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Art Bell Quits Dark Matter

Started by DesertFox, November 01, 2013, 08:13:24 AM


Quote from: onan on November 11, 2013, 01:04:33 PM
The little half moon indicates someone has put you on their buddy list.

Thanks!  But I think I accidently put him on MY buddy list, so if it shows up on people whom you've "buddied", that would explain it.  Whew!  I thought it meant he was suspending his account or something whack like that. 


Quote from: ItsOver on November 11, 2013, 01:06:46 PM
When I cancelled this morning, the lady acted like she'd never heard of Art Bell.  "Art who?"  Damn Jess.

Now the powers at be are erasing any traces of Art Bell from SXM.


Quote from: malachi.martini on November 10, 2013, 10:15:16 PM
lol you'd have to be a fucking idiot to want to work with him again.  sorry, I don't need to deal with a temperamental 68 year old asshole that badly.

i'm not trying to be a buzzkill or anything, but please try and refrain from posting this type of stuff.  it just comes of as rude for rudeness' sake.  yes, there are other similar posts out there, and no, i'm not able to catch them all.  i can only address what i see and have time to address.


Quote from: HaveAccess on November 11, 2013, 01:08:01 PM
Would it be worthwhile to take a poll of the satisfaction level of the player?

I dont know, we have maybe 500 - 1000 people on this forum...

The sample would - tend- to have significance...

This would be completely anecdotal, but interesting nonetheless.

Quote from: saucerlike on November 11, 2013, 12:38:23 PM
I hope that mega Art Bell torrent is still out there to d/l..........

It is, hopefully this will last me the two years.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: ItsOver on November 11, 2013, 11:47:47 AM
"...it was Clyde Lewis' own decision to end Ground Zero."  That is pretty funny.  Damn Jess.
Clyde Lewis quit his show too? What's something going around with these guys?!


To anyone interested in reading this:

Report to Admin usually means some post is entirely wrong. Such as a discussion about seriously illegal topics. Links to porn is an example. People that post only to advertize some product is a reason to report.

Mostly when it comes to posts that flame it is considered more a reason to continue discussion to prove a point or to ignore. The choice is almost always up to the person feeling affronted.

I understand the frustration of being targeted and having bad things said... it doesn't make for the best day. That being said, we are all strangers here. None of us carry any authority regarding another's lifestyle or character. We usually believe that more often than not adults can find some way to handle other's rudeness on their own.

If a person is stalking another from thread to thread it can become an issue that needs addressed.

Having said all that, let me relate a personal story.

About a year ago, I got into a argument with another. I didn't fare all that well. I felt stupid and too lazy to really keep discussing. But my wife and I were heading off the next morning for a week at the beach. On the trip there, my wife asked what was wrong? I told her I was feeling angry over some shit on the forum. She said this is a vacation, leave it at the house.

We got to the rental house and everything went well that evening. Early the next morning I made a mistake and logged into the forum. Immediately I was pissed all over again. My wife again asked what was wrong. Again I told her. She pulled me back into bed, caressing my head and shoulders. Then she gently whispered my name in my ear. Followed by these words "I didn't realize I married a pussy."

I love my wife.


Quote from: onan on November 11, 2013, 01:15:57 PM
To anyone interested in reading this:

Report to Admin usually means some post is entirely wrong. Such as a discussion about seriously illegal topics. Links to porn is an example. People that post only to advertize some product is a reason to report.

Mostly when it comes to posts that flame it is considered more a reason to continue discussion to prove a point or to ignore. The choice is almost always up to the person feeling affronted.

I understand the frustration of being targeted and having bad things said... it doesn't make for the best day. That being said, we are all strangers here. None of us carry any authority regarding another's lifestyle or character. We usually believe that more often than not adults can find some way to handle other's rudeness on their own.

If a person is stalking another from thread to thread it can become an issue that needs addressed.

Having said all that, let me relate a personal story.

