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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM


Giant Asian Hornets coming from the west?  Total Armeggedon!


Got a robo-call this evening. "From the city and the county" warning me to not go outside this "holiday weekend." They are really against anyone celebrating Easter, looking at the blue-bonnets and wild-flowers, etc. Even saying "peak" on Sunday. Some of the msg was in espanol. Apparently some pushback because a tradition for many Mexican families to have large picnics after church at the parks. That is why they shut the parks. News said 'generations' use the same tables/areas and people upset can't do. Also City approved the spending. Homeless at the Crowne Plaza with meals. And some other less nice hotels.

Quote from: albrecht on April 10, 2020, 09:05:25 PM
Got a robo-call this evening. "From the city and the county" warning me to not go outside this "holiday weekend." They are really against anyone celebrating Easter, looking at the blue-bonnets and wild-flowers, etc. Even saying "peak" on Sunday. Some of the msg was in espanol. Apparently some pushback because a tradition for many Mexican families to have large picnics after church at the parks. That is why they shut the parks. News said 'generations' use the same tables/areas and people upset can't do. Also City approved the spending. Homeless at the Crowne Plaza with meals. And some other less nice hotels.

Note to self: Don't stay at the Crowne Plaza next time in Austin.

Quote from: albrecht on April 10, 2020, 09:05:25 PM
Got a robo-call this evening. "From the city and the county" warning me to not go outside this "holiday weekend." They are really against anyone celebrating Easter, looking at the blue-bonnets and wild-flowers, etc. Even saying "peak" on Sunday. Some of the msg was in espanol. Apparently some pushback because a tradition for many Mexican families to have large picnics after church at the parks. That is why they shut the parks. News said 'generations' use the same tables/areas and people upset can't do. Also City approved the spending. Homeless at the Crowne Plaza with meals. And some other less nice hotels.


I think it’s motel 6 and road way inn.  Sam Francisco is doing the same thing. Austin wants to be Sam Francisco or at least city hall.

Also the police aren’t enforcing the social distancing on the homeless they are all bunched up on manachaca under the overpass, under be white, on Cesar Chavez, Rundberg etc etc

Have you seen Zilker no one is listening.


I was traveling through Saskatchewan just about a year ago. I have a habit of stopping at graveyards if I am alone on the road- and I usually take a picture or two of markers that interest me. I just looked up the Smithville cemetery. It was just outside of Saskatoon- and according to the internet, it is haunted. I wonder if they put up this marker to try to give the dead some rest?

24 unknown souls. You have to imagine that the men / women with families were "known." These would have been people whose names have disappeared in less than 100 years. People put in the ground who were farm labourers or unmarried with nobody to care. It did catch my eye as interesting. Even more interesting this year in light of recent events.



Quote from: Liberace! on April 11, 2020, 01:43:30 AM
And now it's 40,805!!

Why Lee.  What Big Black Hands you have.
ETA:  Oh, please, please, please, MVLee.  Let me have a shit post, too!


Quote from: paladin1991 on April 11, 2020, 01:52:26 AM
ETA:  Oh, please, please, please, MVLee.  Let me have a shit post, too!


Quote from: Liberace! on April 11, 2020, 01:43:30 AM
And now it's 40,805!!

Is that confirmed cases or deaths?


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 11, 2020, 10:52:03 AM

'Jive ass dude don't got no brains anyhow.'

This byline was a beaut:

"Adams is under fire for 'pandering' to the black community and for his 'offensive' instruction to stop drinking and smoking during this pandemic"

How is your PM?  Some stuff I've seen says he is dead but "they" aren't saying so, others that he is in a bad way on an ECMO machine and still others say
that he is on his way to recovery and will soon be back to his goofball self.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 11, 2020, 11:09:27 AM
This byline was a beaut:

"Adams is under fire for 'pandering' to the black community and for his 'offensive' instruction to stop drinking and smoking during this pandemic"

How is your PM?  Some stuff I've seen says he is dead but "they" aren't saying so, others that he is in a bad way on an ECMO machine and still others say
that he is on his way to recovery and will soon be back to his goofball self.

I heard he’s off the ventilator now.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 11, 2020, 11:09:27 AM
This byline was a beaut:

"Adams is under fire for 'pandering' to the black community and for his 'offensive' instruction to stop drinking and smoking during this pandemic"

How is your PM?  Some stuff I've seen says he is dead but "they" aren't saying so, others that he is in a bad way on an ECMO machine and still others say
that he is on his way to recovery and will soon be back to his goofball self.

