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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: GravitySucks on February 02, 2016, 10:40:08 AM
Yeah, I never understood the whole concept of lurking.

But you are probably right. I am sure that once BellGab is mentioned in one of the FB groups, curiosity gets the best of them.
I wonder how many fartbook fans come here and look around like "whoooaaa I'm so glad im not this crazy.  These Art Bell fans are psycopaths!!"




Quote from: creepygreenlight on February 02, 2016, 10:36:38 AM
Trump never had a chance to win Iowa because the corn-eating baboons will only vote for Jesus-loving ethanol panderers.
Coming in close 2nd was a pretty amazing accomplishment considering what was expected.

Hearing the media spin this as "game over" for Trump is so fucking laughable... they are desperate.
The racoons will forget Iowa after New Hampshire.  I now return us to Mr. Gidget.


Quote from: ziznak on February 02, 2016, 10:54:47 AM
I wonder how many fartbook fans come here and look around like "whoooaaa I'm so glad im not this crazy.  These Art Bell fans are psycopaths!!"

Quote from: ItsOver on February 02, 2016, 11:40:11 AM

I lurked here for a long time, you guys are absolutely crazy and Mr. Fidget is fucking fantastic.


I think Art is going to go on Gabcast and announce his involvement in the Lavon Affair.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Auslandia on February 02, 2016, 04:46:43 AM
I'm not sure Gabcast would be the platform from which Art announces his comeback since very few would hear it.

It would be less about using Gabcast as an announcement vehicle and more about using is as a focus group mechanism, prior to any announcement on MITD. Also, it's a good way to start a buzz and build some anticipation for whatever is coming. And the audience will be bigger than usual on Thursday.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 02, 2016, 12:56:52 PM
It would be less about using Gabcast as an announcement vehicle and more about using is as a focus group mechanism, prior to any announcement on MITD. Also, it's a good way to start a buzz and build some anticipation for whatever is coming. And the audience will be bigger than usual on Thursday.

what happened   cold turkey ?      shut it down ?


Quote from: Showroom Dummy on February 02, 2016, 01:03:19 PM

what happened   cold turkey ?      shut it down ?

I'm just hoping MV gets the recipe for Pizza Punch. No other reason to have Art do a GabCast.

Quote from: GravitySucks on February 02, 2016, 01:06:22 PM
I'm just hoping MV gets the recipe for Pizza Punch. No other reason to have Art do a GabCast.

yep you can call in that one


Quote from: Auslandia on February 02, 2016, 04:46:43 AM
I'm not sure Gabcast would be the platform from which Art announces his comeback since very few would hear it.
I look forward to the GabCast Thursday.
Art should bring his mouse.
Maybe he'll announce a restructuring of MITD.
Perhaps now that Heather has some experience, she and him as co-hosts?

My only other GabCast exposure was the Heather/Bateman verbal throw down.
This should be at least as good.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Showroom Dummy on February 02, 2016, 01:03:19 PM

what happened   cold turkey ?      shut it down ?

The idea didn't take off, clearly. Too many people still posting (and apparently MV either didn't see it or wasn't willing to detour traffic to other threads, which would have helped, too). I would have liked one of those Emergency Broadcast System type alerts, loud and screechy, when clicking on this thread.

I did see a marked reduction in posts to and from Mr. F, however, and that was the thing that prompted my single-man protest march. But let's see what happens Thursday. We should be ready to shut 'er down or fire 'er up at any time, depending on whether or not we're in the mood to say F it all.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 02, 2016, 01:25:18 PM
The idea didn't take off, clearly. Too many people still posting (and apparently MV either didn't see it or wasn't willing to detour traffic to other threads, which would have helped, too). I would have liked one of those Emergency Broadcast System type alerts, loud and screechy, when clicking on this thread.

I did see a marked reduction in posts to and from Mr. F, however, and that was the thing that prompted my single-man protest march. But let's see what happens Thursday. We should be ready to shut 'er down or fire 'er up at any time, depending on whether or not we're in the mood to say F it all.



I think Art is going to go on Gabcast and announce that he's hosted MITD the whole time under the fake moniker "Heather Wade" after his voiced was mangled by a lava hot pizza roll.  He had no choice but to fake a retirement and wear a wig for the last few months, he even went as far as getting a full frontal lobotomy so people could believe it was a different host.


Glad to hear you are doing the GabCast on Thursday, Art.

I hope you and the family are doing good. Sure miss hearing you on the air. Heather has been doing a Yeoman's job though. I will continue to support the show and hope that things get resolved and we can all hear you again.

In the meantime, it might be a good idea to work on a plan, in case this kind of thing happens again. A plan that will ensure that any next times will be a short, snuffed out event. Instead of a long drawn out issue.

Does you or anyone on here know why the show last night was a replay?....Thanks!


Mr. Fidget

   I just had a groundhog moment. What would have become of me, and my fidgets if I did not get through, and be held on as a guest.

/scribble, scribble, scribble...

   Art had closed the topic of fidgets at the top of the show. Did he put up the picture of my 5 fidget designs before, or after I was on? I don't know.
   Suppose the fidget topic was merely closed, without an appearance from me... would it ever have opened? Surely he would not reveal five designs of a fan / listener / inventor kind enough to send him 5 free fidgets, while asking he only put a picture of one on his website. Hmm...

Can Art do it ladies, and gentlemen...

/scribble, guffaw, scribble

Roswells, Art

Quote from: Mr. Fidget on February 02, 2016, 02:32:12 PM
   I just had a groundhog moment. What would have become of me, and my fidgets if I did not get through, and be held on as a guest.

/scribble, scribble, scribble...

