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Azzerae's World

Started by K_Dubb, October 01, 2019, 10:23:33 AM


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 23, 2020, 09:52:37 AM
Dude, this isn't an insult, but you remind me so much of Metron. And I mean that in a good way. He was my friend, after all. This is the kind of thing he would say! Somewhere inside my heart I hope you really are him - oh, I miss my old chum so very much.

He’s performing ritual voodoo in his basement in the hopes of restoring the Bush dynasty to power. I’m glad the doxxing asshole is gone. If he was still here all you would read would be metron posts; sort of like on Azzgab, I’ve been told.

P.S. I really doubt that big C is metron. He’s too cool to be that headcase.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 23, 2020, 10:08:43 AM
He’s performing ritual voodoo in his basement in the hopes of restoring the Bush dynasty to power. I’m glad the doxxing asshole is gone. If he was still here all you would read would be metron posts; sort of like on Azzgab, I’ve been told.

I know you never liked him, Doc. And doxxing is never acceptable. So, I want you to know I've been working hard to rectify some of the  damage Metron's doxxing did to certain people's lives. And, actually, despite gay robot boy thinking the only reason AzzGab is offline is because I'm broke, I've actually taken the opportunity of its expiration date on to put the whole forum and what it was before on ice. When I made my "apology tour" as Naai Walker puts it, I really meant what I said. And, I'm grateful for you of all people to have given me the chance to make amends with you. So AzzGab will be back, but it will be a different thing - essentially a place to collect my creative projects all in one place. Minus the bad vibes and doxxing attempts created by proxy of my past associates. I know some people are never going to forgive me, let alone like me, but I'm trying my best to be a bit more mature about things going forward. I'll channel any immaturity into my creative expression, my art, that sort of thing. I'm done being an asshole (at least on purpose).


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 23, 2020, 09:52:37 AM
Dude, this isn't an insult, but you remind me so much of Metron. And I mean that in a good way. He was my friend, after all. This is the kind of thing he would say! Somewhere inside my heart I hope you really are him - oh, I miss my old chum so very much.

I miss him, too, but I have no doubt he is here under another guise -- that level of interest in all thing bellgab-related doesn't just vanish overnight.  He was an excellent conversationalist when he wanted to be, once he figured out you could not be provoked.

I have a theory that at azzgab hoping for new members and working tirelessly to stimulate discussion simply wore out a troll whose instincts at heart were always more playful and combative, and no small amount of regret that my participation there played a part.  I have grand plans of making pan de los muertos and pumpkin empanadas (the authentic kind with pumpkin candied in piloncillo) and his bizcochitos this year and hope he is around for the pictures at least.


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 23, 2020, 09:52:37 AM
Dude, this isn't an insult, but you remind me so much of Metron. And I mean that in a good way. He was my friend, after all. This is the kind of thing he would say! Somewhere inside my heart I hope you really are him - oh, I miss my old chum so very much.

I can absolutely guarantee with the upmost assurance that I am not, nor ever was Metron.


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 23, 2020, 10:17:55 AM
I know you never liked him, Doc. And doxxing is never acceptable. So, I want you to know I've been working hard to rectify some of the  damage Metron's doxxing did to certain people's lives. And, actually, despite gay robot boy thinking the only reason AzzGab is offline is because I'm broke, I've actually taken the opportunity of its expiration date on to put the whole forum and what it was before on ice. When I made my "apology tour" as Naai Walker puts it, I really meant what I said. And, I'm grateful for you of all people to have given me the chance to make amends with you. So AzzGab will be back, but it will be a different thing - essentially a place to collect my creative projects all in one place. Minus the bad vibes and doxxing attempts created by proxy of my past associates.

Not true. I liked metron very much when he first showed up...but then at some point he went mad with power and started treating this forum like it was his personal journal. I even remember one poster here suggesting to him that he should get his own forum to do that in, to which his response was, Why?! I’ve already got one. I really thought he was intent on destroying Bellgab because not everyone here agreed with him on everything. Thankfully, he was shown the door at that point.


Quote from: K_Dubb on October 23, 2020, 10:22:35 AM
I have a theory that at azzgab hoping for new members and working tirelessly to stimulate discussion simply wore out a troll whose instincts at heart were always more playful and combative, and no small amount of regret that my participation there played a part.

