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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Mr. Fidget on February 02, 2016, 06:52:07 PM

   I'm jaded, it's been a rough road. I never wanted to cause Art trouble, I just could not fill the hole myself. Explaining this saga is a horrible fate, and nearly 20 years of it has weighed heavy on me.
It is odd that even the "complete" archive only has the 3rd show (I think) everyone has (Dr. Wendy Lockwood and Mr.Fidget) but not the earlier conversation(s) as caller (or whatever arrangements were made, hinted at, assumed.) Anyone have those earlier appearances? Old Art is still the best radio out there. But nothing on the torrent or various 'sites?'


Quote from: ziznak on February 02, 2016, 07:23:49 PM
I know this fat guy in Missouri whose gonna need to blow the dust off his ol ban hammer

I'm innocent ... :)


Quote from: ItsOver on February 02, 2016, 07:22:03 PM
Could be. I just know I was subscribing for a show done by Mr. Bell, not by an amateur.
Sure.  I bear no animosity toward Ms.Wade.  She seems like a pawn in the game.  The entire thing seems so orchestrated and there was never a straightforward presentation of events, but haphazard and delayed responses. 

It's like a kid who is confronted by the parents, retreating to his room, finding a good explanation, and then coming out to see if it 'flies' with mom and dad. 

Quote from: theONE on February 02, 2016, 07:17:42 PM
Since few people asked me /privately/ to put few more of my gems ,..here you go my fans :)

GravitySucks from BellGab, he called few days ago to MITD show as a, Micheal.
He talk about his "lucid dream".

I was also inspired by "lucid dreaming" show, and I also had a lucid dream.

For long time I was trying to figure out why would normal,sexually healthy guy choose a forum
nick name as: GravitySucks, why would he think that gravity (force) sucks.

But you see Micheal /GravitySucks/ is not normal and he is definitely not sexually healthy.

He suffers from very rare so called 'Dick Gravity Syndrom' ,DIGRASY, as is known in medical jargon.
Symptoms are that gravity force is pulling his tiny dick down, his dick can not 'get up' you see.
That's the reason he thinks that gravity sucks.

His wife left him now, he is divorced according to his posts at BellGab, but before she split
GravitySucks went on intense Viagra therapy.
He was ordering boxes of Viagra via UPS, consuming insane amounts of it but still his tiny dick could not 'get up'

One day when UPS delivery guy arrived with more Viagra for GravitySucks,his wife had a sex affair with UPS guy,
and after that she left for good,in UPS van.

Now you know why GravitySucks really hates gravity,that fantastic force (gravity) that is keeping all rest of us
firmly walking on this planet, the same gravity force is pulling down on his tiny penis,..
and that in his opinion ..sucks.

Now you know "the rest of the story"  :)

Oh, my...


Quote from: theONE on February 02, 2016, 07:26:06 PM
I'm innocent ... :)
twasnt directed at chewww... yer good..... ahem....

although i dunno take 20 pages and see what you can do!

the poor art bell thread I swear... gets all of the bleedover from the rest of this asylum


Quote from: Segundus on February 02, 2016, 07:27:51 PM
Sure.  I bear no animosity toward Ms.Wade.  She seems like a pawn in the game.  The entire thing seems so orchestrated and there was never a straightforward presentation of events, but haphazard and delayed responses. 

It's like a kid who is confronted by the parents, retreating to his room, finding a good explanation, and then coming out to see if it 'flies' with mom and dad.
As Columbo would have said, "it just doesn't add up."  But again, I only know for sure I was subscribing to listen to Mr. Bell.  Everything else is just a sideshow soap opera.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: VoteQuimby on February 02, 2016, 06:45:54 PM
Her first episode as host when Art had to jump on to save her and the bateman/Heather texas deathmatch that ended on the GabCast are the two most people refer to.

Is there any way to listen to that first episode if not subscribed? I think I caught the last part but not the meltdown part. I'm not subscribing just for that. PM me, someone, if necessary.

Quote from: Roswells, Art on February 02, 2016, 07:05:48 PM
heh, All my avatar pics come from the movie Smiley Face. I just thought it was a funny movie. I have to warn you though you have to be in the right frame of mind to watch it otherwise you'll think it is really stupid  I try to match up my Anna avatar with the content of my posts but sometimes I'm not able to do it. I don't have time to explain this one in particular but I will when I do.