About a year ago, I got into a argument with another. I didn't fare all that well. I felt stupid and too lazy to really keep discussing. But my wife and I were heading off the next morning for a week at the beach. On the trip there, my wife asked what was wrong? I told her I was feeling angry over some shit on the forum. She said this is a vacation, leave it at the house.

We got to the rental house and everything went well that evening. Early the next morning I made a mistake and logged into the forum. Immediately I was pissed all over again. My wife again asked what was wrong. Again I told her. She pulled me back into bed, caressing my head and shoulders. Then she gently whispered my name in my ear. Followed by these words "I didn't realize I married a pussy."

I love my wife.
I think that your wife likes you a little bit. ;D

Edit: don't want to get banned.

I knew it was you.


Quote from: Spirit Chaser on November 10, 2013, 10:54:01 PM
Interesting.  My experience after the 30 day trial without having given them any credit card and then never choosing a plan was that they somehow stole and used a new credit card account that I received two days before Halloween to charge me ON Halloween.  Today my credit card people are going after them with a fraud investigation.  I went ahead and used another email address and signed on for another 30 day trial without a credit card today to see what they pull in 6 weeks as capital one cancelled the account they stole and are expediting delivery of a new one.  So that's twice I
have signed up for a free trial.  They actually hacked somewhere into my Internet data and stole a credit card account to charge, with the first sign up. 

Still finding this a little hard to believe.  I signed up twice for Sirius, successfully each time, gave no credit card number since it wasn't required with the free trial.  And neither of my two credit cards was charged by Sirius.  Wonder how I managed to escape the Sirius hacking person?  Maybe coz my credit card information is *secured* online, as is most credit card information online, and is not easily available.  Not saying it was impossible for this to happen, but quite unlikely. 

eddie dean

Quote from: onan on November 11, 2013, 01:15:57 PM

. Followed by these words "I didn't realize I married a pussy."

I love my wife.

I love your wife too! ;D


Quote from: Surmo on November 11, 2013, 12:30:03 PM

Did subscriber get a call from Sirius like I did this morning at 11:30 a.m. EST?

As I was showering, I got a call from an unlisted number.  As I just broke up with my GF, and was expecting a call, I picked it up, only to have Barb of Sirius on the line.  Not a flunkie  from India, but very well educated and knowledgeable.  Barb asked me if I was a subscriber to Dark Matters, and did I still desire to quit Sirius if Art Bell was no longer on the air with them. [As an aside, I wrote passionate letters to everyone and anyone at Sirius, including by email and regular mail, asking that they keep Art on the air and work with him.  At no point in my letters did I take Sirius to task in any way, other than I wanted Art on the air.]

I told Barb that while I understood Sirius' position over Art's position, I had subscribed only for Art Bell, and without him I wanted to discontinue.  Barb said Art Bell is not on Sirius.  I asked could he return and she said he will "never" be on Sirius.  I replied "never?"  Barb responded "ever."  When I asked her how she knew that, Barb said her "superior" told her that, and when I asked who that was she simply repeated "my superior."  I said I would indeed like to discontinue Sirius (I signed up for a year, and got a free car radio in the process), and Barb proceeded to indicate my subscription would run till Nov. 13th, and I would not be charged beyond that date.  [I found out later there was also a termination fee of $75, which Barb failed to mention during the call.]

During this process I asked Barb why they were doing this and she said in response to my letterS, emphasizing the plurality of letters.  Has anyone else gotten a call FROM Sirius, volunatrily ending the subscription?  The $75 fee has tempered how I feel about it, as that is roughly half a year at the monthly rate I subscribed for, and I thought it very unusual. I am an attorney by trade, and have dealt with an inordinate number of corproate types, and this woman seemed to be well-above the bottom rung of the ladder.

Anyone else receive a similar call?  My last name begins with "A" so I may be first on the list, but I may also have gotten this largely because of the over-the-top efforts I made to be passionate and yet reasonable about this whole mess to Sirius.

that's so ominous  :o


I'm beginning to think that the truth here is very simple. Art just didn't have the number of listeners required in order to keep going. Siriusxm does not want to play.  Nothing more, nothing less.
At least he tried.  He may come back, he may not. That's the easiest for me to live with.  That I can accept because there is no other choice.   The rest is a speculative, beating of the dead horse, so to speak. 