Supposedly he's out of ICU and on the mend. They say he wasn't on a ventilator but was getting oxygen through a mask. If you've got to the ventilator stage it's pretty much over. It's been very odd, the whole thing, we obviously haven't been told the full story and probably never will. We'll have to scrutinise him closely when he comes out, he might be a ringer!

Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 11, 2020, 12:04:57 PM
Supposedly he's out of ICU and on the mend. They say he wasn't on a ventilator but was getting oxygen through a mask. If you've got to the ventilator stage it's pretty much over. It's been very odd, the whole thing, we obviously haven't been told the full story and probably never will. We'll have to scrutinise him closely when he comes out, he might be a ringer!

Where do you find another one of these?   :D


From the UW



As a result of these and other key differences, the predictions by Huang, Qiao and Tung differ significantly from Imperial College London projections of a longer outbreak with 40% to 80% of the U.S. population infected and 1.1 to 2.2 million deaths. The results from the model used by Imperial College London differed significantly because it relied on separate assumptions about COVID-19 and the predictions were generated when key parameters, such as its infection rates, were unknown, according to Tung.

“Those types of models do serve purposes, such as moving policymakers into action,” said Tung. “But once the epidemic begins, it is important to turn to data-driven models that incorporate real-time information such as diagnosed cases, recovered cases and deaths â€" which reflect the effects of policy decisions and the degree of compliance â€" so that we can more realistically project the pandemic’s course.”

(my bold)


BTW predicts 28,000-39,000 deaths.  They keep halving it.  I hope someone models the rate of declining predictions.


Quote from: K_Dubb on April 11, 2020, 12:12:15 PM
From the UW


(my bold)

These are generally smart people. They knew they were making a wildly inaccurate prediction. The question is why? Cui bono?


Quote from: K_Dubb on April 11, 2020, 12:12:15 PM
From the UW


(my bold)
Some of these eggheads with their models seem to be approaching RCH level of "modelling." First ignoring the disease and not modelling at all, changing the data all the time, updating it, changing advice to lessen spread, and now making it some kind of global model for global, wholesale changes to society, government, and religions.


Quote from: albrecht on April 11, 2020, 12:21:40 PM
Some of these eggheads with their models seem to be approaching RCH level of "modelling." First ignoring the disease and not modelling at all, changing the data all the time, updating it, changing advice to lessen spread, and now making it some kind of global model for global, wholesale changes to society, government, and religions.

Ideology uber alles.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 11, 2020, 12:11:33 PM
Where do you find another one of these?   :D

If we could somehow resurrect Gert Frobe (of Goldfinger fame), de-age him about 20 years and, with a bit of minor cosmetic surgery, we might just pull it off.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 11, 2020, 12:04:57 PM
Supposedly he's out of ICU and on the mend. They say he wasn't on a ventilator but was getting oxygen through a mask. If you've got to the ventilator stage it's pretty much over. It's been very odd, the whole thing, we obviously haven't been told the full story and probably never will. We'll have to scrutinise him closely when he comes out, he might be a ringer!
One of my hospitals has an old Iron Lung in the lobby with a display about the polio epidemic and history. I guess to teach kids or to scare people, or both. Been there for decades. But it got me thinking instead of the ventilator options (forcing air in) what about breaking out some old Iron Lungs (negative pressure to get oxygen in) and see if they work? The NHS and our hospitals probably have some mothballed somewhere? And they don't seem ultra complicated.


Quote from: albrecht on April 11, 2020, 12:25:26 PM
One of my hospitals has an old Iron Lung in the lobby with a display about the polio epidemic and history. I guess to teach kids or to scare people, or both. Been there for decades. But it got me thinking instead of the ventilator options (forcing air in) what about breaking out some old Iron Lungs (negative pressure to get oxygen in) and see if they work? The NHS and our hospitals probably have some mothballed somewhere? And they don't seem ultra complicated.

Failing that, a minimum wage illegal immigrant could sit on their chest and jam a pair of bellows down their throat. Cost-effective and stimulates the economy, if not the patient.


Quote from: albrecht on April 11, 2020, 12:21:40 PM
Some of these eggheads with their models seem to be approaching RCH level of "modelling." First ignoring the disease and not modelling at all, changing the data all the time, updating it, changing advice to lessen spread, and now making it some kind of global model for global, wholesale changes to society, government, and religions.

Yep another blow to government-by-expert.

You will like this one:  no Easter services on tribal land (outside state jurisdiction) where people don't even get out of their cars.


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