No, K. Dubb, that's not what happened. I assure you. I crossed the line with regards to his personal boundaries, and after giving me a couple chances to make things right, I became more vicious, and in turn he very kindly explained to me that he couldn't go on with our friendship after what I'd done to him, and I admitted to him that I knew what I'd done to a degree and realised, sadly, that I'd done irreparable damage to our relationship. It was largely my fault, the whole falling out. I know some people are gonna read this and think, 'ah, well Metron could give it but couldn't take it' when it came to trolling people - but that's not it. I fucked things up and I take responsibility for it. He also had a part in the ruination of the friendship, I won't say he was innocent and blameless...but ultimately I was the one who went way too far. And by the time I'd realised it, it was too late.


Quote from: Ciardelo on October 23, 2020, 10:23:54 AM
I can absolutely guarantee with the upmost assurance that I am not, nor ever was Metron.

Okay, alright. I'll stop!


Quote from: K_Dubb on October 23, 2020, 10:25:34 AM
That picture is super cute, bunny.

LOL, shirtless: just for you!


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 23, 2020, 10:25:41 AM
Not true. I liked metron very much when he first showed up...but then at some point he went mad with power and started treating this forum like it was his personal journal. I even remember one poster here suggesting to him that he should get his own forum to do that in, to which his response was, Why?! I’ve already got one. I really thought he was intent on destroying Bellgab because not everyone here agreed with him on everything. Thankfully, he was shown the door at that point.

Shit, well...I stand corrected. I guess I just assumed you didn't like the guy. And I'm glad you straightened that out. Some people have thought the same of me when it comes to Lilith ... that I "always" disliked (or still do) dislike her. Not true! I thought she was funny, I didn't have an issue with her. I can't even remember what happened, maybe it was some perceived slight myself and Starr Mountain thought occurred, where she had "stolen" Lee's attention away from us...what can I say, I know I was psychologically compromised at the time, not medicated yet, having personal problems. I'm not saying Starr is to blame, either. I think Metron is definitely responsible for some of the seeds of hatred planted regarding Lilith. He fed me all sorts of paranoid delusions...he was like gasoline to the fire that was my imbalanced, explosive brain at the time. I'm thankful I am well again. I just wish I didn't do and say such dumb shit in the past. But wishing won't take any of it away...


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 22, 2020, 05:27:05 AM


so the reason corona kitty, mdecon is so evil is he is a closet gay? and hates women.  it all makes sense.. God help him to accept who he is and stop his evil rantings..


Quote from: Tootsie on October 23, 2020, 10:38:52 AM
so the reason corona kitty, mdecon is so evil is he is a closet gay? and hates women.  it all makes sense.. God help him to accept who he is and stop his evil rantings..

Yes, gay robot boy used his ex-boyfriend to build an audience, and then dumped him. There is a link to the information on another forum (not AzzGab), but in the interest of my newfound effort to not doxx anyone, I won't be providing the link.


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 23, 2020, 10:42:34 AM
Yes, gay robot boy used his ex-boyfriend to build an audience, and then dumped him. There is a link to the information on another forum (not AzzGab), but in the interest of my newfound effort to not doxx anyone, I won't be providing the link.

I get it.. :)


Quote from: Tootsie on October 23, 2020, 10:43:31 AM
I get it.. :)

Let me just say, Mr. Moneybags himself looks very different without his shades on, cloistered shadowy environments, and black and white Insta filters.


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 23, 2020, 10:45:07 AM
Let me just say, Mr. Moneybags himself looks very different without his shades on, cloistered shadowy environments, and black and white Insta filters.

lol  I bet  ;)


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 23, 2020, 10:36:47 AM
Shit, well...I stand corrected. I guess I just assumed you didn't like the guy. And I'm glad you straightened that out. Some people have thought the same of me when it comes to Lilith ... that I "always" disliked (or still do) dislike her. Not true! I thought she was funny, I didn't have an issue with her. I can't even remember what happened, maybe it was some perceived slight myself and Starr Mountain thought occurred, where she had "stolen" Lee's attention away from us...what can I say, I know I was psychologically compromised at the time, not medicated yet, having personal problems. I'm not saying Starr is to blame, either. I think Metron is definitely responsible for some of the seeds of hatred planted regarding Lilith. He fed me all sorts of paranoid delusions...he was like gasoline to the fire that was my imbalanced, explosive brain at the time. I'm thankful I am well again. I just wish I didn't do and say such dumb shit in the past. But wishing won't take any of it away...

