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2016 Likely Candidates for POTUS?

Started by West of the Rockies, October 05, 2014, 03:09:56 PM

Anyone you think will run (either party)?  Anyone you think is already history?

I don't think Newt will run again.  That dog won't hunt.  I hope a Trump doesn't throw his ugly-ass toupe into the ring.  I don't think Sarah will go all in (just threaten a bit)....

The Democrat nomination is Hillaries if she wants it.

For the R's, it depends on whether the insider establishment pukes like Karl Rove can keep the Conservatives out, yet again.  The Conservatives, Tea Party, Libertarian, Constitutional wing needs to rally around one candidate early on, of they will not get the nomination

If the R's try to run Jeb Bush, Chris Christy, or Mitt Romney again, they are going to be shocked by how badly they lose.  There will be no checks from regular Americans, no get out the vote, no doorbell ringing by the grassroots.  The tactics used against the Tea Party candidates in the Senate and other primaries this year, and the lack of support if not outright hostility towards Tea Party candidates for governor races, etc, in recent off year elections has soured any support from Conservatives for these RINOs regardless of who the opponent is in the 2016 General Election.

In fact they've so infuriated the base they may not take the Senate this year.  And that would be a stunning failure - Obama and the Ds are unpopular, there are several weak Democrat Senators running for reelection in bright red states, the Ds are defending more seats than the Rs in this cycle, some of their seats in purple states are open or have unpopular incumbents, and historically the off year election goes against the incumbent President in his 2nd term.  Only Karl Rove and is band of idiots could blow this, fortunately even that is a stretch

Back to the 2016 race - the R's need the so-called Reagan Democrats to win a Presidential election.  Which means they have to stand for something and campaign on it, instead of trying to simply run as 'not Hillary' or 'not Obama'.  For a clinic on how not to campaign see Dole 96, Bush 00, Bush 04, McCain 08, and Romney 12.  Pathetic


Quote from: West of the Rockies on October 05, 2014, 03:09:56 PM
Anyone you think will run (either party)?  Anyone you think is already history?

I don't think Newt will run again.  That dog won't hunt.  I hope a Trump doesn't throw his ugly-ass toupe into the ring.  I don't think Sarah will go all in (just threaten a bit)....
I think the GOP Tea Party Clown Car Bus is loading up again but Mitt and Jeb will eventually duke it out and Jeb will win because he actually has a personality.  Christie's an abrasive prick, not to mention a failure in NJ, and polite midwesterners and southerners won't like what they see. Same for that creep Walker (WI).  Kasich (OH) is not quite as big a dick.

On the Dem side, HRC is not quite the shoo-in she's being made out to be; real libs don't trust her and moderates don't like her.  Biden's mouth has pre-empted him. Warren is too earnest  Jim Webb is interesting, but a little too dour for the times.

The process is a mess and desperately needs restructuring.  I believe it's a toss-up whether American democracy will survive the body blows by Roberts Court. I used to think Americans would figure it out, but that was before The Kardasians and Duck Dynasty.


Romney, Bush, Clinton. And whichever dark horse Soros pays for to be in the White House. It'll be a 2 billion dollar election up from 50 million in 2000. Great campaign finance reform. Obamas election cost Soros a billion. It's costing the U.S. 10s of trillions.

To show their support and live up to their perceived compassion and generosity the Democrats should hold their convention in Liberia. The money brought in would be invaluable to helping with the Ebola outbreak.


The Tea Party pissed off a lot of people when they shut the government down. I knew a lot of government employees who were pissed off that they took a pay cut for a couple months. These are the most miserable people with the greatest sense of entitlement. And they hold a grudge.


In addition to the above, Elizabeth Warren and The Baptist Mullah.

Here are a few more who I don't think will run:  Bachmann and Pawlenty, Warren and Biden.

There are those who will run but won't win:  Christie, Rubio, Santorum, Walker, Jindall...

I think it will be the obvious and dreary HRC and either Paul or Cruz.

I just have a gut feeling that a safe and bland Jeb or Mitt won't win the primary, that a TP type will get in and be slapped down by HRC.


My pick for the preferred, but not the likely ticket:
Paul/Gary Johnson
You may say I'm a dreamer

I'd like to see Governor Brown run, just to watch the fun in the primary debates.  He was a thorn in the side of Bill Clinton back in 1992, and without any serious hope of winning could cut loose and really give it to Hillary, but good.

Brown v. Hillary would be entertaining.  Brown strikes me as pretty pragmatic.

Quote from: West of the Rockies on October 05, 2014, 06:32:36 PM
... I just have a gut feeling that a safe and bland Jeb or Mitt won't win the primary, that a TP type will get in and be slapped down by HRC.

Any Conservative that can speak in complete sentences and actually campaigne on issues would mop the floor with Hilary.  Reagan carried 44 states after the failed Carter Presidency, and Obama has been considerably worse.

This is all assuming Obama doesn't stage some sort of coup and decide to stay

Quote from: b_dubb on October 05, 2014, 05:31:48 PM
The Tea Party pissed off a lot of people when they shut the government down. I knew a lot of government employees who were pissed off that they took a pay cut for a couple months. These are the most miserable people with the greatest sense of entitlement. And they hold a grudge.

