capone

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 09, 2011, 11:29:47 PM
     It's especially laughable considering that if Morri$ Dee$ and Mark Potok had their way, C2C wouldn't even be on the air! David Icke appearances alone cause them fits of apoplexy. Don't shit where you eat,Ian.

    The Michael Donald lynching case from March,1981 is still capitalized upon today by the $PLC. God only knows how many millions have entered Dee$ personal bank accounts from that event.

I forgot that the case was that far back in the past. I didn't know that much about it until I saw a show about it in the nineties, I think. My mind is blown. That case is almost as old as I am, and I'm one of those Generation X "losers and slackers" that Punnett loves to hate. ;-) That shows how dated they are now. Fortunately, Klansmen and neo-Nazis are turning into relics of the past. Didn't skinheads go out of fashion around the time that grunge rock came into fashion? That explains why the SPLC create new dragons to slay in predictable McCarthyite ways.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 09, 2011, 11:53:35 PM
I forgot that the case was that far back in the past. I didn't know that much about it until I saw a show about it in the nineties, I think. My mind is blown. That case is almost as old as I am, and I'm one of those Generation X "losers and slackers" that Punnett loves to hate. ;-) That shows how dated they are now. Fortunately, Klansmen and neo-Nazis are turning into relics of the past. Didn't skinheads go out of fashion around the time that grunge rock came into fashion? That explains why the SPLC create new dragons to slay in predictable McCarthyite ways.

  I hear ya, I was only 5 when that lynching occurred, and the original narrative in the immediate aftermath was "well, Reagan's election has clearly lead to this uptick in racial violence", However, the very next week,Reagan was shot and that type of rhetoric was sidelined(for awhile,at least). But Dee$ and company wants everyone to think that we're living in 1962 Alabama...

    Yeah, neo-Nazis and skinheads got a big publicity push in the 80's thanks to Geraldo and other creeps...but it's a movement(fiitting word) full of retards,pedophiles and jailbirds. Who are attention whores and give the $PLC the ammo it needs. People with the slightest bit of perspicacity can see through them. It's a fear-based sham to make money.

Seamus Capone

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 10, 2011, 12:24:51 AM
  I hear ya, I was only 5 when that lynching occurred, and the original narrative in the immediate aftermath was "well, Reagan's election has clearly lead to this uptick in racial violence", However, the very next week,Reagan was shot and that type of rhetoric was sidelined(for awhile,at least). But Dee$ and company wants everyone to think that we're living in 1962 Alabama...

    Yeah, neo-Nazis and skinheads got a big publicity push in the 80's thanks to Geraldo and other creeps...but it's a movement(fiitting word) full of retards,pedophiles and jailbirds. Who are attention whores and give the $PLC the ammo it needs. People with the slightest bit of perspicacity can see through them. It's a fear-based sham to make money.

You're right. There's a symbiotic relationship between the SPLC and the bigots (real or not). The problem is that they have to manufacture bigots to keep the relationship going. The old days are gone. That was an astute comment on talk shows BTW. I saw two White supremacists in real life over the course of time. I saw dozens on TV programs, and I wouldn't be surprised if many of them were actors and agents. Yeah, Geraldo is a huge purveyor of hype. Just look at his contribution to the satanism hysteria back around the same time that he acted like skinheads were a major threat to the fabric of society. I think that he linked the two from time to time. He still seems to think that Church of Satan members really worship the devil, so he's not the best authority on such topics. As for reflexively blaming crimes on conservative pundits, the Loughner case shows that things haven't changed since Reagan was in the White House (sigh).

