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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Morgus on April 28, 2016, 04:39:12 PM
At least tonight's guest is Linda Howe's monthly visit - she literally takes over for 3 hours doing her own recorded interviews of her own guests and Noory takes a nap... ;)
Oh, hell, yeah.  I'm in for Linda.  What, no mutilated cattle?  AGAIN???  Get it with it, Linda.  Well, there's always the potential for a delectable Jorch put-down.  If I can just keep the skin from crawling of my body, as Jorgo plays his Linda Creep-fest bumpers.

Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe will discuss the dying off of oysters at an alarming rate in the northwestern US; children with past life recall; an alleged large pyramid deep underground 60 miles west of Mt. Denali (formerly Mt. McKinley) in Alaska; and a recent report of house-shaking booms in Deltona, Florida given by a retired USAF aircraft crew chief that reminded him of an experience that had happened to him years earlier.  

136 or 142

I was disappointed there was no mention of SCTV News Anchor Floyd Robertson as Count Floyd on Monster Chiller Horror Theater.

Also, I forget if this was on yesterday's 'news segment' or the previous days' but George Noory read a story regarding new research that shows that people's health decline after they retire from work.  He sadly informed us that that wouldn't happen to him because not only did he have a present five year contract, but that he and Premiere Radio were already in discussions for him to remain as host for another five years at the end of his present contract.

For those who missed this item, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

There is one positive thing though, since it seems Noory is no longer listening to the guests, he doesn't do that laugh that I believe all of us here wondered about, because in addition to it being annoying, he seemed to do it at totally random, bizarre times, any near near as much. From at least once every half hour, to no more than maybe twice per program.  Also, Noory doesn't say "I think so too" anywhere near as frequently.

As usual, with the bad there is some good.


My guy was Count Gore De Vol, who hosted "Creature Feature," he also was Bozo and Captain 20 for the younger kids. Due to it being the DC metro area he would frequently throw in some political humor into his act. He also would have cute assistants on occasion (including Penthouse Pets) and was the first host to show the unedited version of "Night of the Living Dead" on tv.

ps: LMH tonite!
pps: How come the big horror fan Norry didn't know "Trilogy of Terror?"  It took me under 10sec to know the title even before she finished her description. :o


Quote from: albrecht on April 28, 2016, 11:58:39 AM
I agree, but really we should just have some government commission that determines what the truth and news is and how it should be interpreted. Why even bother with giving somewhat equal time to matter of opinion? Because that would, logically, devolve ab absurdum because there is an infinity of opinion (almost.) So really we should just have some entity, maybe under the UN or some international treaty like the TPP, etc determine what the news is and what the proper opinion is, what can be broadcast, discussed, believed, and so forth.
Just the idea that it is nebulous is helpful, in my opinion.  Networks should be careful that what they say is not misleading, but today they really pound home a point of view to the total disregard of all others. 


Quote from: ufogadfly on April 28, 2016, 02:17:58 PM
In the middle of a conversation about SF and horror hosts George asks the guest if his city had a Bozo the Clown. (We know who the Bozo is.)

lol .. I missed that, thanks for adding to the record


Quote from: ItsOver on April 28, 2016, 04:53:53 PM
Oh, hell, yeah.  I'm in for Linda....

Me too, it's the one dish night that doesn't have much Spam Noory in it.


Quote from: ufogadfly on April 28, 2016, 02:17:58 PM

In the middle of a conversation about SF and horror hosts George asks the guest if his city had a Bozo the Clown. (We know who the Bozo is.)
Actually I thought Norry's "Bozo" mention was about the only smart thing he said. At least in some circumstances (like Count Gore De Vol) the nighttime spooking movie host also was the morning hour Bozo (or similar character during later cartoon.) For example Count Gore De Vol on the "Creature Feature" movies was also Bozo for a time and then also Captain 20 (for the DC metro station channel twenty.)
ps: BBC radio had/has some great stuff, even non sci-fi and horror. Vincent Price "Price of Fear" series was excellent and their Saturday Plays, Weak at the Top, etc etc. Lots of it can be found on the internet, torrents, etc.
ps: LMH tonight! Yeah!

