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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 08, 2015, 02:47:35 PM
My last words would be something like :

" Just when are Bellgab assholes like Shreddy going to die from inhaling their own body gases from all the bs they put out ? "


STFU & just mind your own business fart face.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 08, 2015, 02:46:06 PM
No, Kathy started doing it and I've asked her to stop but since it annoys you soooo much, I'll have her do it in every video she ever does.
The new Noory program is being looked at by MSNBC, Fox, CNN & Al Jazeera.

Hmmm, George and George on Al Jazeera...

Yeah, I think FOX is your best bet.  Maybe RT if you can hide your Japanese heritage and fake a Russian accent.

Hey Falkie, I notice you respond pretty well to questions.  Me, I hate it when people start asking me things but some thrive on it.  I think you're one of those people.   If you haven't noticed, you do get quite a response when you do answer questions.

I propose you change your video format.  You could call it 'Ask The Guy from Pittsburghâ,,¢!' or include it as a weekly segment.  Have people write in with their questions and then do a segment where you give your thoughts and opinions on the subject.  Everyone who asked a question will want to watch.

Just a thought.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 08, 2015, 04:13:03 PM
I propose you change your video format.  You could call it 'Ask The Guy from Pittsburghâ,,¢!' or include it as a weekly segment.  Have people write in with their questions and then do a segment where you give your thoughts and opinions on the subject.  Everyone who asked a question will want to watch.

Just a thought.
I'd like to hear about the time his mother took him to meet Richard Nixon

Quote from: Chocolate coated jackboot on September 08, 2015, 04:41:25 PM
I'd like to hear about the time his mother took him to meet Richard Nixon

There you go, Falkie.  Your new 'Ask me anything' segment is taking off already.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: bateman on September 08, 2015, 05:00:13 PM
Did Nixon offer him a job too?
Of course. He has been working under cover ever since. Nixon made him a man from (A.S.S.H.O.L.E. so secret nobody even knows what it stands for!) Agent SLOB-O  was given his credentials and sworn in on the same day that Tricky Dick brought Elvis aboard. His welfare from the gov't is really his salary but this way the bad guys would never know. If you move those book cases in the hovel, you will find his weapons, comm gear, disguises and all the rest of his secret agent equipment. That's  why it appears so dirty, as a cover, no onewould ever go near that filth. His goal will be to get that gig with al jazeera and be stationed abroad so he will be able to...opps, sorry I have already said way too much.


Pete Rose tried to recruit him for 1969 Cincinnati Reds but his mom told him there was no future in baseball


Falkie was supposed to interview Jesus while he was dead for three days but he forgot his iPad and had to come back. It's Kathy's fault.


Quote from: aldousburbank on September 08, 2015, 07:58:21 PM
Falkie was supposed to interview Jesus while he was dead for three days but he forgot his iPad and had to come back. It's Kathy's fault.

(Redacted)'s interview with God was so much better.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: aldousburbank on September 08, 2015, 07:58:21 PM
Falkie was supposed to interview Jesus while he was dead for three days but he forgot his iPad and had to come back. It's Kathy's fault.
Yeah...that's right, he was dead in the morgue and his mom said to just leave him on ice. Then he just woke up.
What a guy!!!! The miracle man no ever heard of. Wow is there anything he hasn't done, anyone he hasn't met??? Damn, we should all be honored.

Jocko Johnson

Anyone know what the secret agency SLOB-O works with stands for...A.S.S.H.O.L.E.????
Just tossing you guys a bone!


Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on September 08, 2015, 02:47:49 PM

Put Mr. Fluffy to work and make him or her work for those handouts. 

Who needs a feather duster?  You obviously dust and dust and dust. 

Quote from: Jocko Johnson on September 08, 2015, 08:42:36 PM
Yeah...that's right, he was dead in the morgue and his mom said to just leave him on ice. Then he just woke up.
What a guy!!!! The miracle man no ever heard of. Wow is there anything he hasn't done, anyone he hasn't met??? Damn, we should all be honored.