Hi everyone. I know this isn't the right thread, but I am posting this here because I know everyone will see it. I have an URGENT prayer request for my mom. She had a heart attack last night and please anyone who believes in God or Prayer to please pray for her to get well. Her name is Rachel and she is 85. Thank you. I won't be on for a while since I haven't slept in like 36 hrs. Will let you know how she is as soon as I can get back online. She seems stable for now but I am very worried since she had a heart attack about a year and a half ago as well.  :'(  Thank you.   :(

Did Clyde Lewis really quit? I can't find anything about that using Google.

Link pls?


Quote from: Scully on November 10, 2013, 10:38:11 PM

I haven't done my daily reading tonight (my eyes are getting sore), but I wonder if I'm the only one who has suspected that a lot of the people who dropped their free trial subscriptions so that they could get another free trial helped to create a false reading of "the base" dropping out.  There were lots I know of who were happily going to keep changing email addresses for as long as they could get away with it ... another thing that bothered me. ...   :'(

I signed up for two free trials, and being a "horrible person", don't really feel all that badly about it (the money I save will be spent in my local economy, supporting the few mom-and-pop stores left, going out to dinner, etc.).  I feel sure that when my one free trial ended, to be replaced nearly immediately by my new free trial, that my data would still show up as ONE new person to Sirius trying out the free trial.  However, if Art counts "the base" as people who will call into the show, that would not be me:  one, I'm just not a caller-inner (have never done that) and, two, I nearly always listened to that night's replay of Dark Matter or to the show later 'on demand,' as I know many other people did.  So I personally feel that accounts for the lack of callers.  When Art used to do c2c, people WOULD make more of a point to listen live to the show, since there was no 'on demand' feature unless you subscribed to the Streamlink (which I never considered doing, not being a subscriber of anything that costs money if I can avoid it:  my budget is too tight).

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Ravenna on November 11, 2013, 12:17:41 PM
The explanation given, as you probably know, is that too many people had problems listening due to "drop-outs," etc.  So Art gave an ultimatum to Sirius:  let him live stream for free for a year while they worked on addressing the technical issues behind the drop-outs in the audio stream.  We still don't know if Sirius will go for that or not, but it doesn't look good. 

Some people are confused coz they had no issues with drop-outs.  I did four times; each very quickly fixed by exiting the app and firing it back up again:  audio would then stream fine.  NBD.  I know that many others here had no issues whatsoever; some others had some, but they are a minority it seems to me.

Whether this is the REAL reason why Art quit Dark Matter, I'm not clear on.  It could have been one of the reasons, and there are others he is choosing not to talk about.  Who knows:  all we can do is conjecture.  For right now, I'm deciding to take him at his word.

I'm feeling the only hope is, at this point, that Sirius will let him out of his two year non-compete, but even the hopes of that seem slim and are dimming.
And don't forget Art says there are bogeyman in he closet!  Right prem radio and jorsh telling sxm hey you guys better take DM off the air cause it my cut into the c2c audience.  And if u don't we are gonna get really really...well you'll see! Oh ah what Art just up and quit...ok nevermind.
Like the time Mr.Macy's called Mr. Gimbel's and told him...you better stop selling those widgets and making more money than me cause I can't stock that item.
If anybody can tell me what these unseen influences are behind thd scenes are please tell I've misplaced my doubletalk excuse code book. If not I have a very nice bridge in Brooklyn I could sell you...please that cryptic blame someone else shit has got to stop. Because without just putting out there in the light of day to expose whatever...I am sorry but the plus side of the ledger shows the credibility colunm tl be a bit in arrears.