Gyoza Girl

Quote from: Segundus on April 28, 2016, 11:34:45 AM
The Fairness Doctrine was great.  It put news reporting into a tizzy because it had a built in nebulous quality, but it made them take the other side into consideration and viewers could more easily see how people could have different viewpoints.  I think reinstituting it would help the country get back on track and encourage cooperation.
I agree with you, Segundus. Sadly, there are people who seem to think the Fairness Doctrine suppressed voices when the opposite is true. So now we have right-wingers going on one-sided rants and listeners who swallow it hook, line and sinker, because broadcasters are under no obligation to balance these rants with contrasting viewpoints. It's no wonder the country has become so polarized.


Quote from: Gyoza Girl on April 28, 2016, 08:10:15 PM
I agree with you, Segundus. Sadly, there are people who seem to think the Fairness Doctrine suppressed voices when the opposite is true. So now we have right-wingers going on one-sided rants and listeners who swallow it hook, line and sinker, because broadcasters are under no obligation to balance these rants with contrasting viewpoints. It's no wonder the country has become so polarized.
There is NPR and any other leftist could simply start up a station. It is not like there also isn't Hollywood promoting the "other" view? But since there are so many views, not just two-sides (though both Parties would like you to think that there are only two possible solutions for every problem) I think we need some government agency, or better an international organization; like the UN, WTO, TPP, etc to tell us what we can broadcast and what opinions and political decisions for which we must believe and adhere. Make it really simple for everyone. Maybe a Ministry of Truth, perhaps?

Gyoza Girl

Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 27, 2016, 10:25:05 PM
Yes.  Where have you been for the past 30 years?
Where have I been for 30 years? I can tell you I have not been reading about Hillary being arrested, tried and convicted for vandalizing cars and threatening children, all of which are crimes.

Gyoza Girl

Quote from: albrecht on April 28, 2016, 08:13:51 PM
There is NPR and any other leftist could simply start up a station. It is not like there also isn't Hollywood promoting the "other" view? But since there are so many views, not just two-sides (though both Parties would like you to think that there are only two possible solutions for every problem) I think we need some government agency, or better an international organization; like the UN, WTO, TPP, etc to tell us what we can broadcast and what opinions and political decisions for which we must believe and adhere. Make it really simple for everyone. Maybe a Ministry of Truth, perhaps?
No one wants a Ministry of Truth or government agency which you describe -- least of all me, who has been a working journalist for more years than I care to admit!


Yesterday show was really one for the record books. But I have to go back to a couple of days ago with Roger Stone, now I didn't hear any of the show, I refused to listen to that political crap. But a friend of mine did listen to me, he was stunned how horrible it was and give me a Jorge quote that he had to write it down because verbally it made no sense. Jorge said "Now what you're about to hear will be controversial... but I gotta tell you folks, this is exactly what we're talking about" my friend was so confused by the quote and so am I. Can anybody decode that lol.

As for yesterday, I did listen to it. Sounds like it can be a bit of a fun topic, it's a topic you would think it's right down Noory's alley. But you guys hit the nail on the head with your recap, it's one of the most confusing and disappointing shows and it seems like mostly due to bad hosting.

Wow was Wikipedia working overtime last night. Jorge makes it soooo obvious. An example I remember is guest mentions a movie, a few sections later Jorge mentions the year the movie is made. Then the guest talks more about the film and Noory jumps in with "the lead actor died in 1972" or something like that lol. The guest is like "ummm okay" you can just tell Noory spend the entire time looking at Wikipedia for any facts to make it seem "He know stuff too" and then adds information that is completely unnecessary to the conversation.  ;D

You guys did a job looking back on the show, so not much to add on my part. I guess I can add to his odd follow up on the British sci fi films or series, that somehow Jorge brings up "Funny hosts" and Benny Hill. Go figure

136 or 142

Quote from: Zetaspeak on April 28, 2016, 08:27:36 PM
Yesterday show was really one for the record books. But I have to go back to a couple of days ago with Roger Stone, now I didn't hear any of the show, I refused to listen to that political crap. But a friend of mine did listen to me, he was stunned how horrible it was and give me a Jorge quote that he had to write it down because verbally it made no sense. Jorge said "Now what you're about to hear will be controversial... but I gotta tell you folks, this is exactly what we're talking about" my friend was so confused by the quote and so am I. Can anybody decode that lol.

