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What are social justice warriors losing their shit about today?

Started by bateman, June 12, 2015, 06:46:40 PM


Quote from: bateman on November 10, 2015, 02:07:09 PM
Report hurt feelings to MUPD:

Geesh.  I can't wait until they set-up reeducation camps where there'll be severe physical punishment for hurting someone's feelings.  Man up, you bunch of wooses!


Quote from: pyewacket on November 10, 2015, 02:16:51 PM
Which will lead to this sooner or later:

Ha!  I'm glad I grew-up in a Norman Rockwell-type little town in the '60's.  While today's PC police strive for their version of utopia, I've already lived it.  I once knew utopia.  Where people were smart enough to enjoy what they had and appreciate it was never going to be perfect.


And does anyone find it hilariously ironic that that the people currently depending on the police to protect them from "mean words" are probably the exact same people who were bashing Missouri police during the whole Michael Brown fiasco?


Quote from: bateman on November 10, 2015, 03:09:25 PM
And does anyone find it hilariously ironic that that the people currently depending on the police to protect them from "mean words" are probably the exact same people who were bashing Missouri police during the whole Michael Brown fiasco?
And that the professor demanding goons stop reporters is a "communications" professor. I didn't not attend that school but I had a few relatives who did and I will advise them not to donate any money. I hope all Missouri alumni similarly express their concern and withhold funds. The state should also look into things. It is a crazy situation that is the opposite of "liberal" education or education in general.


Quote from: bateman on November 10, 2015, 03:09:25 PM
And does anyone find it hilariously ironic that that the people currently depending on the police to protect them from "mean words" are probably the exact same people who were bashing Missouri police during the whole Michael Brown fiasco?

Leftist hypocrisy... If cops or military prevent reports, it's totalitarianism.... If leftists do it, it's in the public good...

I should be clear...reporting should never be censored, even if biased...


Have these brats grown out of this yet? It's really tiresome. Can we give them a time-out some place far away from us? Like space?

I feel ~*privileged*~ to have not been born in this generation. FEWF!


I just saw on CNN that the "communications" associate professor won't return calls and is was not in her office. She is incommunicado since she got got on video calling for muscle to shut down reporters.

Rix Gins


Quote from: Rix Gins on November 10, 2015, 04:00:19 PM
Ha.  Tell us in your own sissy words how your feelings were hurt!  Army form# whatever.   

"Hello, 911?  Someone just hurt my feelings."


Quote from: ItsOver on November 10, 2015, 05:13:43 PM
"Hello, 911?  Someone just hurt my feelings."
I'm sure the police department REALLY appreciate people being told to call them about their hurt feelings. Like they don't get enough unnecessary calls. Though, maybe, this is just an anti-police stunt using Cloward-Piven strategy?


HOW DARE YOU! Hurt feelings are just as life threatening as a house fire or serious automobile accident :'(  YOU'RE SO HEARTLESSSSSSSSSSS!!!


I think this is what happens to people when they don't have the threat of a super power blowing them off the face of the earth over their heads. They start involving themselves in stupid shit. This is the most candy ass generation. They produce nothing except bitching.

There was a huge controversy recently in the NHL where a player went to the media saying another player's trash talk was out of line. Any reasonable hockey fan would say suck it up baby, that's the game. Yet all these young people lost their minds saying there's lines you don't cross and that the player who was taunted might have been psychologically damaged. The line of logic from one of the most vocal people was that their friend died a long time ago and if someone brought that up on the ice that would destroy them. My saying they would probably never make it as a professional hockey player was taken as trolling and I was banned from the discussion. I'm just like, can I get off this planet please?

These little candy asses are brain dead, only think of themselves and use these things to bring power for themselves. Like Lenny Bruce said, once you can't say FUCK anymore then you can't say FUCK THE GOVERNMENT.

I'm 30 and I hate my generation and the generation coming up after us. This group of shit will produce nothing tangible for history.

Rix Gins

Quote from: chefist on November 10, 2015, 06:00:03 PM
Amen VQ.

2nd.  Of course you aren't like that Vote, so there is still hope for your generation, plus the one after.


While the J-School faculty were meeting, Dr. Melissa Click resigned her courtesy appointment with the School. #Mizzou @mojonews

This after she tried to apologize for her awful behavior but still has her job in the Department of Communications and the University won't elaborate on any disciplinary measures if taken.


Personally I think it's all rubbish, and a result of people from the 60's-70's with the "every child wins" mentality taking root. Who do you think raised these people to think and behave this way, it wasn't their "liberal arts" school, it was their parents. Again my generation can thank the "greatest generation", and the following generation for royally screwing this entire country up. If it's not polluting the environment and sucking the every living bejesus out of social programs they have also made my generation incredibly soft.

It honestly seems strange to me that a predominately liberal college is just festering with racism, from what I have read some students have said terribly racist things in the past and some dorms had things like swastikas spray painted on them. That? THAT causes you to shut down the campus? While I don't think that people should just lie down and take it, is this really proportional to what has happened?   

Eddie Coyle

    The non-students will do anything to avoid going to class. And the tenured fuckheads get paid just the same. These protests are just trying to relive the fun they had last fall. It's a pile of shit with the same motherfuckin flies.


The Mizzou fiasco is not a civil rights issue. It is a Maoist purge based on ideology disguised as a pigmentation issue- and will be repeated elsewhere.


Quote from: Meatie Pie on November 11, 2015, 03:44:30 AM
The Mizzou fiasco is not a civil rights issue. It is a Maoist purge based on ideology disguised as a pigmentation issue- and will be repeated elsewhere.
Maoist??  I'd call it a pigskin purge.  The MU President didn't quit because of protesters.  He quit because football-obsessed alums who write big checks burned up the MU and Governor's switchboards. It'll be interesting to see what happens when all those semi-literate communications majors on full-ride football and basketball scholarships at other sports schools understand the loaded gun handed them by MU.


Quote from: pyewacket on November 10, 2015, 02:16:51 PM
Which will lead to this sooner or later:



Thank you, Pye!  that's just perfect.  Perfectly, my America. 


Quote from: popple on November 10, 2015, 03:26:19 PM
Have these brats grown out of this yet? It's really tiresome. Can we give them a time-out some place far away from us? Like space?

I feel ~*privileged*~ to have not been born in this generation. FEWF!

What are you talking about?  Let's give them jobs and power.  And good clothes.  Then send them where they can relate to everything they profess.......Afghanistan.  Lot's of underprivileged there who need to be understood and related to.  And would probably welcome them....with sharpened knives.     
I can hear the music of the desert now......'Lalalalalalalalallalllalala.'

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