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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Rico999 on May 15, 2015, 11:15:07 AM
I don't know if anyone's mentioned this -- I haven't had time to scroll through last night's chronicles of suck -- but did anyone pick up on Dave's announcement of the death of B.B. King?   He mentioned his hits "such as 'Lucille,' and 'Sweet Black Angel...."

It's no secret that Dave doesn't know shit, but what the hell's wrong with his staff?   

DAVE, "Lucille," the tune, was a HIT by Little Richard.   B.B. King named his GUITAR "Lucille."   It's common knowledge among just about anyone who's been alive the past 50 years and has any cultural knowledge at all you fucking doofus!

Also, the tune wasn't "Sweet Black Angel," it's "Sweet LITTLE Angel!"

All that George knows about B.B. King is that he was black hence; "Sweet Black Angel".

Quote from: NoMoreNoory on May 15, 2015, 12:29:53 PM
I'd love someone to run a word count for Quayle. It is an astonishing tour de force he puts on every time he guests on Coast, leapfrogging from one half-baked idea to the next wild assertion like a free runner. It's a tour de force of pure, unadulterated bullshit -

- the invasion of Iraq was not about oil or regime change, it was to get the DNA of Gilgamesh
- Satan is behind CERN
- the US military hates Jesus Christ, and anyone - even a padre - who uses his name will be discharged

- but pretty impressive nonetheless.

NoMoreNoory isn't even making any of that up.  I missed the first one, but caught the other two.  Quayle figures Satan wants the God Particle so he can take over the universe.

Quote from: Rico999 on May 15, 2015, 11:18:08 AM
The Quayle compound is near Bozeman, if I'm not mistaken and very close to Yellowstone NP and it's volcanic activity.   Quayle probably figures on rapturing up to heaven before the caldera blows....

It's all okay.  You can rest assured.  Quayle isn't concerned about Yellowstone.  There was a small earthquake recently that relieved the stress and he hasn't noticed any ice melt in the area, so the scientists are blowing wind when they claim the subterranean caldera is filling with red hot mag-ma.

Dr. Evil or Coast to Coast AM guest Steven Quayle?


Quote from: ItsOver on May 15, 2015, 12:26:58 PM
Yes, he enjoyed listening to it as he read "Chariots of the Gods" and watched "Old Yellow."  Believe it or not?

While dressed as Zorro...just like Billy Mumy!


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 15, 2015, 02:21:20 PM
It's all okay.  You can rest assured.  Quayle isn't concerned about Yellowstone.  There was a small earthquake recently that relieved the stress and he hasn't noticed any ice melt in the area, so the scientists are blowing wind when they claim the subterranean caldera is filling with red hot mag-ma.

Dr. Evil or Coast to Coast AM guest Steven Quayle?
Say what you want about Quayle but he produced one attractive daughter!  No wonder Noory always asks about her.


So many pages of suck! At first I grew tired of Dave's antics- I won't repeat them- they are well documented throughout this thread. Then I got tired of the doom and gloom topics that seem to be taking over the show. Reading the posts here, it's safe to say that not much has improved. I would like to offer one suggestion as a cheery bit of fun for those feeing down after listening to another apocalyptic themed show.

The brilliantly funny, Tom Leher- We Will All Go Together When We Go


Corona Kitty

When i initially reached out to Quayle, to be a guest on my show, he asked me about 20 questions, and they were all in CAPS.

Quote from: username on May 15, 2015, 03:07:23 PM
When i initially reached out to Quayle, to be a guest on my show, he asked me about 20 questions, and they were all in CAPS.

Some people are different in real life than you were expecting from their style of writing.  It sounds like Quayle is not one of those people.


It's always funny to hear Quayle with Alex Jones. Both effortlessly bat-shit in their different ways, but Jones doesn't have any time for UFOs and such like, he considers himself above all that. So he is with Quayle as far as FEMA camps and our imminent global destruction, while trying to steer him away from giants. Not an easy task. I read on here that Quayle is saying that things will go irreversibly down the shitter next year - something he has been saying each year for the last decade, I think.