Quote from: samysam1313 on November 11, 2013, 01:38:48 PM
Hi everyone. I know this isn't the right thread, but I am posting this here because I know everyone will see it. I have an URGENT prayer request for my mom. She had a heart attack last night and please anyone who believes in God or Prayer to please pray for her to get well. Thank you. I won't be on for a while since I haven't slept in like 36 hrs. Will let you know how she is as soon as I can get back online. She seems stable for now but I am very worried since she had a heart attack about a year and a half ago as well.  :'(  Thank you.   :(

Hoping for a quick recovery. Hang in there and stay strong.

Quick Karl

Art's NC has nothing to do with law - it has to do with egos and vendetta.

You can chalk Art up to ancient history.


Quote from: Jocko Johnson on November 11, 2013, 01:15:41 PM
Clyde Lewis quit his show too? What's something going around with these guys?!

It was just a joke about Clyde quitting.  With all his health problems, Clyde doesn't strike me as a quitter.  He seems like quite the fighter.  If he'd just back off on the ranting and meme delusions.

Quote from: ItsOver on November 11, 2013, 01:41:15 PM
It was just a joke about Clyde quitting.  With all his health problems, Clyde doesn't strike me as a quitter.  He seems like quite the fighter.  If he'd just back off on the ranting and meme delusions.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Amusing how the game of telephone can get out of hand :)


Quote from: Quick Karl on November 11, 2013, 01:40:36 PM
Art's NC has nothing to do with law - it has to do with egos and vendetta.

You can chalk Art up to ancient history.

Look at this thread.  I can't imagine it's all sweetness and nicey nice at Sirius now with Art.


Quote from: Agent : Orange on November 11, 2013, 01:39:18 PM
Did Clyde Lewis really quit? I can't find anything about that using Google.

Link pls?

I haven't heard any info about Clyde Lewis quitting radio, and he made no mention of that when he signed off his last live show on Friday.  I think the person who stated this (I have not read their post) must be referring to the fact that Sirius dropped Clyde Lewis' radio show, Ground Zero, at the same time as they dropped c2c.  Both are part of the Clear Channel stable of radio shows, and reportedly Sirius didn't wish to deal with Clear Channel any longer (probably charging them too much for the shows, I suspect).


Quote from: Surmo on November 11, 2013, 12:30:03 PM
I said I would indeed like to discontinue Sirius (I signed up for a year, and got a free car radio in the process), and Barb proceeded to indicate my subscription would run till Nov. 13th, and I would not be charged beyond that date.  [I found out later there was also a termination fee of $75, which Barb failed to mention during the call.]

During this process I asked Barb why they were doing this and she said in response to my letterS, emphasizing the plurality of letters.  Has anyone else gotten a call FROM Sirius, volunatrily ending the subscription?  The $75 fee has tempered how I feel about it, as that is roughly half a year at the monthly rate I subscribed for, and I thought it very unusual. I am an attorney by trade, and have dealt with an inordinate number of corproate types, and this woman seemed to be well-above the bottom rung of the ladder.

I heard previously (a few months back, when we were all talking about Sirius' charge practices and how they can be tricky) that there was a $75.00 charge to terminate your subscription.  That turned me right off, and helped me to make up my mind that I would not subscribe to Sirius monthly with a credit card, or at all with any of my money.  I don't respect companies that charge a customer $75.00, a lot of money to me, to discontinue a service they're dissatisfied with for whatever reason.  Anyone should have a right to discontinue a service for free if it is no longer meeting their expectations, period.  A person should not end up being financially penalized for no longer finding that service satisfactory:  that sort of way of doing business is complete BS, in my eyes, and poor customer service.  (As a person actually MIGHT re-subscribe later on, if they didn't know they were going to get hit with a $75 penalty fee).

Quote from: samysam1313 on November 11, 2013, 01:38:48 PM
Hi everyone. I know this isn't the right thread, but I am posting this here because I know everyone will see it. I have an URGENT prayer request for my mom. She had a heart attack last night and please anyone who believes in God or Prayer to please pray for her to get well. Her name is Rachel and she is 85. Thank you. I won't be on for a while since I haven't slept in like 36 hrs. Will let you know how she is as soon as I can get back online. She seems stable for now but I am very worried since she had a heart attack about a year and a half ago as well.  :'(  Thank you.   :(


Should you not be posting this kind of stuff on a church/religion based forum?  I mean no disrespect, but I think you may not know where you are...


