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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 21, 2015, 06:13:00 AM
Art quit the board and quite FB, so your GWB (as hilarious as it is) will be lost on him.

Did Heather quit BellGab as well? That's the vibe I'm getting this morning.    (In another thread, and on FB where they're already talking about her in the past)

Heather,  I looked up your last post to see if you said you were quitting.. only found a recent post saying you wish you could quit.  Guess what? you don't HAVE to be here or even be on the show. You're doing Art a huge favor, and I see that you want his "baby" (MITD) to continue.  But there have been decades of people doing radio shows who never interacted with their fans on social media, and THAT is part of the problem here.  Either you mix and mingle and take the heat when shit gets crazy, OR you completely remove yourself from places like this for as long as you host the show.  You'll see enough weirdness in the wormhole and whatever, and people will still be emailing you.  Isn't  that enough?

Art couldn't handle a ridiculous (and yes, disgusting) accusation that was said by some jerk who clearly gets off on making shit up.  He couldn't handle that, and he gave up social media. I get wanting to relate to the listeners, but you have to have a pretty thick skin to do that.  Art couldn't handle it, and you've taken even less time to show that you can't either.  You can get pissed all you want, and maybe rightfully so.  But this is the internet for God's sake. I have a pre-teen with Autism, and he can't handle shit strangers say when he's playing Minecraft, but he sure as hell can dish it out.  You have to be above that, or you have to stop looking (at a bunch of nonsense).

**I'm not saying you shouldn't defend yourself, or that you should quit, or even be mad.  I'm not saying you should leave social media. I'm just asking you think about your own reaction, because reaction and emotion is what has caused all of this BS happening around here.

I could edit my post again, but I won't..

I'll just say that in no way can I know what it's like to be in your position, so I won't even try. I couldn't do what your doing, nor do I think I'd want to.  Art chose you for a reason, and while you may not be to everyone's liking, you're doing a good job so far.  I do think you'll eventually be comfortable filling his shoes. Just don't get mired in the muck that comes with the job, or you're going to burn out fast.


Quote from: Stardust Ancestor on December 20, 2015, 12:09:18 PM
It is too bad Art should have stood up to them.

If Art had hired a profiler, he would have learned that most of his detractors herein are white males in their mid to late twenties.  They have college degrees, but have as yet to find significant gainful employment.  They tend to live in their parent's basements or other below grade abode.  They are heavy gamers, but have only modest skillsets.  They have little contact with women and most haven't been laid in years.  Their beer of choice is an A-B product.  In twenty-five years, mom and dad will have left the planet and our detractors will move into rural trailer parks and brag about how they can steal cable (or its 2040 equivalent.)


Quote from: WhiteCrow on December 21, 2015, 01:12:00 AM
Welcome back Jackstar!  Missed you bud!

Praise the megalomanic MV, once in awhile and everything should be OK.. And buck or two sent his way is always better than picking corn.

Jaz , b/k dubb and Eddie-Dean are out of clique and Onan has early stages of senility, so you can troll them all now with impunity.

Tread lightly with Bateman, he's still quick to report.

PBS got a new tattoo and she's now posting straight.

It's easy to jerk the limeyies,  whatever you post, they will proof read it... Weird???

Falkie is now the major source of revenue. He is refusing to post until a new contract is negotiated.

That's about it..except.. Oh yeah, Art quit Bellgab again.
Something about a few vicious and vaughly lovable Bellgabbers are upset about paying 5 bucks a month when they tuned into MITD, only to find out, that Redacted fired Art. Lots of confusion and speculations over why she fired Art. Read the last few hundred pages.

Praise MV
Dammit White Crow I wasn't ready to be 'outed' yet? Too soon?  ;D


Quote from: Crash Folly on December 19, 2015, 07:22:53 PM
Bye, Art.

hope you figure yourself out.
Yep.  I hope that, too.  I hope he gets help and overcomes his issues and has a very happy retirement or partial-retirement.  He doesn't deserve this kind of confusion.


Wow. I joined here because I was so happy Art Bell was back on the air and I'd have something to listen to besides the bullshit spouted by the political crowd at night
Now Art's gone and everyone is pissed off. What the hell has happened?

I can't tell if Art's problem with the stalker ,real or imagined is the reason he's not on anymore but he's not and that sucks.
I've listened to Heather and it's fine, again better than the alternative I have available. I think I was hoping everything would be like it was back in the day but it's not going to be.
This forum is really humorous-at times ;D
Hope this all turns out well for Art, Heather, Keith and all us fans.


