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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Quote from: Zetaspeak on February 04, 2015, 04:21:16 AM
I still think Noory would be happiest hosting Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood.

I would be happiest in that case.

That is some master class projection in Noory's rant about this place.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 04, 2015, 03:16:35 AM

Jorch missed his calling.

He should have been a game show host in one of the CIA's torture chambers.

that sounds like either a NooryWorld or NooryLand attraction...  reported...


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 04, 2015, 03:28:20 AM
Too Much Time On My Hands by Styx. I did not google it. :-[ What can I say? I grew up in the 80's.  I don't think Jorch would know it. Mr. Sandman and Catch a Falling Star are more his speed.

soft balls for regular folks, puzzlers for the Nooron....  It was more about the lyrics and their apt pre-cog description of the fool that hosts C2C these daze...

I award $0.49 for the correct answer, can be applied towards a Coffee at the nearest quick stop to my domicile!  Congrats!

No hating on Styx or you 21man or anyone else worth mentioning....

Styx - Too Much Time On My Hands

that keyboard player doesn't deserve to be made fun of or compared to igNoory, the guy actually has talent....


This is the wrong thread for this song, but when ur ona speedwagggin ya' cain't stop....

Take note sNorge: *(ya might lern sumtin)*

REO Speedwagon - Keep on Loving You

"Keep on Lovin' You (in a total hetero way)" - REO Speedwagon

Jorch, turn it down, no Jackwagons allowed...  This is ARTishctick....


Jorch, sorry 'bout excluding you from that last song (you listened anyway, didn't ya' you scallywag...) here's one more up your "alley" and it is a good song no making fun!


Queen - I Want To Break Free


Anyone remember when Noory took a shot at "pranking" Linda Moulton Howe on air, telling her that Coast to Coast was going to have to let her go?

Dick move.

Quote from: Azzerae on February 04, 2015, 08:33:58 AM
Anyone remember when Noory took a shot at "pranking" Linda Moulton Howe on air, telling her that Coast to Coast was going to have to let her go?

Dick move.

That was George's idea of an April Fool's Day gag


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 04, 2015, 08:45:44 AM
That was George's idea of an April Fool's Day gag

Remember it well. The most cringeworthy event on talk radio. Ever.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 04, 2015, 01:41:18 AM
I don't know about all of them but some of the famous people like John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Dexter Gordon, Bill Evans, and Miles Davis were.
And Chet Baker was also infamously an addict. He was found dead with a blow to the head and heroin and cocaine in his room on Prins Hendrikkade in Amsterdam. They have a plague there for him. But saying "ALL" were addicts is a stretch but it does seem an odd preponderance of the famous ones were, sadly.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on February 04, 2015, 04:21:16 AM
Agree, solid guest tonight. I certainly didn't buy everything he said, but he held my attention at least.

But Wow does Noory get excited when he talks to actors. The happiness is his voice when he announced Gossett Jr is going to be on the show tomorrow is a hyper/happy tone you don't normally hear from Jorch especially in the last hour. I still think Noory would be happiest hosting Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood.
I hope Norry "tries to relate" to a black person and tells his story, again, about how a small black kid in New Orleans fooled him with the oldest street bet in the world. Especially if he attempts to fake the "black accent" as he usually does when he relates his tale. That would make for nice, awkward radio.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on February 02, 2015, 03:52:38 AM
How is this guy not best friends with Faulkie?

Get out of my head, that is *exactly* what I was thinking!

Nick el Ass

I have never heard a host and guest butcher the English language more than Noory and the idiot he had on last night who stuttered so much when spewing his bullshit... I had to turn it off after five minutes. Instead I went to sleep listening to Art interview Harlot. Art rules, and Noory sucks.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 04, 2015, 01:00:47 AM
Rosemary Ellen Guiley -- talking in a monotone about the afterlife -- sounds like a middle-aged airline stewardess reciting emergency procedures on a Delta flight.

Way to make the prospect of eternal life exciting, Rosemary!

