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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM

Quote from: venix on February 02, 2016, 05:14:43 PM
If I owned a fidget I'd stick it up my ass. It would be less painful than reading Fidget's posts.

Fidget you should stick one up your ass and take pictures and show them to everyone. It would be less embarrassing than you crying about a 20 year old non event that you are entirely responsible for.

Build a fucking bridge made of fucking fidgets and get the fuck over it.

Well done.

A Fidge too far?


Quote from: venix on February 02, 2016, 05:14:43 PM
If I owned a fidget I'd stick it up my ass. It would be less painful than reading Fidget's posts.

Fidget you should stick one up your ass and take pictures and show them to everyone. It would be less embarrassing than you crying about a 20 year old non event that you are entirely responsible for.

Build a fucking bridge made of fucking fidgets and get the fuck over it.
The Fidge over the River Nye?  Book not film.


Quote from: venix on February 02, 2016, 05:14:43 PM
If I owned a fidget I'd stick it up my ass. It would be less painful than reading Fidget's posts.

Fidget you should stick one up your ass and take pictures and show them to everyone. It would be less embarrassing than you crying about a 20 year old non event that you are entirely responsible for.

Build a fucking bridge made of fucking fidgets and get the fuck over it.

haha,...lol  , that is very fucking very funny line :)

Quote from: whoozit on February 02, 2016, 05:19:04 PM
A Fidge Over the River Nye?

The Fidges of Madison County?


Speaking about the amount of people Bellgab reaches, MV has said it many times that the amount of registered users is a small percentage of the total user base.  I think the influence that Bellgab wields towards Arts fan base is underestimated by most.  I viewed posts here for years before I registered.  Not that I was actively "lurking" with purpose, I just didnt at the time feel the need to be a member. Active registered Bellgab users are small potatoes compared to the number of unregistered Bellgab users.



Quote from: SredniVashtar on February 02, 2016, 08:20:35 AM
I would guess the main focus right now is on subscriber numbers and making the thing pay its own way. Have there been many subscribers who have not been on BellGab, either as members or lurkers? I'd doubt that. In one sense, it seems very niche, but this is probably his major portal for support right now, and if he has something to communicate he knows it is going straight to his fan base, however vestigial that might be these days.

I don't see much point in coming on to announce that is quitting again. For good! Really for good this time!! Seriously!!! I can only assume that he has come back on here to keep the interest going in the network, and in particular the idea that he is planning to make these unannounced appearances from time to time. Anything else would be pointless.

SredniVashtar , I really enjoy reading your stuff here,..great style and wit. Thanks


Quote from: Roswells, Art on February 02, 2016, 04:50:36 PM
Wouldn't you be more willing to proceed if you had positive reinforcement? I guess you say it is irrelevant in this matter but I don't think it is.

The burgeoning success of his show and listener base wasn't enough to motivate him to do what's necessary to catch the stalker; I don't see how some encouragement from his fans now would be sufficient to change his mind.

Besides, thousands of his fans are still loyal and supportive, and he knows that.  Nothing anyone can say is going to appease the "conspiracy theory" people who think the stalker never existed - even intelligent people can be just as pitifully and hopelessly irrational as stupid people:

So I appreciate your good intentions, and I hope you'll call in during the show.  But the last few hundred pages of this thread prove beyond any doubt that an appeal to reason and/or goodwill is a futile gesture.  All you can do is what anyone can do:  stand up and be counted.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 24, 2016, 07:12:09 AM
OK, first of all, you always come across as a good guy, and I am sure you're sincere in what you have written, but you are all over the road here. It's just a prejudice of mine, admittedly, but I tend not to totally trust the judgement of someone who appears to spend a good part of his time shitfaced on mind-altering substances.

Yes, damn those anonymous poop-flinging cowards. They are almost as bad as anonymous radio hosts who get people fired from their jobs. Be careful when you start denouncing faceless online people, because you stray into hypocrisy.

How can the sack be empty if it contains a witless humanoid? It's stuff like this that makes me avoid the peyote breakfast burrito in the mornings.

Charles Manson could boast a similar resume. I have never met anyone who hasn't claimed to be a great judge of character, just like nobody thinks they are a shitty driver. Everyone who says they are a fine judge of character is always wrong. Except for me!

It's early here, but I feel I need a drink after reading this bit. OK, you hung out with some stinky hippies who shake it all over the place, and some frigid types who like to dress up their sexual hangups as some kind of spiritual calling. Which proves what, other than to boast what a seasoned badass you are?