Thanks! I have not seen the movie, so I had no idea what the pictures were all about! I thought it might be some sort of self-portrait series you were doing and was curious about the theme. 

Quotebtw, ive been reading your posts in the political threads and though I might not agree with you most times I do like them.

Aw, shucks. It's my long, thick, natural lashes, isn't it?  ;D  Actually, I try to stay out of there as much as possible to avoid time consuming disagreements that won't change anyone's minds, mine included.  Cheers!


Quote from: ItsOver on February 02, 2016, 07:35:13 PM
As Columbo would have said, "it just doesn't add up."  But again, I only know for sure I was subscribing to listen to Mr. Bell.  Everything else is just a sideshow soap opera.
"Oh, just one more thing....Miss Wade, I was just wondering...."


Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 02, 2016, 07:37:21 PM
Is there any way to listen to that first episode if not subscribed? I think I caught the last part but not the meltdown part. I'm not subscribing just for that. PM me, someone, if necessary.

There wasn't any "meltdown" part. If I remember correctly, the guest kept dropping off the line because of some kind of connection problem. It was a rocky start, but there was no meltdown on the air.


Quote from: Mr. Fidget on February 02, 2016, 06:52:07 PM
   In essence I think my Art Bell appearances, and the subsequent boondoggle, illustrate an axiom. That would be, "If you dig an Art Bell sized hole, you need an Art Bell sized shovel to fill it in."
   When I hung up the phone I was in a paradox junction. It took weeks to read the mail. Everything from studies on "The experimental propertys of time", to "my brother bites his nails, and needs a fidget". Five figure job offers, a nationally broadcast television show request (Strange Universe), co-working business propositions... the gambit.
   Had I not been subsequently ensnared in ongoing legal drama, and had I ever been able to acquire "stability" we would have a different outcome. I did not screw up the legal system, it screwed up it's process in dealing with me. Those facts are demonstrated by the paperwork, and without it, it is not understandable.
   Once I could demonstrate that screw up on paper to Art, he could have helped me to "fill the hole". Screwing up a haphazard impromptu, "by request sale offer" because one gets steamrolled by a corrupted legal system is hard to explain. I imagine most of the thought out offers on his shows ended satisfactorily. I think if I ever had one, I'd be able to keep it together, but I have not.
   Last time I spoke to Art was in 1997, the call he blacklisted me after. His last email, not long after, said "did everyone get their fidgets". The documentation took three years.
   There was, and is... a bigger picture. How can we find a way that everyone can get fidgets? That would be a "can do" question. What do we do since nobody was able to get them? How can we find a way to make it good for everyone? What will it take to get that done, how can I help. What is a fidget?

Those are the kind of questions that can change everything.

   I'm jaded, it's been a rough road. I never wanted to cause Art trouble, I just could not fill the hole myself. Explaining this saga is a horrible fate, and nearly 20 years of it has weighed heavy on me.

as I said in my previous post to you, at this time only God can help you.
I feel something recently happen in your life and it did trigger that pain from 20 years ago,
and you feel very lonely right now, and old painful memories came to the surface and 'killing'
you now.

Please Mr. Fidget , say a very simple prayer , (even if you don't believe in God),
ask for strength in overcoming this pain from 20 years ago,  pray in simple sincere words,
repeat your prayer and one moment help will arrive, you will feel your pain gone,
...you will be free from it, you just have to do it , pray , otherwise you will continue to be in this pain.

My prayer is with you Mr. Fidget , maybe others here also .... :)

with Love, theONE


Quote from: creepygreenlight on February 02, 2016, 01:44:53 PM

I think Art is going to go on Gabcast and announce that he's hosted MITD the whole time under the fake moniker "Heather Wade" after his voiced was mangled by a lava hot pizza roll.  He had no choice but to fake a retirement and wear a wig for the last few months, he even went as far as getting a full frontal lobotomy so people could believe it was a different host.

Stalker .... ?
Gunfire .... ?
Just the sound of Art bell shooting himself in the foot ....
Art's not the 'big deal' anymore ..... some of you may have had this thought also ....