Quote from: maren on November 11, 2013, 10:56:05 AM
DO we know what the numbers were?  Anybody know how to find out?

Well, I don't know about anyone else but I still have my old stock account and so on the first I'm going to buy a small amount of Sirius stock and address them as a stockholder and call them up and get their annual report and the something K thing that the SEC requires all publicly held companies to send out every year. There should be some information in there.
Anyone can call their shareholder relations department and ask for a copy of their annual report to be sent to them.
And complaining as a stockholder carries more weight than just complaining as a listener or customer.


Quote from: Ravenna on November 11, 2013, 01:53:20 PM
I heard previously (a few months back, when we were all talking about Sirius' charge practices and how they can be tricky) that there was a $75.00 charge to terminate your subscription.  That turned me right off, and helped me to make up my mind that I would not subscribe to Sirius monthly with a credit card, or at all with any of my money.  I don't respect companies that charge a customer $75.00, a lot of money to me, to discontinue a service they're dissatisfied with for whatever reason.  Anyone should have a right to discontinue a service for free if it is no longer meeting their expectations, period.  A person should not end up being financially penalized for no longer finding that service satisfactory:  that sort of way of doing business is complete BS, in my eyes, and poor customer service.  (As a person actually MIGHT re-subscribe later on, if they didn't know they were going to get hit with a $75 penalty fee).

If you sign for a year(with its discount) and leave early then they charge you $75 BUT if you just go the month to month way then there is no early withdrawal charge.


Quote from: canadiancommie on November 11, 2013, 01:53:53 PM


Should you not be posting this kind of stuff on a church/religion based forum?  I mean no disrespect, but I think you may not know where you are...

I see nothing AT ALL wrong with this--she has peeps on here she is friendly and like-minded with.

Best wishes to your mom!


Quote from: samysam1313 on November 11, 2013, 01:38:48 PM
Hi everyone. I know this isn't the right thread, but I am posting this here because I know everyone will see it. I have an URGENT prayer request for my mom. She had a heart attack last night and please anyone who believes in God or Prayer to please pray for her to get well. Her name is Rachel and she is 85. Thank you. I won't be on for a while since I haven't slept in like 36 hrs. Will let you know how she is as soon as I can get back online. She seems stable for now but I am very worried since she had a heart attack about a year and a half ago as well.  :'(  Thank you.   :(

Very sorry to hear. Will definitely keep her and you in my prayers.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: gbneely on November 11, 2013, 12:52:35 PM
Is it possible that Sirius is compiling a total of lost subscriptions to show damages due to Art's quitting for possible litigation? I'm not a legal authority by any stretch, but it seems Art did this without an attorney. While I'm pissed at him, I hope he didn't open himself up for any type of suit. I remember someone earlier saying the C/S representative said they were tracking cancellations because of this.
This is a corporation who is in biz to make money. Who went to a guy in good faith offered a contract which to certainly hear art act how great it all was set it up pump a bunch of time and i suppose money set it up on a channel. ..run ads on every channel constantly during prime time real expensive sporting events...like the world series in stead of maybe selling the spot, pretty much bending over backwards giving him most everything he asked for like they never did for any of their other on air talent that I have heard and I 've had xm from it inception,  put out statements and press releases, get written up in newspapers on line, tv, time mag etc just to have the talent/host after 6 wk walk out, like leaving them at the altar and pretty much saying you need to give me something that you haven't given to anyone else who works for you or pretty mhch go pound sand!!!!!!

So that's there answer...you fucked us?   DM? Art Bell on SXM...nope, nada  NEVER,  EVER.
That's what happens when you act like a spoiled brat with a big business...they don't care to be made the fool and lose $$$$$$$$$.
End of this story...to be continued on line somewhere streaming into the nite or just winding down?

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