   Art had closed the topic of fidgets at the top of the show. Did he put up the picture of my 5 fidget designs before, or after I was on? I don't know.
   Suppose the fidget topic was merely closed, without an appearance from me... would it ever have opened?

Can Art do it ladies, and gentlemen...

/scribble, guffaw, scribble

I know you want Art to lift his curse that you think he has put on you but from reading your incessant cries for attention from him it has dawned on me that maybe the reason for all the misfortune that has befallen you is due to spending all your time and energy on futile endeavors such as this one. You spend your time on this when you can be spending time on improving your situation in real, concrete ways. I get it that it's easier to repeatedly post here but you seem to be using it as an escape for what you really should be doing to improve your lot in life. I bet you aren't even thinking about what I just typed because it's easier to not.


Fidget needs an off button. How embarrassing.



There was a radio host in not distant past,
but his latest radio-shtick did not really last.

He went off his rocker, and saw, a stalker
stalker was stalking him every night ..he got distressed and paranoid
but he didn't know how to avoid
stalker was getting closer and closer,
poor radio host was loosing his mind
stalker was there, right there.. inside !

And paranoia bloomed all around, but stalker was nowhere to be found
radio host came with genius plan, he will resign,..get off the air
and ex-sex worker will get his chair.

But she was a total , total disaster, not even close to great old Master
she was so brutal with her lack of class, people were saying,
she give him her ass - over the phone,
and he got horny,..and give her His throne.

This a story of radio glory that is so corny, ..how old guy blew it because he got ..horny !

And now "you know the rest of the story"  :)

I almost want to start a betting pool on whether Art does the GabCast or not and double down on what excuse he'll use to get out of it... I feel like I could bookie some money right now...

Mr. Fidget

Notwithstanding the heretofore abrogated inertial degradation of complexification in relation to simplicity, the prior assertion is notwithstanding the dubious nature of perceived principle certainties in relation to actual celestial mechanic principalities.



Quote from: VoteQuimby on February 02, 2016, 03:27:13 PM
I almost want to start a betting pool on whether Art does the GabCast or not and double down on what excuse he'll use to get out of it... I feel like I could bookie some money right now...

few day ago Art posted this:

"I have to spend some "quality" time with my Dentist in the short term, jeez I hate Dental work."

So  don't count for Art to be on GabCast audio podcast next week /Thursday/... dental work will be the reason.


Quote from: Mr. Fidget on February 02, 2016, 03:28:52 PM

Now you're just waving it around. At this point, it's crass.

Roswells, Art

Quote from: Mr. Fidget on February 02, 2016, 03:28:52 PM
Notwithstanding the heretofore abrogated inertial degradation of complexification in relation to simplicity, the prior assertion is notwithstanding the dubious nature of perceived principle certainties in relation to actual celestial mechanic principalities.


I don't think I need Jackstar to translate this for me. You have mistaken me for someone that has not read the entirety of the Mr. Fidget thread before your attached documents were deleted. I have read it and your documents.

Quote from: theONE on February 02, 2016, 03:31:03 PM

few day ago Art posted this:

"I have to spend some "quality" time with my Dentist in the short term, jeez I hate Dental work."

So  don't count for Art to be on GabCast audio podcast next week /Thursday/... dental work will be the reason.

There's that, there's also the brewing Heather nervous breakdown which should be happening anytime now. Art can't go on and bullshit his fans like he was setting up to if she's a complete wreck. I almost want to make a betting line as I feel there's maybe a dozen different choices with odds. There's also a good chance he goes with family emergency. There's the stalker angle... I think I'm going to make a betting line.


Bell is gonna announce that Hoagie is the stalker.

He wants so bad to start earlier in prime time.

It's all in the torsion field.

Roswells, Art

Quote from: Jackstar on February 02, 2016, 03:31:39 PM
Now you're just waving it around. At this point, it's crass.

haha, I didn't even see your post before I posted my post referring to you. I didn't even know you were in the building. Also I have little idea what you mean. I'm trying though.

Mr. Fidget

Quote from: Mr. Fidget on February 02, 2016, 03:28:52 PM
Notwithstanding the heretofore abrogated inertial degradation of complexification in relation to simplicity, the prior assertion is notwithstanding the dubious nature of perceived principle certainties in relation to actual celestial mechanic principalities.

"Just rattling the cage."
Quote from: Roswells, Art on February 02, 2016, 03:31:55 PM
I don't think I need Jackstar to translate this for me. You have mistaken me for someone that has not read the entirety of the Mr. Fidget thread before your attached documents were deleted. I have read it and your documents.

Wow, you're the first to admit it.
It's a crazy story.
Probably drove me crazy(er). ::)
Might be ok eventually' :)

We'll see.


Mr. Fidget

I read all your latest posts here, and I listen to your (3-rd) interview with Art , /interview was phenomenal/, several people here were giving you Mr.Fidget very honest and sincere advice how to help you, there was even an offer to help you with marketing of your fidgets, - but you ignoring all that.

You ignoring to answer the very fundamental questions asked by many here:

1). Why you did not send orders out ?
2). Why you did not refund peoples money ?

I have compassion feelings for your life pains, but if you don't face your own shortcomings
and first answer publicly those questions -- you will never NEVER go forward in solving that pain in your life.

I wish you did that, and provide answers, lift the guilt off you, .. so you can smile again, and have fun in life again, and prosper, and start feeling LOVE inside  :)

Many people here like you, /including I/, and wish you to be free of that pain and be happy again :)

Please pray to God to give you strength to overcome resistance and answer those (2) simple questions,
and that will make you FREE ...again Mr.Fidget    :)

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