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Messages - Barfly

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Martinez Tonight
August 15, 2017, 10:55:18 AM
How go I download the shows? I don't want the stream
Quote from: Darth Sandra on April 29, 2016, 02:07:25 AM
I'm not sure if I am ready to accept that Baywatch is a true story. David Hasselhoff must be stopped or he'll end up Governor of California. :(
get naked for me..NOW
This isn't  a "network"
Its just a bunch of same old same old podcasts ya  get on countless other so called "networks"
you all know it is the same rehashed shit every day or night with the same guests on every podcasts..this gene is so dead
but you seem to coniniue its existence
Sandra, the master of the guy thats leaving
I saw Dr L and i was out..fuck her
Quote from: doctor weird on April 29, 2016, 01:39:14 AM
some men just like to watch the world burn
I concur sir
Quote from: SnapT on April 29, 2016, 01:29:58 AM
Heather showed her true colors when she didn't give Falkie the Hoagland slot.  Her true colors as a DIM BULB.  Her third-hour ratings would've improved as everyone turned DMDN on to get ready to hear Falkie.

Her loss is Noory's gain!
Its every ones loss, staying on a forum about some so called idol that is non existent AKA Art.
Get over it, Art is gone, ya dont like Heather? Why are you here?
Network died months ago, nothing to see here, move on or just be a troll.
Quote from: jaz on April 29, 2016, 12:36:06 AM
Can can just play the clip and use audacity to record it?
I hate you Jaz..get back doin podcasts

She is 16 years old.
this vid is so protected, i cant download it with ANY program.
If you know how to with ANY of Tinas vids i will thank ya.
Well one person in chat knows my plans, i posted most of the facts.
I bought some property in the Midwest, actually i could be considered a redneck now, since i will be living in Kentucky about 6 months from now.
Retirement better be all i wanted it to be.
I hate you all but i like ya also..funny how things work out.
Hello strange people, been gone for a while.
Went to Seattle to the Lan Syndicate Lan party last weekend, was a blast!
I see Hoagie maybe leaving, that leaves Sandra the Queen of nothing (even though she didn't even start the thread) so i see nothing has changed.
One thing i miss and the real reason i come to this site is for the podcasts, in reality they are MUCH more entertaining than the shows on Dark Matter, unfortunately they seem to be dying out quickly, i cant blame the content creators since this so called "network" has been dead since day one.
I would hope that Jazz, MV, Curtis and others would continue just pod casting, it doesn't have to be about the show, the show has been dead for years, when i say years i actually mean YEARS..when Art came back the magic ended fast, he knew it, so did the die hard fans..its simple..its ALL BEEN SAID BEFORE, why rehash old shit that 100's of other pod casters are saying with the same guests, the magic days have been over for a long time.

Art did the correct thing retiring, he should have never come back, it  demeans his legacy, people are fickle, they want the same old Art and he IS the same Art, but even he knows you can only rehash the same shit for so many years.

99% of the guests on all these shows are rehashed BS, they want to sell ya a book or are just bat shit crazy like Hoagie and his Wife, while that is entertaining for a bit it gets old fast, anybody with brain cells more than a Paramecium knows its all ridiculous chatter, but Art made it entertaining..now 100's are doing the same thing with that same guests that go from one show to the next, Art back in the day had the same weird fuckers as well as REAL science people,we knew the difference but listened anyway to the bull shit stuff cus it entertained us, ART KNEW that , he ALWAYS knew that, and Art will say to this day that many of his repeat guests he knew where bat shit crazy.

Anyway im outta here for now, If you like great podcasts there are so many others to listen to that makes the cranium active a bit more than all this BS paranormal crap, its always been fun and some GREAT people here that i would
always consider friends if i met them in person...cept for ..well you know who you are.

Also i bought a 8 acre plot in Kentucky with a sweet farmhouse 3 weeks ago, retirement here i come!
And yes, it has good internet..so im told.
Going to build a 30X50 building restoring old Harley's, maybe some Indians also.
I take possession May 17th, will move permanently around October or Nov of this year.
I wish you all well, i will stop in every now and them perhaps.
Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on March 12, 2016, 04:00:52 AM
Hi Barfly. Good to see you.
Last night and he night before Hoagy actually got back to his main schtick.
Insane you say ? ;) Yup. ;D

Holy Shit !. Bat-shit crazy RCH is going to be interviewing Bat-shit Crazy David Icke !
Reptillian Mega-structures on the Moon.

This is going to be good !
I may tune in for David Icke , it could go either way, if David Icke  starts with the reptilian shit i nay want to see if Hoagie thinks his "models" concur.
I wonder what "modeling" program he uses? the fucker cant even operate a computer.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on March 12, 2016, 03:59:35 AM
We don't talk much, Barfly but I always get a kick out of you and you are very intelligent. :)
Not as smart as my X wife’s lawyer  ;D
Good to stop in and say hi to the nice people here, been BZ with work and been playing more gigs about once or twice a month just to stay sharp.
I also may get a new puppy this weekend, stay tuned :)
Hello all, i listened to Arts show for the last hour on my way home from playing a gig, was nice to hear Art but i wish it wasn’t political.
i came home and decided to listen to RCH for  abit on my ECHO,
The man is unlistenable, and insane.
No surprise no one will advertise with him.
shit never changes, he only gets worse.
Its not even fun poking jabs at him anymore, he is a lost cause.
Quote from: Belles on March 03, 2016, 03:57:00 AM
This is true though I still want to hear him and Hoagie.
yup, but im glad i got to actually hear him talk first, Hoagie will bring out the bat shit crazy aspect
Was a pretty good show, actually im glad Hoagie didn't do the interview, at least John got to talk.
Quote from: Belles on March 03, 2016, 03:51:56 AM
Or compiling it and having it kicked out.   Looking for your error.
I still go through that in Python
Quote from: comaphobe on March 03, 2016, 03:50:17 AM
this guy's mind works like a proper human being's should.
I hate to say it, im liking him
Quote from: Belles on March 03, 2016, 03:48:03 AM
Yes, pages and pages.
Type till the fingers bleed and realize you made a mistake on line 50 or so.
Not a fun time.
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on March 03, 2016, 03:39:36 AM
We're hiring kids with 2 year degrees from the local community college to program now. They are ok, but nothing revolutionary. They pretty much do the same work as a kid with a 4 year degree from Berkley or Stanford. The programmers from 30 years ago were really good.
30 years ago we where doing COBAL, im mostly doing Python and C++ now.
I know a kid who is probably around 16 or 17 that i will hire in a heartbeat, but i think he may be getting a free ride to MIT when he gets out of HS.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 03, 2016, 03:33:50 AM
If he's got the chops what do you care if he's sporting a bad hairstyle from the 80s?  ;D
Correct, hes actually a pretty cool guy, keeps to himself and loves to program.
He saved my ass keeping up with my workload while i was in the Netherlands.
Hes hard to define, hes in his 20's, just rides a bicycle, i guess i could define him as a geek and a hippie in the same package.
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