How many of them have ever voted for any Republican?  The Ds are the Party of Government - any competent Republican campaigner would use the attempt to contain the size of government to the benefit their campaign.  What we don't have in DC right now are articulate leaders that can explain Conservative principles.  Probably because we don't have anyone in the leadership there that are actually Conservative.

Not only should they explain the attempt to rein in a runaway Federal leviathan, they should run on eliminating much of the Federal government and firing un-needed employees.  Starting with the IRS


Everyone I know that works at Wright-Patt are Republicans if only because that party wants to spend more on "defense". The JSF program -a trillion dollar weapons program that has produced a completely unremarkable aircraft - is the most obvious form of white collar welfare. I think every contractor has their grubby hand in that cookie jar.

It makes me sick. I worked at Wright-Patt and it was the worst job of my life. Having seen waste like that I fucking hate the idea of my tax dollars going to support mediocrity and straight up incompetence.

Quote from: b_dubb on October 05, 2014, 08:48:17 PM
Everyone I know that works at Wright-Patt are Republicans if only because that party wants to spend more on "defense". The JSF program -a trillion dollar weapons program that has produced a completely unremarkable aircraft - is the most obvious form of white collar welfare. I think every contractor has their grubby hand in that cookie jar.

It makes me sick. I worked at Wright-Patt and it was the worst job of my life. Having seen waste like that I fucking hate the idea of my tax dollars going to support mediocrity and straight up incompetence.

Multiply that by every government office, building, agency, department in the country


Quote from: Paper*Boy on October 05, 2014, 09:24:44 PM

Multiply that by every government office, building, agency, department in the country
I know. The IRS, law enforcement, postal service, etc. the waste boggles the mind. And somehow it seems to have a detrimental effect on the economy and people's spirits. Spending is supposed to "prime the pump" but it seems that the pump has been completely destroyed. Maybe financing our debt is a kind of financial weapon. We destroyed the Japanese economy and now we're going after China. IDK


Well anyone who financed the U.S. debt is definitely fucked

The 2016 presidential election will come down to two people:

Jim Webb vs. Scott Walker

Who knows who the vice presidential canidates will be, and frankly, who cares.


Quote from: aldousburbank on October 05, 2014, 10:04:34 PM
So basically, we're fucked.

When was it different?

I would love to see Ventura and Stern come into the race. Fact I would love to see anyone that is not in Government run. I would vote for any third party. I would love for people to do nothing but write down someone beside who they tell us to vote for. I am sick of voting for one party the Greed Party (Democrat & Republican)!!1

analog kid

The Dem establishment wants Hillary. The Rep establishment wants Jeb. The media is licking its chops in approval.

Quote from: analog kid on October 06, 2014, 12:38:54 AM
The Dem establishment wants Hillary. The Rep establishment wants Jeb. The media is licking its chops in approval.

Hillary = too much baggage
Jeb = too much Bushage

Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 06, 2014, 12:48:41 AM

Hillary = too much baggage
Jeb = too much Bushage

Given the 2012 Republican presidential candidates, Jeb Bush is actually looking pretty good.

analog kid

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on October 06, 2014, 01:05:56 AM
Given the 2012 Republican presidential candidates, Jeb Bush is actually looking pretty good.

Jeb is a good campaigner, has the brand name, a Latina wife (and an olive branch extended to the Latin vote via various recent speeches), George has apparently joined his campaign team, the establishment wants him to run, and I'm sure the media would love a Bush vs Clinton face off.

I really get the feeling there's just a general malaise at the very thought of another Bush and/or Clinton.  Kind of a Bush/Clinton fatigue.

There's exciting new candidates out there, on both sides of the aisle. How depressing would it be to end up with the same ol', same ol' establishment candidates...again.  I just don't see that happening.

All the people to whom I am speaking, have made it pretty clear that they want a fresh, new, exciting candidate. And I can tell you, people get very excited when Scott Walker's name is brought up.

On the Democrat side, Jim Webb is a very interesting candidate. He is the kind of Democrat candidate who can peel off a number of GOP voters. He's very middle of the road, slightly conservative on some issues, and a very accomplished campaigner and speaker. I met Jim Webb way back when he was Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. A fine man, with a very impressive military record and he'd have my vote against many of the Republican establishment candidates.

Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 06, 2014, 02:30:35 AM
I really get the feeling there's just a general malaise at the very thought of another Bush and/or Clinton.  Kind of a Bush/Clinton fatigue.

There has been a Bush or a Clinton running in each election over the last 34 years, except the last one.

Fun fact: From 1952 through 2004, a span of 14 Presidential elections, there was only one time that there wasn't a Nixon, Dole, or Bush on the Pub ticket.

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on October 06, 2014, 08:23:55 AM
There has been a Bush or a Clinton running in each election over the last 34 years, except the last one.

Fun fact: From 1952 through 2004, a span of 14 Presidential elections, there was only one time that there wasn't a Nixon, Dole, or Bush on the Pub ticket.

Now, that`s just uncalled for!

Oh, well...thanks again for being a veritable wellspring of historical info.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on October 05, 2014, 07:18:24 PM
Brown v. Hillary would be entertaining.  Brown strikes me as pretty pragmatic.
That could be good theater.  Two liberal bitches trying to out liberal and out bitch each other.

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