Quote from: Gruntled on December 21, 2015, 07:15:26 AM
Wow. I joined here because I was so happy Art Bell was back on the air and I'd have something to listen to besides the bullshit spouted by the political crowd at night
Now Art's gone and everyone is pissed off. What the hell has happened?

I can't tell if Art's problem with the stalker ,real or imagined is the reason he's not on anymore but he's not and that sucks.
I've listened to Heather and it's fine, again better than the alternative I have available. I think I was hoping everything would be like it was back in the day but it's not going to be.
This forum is really humorous-at times ;D
Hope this all turns out well for Art, Heather, Keith and all us fans.
Whatever season this is promises twists and turns like you've never seen sir. Stick around, or as they say in the biz, STAY TUNED!


Quote from: Uncle Duke on December 19, 2015, 10:21:39 PM
Yeah, but Heather isn't a celebrity, she won't even post a photo of herself.  I have no idea what she did before taking the gig with Art, but I doubt it prepared her for the drama and turmoil she's facing.  I have a daughter who I think is just about her age, I truly feel for her.

Art, on the other hand, is a celebrity and he clearly didn't ignore a lurid claim.
Well, just in case there really IS a stalker, why would Heather want to give him a picture of herself?  She'd be nuts to do that. 


Quote from: malachi.martini on December 21, 2015, 06:53:40 AM
... Art doesn't want added security ...

... he doesn't want to live like that ...

Art doesn't want to deal with people (at all).


Quote from: Segundus on December 21, 2015, 07:40:12 AM
... why would Heather want to give him a picture of herself?  She'd be nuts to do that.


While some of us BellGabbers are curious, and would like to put a face to her voice, I don't think putting a photo of herself out there is a very safe move.

Not at all.


Quote from: Coffeeman on December 21, 2015, 02:45:51 AM

Same point as laughing at the picture of the Syrian toddler (the so-called "refugees") laying face down, drowned on that beach in Turkey. It's not the dead kid so much as the situation that allowed it, no matter the circumstances.



Quote from: Azzerae on December 21, 2015, 03:47:24 AM
Save that 20K for some self defence, and get behind that mic.



Quote from: Azzerae on December 21, 2015, 08:01:54 AM
Art doesn't want to deal with people (at all).

To be fair, there are a lot of people who are like that.. many of them are no doubt members of this forum.  (dealing with strangers online is so much easier than "real" people).

As much as I think Art needed to back off of social media for a bit, after seeing how much bitching there was (and worse, directed at him personally),  I kind of hate to think of him holed up in his house, not interacting with listeners, doing interviews, etc.  He still has a lot to offer, if he's willing to offer it.



A little JC for your Monday morning.  Food shows = porn, Star Trek = porn, X Files = Canadian porn.  ;D

First time hearing the story about Art Bell quitting his children many years ago. Would have never given him the time of day after reading he gave his daughter a copy of his book after they spoke for the first time in many years. All too similar to Julius Irving meeting his illegitimate daughter at a game and giving her a signed basketball.

The truth about Narcissists! Found this tidbit very interesting....

If a house was on fire, Art would be like George Costanza, making sure he got out first, ahead of women and children.


Quote from: Crash Folly on December 21, 2015, 09:50:43 AM
First time hearing the story about Art Bell quitting his children many years ago. Would have never given him the time of day after reading he gave his daughter a copy of his book after they spoke for the first time in many years. All too similar to Julius Irving meeting his illegitimate daughter at a game and giving her a signed basketball.

The truth about Narcissists! Found this tidbit very interesting....

If a house was on fire, Art would be like George Costanza, making sure he got out first, ahead of women and children.

He just quit a show because his wife and child begged him to, for THEIR safety.


Quote from: malachi.martini on December 21, 2015, 06:53:40 AM
They don't want to touch that one, the closest I've seen offered for why Art doesn't want added security, is 'he doesn't want to live like that.' Sure, you don't want to live with extra protection afforded for your family in a potential threat situation. Makes zero sense. They also don't want to touch why he didn't transition the show over to help keep the audience happy and allow Heather time to develop instead of feeding an inexperienced host to the wolves all by her lonesome; by all account a shitty thing to do to 'friends.' It's sad to see someone clearly suffering mental issues not get the help they need, and watch this pattern of developing powerful connections with people only to abandon those connections play out. He'll be back, but tuning in at this point demands a certain culpability of the listener.
You echo my own early "trolls" on the Bell Saga pointing out the irrationality of a popular talk radio host, known for topics that regularly push buttons on zealots and whackos no less, exposing himself and family in a vulnerable tract-style house in an open location that's easily pinpointed.  Once I recognized the folly in that, it was a short step to concluding how Art's own actions made the entire saga not quite impossible, but highly unlikely.   But I don't think "mental issues" are involved; its simply the more of the immaturity and irresponsibility that turned his personal life into a debris field, a common failing in those who are career driven. 

