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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM


I love all the local tv channels virtue signaling over Corona Chan, how much they love the medical establishment, cat ladies making masks, etc.  Best of all, telling us how to wash our hands, never ever touch our face again, make sure we hide under a rock...enough already.  What next?  If we're hungry, just eat cake?  Fucking asshole elitists.  It's like the Ad Council has taken over the world.


Quote from: paladin1991 on April 12, 2020, 06:15:54 PM
"...fucking moron..."  You think he is more capable than I do, Sir.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt. 


Quote from: ItsOver on April 12, 2020, 07:18:06 PM
I love all the local tv channels virtue signaling over Corona Chan, how much they love the medical establishment, cat ladies making masks, etc.  Best of all, telling us how to wash our hands, never ever touch our face again, make sure we hide under a rock...enough already.  What next?  If we're hungry, just eat cake?  Fucking asshole elitists.  It's like the Ad Council has taken over the world.

I know! And then we have to put up with douchbags here like kidnobrains telling us we should just listen to them...all is well.  ::)


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 12, 2020, 07:31:55 PM
'Scuse me while I shake this needy bitch off my shin.

Your powers are weak, old man.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 12, 2020, 07:56:48 PM
Alex Jones ordered to stop selling fake coronavirus cure


According to your masters propaganda arm, the MSM, chloroquine is a fake cure too.  ::)



Quote from: pate on April 11, 2020, 06:55:09 AM
Is that confirmed cases or deaths?

As of April 13 2020
1,846,680=total confirmed cases
Before 24 February, over 95% of all deaths from COVID-19 worldwide had occurred in Hubei province, where Wuhan is located. As of 13 April 2020, the percentage had decreased to 2.8%.

A local LTC facility has taken an almost 50% death rate in the last 3 weeks.  We knew it would hit the aged hard and it is.  The question about re-infection is scary.  Do yourself a favour and simply inhale as deeply as possible and exhale as deeply as possible. Repeat a few times a day. Careful not to pass out though.  Even people who "exercise" rarely open up their lungs to full inspiratory volume. Doing so helps prevent loss of elasticity of your lung tissue. Elasticity is lost in disease such as COPD which is bronchitis, emphysema and killed 3,200,000 people in 2015, up from 2.4 million deaths in 1990.

People on their way to ventilator therapy need ALL the lung capacity they can spare. It's all about the bodies ability to maintain blood oxygenation.  There are shortages of the medications (IV push) required for vent therapy.
Know your loved ones wishes, if they don't want to be hooked up to machines, they/you dont have to be. Don't leave it until a fight with a sibling occurs over a loved ones death bed.



Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 12, 2020, 07:13:13 PM
'Scuse me while I shake this needy bitch off my shin.

Heh, Nautical Shore how I got him to put me on his "ignore" list, feelz good mang.



Quote from: Hog on April 12, 2020, 08:01:16 PM
As of April 13 2020
1,846,680=total confirmed cases
Before 24 February, over 95% of all deaths from COVID-19 worldwide had occurred in Hubei province, where Wuhan is located. As of 13 April 2020, the percentage had decreased to 2.8%.

A local LTC facility has taken an almost 50% death rate in the last 3 weeks.  We knew it would hit the aged hard and it is.  The question about re-infection is scary.  Do yourself a favour and simply inhale as deeply as possible and exhale as deeply as possible. Repeat a few times a day. Careful not to pass out though.  Even people who "exercise" rarely open up their lungs to full inspiratory volume. Doing so helps prevent loss of elasticity of your lung tissue. Elasticity is lost in disease such as COPD which is bronchitis, emphysema and killed 3,200,000 people in 2015, up from 2.4 million deaths in 1990.

People on their way to ventilator therapy need ALL the lung capacity they can spare. It's all about the bodies ability to maintain blood oxygenation.  There are shortages of the medications (IV push) required for vent therapy.
Know your loved ones wishes, if they don't want to be hooked up to machines, they/you dont have to be. Don't leave it until a fight with a sibling occurs over a loved ones death bed.


I set my living will up before I went to the 'stan.  Mother has Executor of estate, Brother makes call on pulling the plug.  Brother is beneficiary of life insurance policy.  Heh, Sister is backup Executor and other brother is backup plug-puller.  Counter-balanced and shit, hope there is an afterlife so I can watch the drama...

Anyhow, it is roughly a 6% kill rate for "confirmed" infections.   The test as I understand it is difficult to come by and has false positive/negatives at this time?  I guess we have to kick back and wait to see what is really going on here.  Hell, I'd like to get a test just to see if I have the antibody in my system.  I have a feeling this thing is really widespread for some reason.  Heard of a mysterious case in central Missouri where they can't seem to figure out where the contact came from.

I figure it is floating around in the air, if it survives on surfaces for as long as "they" say;  I figure it can get whipped up into the atmosphere and disperse on a windy day.  Someone posted some numbers from S. Korea where they were testing everybody and it looked like it was pretty widespread at the time (this was a few weeks ago, I think) but was only killing off old folks and people with other issues.

Now I am not so "invincible" that I go around licking door handles and shaking hands, mind you.  But I sort of think that I have been exposed to it by now, and other than my normal spring time allergies and normal hard-work aches and pains haven't noticed anything approaching a symptom...

Maybe I am lucky and haven't been exposed, but I doubt it for some reason.

I guess I take my chances.



Quote from: Hog on April 12, 2020, 08:01:16 PM
As of April 13 2020
1,846,680=total confirmed cases
Before 24 February, over 95% of all deaths from COVID-19 worldwide had occurred in Hubei province, where Wuhan is located. As of 13 April 2020, the percentage had decreased to 2.8%.

