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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


I think Art has found out, largely through having an active Facebook page (which we can thank Airyn for), just how many people here really, really miss him.

In contrast, apparently there weren't even 145 people willing to sign a petition in his favor at his Manila condo.

Not too hard to believe someone might choose Home #2 where they could indulge freely in their favorite diversion and also know there were people who would be very excited to hear the news ... especially if one were prone to dramatic gestures in the past.

There are rumors that Art may at least do the 4 or 5 C2C shows he still owes Premiere.  I wouldn't put money on that right now, but time will tell ... something to hope for.  :)


Quote from: Morgus on July 20, 2011, 02:26:32 PM
Another short visit like the last time, before they go back to the Phillipines?

Depends on what you call short, Morgus.  Maybe being back in total HAM operation will remind him that radio is in his blood.

I do know that Airyn is concerned about Asia being able to completely adjust to this huge change.  I would be, too.  :-\


May be like Art's past visit to Pahrump for a month or two a few years back for his child Asia to be born.
Then right back to Manila.
There have been no statements by Art that this is a permanent move is there?


My Seattle sources have revealed that Art is back in Pahrump, eating, sleeping, parenting, husbanding and hamming it up!

Where is Fort Rock when you need him!

Quote from: onan on July 20, 2011, 08:41:35 AM
I don't really care where he lives. If he is going to have a talk show preferably ablut the paranormal then I want to know.

But seriously thanks for the info.

I want Art back stateside. Maybe the next phase of his plan includes teaming up with "General A" armed and dressing in all black, then storming the Noory compound.
I'm not educated on talk show contracts, so thinking that he may be restrained by Preimere from seeking work in a related field as C2C is not too far out of line? For what's it's worth, I don't see him coming back to his show unless Noory & Co. are out of the picture.

Quote from: anagrammy on July 20, 2011, 12:44:46 PM
He didn't get the signatures.  His FB page says he is in Pahrump, NV now--SURPRISE!  Which is huge, of course.


I agree on this being pretty significant. What is Art going to do back in Pahrump except play with cats and talk on the ham radio? I'm fuzzy on these details, but he no longer owns KNYE..or has leased out the station?
I'm sure he still has all of his "gear" in his radio room. Looking at that unused equipment when he's on his ham or even simply walking by that room and pondering about it. May take some time, but I think he'll eventually have an urge to un-retire as has happened before.

Eddie Coyle

    Let's see...Art retired at 53,55,57 and 62...

      Yeah, it's very realistic to think he's coming back at 66.


Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on July 21, 2011, 12:54:36 PM
I'm fuzzy on these details, but he no longer owns KNYE..or has leased out the station?

Sold: "on May 29, 2008 the sale was completed and Karen now owns and operates KNYE."

But I'm sure Art can go over to the station and spin the oldies if he wants.


Quote from: Art on July 21, 2011, 02:33:02 PM
Sold: "on May 29, 2008 the sale was completed and Karen now owns and operates KNYE."

But I'm sure Art can go over to the station and spin the oldies if he wants.

Karen would probably believe she hit the largest lottery ever if Art returned to broadcast from there. But I pretty much agree with Eddie Coyle here, Art isn't returning to late night paranormal radio.


Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on July 21, 2011, 11:04:21 AM

Where is Fort Rock when you need him!

After apparently dissing and denying him for the longest time, Art has, in fact, added our friend "Fort Rock" (aka DS3) as his Facebook friend. And the world continues to turn, except in Portland.


Quote from: morphiaflow on July 21, 2011, 04:52:59 PM
After apparently dissing and denying him for the longest time, Art has, in fact, added our friend "Fort Rock" (aka DS3) as his Facebook friend. And the world continues to turn, except in Portland.
the world turns. as does my stomach.  Fort Rock: grade A sycophant / bullshit'er


Not that I know of, Morgus, but there's lots of things like that.  ;)

My overall impression, though, from Airyn's words and words of Art's personal friends is that the move back to the US is not supposed to be just a visit.   It would be hard to say whether or not Art might, at some point, decide he would rather go back to the Phillipines.  :-\

Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on July 21, 2011, 11:04:21 AM
My Seattle sources have revealed that Art is back in Pahrump, eating, sleeping, parenting, husbanding and hamming it up!