You droning, lying bitch.
.  Being a retired Delta flight attendant, I resemble that remark. To be kind, we are all not professional speakers.  I have been enjoying the posts here, and with Art posting (in his own thread) on occasion it's getting better all the time. 


Quote from: Nick el Ass on February 04, 2015, 10:47:49 AM
Instead I went to sleep listening to Art interview Harlot. Art rules, and Noory sucks.

You sir, have my utmost respect. Harlot would and has kept me awake for days! Well played.

Quote from: chiliace on February 04, 2015, 10:58:01 AM
.  Being a retired Delta flight attendant, I resemble that remark. To be kind, we are all not professional speakers.  I have been enjoying the posts here, and with Art posting (in his own thread) on occasion it's getting better all the time.

I flew Delta a couple of years ago, and the flight attendants were the best I've flown with in many a year.  One in particular provided a level of personal, friendly service, especially to a family with little kids, that is rarely seen any more.  Since she was the senior attendant, I complimented her at the end of the flight for the way she and the crew made the flight as enjoyable as possible.  She said it was because they were "RD" or Real Delta.  They had just merged with another airline (Northwest, I think), and she implied that their attendants weren't quite up to Delta's standards.  I think I had one of the new crews on the flight home, because there was a noticeable difference in service quality.  I don't fly much any more, but when I do I choose Delta whenever possible because of the service!  BTW, United is by far the worst.  I'd almost rather walk than fly United. 


Quote from: Azzerae on February 04, 2015, 08:33:58 AM
Anyone remember when Noory took a shot at "pranking" Linda Moulton Howe on air, telling her that Coast to Coast was going to have to let her go?

Dick move.

Remember it well ..... Linda sounded so small and deflated.  That dumbfuck George thought it was funny.  Kind'a like telling someone that you ran over their puppy.  It was really insightful ...... you could see what a POS George is ....


Quote from: Nick el Ass on February 04, 2015, 10:47:49 AM
I have never heard a host and guest butcher the English language more than Noory and the idiot he had on last night who stuttered so much when spewing his bullshit... I had to turn it off after five minutes. Instead I went to sleep listening to Art interview Harlot. Art rules, and Noory sucks.

Hail Satan!


Quote from: Deeyeennoveeyetee E. on February 04, 2015, 01:26:41 AM
And with that last commercial, I'll introduce myself.  First post.  My friends call me "D-eye" or "Dyno". I've been wanting to say this for about a year: the numbers lady needs to stop to take a breath, and then just go the F away. From Earth.
Welcome and post often...

Oh, and the numbers lady really only comes around earth to visit... I doubt she spends much time here.


Quote from: expat on February 04, 2015, 09:05:01 AM
Remember it well. The most cringeworthy event on talk radio. Ever.
I love to argue and play devils advocate when possible.  So I started thinking of a worse example... then started looking for an equivalent moment.  In the end, I may have to admit that was, in fact, the most cringeworthy event to date. 

***But Noory is still broadcasting- so there's still hope.***


Quote from: Azzerae on February 04, 2015, 08:33:58 AM
Anyone remember when Noory took a shot at "pranking" Linda Moulton Howe on air, telling her that Coast to Coast was going to have to let her go?

Dick move.

I vaguely remember that, that was a very weird power trip he took on poor LMH expense.

BTW, Was Tuesday the first time he didn't name-drop Art at the end of his show. I didn't listen to Monday show but I think he omitted Art's name after the Tuesday show, I will have to listen to the repeat tonight to make sure.


How disrespectful, to do something like that (ON AIR) to LMH!!!

What an ass-clown.

I wasn't aware he didn't name drop Art on the show on Tuesday, as I don't listen to the crapola they dish up on Coast no more.

However that's quite something!

Quote from: chiliace on February 04, 2015, 10:58:01 AM
.  Being a retired Delta flight attendant, I resemble that remark. To be kind, we are all not professional speakers.  I have been enjoying the posts here, and with Art posting (in his own thread) on occasion it's getting better all the time.

Congratulations on your career with the nation's finest airline.  Truly, the profession of flight attendant is grossly under-appreciated by the public.

I need to explain.