Hang on! Just a minute ago you told us that you had shared spit with some of the worst types of gunge imaginable, the next you are telling us that you are some kind of moral boy scout, who wouldn't be seen dead talking to a person unless they were formally introduced and thoroughly vetted first.

I lasted one day in the Scouts before they threw me out, bad boy! Or I didn't like it and went sobbing to my parents, take your pick. Nobody says 'couth' either. That's like saying you are 'gruntled'. It's either 'disgruntled' or 'uncouth'. If Heather is all you claim her to be then she sounds a crashing bore. I've met Sunday School teachers with more moxie.

That sounds straight out of the plot synopsis for 'When Aldous Met Heather'. I expect it will have the same ending as the other version. OK, she's a seraph, we get it, just ask Bateman. At least you are approaching this in a spirit of total impartiality.

The things we say when fucked up out of our gourd, huh?

I'm glad I didn't write this.

OK, so you're a kind of ethical Jedi who can sniff out impropriety from thousands of miles away. You can tell that no funny business goes on because you are attached like a limpet to her day and night. And nobody ever tells lies where men and women are concerned. Check. I was going to say that you even accompany her to the bathroom, but she's so angelic she probably doesn't need to bother.
Here's a Scrabble question. You have the letters P A H R U M P on your rack, and you try to think of a four letter word that describes a man who effects a similar kind of 'introduction'. Clue: you'll need to find an 'I' somewhere first.

Rubbish. You take on a apprenticeship so that you can learn and get a decent job from the knowledge you learned. There is nothing 'banal' or unpleasantly ambitious about that, just smart. Otherwise what's the bloody point? The trouble is, this 'apprenticeship' wasn't done in a very clever way. Instead of finding her a place to acquire skills and learn from her mistakes, he dumps her straight into a job that she is unqualified for and, frankly, not very good at. Are you going to hire an electrician to do a job who never learned in a proper, structured way, but expects to learn as he goes? 'Oh yes, this guy is getting better by the day, he only burned down three houses last week, so just give him a chance!' Bollocks.

I'm not Force-sensitive like you, so I can't tell much about someone by rubbing palms together. I guess you're right. They used to say the same shit about Jimmy Saville, and what did those idiots know?

Let's not forget that this 'hurtful cyber slander' is being directed at a ghost. We know nothing about her, other than that she's not awfully good on the air. It's on the same level as accusing me of molesting guinea pigs: it may be true (they are such sluts sometimes), but my RL reputation will not be affected, and neither will Heather's. It's interesting that most of Heather's support comes from men; women have another view, and your rather dewy-eyed advocacy doesn't really add much here, because you all come across as too besotted to have a valid opinion. Why don't you compare notes with Bateman to see if you still have this unspotted opinion of her?

Nobody can say what's going on, I imagine, and it's hardly likely to be something that one would boast about to someone anyway, would it? But, most people who weren't born yesterday tend to look at situations like this and draw conclusions. It may be horrendously unjust, but a lot of the blame rests on them for handling the situation so badly.

SredniVashtar , in my humble opinion this was your BEST shit here yet, it is grand the way you took that naive "aldousburbank" apart, into shreds , haha , lol

Great read..!!


Quote from: theONE on February 02, 2016, 06:03:37 PM
SredniVashtar , in my humble opinion this was your BEST shit here yet, it is grand the way you took that naive "aldousburbank" apart, into shreds , haha , lol

Great read..!!

To be fair few others here did also splendid job shredding "aldousburbank" into pieces with wit and logic !!
It was also great read, and so funny at most times , lol

Quick Question: What is this "meltdown" Heather had? Which episode was it?

I've not listened to a single one of her shows, although I have kept my subscription in hopes Art returns.


Quote from: Abraham Lincoln on February 02, 2016, 06:29:02 PM
Quick Question: What is this "meltdown" Heather had? Which episode was it?

I've not listened to a single one of her shows, although I have kept my subscription in hopes Art returns.

is it true? did you really hunt vampires?

Roswells, Art

Quote from: Abraham Lincoln on February 02, 2016, 06:29:02 PM
Quick Question: What is this "meltdown" Heather had? Which episode was it?

I've not listened to a single one of her shows, although I have kept my subscription in hopes Art returns.

As far as I know, it's non existent unless your talking about the gabcast episode which I wouldn't really call a melt down. It's up there at the top of the screen under The Gabcast if you want to hear it.

By the way, how was the play?


Quote from: Abraham Lincoln on February 02, 2016, 06:29:02 PM
Quick Question: What is this "meltdown" Heather had? Which episode was it?