Let Falkie be thy Judge, for anyone who slights the least of the Lord's children slights the Lord in kind.  For know that Falkie was put on ice, and that Falkie was raised on the third day by the unholy Mother, and that Falkie shall come again to Judge thee.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on September 08, 2015, 04:13:03 PM
Hey Falkie, I notice you respond pretty well to questions.  Me, I hate it when people start asking me things but some thrive on it.  I think you're one of those people.   If you haven't noticed, you do get quite a response when you do answer questions.

I propose you change your video format.  You could call it 'Ask The Guy from Pittsburghâ,,¢!' or include it as a weekly segment.  Have people write in with their questions and then do a segment where you give your thoughts and opinions on the subject.  Everyone who asked a question will want to watch.

Just a thought.

A little Q&A never hurt anyone and some of those enjoy it. 


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on September 08, 2015, 08:44:50 PM
Anyone know what the secret agency SLOB-O works with stands for...A.S.S.H.O.L.E.????
Just tossing you guys a bone!
maybe American, secret, sociaty, of Homeless, obese, leechy eysores?


Hey Falkie, don't remember if I posted this or not but here is a real tip you can use to keep you're fridge clean. Gel a large clam and put it on the bottom drawer. It will slowly but surely clean every inch of surface area even spills that are incrusted

Quote from: akwilly on September 08, 2015, 09:00:43 PM
Hey Falkie, don't remember if I posted this or not but here is a real tip you can use to keep you're fridge clean. Gel a large clam and put it on the bottom drawer. It will slowly but surely clean every inch of surface area even spills that are incrusted

I'm dubious about this.  The giant clam in the bed next to him hasn't contributed anything other than malodorous fumes.


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 08, 2015, 09:11:48 PM
I'm dubious about this.  The giant clam in the bed next to him hasn't contributed anything other than malodorous fumes.
very true, she has only contributed as far as serving as a punching bag and chauffeur 


Quotewe had to rent a second storage space to put the overflow because she took the boxes out of our car.

I'm having a cause and effect crisis over that statement. I can't get my head around it. Can you explain it, Falkie? Or anyone?


Quote from: weeberwubber on September 08, 2015, 09:37:04 PM
I'm having a cause and effect crisis over that statement. I can't get my head around it. Can you explain it, Falkie? Or anyone?
This is a mysterious universe friend and it's best to not try and figure out all causality conundrums- such as how The Big Bang eventually gave birth to this thread.


Hey Falkie, did you and Kathy do any bbqin on Labor Day?


Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on September 08, 2015, 09:11:48 PM
I'm dubious about this.  The giant clam in the bed next to him hasn't contributed anything other than malodorous fumes.

Or maybe, similar to the cats brought into Australia to take care of the mouse/rat infestation, the cats were outnumbered and just couldn't eat anymore. Similarly, Kathy can only ingest so much filth and then becomes the metaphorical beached whale.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on September 08, 2015, 02:47:35 PM
My last words would be something like :

" Just when are Bellgab assholes like Shreddy going to die from inhaling their own body gases from all the bs they put out ? "

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child.


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on September 08, 2015, 08:42:36 PM
Yeah...that's right, he was dead in the morgue and his mom said to just leave him on ice. Then he just woke up.
What a guy!!!! The miracle man no ever heard of. Wow is there anything he hasn't done, anyone he hasn't met??? Damn, we should all be honored.

So near to greatness.  And nobody knows.  Maybe I'll go watch Life of Brian.

Quote from: paladin1991 on September 09, 2015, 09:18:57 AM
So near to greatness.  And nobody knows.  Maybe I'll go watch Life of Brian.

Good luck with the inspection today, George.

Inspection today - hopefully videos tonight.  I'm staying out of the "war," but must admit that I am looking forward to Kathy unloading on Drone, despite the fact that he is still my friend.  It should be good.

Is Tommy out of the hospital yet, George?  Will he be available to go through the "emerging artist" submissions again this week since Noory said he couldn't last week?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 09, 2015, 06:40:16 AM
How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child.

STFU!  Yorkshire have won the county championship for the second year running. Bit of cat piss to soak up, video later with Kathy belching eight octaves.

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