He was basically referring to the 'New World Order' nonsense of Alex Jones in 'this is exactly what we're talking about."  The 'controversial' stuff was the claim by Roger Stone that  George H W Bush was in charge of the drug running operations of the CIA and that then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was his, I guess, partner in crime as the drugs allegedly were taken out of the country via some airport in Arkansas.

I personally believe this could be true as obviously Oliver North was, in fact, part of a  rogue operation that sold drugs and weapons to Iran to fund the Nicaraguan Contras . (It may have also been used to finance the paying off of ransoms to free hostages in the Middle East, I forget)  The official story is that Oliver North was the head of this operation, but many people at the time believed Oliver North was just the fall guy for some higher ups in the Reagan Administration.  Of course, that doesn't mean the highest of the higher-ups, if there were any higher-ups, was George H W Bush.

To fit my point though that Roger Stone is not necessarily a conspiracy theorist, but could just be a person who uses conspiracy theories to attack people he doesn't like, although Stone mentioned that Ronald Reagan dated and/or had sex with virtually every woman in Hollywood after he divorced Jane Wyman but before he married Nancy Reagan, he praised the Reagan Administration on a number of occasions and said that Ronald Reagan was essentially personally responsible for a lot of these achievements.  At the same time though, he completely left out that Iran Contra occurred during the Reagan Administration.  Also, while he attacked the neo-con support of the Contras in Nicaragua, he never mentioned that Ronald Reagan was, on this, in complete agreement with the neo-cons, of course, at one point laughingly referring to the Contras as 'freedom fighters.' 

So, I guess if Roger Stone is asked about Ronald Reagan's support for the Contas, he would either say that this President who was personally responsible for many accomplishments was somehow duped by the neo-cons, or he would say that the Contras were freedom-fighting drug-running criminals.

So, he praised Ronald Reagan, said that President George H W Bush was responsible for ruining the achievements of the 'Reagan Revolution' and essentially left the impression that the Iran Contra scandal occurred during the H W Bush Administration.

Again, he could be a conspiracy theorist, but I think this better fits the pattern of a lying sleazeball.

George Noory said that after Roger Stone stated his allegations regarding Hillary Clinton, so it's possible that to George Noory, those comments of Stone's aren't even controversial.


Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 28, 2016, 09:31:53 PM
He was basically referring to the 'New World Order' nonsense of Alex Jones in 'this is exactly what we're talking about."  The 'controversial' stuff was the claim by Roger Stone that  George H W Bush was in charge of the drug running operations of the CIA and that then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was his, I guess, partner in crime as the drugs allegedly were taken out of the country via some airport in Arkansas.

I personally believe this could be true as obviously Oliver North was, in fact, part of a  rogue operation that sold drugs and weapons to Iran to fund the Nicaraguan Contras . (It may have also been used to finance the paying off of ransoms to free hostages in the Middle East, I forget)  The official story is that Oliver North was the head of this operation, but many people at the time believed Oliver North was just the fall guy for some higher ups in the Reagan Administration.  Of course, that doesn't mean the highest of the higher-ups, if there were any higher-ups, was George H W Bush.

Interesting though that Roger Stone never mentioned that this scandal occurred under the Reagan Administration.

To fit my point though that Roger Stone is not necessarily a conspiracy theorist, but could just be a person who uses conspiracy theories to attack people he doesn't like, although Stone mentioned that Ronald Reagan dated and/or had sex with virtually every woman in Hollywood after he divorced Jane Wyman but before he married Nancy Reagan, he praised the Reagan Administration on a number of occasions and said that Ronald Reagan was essentially personally responsible for a lot of these achievements.  At the same time though, he completely left out that Iran Contra occurred during the Reagan Administration.  Also, while he attacked the neo-con support of the Contras in Nicaragua, he never mentioned that Ronald Reagan was, on this, in complete agreement with the neo-cons, of course, at one point laughingly referring to the Contras as 'freedom fighters.' 

So, I guess if Roger Stone is asked about Ronald Reagan's support for the Contas, he would either say that this President who was personally responsible for many accomplishments was somehow duped by the neo-cons, or he would say that the Contras were freedom-fighting drug-running criminals.

So, he praised Ronald Reagan, said that President George H W Bush was responsible for ruining the achievements of the 'Reagan Revolution' and essentially left the impression that the Iran Contra scandal occurred during the H W Bush Administration.