Night Train

Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 21, 2015, 10:03:18 AM
He just quit a show because his wife and child begged him to, for THEIR safety.

Sure , lady.

That's exactly what happened.

Because  Arthur W. "George gets it" Bell would never lie to us.

Art is the poster child for Narcissism. He didn't leave the show for anyone but himself.

Not trolling, but the track record is there. On another forum (not Art bell forum, but has a small section for Art) someone posted a timeline of Art's comings and goings... I'll share it here


I'm here because I enjoy listening to Art Bell. PERIOD. I'm not here to toe the party line.. which as of the 12th, seems to be to pick apart every aspect of his life, because some people seem to believe he owes them personally for quitting. If that's what you're all about, more power to you. 

Is he a Gemini? I think he is. I try not to put a whole lot of stock in all that but as a Gemini I can tell you the one thing that always rings true is this sort of wishy-washy behavior. I am guilty of it myself.


Good morning, trolls!  :D


Quote from: Royal_Tenenbaum on December 21, 2015, 03:11:45 AM
For that kind of bread, I will hunt them if you do a show to draw them out.
Why can't the Nye County Sheriff send Barney over to keep an eye on Art's place during a broadcast?  I know Thelma Lou wants some late night company but come on.


Quote from: bellNwhistle on December 21, 2015, 10:24:04 AM
I'm here because I enjoy listening to Art Bell. PERIOD. I'm not here to toe the party line.. which as of the 12th, seems to be to pick apart every aspect of his life, because some people seem to believe he owes them personally for quitting. If that's what you're all about, more power to you.

4chaners are on a mission to equate Art's flakiness with Snoory's complete shitiness as a host. They're here to make their best PR case for the fact that one is just as bad as the other but they're not. We all know that, despite his many flaws and weaknesses as a human being, Art is still the better host, hands down. Even Heather, for all her green, is still preferable to Dave.


Quote from: ItsOver on December 21, 2015, 10:35:09 AM
Why can't the Nye County Sheriff send Barney over to keep an eye on Art's place during a broadcast?  I know Thelma Lou wants some late night company but come on.
You best watch it with your practical problem solving approach. One might get called a troll for that. Much like Azzerae who suggested taking the reward money and upping security and getting back behind the mic. All I have to say is how dare yew sir, how dare you come in here with your logic and solutions.  ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 21, 2015, 10:48:02 AM
4chaners are on a mission to equate Art's flakiness with Snoory's complete shitiness as a host. They're here to make their best PR case for the fact that one is just as bad as the other but they're not. We all know that, despite his many flaws and weaknesses as a human being, Art is still the better host, hands down. Even Heather, for all her green is still preferable to Dave.

Some of the behavior just shows how invested they must really be in Art's personal and professional life  ::)  that they would waste their time digging up all sorts of (irrelevant) bullshit, because he went off the air. I miss his voice, but I'm not making it my personal mission to put him in the corner and tell him what a bad boy is he.  ::)

He's a grown man, all of his kids are grown but one..  outside of business partners, family and himself, he has nobody he needs to answer to.


Quote from: ponyboysunset on December 21, 2015, 10:50:46 AM
You best watch it with your practical problem solving approach. One might get called a troll for that. Much like Azzerae who suggested taking the reward money and upping security and getting back behind the mic. All I have to say is how dare yew sir, how dare you come in here with your logic and solutions.  ;)
Whoops!  You're right, PBS.  Back to the GNS thread.  All hail MV!


Quote from: ItsOver on December 21, 2015, 11:08:43 AM
Whoops!  You're right, PBS.  Back to the GNS thread.  All hail MV!
LMAO! Just looking out for a fellow logic seeker. I'm waiting for the you're a 4chan troll, or you're a new fag, or any other BS people want to sling my way. 2012 Bitches. LOL.


Quote from: ponyboysunset on December 21, 2015, 11:10:56 AM
LMAO! Just looking out for a fellow logic seeker. I'm waiting for the you're a 4chan troll, or you're a new fag, or any other BS people want to sling my way. 2012 Bitches. LOL.


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 21, 2015, 11:13:41 AM
ROFLAMO. More like old lady now. I best get my walker sonny boy and stop posting in the Art Bell thread.


Quote from: ponyboysunset on December 21, 2015, 11:15:49 AM
ROFLAMO. More like old lady now. I best get my walker sonny boy and stop posting in the Art Bell thread.
That's what I'm saying. You used to be cool before you got so old.  :(

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