Quote from: pyewacket on May 15, 2015, 02:44:38 PM
So many pages of suck! At first I grew tired of Dave's antics- I won't repeat them- they are well documented throughout this thread. Then I got tired of the doom and gloom topics that seem to be taking over the show. Reading the posts here, it's safe to say that not much has improved. I would like to offer one suggestion as a cheery bit of fun for those feeing down after listening to another apocalyptic themed show.

The brilliantly funny, Tom Leher- We Will All Go Together When We Go

see? that's why I love you, Pye...I also grew up with Tom Lehrer and so many of his songs are applicable to various threads. Between Tom Lehrer,  Songs of Couch and Consultation with Katie Lee, and Spike Jones and his City Slickers we could make a game of matching satirical songs to threads on Bellgab.


Quote from: pyewacket on May 15, 2015, 02:44:38 PM
So many pages of suck! At first I grew tired of Dave's antics- I won't repeat them- they are well documented throughout this thread. Then I got tired of the doom and gloom topics that seem to be taking over the show. Reading the posts here, it's safe to say that not much has improved. I would like to offer one suggestion as a cheery bit of fun for those feeing down after listening to another apocalyptic themed show.

I think a lot of the conspiratorial and gloom and doom thinking comes from a branch of the right wing.  Towards the beginning of the interview they mentioned that 30-something percent of Republicans believed that the training exercise was to 'take over' the country.  The end of the world 'advocates' tend to be right wing bible thumpers.  When you listen to Quayle you do not hear a measured and well thought out approach to the subject.  What you hear is either a deranged mind or a guy who wants to foster a panic mentality among the public.  There seem to be certain forces in the country who beat the drums in any tempo that they hope will start a public uprising.  That's how it looks to me, anyway.  Even Dave seemed to think so.


Quote from: CornyCrow on May 15, 2015, 03:45:40 PM
I think a lot of the conspiratorial and gloom and doom thinking comes from a branch of the right wing.  Towards the beginning of the interview they mentioned that 30-something percent of Republicans believed that the training exercise was to 'take over' the country.  The end of the world 'advocates' tend to be right wing bible thumpers.  When you listen to Quayle you do not hear a measured and well thought out approach to the subject.  What you hear is either a deranged mind or a guy who wants to foster a panic mentality among the public.  There seem to be certain forces in the country who beat the drums in any tempo that they hope will start a public uprising.  That's how it looks to me, anyway.  Even Dave seemed to think so.
Wow. Even Dave thinks so. Then it must be true. DNS

Nick el Ass

Quote from: Rico999 on May 15, 2015, 11:15:07 AM
I don't know if anyone's mentioned this -- I haven't had time to scroll through last night's chronicles of suck -- but did anyone pick up on Dave's announcement of the death of B.B. King?   He mentioned his hits "such as 'Lucille,' and 'Sweet Black Angel...."

It's no secret that Dave doesn't know shit, but what the hell's wrong with his staff?   

DAVE, "Lucille," the tune, was a HIT by Little Richard.   B.B. King named his GUITAR "Lucille."   It's common knowledge among just about anyone who's been alive the past 50 years and has any cultural knowledge at all you fucking doofus!

Also, the tune wasn't "Sweet Black Angel," it's "Sweet LITTLE Angel!"


Ahh, the chronicles of suckia where George only has one black friend named Cornelius that he likes to call Corny all the time... and is the only king along with his faithful companions Tommy and Lisa. I figured he would show just how out of touch he was with the death of B.B.


Quote from: maureen on May 15, 2015, 03:38:03 PM
see? that's why I love you, Pye...I also grew up with Tom Lehrer and so many of his songs are applicable to various threads. Between Tom Lehrer,  Songs of Couch and Consultation with Katie Lee, and Spike Jones and his City Slickers we could make a game of matching satirical songs to threads on Bellgab.

Aw- you're so sweet- Right back at ya- :-*

That's a great idea you've got there, Maureen. Please start a thread for this- it could be fun!  :)


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 15, 2015, 02:14:41 PM
NoMoreNoory isn't even making any of that up.  I missed the first one, but caught the other two.  Quayle figures Satan wants the God Particle so he can take over the universe.

