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Richard C. Hoagland

Started by Richard C. Hoagland, July 20, 2008, 07:01:42 PM


Quote from: b_dubb on June 12, 2012, 03:49:00 PM
aside from his appearances on Coast what has he done?
In 40 years he's written one and a half books and produced a web site so dreadful that even 14 year old sci-fi fans run screaming from it.

The 0.5 of a book sold very well but garnered zero professional reviews.

Frys Girl

expat: how does Richard C. Hoagland provide for himself? Coast to Coast AM does not pay its guests. Is he a consultant? Does he work at McDonalds? He's gotta have a side gig, even if the cost of living is low in New Mexico.


Coast to Coast does not pay its guests, no, but my theory is that he wangled a consultancy fee when he was appointed "Science Advisor." I base this on the fact that he used to beg for money on the show, and that stopped when he was appointed.

I emphasize that I don't know this, it's a plausible conjecture. As we know, he made very full use of the begging potential of the Fuckbook recently. Those suckers are never going to see refunds.


Quote from: expat on June 13, 2012, 09:22:09 AM
Coast to Coast does not pay its guests, no, but my theory is that he wangled a consultancy fee when he was appointed "Science Advisor." I base this on the fact that he used to beg for money on the show, and that stopped when he was appointed.

I emphasize that I don't know this, it's a plausible conjecture. As we know, he made very full use of the begging potential of the Fuckbook recently. Those suckers are never going to see refunds.

Entirely possible, but I wonder if it isn't more likely that the bum just sponges off his squeeze, Robin Falcov, who seems to have an actual career as a nutritionist, etc.


Quote from: Frys Girl on June 13, 2012, 09:03:06 AM
expat: how does Richard C. Hoagland provide for himself? Coast to Coast AM does not pay its guests. Is he a consultant? Does he work at McDonalds? He's gotta have a side gig, even if the cost of living is low in New Mexico.
When he was younger he worked men's rooms, bus stations, city parks and the like. Then he worked a few years as a carny where he learned to operate the Tilt-A-Whirl, guess a person's weight and how to run the "pigeon drop" short con. A stretch in custody gave him skills as a jailhouse tattoo artist, where he specialized in "Love" and "Hate" knuckle tats, penis-&-scrotum decoration and "Property Of" signage. Next he worked some boiler room operations, selling "prime Florida coast real estate" over the phone to senior citizens - and made a killing. From there he graduated to selling unregistered "securities" supposedly on the cusp of an IPO...the profit margin was huge inasmuch as the stock was non-existent. Then he worked as an Environmental Engineer - Toilet Division, for Hughes Aircraft, which was a sub-contractor for NASA. He left there in the 80's under a cloud (something about three missing trailer-truck-loads of toilet paper), and went into business as a "space expert" based on the fact that he had in fact taken space up for many years. In 1998 he began his Enterprise Mission website offering his services as "space consultant and gigolo".

So you see RCH truly has a very rich science background.

Frys Girl

Quote from: Sardondi on June 13, 2012, 10:17:35 AM
When he was younger he worked men's rooms, bus stations, city parks and the like. Then he worked a few years as a carny where he learned to operate the Tilt-A-Whirl, guess a person's weight and how to run the "pigeon drop" short con. A stretch in custody gave him skills as a jailhouse tattoo artist, where he specialized in "Love" and "Hate" knuckle tats, penis-&-scrotum decoration and "Property Of" signage. Next he worked some boiler room operations, selling "prime Florida coast real estate" over the phone to senior citizens - and made a killing. From there he graduated to selling unregistered "securities" supposedly on the cusp of an IPO...the profit margin was huge inasmuch as the stock was non-existent. Then he worked as an Environmental Engineer - Toilet Division, for Hughes Aircraft, which was a sub-contractor for NASA. He left there in the 80's under a cloud (something about three missing trailer-truck-loads of toilet paper), and went into business as a "space expert" based on the fact that he had in fact taken space up for many years. In 1998 he began his Enterprise Mission website offering his services as "space consultant and gigolo".

So you see RCH truly has a very rich science background.
Your post has given me a business idea for Richard C. Hoagland: C.V. padder extraordinaire! He will exaggerate even the least meaningful work to make sure you get that next big gig.