Again, he could be a conspiracy theorist, but I think this better fits the pattern of a lying sleazeball.

George Noory said that after Roger Stone stated his allegations regarding Hillary Clinton, so it's possible that to George Noory, those comments of Stone's aren't even controversial.
I think that Roger is the kind of guy who might support conspiracies, or whatever, if it was in furtherance of "his side." And a kind of guy who, once jilted, would quickly reveal or even go to the other side if the money is right. Doesn't mean his information is wrong but that is my feel for him. As for the Clintons and Bushes. Bill and George shared hotel rooms and I could easily see Bill going along with whatever Mena/Iran-Contra shenanigans. He got base political support in a very corrupt state and Little Rock was a cesspoll in the past (maybe now, I don't know) for organized crime. His personal peccadilloes are nothing new for politicians and as to what lengths famous people, royalty, and politicians go to cover up scandal, deal with rivals, or former paramours? Why doesn't any member of the press ask Billary "why did a convicted, but super rich, pedofile have so many contact numbers for Bill? And flight records show he was on the Lolita Express?" One only has to look to history. Happens all the time. The Borgias, just about every royal house, Russia, China, the communist parties, the purges in Hitlers Germany, etc etc. Humanity doesn't change, much. Why can things happen "then" but, oh no, never would happen now. Maybe the method changes (we, unlike Obama's ISIS or Cartels, dont behead but certainly can "take down" a rival or lover spurned by charges, audits, investigations, "finding" some financial, illegal porn, sex scandal, etc. "It can't happen here." BS.


Quote from: zeebo on April 28, 2016, 07:29:07 PM
lol .. I missed that, thanks for adding to the record
Speaking of last night, Jorch's infamous taste for turkey sammiches came up.  I've forgotten the specifics, but I believe Lobo mentioned something about sandwiches and Jorch asked "would that be turkee sammiches?"  Lobo laughed and said "no, I'm thinking a reuben."  To which Jorch said "oh, yeah.  They're good, too."   ::)


Quote from: ItsOver on April 28, 2016, 10:13:54 PM
Speaking of last night, Jorch's infamous taste for turkey sammiches came up.  I've forgotten the specifics, but I believe Lobo mentioned something about sandwiches and Jorch asked "would that be turkee sammiches?"  Lobo laughed and said "no, I'm thinking a reuben."  To which Jorch said "oh, yeah.  They're good, too."   ::)
Yes, Norry almost seem offended when Lobo countered his "turkey sammich" suggestion with a Reuben, a much better sandwich I also think. He commented also, after the "oh yeah..." something like "with a little sauerkraut" (which he might've quickly used wikipedia "Reuben sandwich" to find out about.)
ps: LMH tonight!!

136 or 142

Quote from: albrecht on April 28, 2016, 09:56:42 PM
I think that Roger is the kind of guy who might support conspiracies, or whatever, if it was in furtherance of "his side." And a kind of guy who, once jilted, would quickly reveal or even go to the other side if the money is right. Doesn't mean his information is wrong but that is my feel for him. As for the Clintons and Bushes. Bill and George shared hotel rooms and I could easily see Bill going along with whatever Mena/Iran-Contra shenanigans. He got base political support in a very corrupt state and Little Rock was a cesspoll in the past (maybe now, I don't know) for organized crime. His personal peccadilloes are nothing new for politicians and as to what lengths famous people, royalty, and politicians go to cover up scandal, deal with rivals, or former paramours? Why doesn't any member of the press ask Billary "why did a convicted, but super rich, pedofile have so many contact numbers for Bill? And flight records show he was on the Lolita Express?" One only has to look to history. Happens all the time. The Borgias, just about every royal house, Russia, China, the communist parties, the purges in Hitlers Germany, etc etc. Humanity doesn't change, much. Why can things happen "then" but, oh no, never would happen now. Maybe the method changes (we, unlike Obama's ISIS or Cartels, dont behead but certainly can "take down" a rival or lover spurned by charges, audits, investigations, "finding" some financial, illegal porn, sex scandal, etc. "It can't happen here." BS.

I don't know anything about Arkansas being corrupt, unlike, say Louisiana or New Jersey.  Arkansas is after all, the state that elected William J Fulbright to the U.S Senate and Dale Bumpers first to the governorship and then to the U.S Senate (defeating Fulbright in the primary.)  Although Fulbright was an opponent of civil rights, his integrity, and the integrity and Dale Bumpers are both beyond reproach.  So, I honestly have no idea what you are referring to in calling Arkansas corrupt.  Its state politics is dominated by a handful of powerful corporations, but that is the case in most small states.