A local LTC facility has taken an almost 50% death rate in the last 3 weeks.  We knew it would hit the aged hard and it is.  The question about re-infection is scary.  Do yourself a favour and simply inhale as deeply as possible and exhale as deeply as possible. Repeat a few times a day. Careful not to pass out though.  Even people who "exercise" rarely open up their lungs to full inspiratory volume. Doing so helps prevent loss of elasticity of your lung tissue. Elasticity is lost in disease such as COPD which is bronchitis, emphysema and killed 3,200,000 people in 2015, up from 2.4 million deaths in 1990.

People on their way to ventilator therapy need ALL the lung capacity they can spare. It's all about the bodies ability to maintain blood oxygenation.  There are shortages of the medications (IV push) required for vent therapy.
Know your loved ones wishes, if they don't want to be hooked up to machines, they/you dont have to be. Don't leave it until a fight with a sibling occurs over a loved ones death bed.

Eh, are you auditioning for "The Big Bang Theory II, Fun Times with Corona Chan"?  ???

Asuka Langley

Nurses are trash and Covid-19 is a fucking joke, prove me wrong.



Quote from: Asuka Langley on April 12, 2020, 11:36:54 PM
Nurses are trash and Covid-19 is a fucking joke, prove me wrong.


The stupid twit needs to post links to his source material. Videos without context (or dates) are pointless... Want to see what the nurses in Kansas are doing with their time in a hospital without a reported case of COVID? Want to see what the cardiac unit in NYC did back in 2017?

Most of the hospital furloughing was actually non clinical staff (I looked up 12 hospitals and medical groups yesterday night. They all say it is admin and support staff...)

If that video was a NYC hospital last week, I would be a little more outraged. As it stands, Meh.

Prove me wrong. 


Amazing what fear will lead to. The good part is that COVID has a fairly low death rate if you are healthy. Can you imagine abandoning patients out of fear if you are younger and healthy? Even if you had no PPE, would you really just leave them there to die alone?

It's an older story- but wow...

"Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles said the military "found some older people completely abandoned, sometimes even dead in their beds."

During an interview with Spanish TV channel Telecinco, Robles said that the staff in some care homes left after coronavirus was detected at facilities. "


Quote from: WOTR on April 12, 2020, 11:56:49 PM
Amazing what fear will lead to. The good part is that COVID has a fairly low death rate if you are healthy. Can you imagine abandoning patients out of fear if you are younger and healthy? Even if you had no PPE, would you really just leave them there to die alone?

It's an older story- but wow...

"Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles said the military "found some older people completely abandoned, sometimes even dead in their beds."

During an interview with Spanish TV channel Telecinco, Robles said that the staff in some care homes left after coronavirus was detected at facilities. "

If the nurses were fat, stupid or ugly;  perhaps it was a life or death decision to flee after the virus was detected?

Nautical Shore.

I do note that at the student hospital up the street, the vast hordes of fat, stupid and ugly looking students seem to have disappeared.  Only the fit, smart and hotties are present;  although in vastly reduced numbers.  The herd has definitely been thinned out that way.


I shall digress a bit hear:  in my proposed US response at the newly opened bio-weapons lab to the current cry-sis I think perhaps it is too harsh to single out people that are only one of the three target demographics.  If you are fat;  you don't necessarily have to die, same if you are only stupid, or are only ugly...

Perhaps, a sort of triage should be arranged;  i.e. if you are stupid/ugly, fat/dumb, or fu/gly the virus will "activate."  I only propose this drastic step as a method of providing for the genetic diversity of the human species as a whole.  Bill Gates for instance;  being fat, dumb and ugly would necessarily have to die...

I still don't understand why he demanded the 5G "activation" sequence in this current fad virus.

The following video has nothing to do with this post.


I have said too much.




You know that the world has spun out of control when you visit bellgab for your daily dose of sanity...  :(

Corona Chan, Anti-Bodies Test, Bayes Theorem and You

If you like math, this is an interesting thread of tweets,  If you don't like math it is still interesting and the bottom line is that a single positive test for antibodies for a random individual may not mean that much.



I’m is deliciously ironic how the pandemic has turned into a marketing opportunity.  If one more company sends me their response to Coronavirus...


Victorian police issue more than 400 fines for coronavirus breaches over Easter weekend
Personally haven't seen any police around in the past few weeks, but they're apparently on a fining rampage with each one being something like $1600 for being on the street without a 'legitimate reason'.

Nazi flag tied to Chinese flags appears in regional Victoria branded #COVID19
Quote"We, as the opposition, believe flying the Nazi flag should be made an offence â€" it's used by white supremacists and is totally offensive to all of those involved in the Second World War, not just the Jewish community."
I wish more countries took the same stance as America in regards to freedom of speech - ie it's all legal even if you personally find it abhorrent because the government and interest groups shouldn't be able to dictate what's acceptable.


Boeing is resuming defense-related production.


They are really too big here to attract criticism from the governor or even the local press.  Probably a sign businesses won't wait for an antibody test or a vaccine or immunity-related work permit, and that companies are realizing it's not as bad as people are saying it is.

Quote from: K_Dubb on April 13, 2020, 10:53:15 AM
Boeing is resuming defense-related production.


They are really too big here to attract criticism from the governor or even the local press.  Probably a sign businesses won't wait for an antibody test or a vaccine or immunity-related work permit, and that companies are realizing it's not as bad as people are saying it is.

Steak-Umm approved

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