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 10, 2011, 12:54:46 AM
You're right. There's a symbiotic relationship between the SPLC and the bigots (real or not). The problem is that they have to manufacture bigots to keep the relationship going. The old days are gone. That was an astute comment on talk shows BTW. I saw two White supremacists in real life over the course of time. I saw dozens on TV programs, and I wouldn't be surprised if many of them were actors and agents. Yeah, Geraldo is a huge purveyor of hype. Just look at his contribution to the satanism hysteria back around the same time that he acted like skinheads were a major threat to the fabric of society. I think that he linked the two from time to time. He still seems to think that Church of Satan members really worship the devil, so he's not the best authority on such topics. As for reflexively blaming crimes on conservative pundits, the Loughner case shows that things haven't changed since Reagan was in the White House (sigh).

    You got it, it's media manipulation run amok, Geraldo had his skinhead/Satanist/Manson Family fixation and the years 1987-1989 saw he and Morton Downey Jr(both based from WWOR) change the talk show landscape turning it into the most lurid,exploitative garbage imaginable. The dumbing down of our culture began long before then, but it really seemed to reach new lows in November,1988, with the Tom Metzger-Roy Innis-flying chair into Geraldo's face episode. The Satanism lunacy was based on fictive works like "Michelle Remembers".

     Let us not forget the "Nazis among us" Hollywood trend of 1988-89 with bottom of the barrel turkeys like "Betrayed" and "Dead Bang" and the revisionist "Mississippi Burning" which desecrated a very real,very tragic event into a film far removed from the truth.

Seamus Capone

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 10, 2011, 01:15:44 AM
    You got it, it's media manipulation run amok, Geraldo had his skinhead/Satanist/Manson Family fixation The Satanism lunacy was based on fictive works like "Michelle Remembers".

One could start a forum on that subject, alone. That book led to many ruined lives and reputations. The individuals in the McMartin case represent the most dramatic examples. That era really was a step backwards for the country. It was like a brief return to the Salem witch trials. It combined the worst aspects of fundy hysteria and quack psychology. People still make money from that "field", branching out from satanism to intelligence (spies in the sex trade). There's a whole industry of media devoted to these kinds of things.


Ian's an okay bloke.  My main complaint is that his questions are often so long and leading as to amount to interviewing himself.

Uh oh. USS Liberty caller. Look for Ian's highly contrite anti-semitism denouncements to be extra apologetic tomorrow night.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Jackpine Savage on June 11, 2011, 01:28:33 AM
Uh oh. USS Liberty caller. Look for Ian's highly contrite anti-semitism denouncements to be extra apologetic tomorrow night.

    June 8, 1967, a day of infamy, that precious few know about. James Innes and James Bamford get treated like Eichmann's underlings for their writings on the subject. Yes, Ian would probably have a conniption fit if it's mentioned on his show.


      This weeks guest and topic looks interesting:
Sat 06-11

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest organization in the world, yet the Vatican has never revealed its net worth. The value of its works of art, great churches, properties, and stocks runs into tens of billions of dollars. Author Jason Berry tells Ian Punnett what happens to the money dropped in the collection basket on Sunday mornings.

Seamus Capone

Will there be upcoming exposes on Anglicans and Episcopalians? (jk) I'm not Catholic, but it's obvious that the Vatican can't catch a break on Coast these days. First, George, whose family is Catholic, makes it clear that he's more of the cafeteria type. Then, Bro' Mikey Dimond does ads, for his material that attacks the mainstream church, during breaks. Tonight, we get to hear more about the creeps and crooks from Rome. I guess that Catholics are fair game, not one of the off-limits, protected religious groups. I could just hear the disappoinment in Punnett's voice when Captain Sweeney told him that, no, the pirates from Somalia indeed were Muslims (let's rush past that inconvenient truth), not papists. Who doesn't know that Islam predominates in that region? All was not lost as Sweeney assured him that there were papist pirates from South America, though. I bet that there was a priest or two, looting the Caribbean shores with Johnny Depp too. (jk) Let's not dig too far, though. We might find that some Church of England members sailed under the Jolly Roger.