I've not listened to a single one of her shows, although I have kept my subscription in hopes Art returns.

you can go back to this post and read:
Quote from: bateman on January 17, 2016, 11:43:04 PM
Is it possible for you to embarrass yourself any more? You'll be back to your closet listening to the grunting of lonely men over the phone in a matter of weeks, quit while you're ahead, Heather.

or this:
Quote from: bateman on January 17, 2016, 10:44:11 PM
You called at 11:30 ranting and raving because you found out they were looking for 'options'. Of course I wasn't gonna host anything with 30 minutes notice and you goading me.

You're a dim bulb. I'm talking about a separate stream for my own use.

Go fuck yourself, Amateur Hour.

You can  listen to GabCast at:   http://www.ufoship.com/?cat=10 ,date: 18.Jan.2016
and you will learn all that it was..... :)

Quote from: Abraham Lincoln on February 02, 2016, 06:29:02 PM
Quick Question: What is this "meltdown" Heather had? Which episode was it?

I've not listened to a single one of her shows, although I have kept my subscription in hopes Art returns.

Her first episode as host when Art had to jump on to save her and the bateman/Heather texas deathmatch that ended on the GabCast are the two most people refer to.

Quote from: Roswells, Art on February 02, 2016, 06:38:24 PM

By the way, how was the play?


I gots to know something, Roswells.  What is it that's surprising you and/or freaking you out off to the side in most of your avatar pictures?  That's been bugging me for awhile.  Thanks!

Mr. Fidget

   In essence I think my Art Bell appearances, and the subsequent boondoggle, illustrate an axiom. That would be, "If you dig an Art Bell sized hole, you need an Art Bell sized shovel to fill it in."
   When I hung up the phone I was in a paradox junction. It took weeks to read the mail. Everything from studies on "The experimental propertys of time", to "my brother bites his nails, and needs a fidget". Five figure job offers, a nationally broadcast television show request (Strange Universe), co-working business propositions... the gambit.
   Had I not been subsequently ensnared in ongoing legal drama, and had I ever been able to acquire "stability" we would have a different outcome. I did not screw up the legal system, it screwed up it's process in dealing with me. Those facts are demonstrated by the paperwork, and without it, it is not understandable.
   Once I could demonstrate that screw up on paper to Art, he could have helped me to "fill the hole". Screwing up a haphazard impromptu, "by request sale offer" because one gets steamrolled by a corrupted legal system is hard to explain. I imagine most of the thought out offers on his shows ended satisfactorily. I think if I ever had one, I'd be able to keep it together, but I have not.
   Last time I spoke to Art was in 1997, the call he blacklisted me after. His last email, not long after, said "did everyone get their fidgets". The documentation took three years.
   There was, and is... a bigger picture. How can we find a way that everyone can get fidgets? That would be a "can do" question. What do we do since nobody was able to get them? How can we find a way to make it good for everyone? What will it take to get that done, how can I help. What is a fidget?

Those are the kind of questions that can change everything.

   I'm jaded, it's been a rough road. I never wanted to cause Art trouble, I just could not fill the hole myself. Explaining this saga is a horrible fate, and nearly 20 years of it has weighed heavy on me.


Quote from: Hog on February 02, 2016, 05:29:33 PM
... Active registered Bellgab users are small potatoes ...


I resemble that remark

Roswells, Art

btw. Anyone that thinks that is a meltdown has never worked in a kitchen.


Quote from: Mr. Fidget on February 02, 2016, 06:52:07 PM

   I'm jaded, it's been a rough road. I just wanted to cause Art trouble, I just could not fill the hole myself. Explaining this saga is a horrible fate, and nearly 20 years of it has weighed heavy on me.

You still here?


Quote from: Abraham Lincoln on February 02, 2016, 06:29:02 PM
Quick Question: What is this "meltdown" Heather had? Which episode was it?

I've not listened to a single one of her shows, although I have kept my subscription in hopes Art returns.
Why keep throwing your money down a rat hole.  If hell freezes over and Mr. Bell eventually returns to MITD, you can always sub again.  Actually, if MITD starts cratering due to cancelled subs, Mr. Bell might actually honor us with his presence and do a show or two to stop a collapse and save the show for Heather.

Quote from: theONE on February 02, 2016, 06:44:43 PM
you can go back to this post and read:
or this:
You can  listen to GabCast at:   http://www.ufoship.com/?cat=10 ,date: 18.Jan.2016
and you will learn all that it was..... :)

Thanks!  :D


Quote from: ItsOver on February 02, 2016, 06:56:58 PM
Why keep throwing your money down a rat hole.  If hell freezes over and Mr. Bell eventually returns to MITD, you can always sub again.  Actually, if MITD starts cratering due to cancelled subs, Mr. Bell might actually honor us with his presence and do a show or two to stop a collapse and save the show for Heather.
I think he may not have ever wanted to do a five day a week show, but an occasional appearance, and he would accomplish this with Heather taking over for most of the week.  Since, originally, no one wanted Heather, another story was needed.  Hence, the stalker.