The CERN stuff was triggered by a caller who was spouting some theological drivel in relation to the 'God Particle'. These idiots seem to believe that just because the Higgs Boson has acquired that nickname it is somehow God , or possessed of godlike qualities, and that possession of it therefore makes you some kind of master of the universe. Quayle obviously buys into this crap, and Noory would know no better and, consequently, this idiocy - like a cross between mediaeval theology and a Marvel super-villain - gets a free pass. It led to a few moments of ex pat style radio abuse from me.


Quote from: username on May 15, 2015, 03:07:23 PM
When i initially reached out to Quayle, to be a guest on my show, he asked me about 20 questions, and they were all in CAPS.

wait ,wut? you mean quayle is actually FORT ROCK ?

Quote from: CornyCrow on May 15, 2015, 03:45:40 PM
I think a lot of the conspiratorial and gloom and doom thinking comes from a branch of the right wing.  Towards the beginning of the interview they mentioned that 30-something percent of Republicans believed that the training exercise was to 'take over' the country.  The end of the world 'advocates' tend to be right wing bible thumpers.  When you listen to Quayle you do not hear a measured and well thought out approach to the subject.  What you hear is either a deranged mind or a guy who wants to foster a panic mentality among the public.  There seem to be certain forces in the country who beat the drums in any tempo that they hope will start a public uprising.  That's how it looks to me, anyway.  Even Dave seemed to think so.

So true that, and they use both the traditional and alternative media to push their agenda.  Fox News is a good example, the subtle way that they pretend to be "fair and balanced" while in fact being anything but is fascinating to watch.


Anyone hear GNoory say "Why don't the moon and stars fall down?" last week when Leonard Mlodinow was on discussing black holes?


Quote from: CornyCrow on May 15, 2015, 03:45:40 PM
I think a lot of the conspiratorial and gloom and doom thinking comes from a branch of the right wing.  Towards the beginning of the interview they mentioned that 30-something percent of Republicans believed that the training exercise was to 'take over' the country.  The end of the world 'advocates' tend to be right wing bible thumpers.  When you listen to Quayle you do not hear a measured and well thought out approach to the subject.  What you hear is either a deranged mind or a guy who wants to foster a panic mentality among the public.  There seem to be certain forces in the country who beat the drums in any tempo that they hope will start a public uprising.  That's how it looks to me, anyway.  Even Dave seemed to think so.

You might be right on some accounts, but I don't like to lump everyone with similar concerns in the same group as the most fanatical. I don't think all Republicans or all religious people are extremists. The liberal media has a field day with those who say something stupid and are quick to cast them as a "nutter". Some are...but there are plenty of fanatics on the left/Democrat side, too. Recent events can illustrate the fanatical mindset of the extreme leftists.

Some religions promote absurd beliefs and that can make people prone to extreme distrust of authority outside of their church. Other people treat their political parties like a religion. I'm sure you could get a lively conversion going in the politics section, if this is what you want. Better yet, listen to CSPAN call in shows.  :o

I don't look to Dave as a societal canary in the mind shaft- you can if you'd like... ;)

Quote from: wr250 on May 15, 2015, 05:08:42 PM
wait ,wut? you mean quayle is actually FORT ROCK ?

Of course not.

It's the other way around


Quote from: CornyCrow on May 15, 2015, 03:45:40 PM
I think a lot of the conspiratorial and gloom and doom thinking comes from a branch of the right wing.  Towards the beginning of the interview they mentioned that 30-something percent of Republicans believed that the training exercise was to 'take over' the country.  The end of the world 'advocates' tend to be right wing bible thumpers.  When you listen to Quayle you do not hear a measured and well thought out approach to the subject.  What you hear is either a deranged mind or a guy who wants to foster a panic mentality among the public.  There seem to be certain forces in the country who beat the drums in any tempo that they hope will start a public uprising.  That's how it looks to me, anyway.  Even Dave seemed to think so.

i think its mostly just to spread fear so you go to his site and buy things from the links there so he can get some cut...just money grabbing fear mongering..same with Dave and all the stuff he sells..same with John B and his radioactive detection stuff


Quote from: pyewacket on May 15, 2015, 06:06:19 PM
You might be right on some accounts, but I don't like to lump everyone with similar concerns in the same group as the most fanatical. I don't think all Republicans or all religious people are extremists. The liberal media has a field day with those who say something stupid and are quick to cast them as a "nutter". Some are...but there are plenty of fanatics on the left/Democrat side, too. Recent events can illustrate the fanatical mindset of the extreme leftists.