As a passenger, you want a flight attendant -- preferably middle-aged --reciting the emergency procedures in as monotone a voice as possible.  The more perfunctory and automatic-sounding the presentation, the less likely it will seem that an emergency will happen. 

Nobody wants a flight attendant deserving an Academy Award by acting out the horror of an airline emergency with instructions ending in a shout:

"And if you don't know these things then, by God, you might as well all die!" 

We passengers want to believe that, statistically, the emergency instructions don't really mean anything and would vote overwhelmingly for drone-sounding ones.  Believe me, we mentally applaud them.

On the other hand, if you're on a national radio program talking about the glories of the afterlife and how we all should eagerly await it, then it would make sense to display some excitement, and even a little giddy anticipation, when describing the wondrous journey ahead. 

Rosemary Ellen Guiley -- with Jorch's uninspired and typically lame, cue-card assistance  -- was doing her best to make our voyage into beautiful eternity sound like another flight to Cleveland.

Prepared with help from Tommy, here are Jorch's cue cards for tonight's interview with Louis Gossett Jr.:

"Louis, how do you -- as a black man -- celebrate Black History Month?  It's the main reason you're on tonight.  Do you feel any extra blackness tonight on the show?  Give me your take on being black."

"The alien baby you gave birth to on the planet where you were stranded with the American astronaut in the movie "Enemy Mine" -- why did that baby look like Michael Jackson?   Was that a mean alien baby you had?  To this day, I remember how that thing gave me the creeps."

"Louis Gosset Jr., what is your favorite part about being black?  Any one favorite moment when you looked at your black skin and went, "My gosh, I'm black!  Now what do I do?"

"I can recall seeing you in 'An Officer and a Gentleman" and thinking:  "Wow, if I had to be black, I'd want to be like that black guy."

"Louis, where can we find some more of your blackness?  Is it still on DVD?  Can we find it on Amazon?"

"This has been an amazeen interview.  I've really been lookeen forward to this.   I can't get another black I want . . . the black astronomer . . . can't think of his name right now . . . doesn't seem to like us very much for some reason . . . unbulleebubble.  The other one I'd like to interview is Lionel Richie."

"Tyler is truck driveen in Alabama . . . hello, Ty . . . ask the black man your question."

Note written by Tommy on a separate cue-card:

"George, these cue cards can be used if we ever have another black guest.  Just cross through the stuff about his movies and then read the question."

Nick el Ass

Quote from: ponyboysunset on February 04, 2015, 11:04:29 AM

You sir, have my utmost respect. Harlot would and has kept me awake for days! Well played.

Quote from: Azzerae on February 04, 2015, 12:22:12 PM

Hail Satan!

It probably wasn't the smartest of ideas because the last thing I recall is her saying hail Satan. I was really tired, and didn't even make it through the whole show... but I'm glad I don't dream a whole lot these days.

joorch's reaction to the TSA allowing pocket knives on planes again:
"what would happen if a terrorist picked up a little baby and held the knife to the baby's neck???"

Readeen 3x5's by Noory Parton

Tumble outta bed
And I stumble to the kitchen
microwave myself a pizza roll of ambition
And yawn and stretch
And try to come to life
Jump in the shower
And my mustache dye starts runneen
Out to my limousone
The traffic starts jumpeen
The folks like me, readeen from those 3x5's

Readeen 3x5's
What a way to make a liveen
Barely making sense
It's all talkeen' and no thinkeen
Never use my mind
Haturz never give me credit
It's a good thing im so lazy
3x5's, written by a two-ton tommy
You would think that this
Job could be done by a dummy
Want to take a nap
But Lisa Lyon won't seem to let me
I swear sometimes, mean babies are out to get me

im too drunk to finish, GNS and goodnight


Anyone know what a 'retired basically party' might be?


Yay! The Vermont Teddy Bears are back!! Including the zombie bear. Remember when Noory was telling us that the zombie bear was to demonstrate your 'underlying love'? An email to George and a post on here later and it was suddenly re-recorded as 'undying love'.


Listen to this son of a bitch once again make this interview about himself....only Jorch could interview a movie star and somehow make the entire interview about himself.

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