Hoagland has yet to post or talk about his Venus Transit data.  I took the liberty of posting what I think he'll say.  I think I captured it quite well. :)


I'm guessing Hoaxie has some sort of inheritance or perhaps married into money at some point.  He wouldn't be the first trust fund kiddie who spent his days being a shit-disturber and indulging every goofy whim.

Quote from: expat on June 13, 2012, 09:22:09 AM
Coast to Coast does not pay its guests, no, but my theory is that he wangled a consultancy fee when he was appointed "Science Advisor." I base this on the fact that he used to beg for money on the show, and that stopped when he was appointed.

I emphasize that I don't know this, it's a plausible conjecture. As we know, he made very full use of the begging potential of the Fuckbook recently. Those suckers are never going to see refunds.


Quote from: astroguy on June 14, 2012, 01:43:22 PM
Hoagland has yet to post or talk about his Venus Transit data.  I took the liberty of posting what I think he'll say.  I think I captured it quite well. :)

That was hilarious.


You guys are obviously disinformation agents who work for NASA/DoD...


Quote from: astroguy on June 14, 2012, 01:43:22 PM
Hoagland has yet to post or talk about his Venus Transit data.  I took the liberty of posting what I think he'll say.  I think I captured it quite well. :)

hahaha, I love it.

A MOST HYPERDIMENSIONAL eclipse and final Venus transit.


Expat:  Puh puh puh paleeeeze Call C2C Monday and get Hoaxland to explain the difference between "spaceship" and "spacecraft" live... wait no call him out on the inaccutron "experiment."  hell bring up both if they let you stay on the air long enough.  I really want to HEAR him stick up for himself... I find his internet responses are always lacking.


Quote from: ziznak on June 22, 2012, 06:03:40 AM
Expat:  Puh puh puh paleeeeze Call C2C Monday and get Hoaxland to explain the difference between "spaceship" and "spacecraft" live... wait no call him out on the inaccutron "experiment."  hell bring up both if they let you stay on the air long enough.  I really want to HEAR him stick up for himself... I find his internet responses are always lacking.

IF Expat were to make it on and IF Noory actually had Hoagland respond, you know that he'll just say that he never said it (the former) or that there is no important difference, and for the latter he'll just say that expat has to read all his previous stuff even though he has but that it's all in there.  Or, he may default to the line I've heard him use once or twice which basically boils down to "fine, you don't have to believe this, I'm just presenting a model."


Quote from: astroguy on June 22, 2012, 10:46:16 AM
IF Expat were to make it on and IF Noory actually had Hoagland respond, you know that he'll just say that he never said it (the former) or that there is no important difference, and for the latter he'll just say that expat has to read all his previous stuff even though he has but that it's all in there.  Or, he may default to the line I've heard him use once or twice which basically boils down to "fine, you don't have to believe this, I'm just presenting a model."
he would have to call up like incognito to get through.  Say his name is "Patrick Xavier" (x. pat get it?) or something and say he wants to talk about Hoaxland's wonderful work in the world of exposing secret space projects n crap.  Then hit him with some truth... I'd really love to hear an exchange between the two thats all...


Quote from: ziznak on June 22, 2012, 10:55:49 AM
he would have to call up like incognito to get through.  Say his name is "Patrick Xavier" (x. pat get it?) or something and say he wants to talk about Hoaxland's wonderful work in the world of exposing secret space projects n crap.  Then hit him with some truth... I'd really love to hear an exchange between the two thats all...

The 7-second delay button is all the time travel George and Hoagland need to make the call disappear down the black hole. 7 seconds is an eternity in a call, and it's more than enough to keep Hoagland from being embarrassed. George (or Tommy) hits it the instant the trutherification begins, and all the audience hears is the caller making nice with Hoagland and then - "Oops! Poor signal, and we lost that call! Hello in Cleveland! what do you have for Richard C. Hoagland?"


Believe me, I'd like to take Hoagland on -- but not with Noory as moderator.


Quote from: expat on June 22, 2012, 03:46:29 PM
Believe me, I'd like to take Hoagland on -- but not with Noory as moderator.

It is a shame, but even without noory, hoagland has his bullshit so far up several thousand dipshits that even if you win you haven't gained anything.

Sagan said it best people are more willing to believe than to learn.