Where is Fort Rock when you need him!

A variety of "sources" made all kinds of claims of this nature a while back. Rumors mean nothing.


Quote from: Agent : Orange on July 22, 2011, 07:04:55 AM
A variety of "sources" made all kinds of claims of this nature a while back. Rumors mean nothing.

Um...when Art himself announces, on the page that's been pretty throughly vetted and verified as his, that he's back in the US, I tend to regard it as something more than a rumor. Unless you're one of those skeptical sticks in the mud that thinks all of us who are convinced of the veracity of the Facebook page are being taken for a ride?


Quote from: b_dubb on July 21, 2011, 05:33:00 PM
the world turns. as does my stomach.  Fort Rock: grade A sycophant / bullshit'er

Nah.  A grade A bullshitter could get laid.


A simple announcement of Art Bell returning to the USA on facebook should not be used to start rumors though beyond the facts.
Such as assuming that means the Bell family has returned for good (as opposed to a relatively short stay like the last time) or even further assuming this means he will return to full time national radio hosting.
Just stick to the facts, its easier that way, and not a let down later to others who might believe false rumors. :)


Not sure if that was directed at me, but *I* haven't started ANY rumors about Art's return to the radio. I know others have. And I certainly hope it happens. And I think it's POSSIBLE that his relocating, whether it be temporary or permanent, could be a positive sign. But I've neither started any rumors nor made any assumptions and I would certainly encourage everyone to be cautiously optimistic, but NOT expect, assume or *believe* anything about Art being on the radio until it comes from Art himself. That's my stance.


Quote from: morphiaflow on July 22, 2011, 04:38:21 PMI would certainly encourage everyone to be cautiously optimistic, but NOT expect, assume or *believe* anything about Art being on the radio until it comes from Art himself. That's my stance.
Excellent.  :)

The problem in the past was rumor mongers like that Fort Rock dude, who would make wild statements far beyond the facts. All of his claims from supposedly unknown sources turned out to be false of course.

We can drop any remaining skepticism. This FB account is really Art.


I can't imagine Art would leave the Philippines only because condo association #124 would not allow him to put up a ham antenna.  He could always just buy a home and throw up his antenna somewhere nearby.  It may be a last straw situation.  He has had it.  He struggled for months with the equipment in Manila, which forced him to use Premiere screeners (and dumbed down the show).  Then after plenty of $$ spent, he still couldn't make it dependable due to ? , weather,  humidity, who knows?  So he decides instead he'll just enjoy his radio hobby with the ham.

To have that go south for him is just too much.  You can't take that much radio out of Art and still have a live, kicking man.  Art has always been one to leap when he's had enough. 

The other aspect is climate change.  Remember Art wrote the Super Storm book and he's living right on the edge of the Ring of Fire....in the path of typhoons...all ready for 2012?   It's one thing to look at Ramona and say, "Baby, lets ride it out..." and quite another to look into the eyes of a five year old and wonder if she'll survive. 

Nevada is much safer than the Philippines.  PLUS, Art has to be appreciating the fact that he's a legend here and he's just another rich American there.  Which might feel pretty good at this point.

I'm just glad his eye is once again on the velvet Nevada night.



Even on that facebook page it lists other Art Bells that have a photo that looks like Art though.


Quote from: pabigfoot on July 18, 2011, 09:07:17 AM
Too bad about Art, but seriously, his last GTG show was not up to the past performances as others have said. Maybe it was because of the screeners, who knows. Here's a thought: What about an occasional show with Lionel Fanthorpe as host ? or....whatever happened to Hilly Rose ? Remember his story about seeing a man disappear before his eyes, then years later his daughter had the same experience ?