Some religions promote absurd beliefs and that can make people prone to extreme distrust of authority outside of their church. Other people treat their political parties like a religion. I'm sure you could get a lively conversion going in the politics section, if this is what you want. Better yet, listen to CSPAN call in shows.  :o

I don't look to Dave as a societal canary in the mind shaft- you can if you'd like... ;)
As you already must know, I did not call all Republicans odd, but the 30-odd percentage hit me as a much higher number than I expected.  Religious fundies do tend to be conservative and vote Republican.  No, I did not intend to start a political discussion, but to comment on this guest and what appeared to be one very screwed up agenda, but in line with those of some other guests who were of the gloom and doom mindset.

Yes, liberals can be weird, as well, but not lately.  So many of either party are corrupt, that I am not of either persuasion.


Quote from: CornyCrow on May 15, 2015, 07:48:10 PM
gloom and doom mindset.

Yes, liberals can be weird, as well, but not lately.  So many of either party are corrupt, that I am not of either persuasion.
-->send to politics thread
"liberals" can be weird, as well, but not lately." Ever seen any gay rights parades, Occupy Protests, or rioting in Baltimore, Ferguson, etc etc etc? Maybe more violent than weird but certainly some weirdness. ;)
Politics aside, the thing that can unite right/left, the middle, the 3rd positionists, the greens, the commies, the fascists, the socialists, the independents; the peppers in their bunkers and the hippies on their commune- and also all religious sects, cults, religions, denominations, etc is GNS! And Art wll be back!


I never like to say anyone sucks at their job when I havn't been in their shoes, but holy crap how in the hell did George not counter a damn thing the loonatic said last night. Holy shit a 3 year old could have at least said dang man how do you no all the volcanos are goina erupt


Quote from: CornyCrow on May 15, 2015, 07:48:10 PM
As you already must know, I did not call all Republicans odd, but the 30-odd percentage hit me as a much higher number than I expected.  Religious fundies do tend to be conservative and vote Republican.  No, I did not intend to start a political discussion, but to comment on this guest and what appeared to be one very screwed up agenda, but in line with those of some other guests who were of the gloom and doom mindset.

Yes, liberals can be weird, as well, but not lately.  So many of either party are corrupt, that I am not of either persuasion.

I stand corrected- it was a bit of a knee- jerk response. It's just that political talk escalates so quickly. I am a political atheist- both sides have failed as far as I'm concerned. I'm not religious. I'm just tired of Dave's political pandering. All the media is biased. The left leaning outlets are just as bad or maybe worse.

I've listened to CSPAN for about 20 years- it has really changed and it's not from the conservative side. We all have our own perception of what we see, hear, and read.

No disrespect was intended.


Quote from: akwilly on May 15, 2015, 08:14:16 PM
I never like to say anyone sucks at their job when I havn't been in their shoes, but holy crap how in the hell did George not counter a damn thing the loonatic said last night. Holy shit a 3 year old could have at least said dang man how do you no all the volcanos are goina erupt
(sigh) That`s not the Noory Way. I have never been a talk show host but from the listening end- he sucks.


Quote from: PathoJen on May 15, 2015, 05:57:13 PM
Anyone hear GNoory say "Why don't the moon and stars fall down?" last week when Leonard Mlodinow was on discussing black holes?

Yes this goofy remark was noted among others here during the show - and George still wonders why he still can't understand the Big Bang?  What a goof.

Anyway the consensus was that show was particularly awful mostly because George wasted a potentially good guest by basically trying to fake his way through the whole thing.  So frustrating, and I always feel bad for a guest like that who gets treated with utter disregard for his/her work by such a vacant host.  10 out of 10 lame points for that one.


Quote from: Nick el Ass on May 08, 2015, 01:40:38 AM
Kids are smart these days, and would start their own George Noory sucks for kids page.

heh heh


Quote from: pyewacket on May 15, 2015, 08:22:06 PM
...I've listened to CSPAN for about 20 years-..

If you can do this and still somehow have hope you have my total respect pw  :)

Quote from: zeebo on May 15, 2015, 09:00:05 PM
...10 out of 10 lame points for that one.

"That's pretty good!"
   -George Noory

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