Quote from: 136 or 142 on April 28, 2016, 10:23:07 PM
I don't know anything about Arkansas being corrupt, unlike, say Louisiana or New Jersey.  Arkansas is after all, the state that elected William J Fulbright to the U.S Senate and Dale Bumpers first to the governorship and then to the U.S Senate (defeating Fulbright in the primary.)  Although Fulbright was an opponent of civil rights, his integrity, and the integrity and Dale Bumpers are both beyond reproach.  So, I honestly have no idea what you are referring to in calling Arkansas corrupt.  Its state politics is dominated by a handful of powerful corporations, but that is the case in most small states.
Google it, as they say. Who knows what is all true? But Hot Springs had a long history of mob and mob-style activity, well known. Beyond the Chicago connections and the "Dixie Mafia" days. The corporate interests, yes, but to some, especially Bernie-types, that itself means corruption. Remember even Clinton brother was convicted of cocaine trafficking. BUt even in more modern times:
I still am troubled that nobody, ever, mentioned the Arkansas Blood Scandal. That is a Billary connected scheme that harmed actual individual DIRECTLY, and imagine, making money off of prisoner's blood. Talk about cynical vampire-like operators!!!



Quote from: albrecht on April 28, 2016, 10:22:02 PM
Yes, Norry almost seem offended when Lobo countered his "turkey sammich" suggestion with a Reuben, a much better sandwich I also think. He commented also, after the "oh yeah..." something like "with a little sauerkraut" (which he might've quickly used wikipedia "Reuben sandwich" to find out about.)
ps: LMH tonight!!
Hahaha, yes, that was it!  All hail LMH!  May her Nooron slap-downs be many.  GNS


Bait and switch? Where is LMH? Dr. Gary Ridenhauer coming up next? Good night.


Quote from: albrecht on April 28, 2016, 11:19:55 PM
Bait and switch? Where is LMH? Dr. Gary Ridenhauer coming up next? Good night.

Yeah what's up, is she on after the first hour?  And also, did I hear right that whats-his-name from wherever-it-is is coming on once a month?


Quote from: zeebo on April 28, 2016, 11:24:42 PM
Yeah what's up, is she on after the first hour?  And also, did I hear right that whats-his-name from wherever-it-is is coming on once a month?

Did you catch Noory plugging Falkie's videos and shows , news updates at the top of the show? He gave Falkie Bday wishes and mentioned Kathy. Haha.


Quote from: Chine on April 28, 2016, 11:26:47 PM
Did you catch Noory plugging Falkie's videos and shows , news updates at the top of the show? He gave Falkie Bday wishes and mentioned Kathy. Haha.

I'll just never get the phenomenon, but ok, good luck to him. 


Quote from: zeebo on April 28, 2016, 11:34:24 PM
I'll just never get the phenomenon, but ok, good luck to him.
I don't get it either. "At all." (To use a Norryism.)


Noory got Falkie on his side now by bribing him with c2c deals?
Thats how he got Jimmy Church...


Quote from: zeebo on April 28, 2016, 11:34:24 PM
I'll just never get the phenomenon, but ok, good luck to him.

Zeebo. I am not familiar enough with the 'phenomenon' as I don't know Falkie nor what that's all about as I don't follow it at all. Only heard him on a GabCast and am clueless as I don't get on BG much anymore.  But, obviously I know his name as a gabber here and that he posts videos. It was amusing and a shock as I decided to let C2C come on after listening to David Schrader. Barely listening as I was about to nod off until Noory started talking about him. Found it amusing.


I missed the Falkie stuff, and don't care and avoid that crap, and Norry's "news" but, finally LMH coming up!  ;D


Quote from: Chine on April 28, 2016, 11:52:32 PM
Zeebo. I am not familiar enough with the 'phenomenon' as I don't know Falkie nor what that's all about ... Found it amusing.

Trust me, the more you know about him, the more amusing it'll seem. ;D  My only grumble with the guy is his silly thread is always at the top of the general board since for some reason people keep posting to it.  Good to see ya btw.  :)

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