Seamus Capone

I gotta admit that the guest is quite good. The money-laundering bit was very fascinating. A program about the banking scandal and the death of Pope John Paul I would be a classic. Throw in tantalizing bits about the P2 Lodge, and you've got one for the record books.

Punnett can hit some out of the park. His programs on churches and cults (subjectively speaking) can be among the best in the Coast canon. Throw in a touch of true crime, mixed in with espionage, and you pray for Punnett to become the main host. Several shows on things like kelp make it a wash, though.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 12, 2011, 01:43:43 AM
I gotta admit that the guest is quite good. The money-laundering bit was very fascinating. A program about the banking scandal and the death of Pope John Paul I would be a classic. Throw in tantalizing bits about the P2 Lodge, and you've got one for the record books.

Punnett can hit some out of the park. His programs on churches and cults (subjectively speaking) can be among the best in the Coast canon. Throw in a touch of true crime, mixed in with espionage, and you pray for Punnett to become the main host. Several shows on things like kelp make it a wash, though.

    It has been a good show...however I expect the callers in the last hour to offset my good feelings thus far.

Seamus Capone

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 12, 2011, 02:04:59 AM
    It has been a good show...however I expect the callers in the last hour to offset my good feelings thus far.

By some (ahem) coincidence, Punnett's callers tend to be much better than Noory's callers. I shudder to think what the calls would be like if Noory hosted a show like tonight's program. It probably would be Antichrist this and Whore of Babylon that. BTW, Ian's quite fond of the term, "social justice", isn't he? (hee) 

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 12, 2011, 03:01:08 AM
By some (ahem) coincidence, Punnett's callers tend to be much better than Noory's callers. I shudder to think what the calls would be like if Noory hosted a show like tonight's program. It probably would be Antichrist this and Whore of Babylon that. BTW, Ian's quite fond of the term, "social justice", isn't he? (hee)

    Oh absolutely, a bunch of Guy Fawkes Day celebrants to the right of Ian Paisley would be clogging the lines, "why you lettin' this mackerel snapper papist on this here radio, George?"

     When I hear him spouting that awful cliche, "Social Justice", I picture Ian singing a medley of "We Shall Overcome"/"Blowin' in the Wind"/"Get Together" whilst protesting for the latest Ed Asner approved cause celebre.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 11, 2011, 02:03:59 AM
    June 8, 1967, a day of infamy, that precious few know about. James Innes and James Bamford get treated like Eichmann's underlings for their writings on the subject. Yes, Ian would probably have a conniption fit if it's mentioned on his show.

I'm shocked! SHOCKED I tells ya! Ian not only failed to mention the rampant historic antisemitism in the Catholic church, a caller also used the term "shyster" when referring to LAWYERS and Ian said nothing. He must be slipping. Ian, your membership to the Social Justice League is in jeopardy. Hopefully someone will hang a noose made of dental floss from someone's doorknob, and Ian will have a chance to redeem himself. 


Quote from: slipstream on June 11, 2011, 09:35:52 PM
      This weeks guest and topic looks interesting: Sat 06-11... The Roman Catholic Church is the largest organization in the world, yet the Vatican has never revealed its net worth. The value of its works of art, great churches, properties, and stocks runs into tens of billions of dollars. Author Jason Berry tells Ian Punnett what happens to the money dropped in the collection basket on Sunday mornings.

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 12, 2011, 02:04:59 AM
    It has been a good show...however I expect the callers in the last hour to offset my good feelings thus far.
Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 12, 2011, 01:43:43 AM
I gotta admit that the guest is quite good...The money-laundering bit was very fascinating...Punnett can hit some out of the park. His programs on churches and cults (subjectively speaking) can be among the best in the Coast canon. Throw in a touch of true crime, mixed in with espionage, and you pray for Punnett to become the main host. Several shows on things like kelp make it a wash, though.

     Ian also greeted his first guest, Captain Kelly Sweeney, with a hearty "ahoy".  Something that has yet to occur to George.

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