Now, he will probably do an occasional unannounced appearance (who would want to forewarn the stalker?) I don't think that will be enough.  Who is willing to listen nightly on the hopes of an Art appearance?  Not I.


Quote from: Abraham Lincoln on February 02, 2016, 06:29:02 PM
Quick Question: What is this "meltdown" Heather had? Which episode was it?

I've not listened to a single one of her shows, although I have kept my subscription in hopes Art returns.

Other very interesting self-analysis by Heather about her self on her meltdowns
and massive panic attacks you can hear at this GabCast , from: 20.Jan. 2014 ,
she called at 49:25 sec , but the whole show is very interesting.


On this GabCast episode, hosts Jazmunda, b_dubb and Eddie Dean discuss BellGab features and topics.  A new Gabcast show logo needs more thought.  Riker’s “Stink Balls” has new meaning for TNG fans.  A paranoid pot story from down under.  A satisfied GabCast contest winner (Agent: Orange) suggests an idea for future winners.


Quote from: Segundus on February 02, 2016, 07:04:51 PM
I think he may not have ever wanted to do a five day a week show, but an occasional appearance, and he would accomplish this with Heather taking over for most of the week.  Since, originally, no one wanted Heather, another story was needed.  Hence, the stalker.

Now, he will probably do an occasional unannounced appearance (who would want to forewarn the stalker?) I don't think that will be enough.  Who is willing to listen nightly on the hopes of an Art appearance?  Not I.

You shouldn't think so hard.


Quote from: theONE on February 02, 2016, 03:14:50 PM

There was a radio host in not distant past,
but his latest radio-shtick did not really last.

He went off his rocker, and saw, a stalker
stalker was stalking him every night ..he got distressed and paranoid
but he didn't know how to avoid
stalker was getting closer and closer,
poor radio host was loosing his mind
stalker was there, right there.. inside !

And paranoia bloomed all around, but stalker was nowhere to be found
radio host came with genius plan, he will resign,..get off the air
and ex-sex worker will get his chair.

But she was a total , total disaster, not even close to great old Master
she was so brutal with her lack of class, people were saying,
she give him her ass - over the phone,
and he got horny,..and give her His throne.

This a story of radio glory that is so corny, ..how old guy blew it because he got ..horny !

And now "you know the rest of the story"  :)

Since few people asked me /privately/ to put few more of my gems ,..here you go my fans :)

GravitySucks from BellGab, he called few days ago to MITD show as a, Micheal.
He talk about his "lucid dream".

I was also inspired by "lucid dreaming" show, and I also had a lucid dream.

For long time I was trying to figure out why would normal,sexually healthy guy choose a forum
nick name as: GravitySucks, why would he think that gravity (force) sucks.

But you see Micheal /GravitySucks/ is not normal and he is definitely not sexually healthy.

He suffers from very rare so called 'Dick Gravity Syndrom' ,DIGRASY, as is known in medical jargon.
Symptoms are that gravity force is pulling his tiny dick down, his dick can not 'get up' you see.
That's the reason he thinks that gravity sucks.

His wife left him now, he is divorced according to his posts at BellGab, but before she split
GravitySucks went on intense Viagra therapy.
He was ordering boxes of Viagra via UPS, consuming insane amounts of it but still his tiny dick could not 'get up'

One day when UPS delivery guy arrived with more Viagra for GravitySucks,his wife had a sex affair with UPS guy,
and after that she left for good,in UPS van.

Now you know why GravitySucks really hates gravity,that fantastic force (gravity) that is keeping all rest of us
firmly walking on this planet, the same gravity force is pulling down on his tiny penis,..
and that in his opinion ..sucks.

Now you know "the rest of the story"  :)


Quote from: Segundus on February 02, 2016, 07:04:51 PM
I think he may not have ever wanted to do a five day a week show, but an occasional appearance, and he would accomplish this with Heather taking over for most of the week.  Since, originally, no one wanted Heather, another story was needed.  Hence, the stalker.

Now, he will probably do an occasional unannounced appearance (who would want to forewarn the stalker?) I don't think that will be enough.  Who is willing to listen nightly on the hopes of an Art appearance?  Not I.
Could be. I just know I was subscribing for a show done by Mr. Bell, not by an amateur.


I know this fat guy in Missouri whose gonna need to blow the dust off his ol ban hammer

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