Quote from: Mr. Fidget on February 02, 2016, 02:32:12 PM
   I just had a groundhog moment. What would have become of me, and my fidgets if I did not get through, and be held on as a guest.

/scribble, scribble, scribble...

...scribble, guffaw, scribble

Well, for one thing the Evil Doers and resources they used to blacklist you would have been freed up to blacklist others instead.

Who knows what slipped by because they were focused on you instead. 

The Singing Fish on the Wall?

Plastic Wishbone?


We may never know, but you, sir, have performed a great service - taking one for the team, so to speak


Quote from: rekcuf on February 02, 2016, 07:28:18 PM
Oh, my...

This from theOne that advises Mr. Fidget to pray to God. Ironic.


Quote from: rekcuf on February 02, 2016, 07:28:18 PM
Oh, my...

well :) ...that's the best I can do analyzing GravitySucks dislike for gravity force... :)


Quote from: albrecht on February 02, 2016, 07:40:51 PM
"Oh, just one more thing....Miss Wade, I was just wondering...."
Heh.  Love that character.  RIP, Mr. Falk.

Quote from: theONE on February 02, 2016, 07:51:20 PM
well :) ...that's the best I can do analyzing GravitySucks dislike for gravity force... :)

Quote from: theONE on February 02, 2016, 07:51:20 PM
well :) ...that's the best I can do analyzing GravitySucks dislike for gravity force... :)


Quote from: Segundus on February 02, 2016, 07:04:51 PM
I think he may not have ever wanted to do a five day a week show, but an occasional appearance, and he would accomplish this with Heather taking over for most of the week.  Since, originally, no one wanted Heather, another story was needed.  Hence, the stalker...

He should have just said so.

I get the feeling that other than when he's behind a microphone he doesn't interact with or read people very well


Quote from: GravitySucks on February 02, 2016, 07:49:12 PM
This from theOne that advises Mr. Fidget to pray to God. Ironic.

theONE can be ..both :)

same as you can be /and was/  mean to others !!!  --- taste it now , how it feels , haaaa ??
or maybe let's called it ...fun , haaaa ?? :):)

Quote from: theONE on February 02, 2016, 07:55:25 PM
theONE can be ..both :)

same as you can be /and was/  mean to others !!!  --- taste it now , how it feels , haaaa ??
or maybe let's called it ...fun , haaaa ?? :):)




Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 02, 2016, 07:55:00 PM
He should have just said so.

I get the feeling that other than when he's behind a microphone he doesn't interact with or read people very well
I am curious what art does on his free time.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: GravitySucks on February 02, 2016, 07:42:48 PM
There wasn't any "meltdown" part. If I remember correctly, the guest kept dropping off the line because of some kind of connection problem. It was a rocky start, but there was no meltdown on the air.

If I say "rocky start" -- wherein, as I've heard said, Art basically needed to take over Heather's first show for 20 or 30 minutes -- instead of "meltdown," can I get an answer on listening to the show, please?

Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 02, 2016, 07:55:00 PM
He should have just said so.

I get the feeling that other than when he's behind a microphone he doesn't interact with or read people very well

I think you're right. He's always had a clique of crazy around him. Even thinking back to his show in the early 90s.


I don't have any expectations for Thursday's Gabcast.  I think it would be even better if Heather was on the line too.  But if you're waiting for Art to make some sort of announcement, I think you'll be disappointed.  It's nice that he's humoring his fans by appearing on the podcast but it's probably mostly because he feels like it will create some goodwill.  I wouldn't want to end my career as a controversial and hated public figure.


Quote from: Auslandia on February 02, 2016, 08:06:50 PM
I don't have any expectations for Thursday's Gabcast.  I think it would be even better if Heather was on the line too.  But if you're waiting for Art to make some sort of announcement, I think you'll be disappointed.  It's nice that he's humoring his fans by appearing on the podcast but it's probably mostly because he feels like it will create some goodwill.  I wouldn't want to end my career as a controversial and hated public figure.

I'm sticking to this:

"I have to spend some "quality" time with my Dentist in the short term, jeez I hate Dental work."

So bell/gabbers don't count for Art to be on BellGab audio podcast next week /Thursday/,
he is already setting up an ecxuse to,.. quit that podcast.

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