His last GTG show basically had the callers that call the show now, Noory loving idiots. He sounded totally disgusted at the level of the callers because they were horrible IMO, but it is possible he didn't like call screening either.

Fly By Night

Quote from: Do you think it was angels? on July 22, 2011, 11:23:29 PM
We can drop any remaining skepticism. This FB account is really Art.

This is for sure Art's account. And the picture of an older Asia and his wife playing ball in Art's driveway tends to prove the Bell's are back in Nevada


Morgus, if you look back several pages you'll see all of that was discussed and dismissed. The current Art FB page that has 3000+ friends (and growing) is the real deal.

John Henneman

Do you guys honesty think Art bell could put up an antenna on the top of a tall condo building  in the city limits of washington DC the USA capital.

John Henneman

Lesson learned if you want to have a ham antenna don't live in a condo in either the USA or the Philippines


Quote from: Morgus on July 23, 2011, 12:56:07 AM
Even on that facebook page it lists other Art Bells that have a photo that looks like Art though.

Morgus - this is the real Art Bell Facebook page. I was skeptical myself at first.   We vetted it and here's why I'm convinced:  1) Airyn Bell is his friend and not a friend on the other Art Bell sites (she has to confirm the friendship) How do we know it's really her?  The FB page is full of recent photos of the family and her relatives keep in touch. Their name is Ruiz and they're all over Airyn's site.  2) He autoanswers inquiries to his old mindspring email account at aol, which was FULL when I tried to reach him via email last February.  Someone cleaned it out and set up a roboanswer to confirm it's the real Art Bell.  The purpose was to eliminate people taking advantage of Art's popularity with fake AB facebook pages.

I love me a skeptic and if you still don't think so, well, have you ever seen a UFO?


Also people on another forum that I was on communicate with Art and he confirmed it.  That's M. J. Sten, the person who's name is on the sign you see all over.

George Drooly

Mind if I ask from where the info originated that Art is back in the USA? Source?


Art announced it on his facebook page. (Yes, it IS really his facebook page...just don't even go there, it's been verified.)


Scroll down to July 20 at 5:17am. A few posts above that he posted a picture of his daughter in front of their house.

Art's back in the USA. Don't doubt it. It has happened.

And there was much rejoicing.

M Knight

Quote from: anagrammy on July 23, 2011, 12:10:50 AM
I can't imagine Art would leave the Philippines only because condo association #124 would not allow him to put up a ham antenna.  He could always just buy a home and throw up his antenna somewhere nearby.  It may be a last straw situation.  He has had it.  He struggled for months with the equipment in Manila, which forced him to use Premiere screeners (and dumbed down the show).  Then after plenty of $$ spent, he still couldn't make it dependable due to ? , weather,  humidity, who knows?  So he decides instead he'll just enjoy his radio hobby with the ham.

To have that go south for him is just too much.  You can't take that much radio out of Art and still have a live, kicking man.  Art has always been one to leap when he's had enough. 

The other aspect is climate change.  Remember Art wrote the Super Storm book and he's living right on the edge of the Ring of Fire....in the path of typhoons...all ready for 2012?   It's one thing to look at Ramona and say, "Baby, lets ride it out..." and quite another to look into the eyes of a five year old and wonder if she'll survive. 

Nevada is much safer than the Philippines.  PLUS, Art has to be appreciating the fact that he's a legend here and he's just another rich American there.  Which might feel pretty good at this point.

I'm just glad his eye is once again on the velvet Nevada night.


All our spirits would be raised if we found out that Art was returning to the airwaves live.  One dreary night, as we once again seek out intellectual insult by tuning in to George Noory, we all might unexpectedly hear that gravelly voice of the desert night once again ask "Wanna take a ride?". 

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