Yeah, I guess your crazy connected with Starr’s crazy back then. Now there’s someone I kinda miss. She was a fixture here when I first started posting and I remember celebrating Trump’s victory with her here last election. It’s too bad she went crazy and started to buy into some of the gossip here, in particular that Lee wasn’t mv. Yeah, she got in with that troubled Ellgab crowd and never came back. Sad. :(


Quote from: Tootsie on October 23, 2020, 10:46:18 AM
lol  I bet  ;)

Yes, a petite, girlish frame, no muscle whatsoever - and non-European eyes (if you know what I mean). NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

Corona Kitty

Oh Azzerae, did I upset you again?

Have you paid the domain bill yet?

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Corona Kitty on October 23, 2020, 10:59:13 AM
Oh Azzerae, did I upset you again?

Have you paid the domain bill yet?

Wait lol nevermind of course not.


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 23, 2020, 10:50:58 AM
Yes, a petite, girlish frame, no muscle whatsoever - and non-European eyes (if you know what I mean). NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

No way I have seem the same pictures and he is a doll.  Plus, he takes care of himself.  Nobody is saying don't eat cake -- I had a giant piece of marzipan cake yesterday -- but just do it in balance with everything else and treat indulgence like a celebration the way it is supposed to be instead of an every-day self-medication.  I am a Libra, after all.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 23, 2020, 10:50:14 AM
Yeah, I guess your crazy connected with Starr’s crazy back then. Now there’s someone I kinda miss. She was a fixture here when I first started posting and I remember celebrating Trump’s victory with her here last election. It’s too bad she went crazy and started to buy into some of the gossip here, in particular that Lee wasn’t mv. Yeah, she got in with that troubled Ellgab crowd and never came back. Sad. :(
Heh, heh... yeah, she was really starting to creep me out, with all the passive aggressive crap, especially with Lee.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: ItsOver on October 23, 2020, 11:05:21 AM
Heh, heh... yeah, she was really starting to creep me out, with all the passive aggressive crap, especially with Lee.

Shes still at ellgab.


Quote from: Corona Kitty on October 23, 2020, 11:06:14 AM
Shes still at ellgab.
One more reason to steer away from Bart’s wonderful world of crazy cat ladies.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: ItsOver on October 23, 2020, 11:08:19 AM
One more reason to steer away from Bart’s wonderful world of crazy cat ladies.

All we've got is a south african wigger who pretended to be a women so men would be more interested in talking to them.


Quote from: Corona Kitty on October 23, 2020, 10:59:13 AM
Oh Azzerae, did I upset you again?

Yes. Yes, the things you write about me are fucking horrible. And they make me feel awful. So I would say, yes, you did upset me.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 23, 2020, 10:50:14 AM
Yeah, I guess your crazy connected with Starr’s crazy back then. Now there’s someone I kinda miss. She was a fixture here when I first started posting and I remember celebrating Trump’s victory with her here last election. It’s too bad she went crazy and started to buy into some of the gossip here, in particular that Lee wasn’t mv. Yeah, she got in with that troubled Ellgab crowd and never came back. Sad. :(

Dude, don't call Starr crazy. She was never crazy. There was some weird shift that happened at some point, and I don't totally remember all the details, but sometimes situations feel off for a reason.


Quote from: AZZERAE on October 23, 2020, 11:19:24 AM
Dude, don't call Starr crazy. She was never crazy. There was some weird shift that happened at some point, and I don't totally remember all the details, but sometimes situations feel off for a reason.

I don’t know if she is or is not crazy. I simply stated she seemed to go crazy over the gossip here the Lee wasn’t mv after the forum shutdown.


Quote from: K_Dubb on October 23, 2020, 11:03:35 AM
No way I have seem the same pictures and he is a doll.  Plus, he takes care of himself.  Nobody is saying don't eat cake -- I had a giant piece of marzipan cake yesterday -- but just do it in balance with everything else and treat indulgence like a celebration the way it is supposed to be instead of an every-day self-medication.  I am a Libra, after all.

You sir, have incredibly questionable taste. I'll be the Chubby Bunny every day, treating my gullet like a garbage can till the day I die. Life's too short. And btw, I'm not fond of marzipan. Eugh.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 23, 2020, 11:21:08 AM
I don’t know if she is or is not crazy. I simply stated she seemed to go crazy over the gossip here the Lee wasn’t mv after the forum shutdown.

Okay, well she's a very close friend of mine, and I just don't want to hurt her feelings or be too rough on her because we all have our own problems and sometimes we need to be a bit more delicate with certain things. Yeah, I know. Rich comin' from me.

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