I actually like reading Hoagland's papers/analysis on his website. And I learn a lot.  But it's where he jumps to these bizarre conclusions that really is a huge weakness.  For example, he can explain well how "Data's Head" on the moon might be an artificial object and why it might be metal. But then he will suggest perhaps it was brought back to NASA and the contents of the head downloaded.... good grief.  He should abide by his own words..."stick to the science".


Heads up - Friday night on the air Noory mentioned Hoagland will be a main guest next week, Monday on c2c:

Antigravity & Free Energy
Date:    06-25-12
Host:    George Noory
Guests:    Richard C. Hoagland

Former space science museum curator Richard C. Hoagland will discuss startling results from experiments supporting the scientific basis for real "anti-gravity spaceships," as well as "free energy" generators that can eliminate our fatal dependence on fossil fuels.


hoagland is so obviously a fraud why does anyone take anything he says seriously?  i guess some people want to believe in whatever bs someone like hoaxland could cook up


Quote from: Morgus on June 23, 2012, 02:46:47 AM...Former space science museum curator Richard C. Hoagland...

I just noticed this for the first time. Are we to believe that he was officially "a curator" (a term which susceptible to some ambiguity) at the NASA Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.? While I suppose he could have dusted off The Spirit of St. Louis, or have been a docent who led groups of tourists around to see the Wright Brothers' airplane, I find it hard to believe he could have held an official position of responsibility over any of the NASA museum's exhibits. All it says is "space museum", which could just as easily mean that he took up money at Bubba's Snake Farm and Space Museum on Highway 101.

expat, do you have anything on this?


Quote from: Sardondi on June 23, 2012, 04:36:39 AM
expat, do you have anything on this?
Yep. He was Curator of Astronomy & Space Science at the Springfield Science Museum, 1964-7, and Assistant Director at the Gengras Science Center in West Hartford CT 1967-8.

NB he was only 19 in 1964. It might have been a volunteer position, we don't know.

Frys Girl

expat, even if he were, it doesn't mean anything about what he shamefully promotes on coast to coast AM today. that was decades ago! not relevant at all.

we need to start a hall of shame. he can curate that.


Quote from: expat on June 23, 2012, 08:22:56 AM
Yep. He was Curator of Astronomy & Space Science at the Springfield Science Museum, 1964-7, and Assistant Director at the Gengras Science Center in West Hartford CT 1967-8.

NB he was only 19 in 1964. It might have been a volunteer position, we don't know.

I wonder if he isn't one of those people who started out OK, then incurred a mental illness of some sort in their 20s which caused them to go bonkers.  Sort of like Ted Kaczinski.


Quote from: expat on June 23, 2012, 08:22:56 AM
Yep. He was Curator of Astronomy & Space Science at the Springfield Science Museum, 1964-7, and Assistant Director at the Gengras Science Center in West Hartford CT 1967-8.

NB he was only 19 in 1964. It might have been a volunteer position, we don't know.
Well, 48 years later it looks like a state-run museum in Connecticut. It's hard to tell what the quality and level of museum is because the website is very leery of showing its exhibits online (the cow and the free milk thing I guess). My guess is today it's a state-funded museum but very limited in exhibits and marketed at school-age kids. In 1964 it was almost certainly much more modest indeed, and Hoagland as a "curator"

Hoagland hanging on to this "curatorship" from 48 years ago is just sad. It's the precise equivalent of an adult keeping one of those embarrassingly and totally meaningless Who's Who in American High Schools "awards" - you remember these: your aunt "nominated" you for that oh-so-darling papier-mâché volcano you did in 7th grade, and when you bought a paper weight with your name on it or some other crapola they sell, they announced that by your outstanding achievements you had been found worthy of inclusion in Who's Who In American High Schools blah blah. It may work on a high school freshman, but an adult still trying to use it is just sad. That's Hoagland with his 1964 "curatorship".


His "official" CV states, anent the Springfield gig:

"Designed and Presented Public Planetarium and Educational Programs, Created Space Science Exhibits and Special Events"


I just learned a new word today, "anent.". Thanks, Coastgab!

Quote from: expat on June 23, 2012, 12:20:10 PM
His "official" CV states, anent the Springfield gig:

"Designed and Presented Public Planetarium and Educational Programs, Created Space Science Exhibits and Special Events"


How did a teenage museum curator become Walter Cronkite's space advisor during NASA space missions a few years later as claimed? :o

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