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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 02, 2015, 12:54:23 AM
George has "a friend who smokes like a fish."

He really said that.

To make matters worse, his friend drinks like a chimney.

I don't see how you guys can listen to this dreck.  I mean its one thing if the topic is interesting and Noory fumbles the interview as only he can but its another thing if the topics suck. 

Quote from: AvDaBr on February 02, 2015, 03:05:50 AM
To make matters worse, his friend drinks like a chimney.

And Jorch has another friend who doesn't "fuck like a bunny."

He actually fucks bunnies.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 02, 2015, 02:50:48 AM
Can you just fire your doctor and send your money to George already

Jorch's next guest...

Frankly I can't wait to hear the show with Louis Gossett Jr.  I think the last films I saw him in were Enemy Mine and Iron Eagle and those were a long time ago.  He was also excellent in the original Roots. However, he hasn't exactly set the stage on fire in the last 20 years.  I guess its George's way of honoring Black History Month.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 02, 2015, 03:17:44 AM
Frankly I can't wait to hear the show with Louis Gossett Jr.  I think the last films I saw him in were Enemy Mine and Iron Eagle and those were a long time ago.  He was also excellent in the original Roots. However, he hasn't exactly set the stage on fire in the last 20 years.  I guess its George's way of honoring Black History Month.

I'll never forget the baby he had in "Enemy Mine." 

It looked like Michael Jackson.

Some of the astronaut/narrator's lines were so lame and hilarious my wife and I still repeat them to one another.

"Time passed . . . as time does."

We were just talking about that movie today.

Well, here's some good news, fellow pilgrims.

I just prayed for George Noory to come down with seven different forms of cancerous ass rot and an exploding cerebral hemorrhage with whipped brain cream and a cherry aneurysm on top.


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 02, 2015, 03:19:55 AM

I'll never forget the baby he had in "Enemy Mine." 

It looked like Michael Jackson.

Some of the astronaut/narrator's lines were so lame and hilarious my wife and I still repeat them to one another.

"Time passed . . . as time does."

We were just talking about that movie today.

There's a Nooryism for you.  I wonder if he had a hand in the script.  Oh I forgot, he was a hot shot Emmy-winning news producer back then. ??? He must not have had any competition.

Well, I'm going to go read some History/Egyptology before I settle to bed. It's not by one of George's hack guests so its all probably true.  Good night.

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 02, 2015, 03:34:37 AM
There's a Nooryism for you.  I wonder if he had a hand in the script.  Oh I forgot, he was a hot shot Emmy-winning news producer  back then. ??? He must not have had any competition.

Those are local news Emmys -- and a lot of them are for graphics and shit.  Technical awards.  One of Jorch's was like that.

Mostly unimpressive shit like the Chamber of Commerce hands out to hicks in green pants and white shoes.


This might as well be Jorch or any one of his (medical/religious guests) walking through the airport, all would qualify for world’s biggest scammer. Snoory, the words biggest scammer....



Here is some interesting info on frequent c2cam caller 'Bill from West Hartford, Conn' the amateur atheist astronomer at his facebook page:

About William

       I'm a nice guy, who has a (14-year-old) "Tuxedo-Colored"-Kitty-Cat named "BABY". I've had her since September 1st of 1996, when I adopted her from the Connecticut Humane Society! She was born in June of 1995. "UP-DATE": as of June 21st, 2010, my precious CAT "BABY" HAS DIED!!!!- - (from complications from  her Diabetes) that she had since January of 2009. I (NOW) have a "NEW", young-KITTEN: named "JUNIOR"!!!!!  He (will NEVER replace "BABY"), but he HELPS (at least)!!--But:, (MORE RECENTLY)....as of April of 2011, I, ((NOW)), INSTEAD, have another (FEMALE) Kitty-Cat named "SWEETIE"--who is about three years old, and VERY, VERY, SWEET (as her name suggests)!!! (You see, I  HAD TO "give "Junior" back to the (nice couple) whom I first adopted HIM"-- because HE was SOOOOO rambunctious, and wild, and (SOOOOOOOO  MANY TIMES he "CHEWED on my CABLE CORDS, as well as my Electricial Wires", that I was AFRAID that he'd hurt (or kill) himself), you see. : SO, I had to give him back to that nice couple, (who now LOVE HIM, and take GOOD CARE of him, (AS I TAKE GOOD CARE OF "SWEETIE"), and "Junior" (is now) about 1 and 1/2 years old...and having a womderful time with his (original family)!!!...and when he "HEARS MY VOICE" on their answering machine, when I call  that couple (for advice regarding "SWEETIE"--my PRESENT FEMALE CAT), "Junior" (ALWAYS)--I've been told-- rushes over to their answering machine to "listen to MY VOICE"!!- (as HE still remembers me, and LOVES ME)!!! SO: NOW, (ofcourse, I have "SWEETIE")!!! And she's a DARLING KITTY-CAT!!!

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 02, 2015, 03:38:15 AM
Well, I'm going to go read some History/Egyptology before I settle to bed. It's not by one of George's hack guests so its all probably true.  Good night.

For some reason, I recently ordered the Penguin paperback edition of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

What's the Egyptology book?

Did you read about how the "curators" at the Cairo Museum permanently fucked up King Tut's 3,300-year old golden mask -- one of the greatest finds in archaeological history?

They used expoxy on his broken-off chin beard which also got onto the face and somebody scratched it up trying to scrape that off.  It looks like absolute shit now.

Of course, George Noory never reported it.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 02, 2015, 03:17:44 AM
Frankly I can't wait to hear the show with Louis Gossett Jr.  I think the last films I saw him in were Enemy Mine and Iron Eagle and those were a long time ago.  He was also excellent in the original Roots. However, he hasn't exactly set the stage on fire in the last 20 years.  I guess its George's way of honoring Black History Month.

Louis Gossett Jr does very little these days except faith based Christian films like Left Behind. So be prepared for Snoory's probing questions about that, as well as other  riveting question such as  " when you played the part in Enemy Mines, did you feel like a real alien"? "Did they use a real baby"? "Do you know Billy Mumy"?

Quote from: Morgus on February 02, 2015, 03:41:01 AM
Here is some interesting info on frequent c2cam caller 'Bill from West Hartford, Conn' the amateur atheist astronomer at his facebook page:

About William

       I'm a nice guy, who has a (14-year-old) "Tuxedo-Colored"-Kitty-Cat named "BABY". I've had her since September 1st of 1996, when I adopted her from the Connecticut Humane Society! She was born in June of 1995. "UP-DATE": as of June 21st, 2010, my precious CAT "BABY" HAS DIED!!!!- - (from complications from  her Diabetes) that she had since January of 2009. I (NOW) have a "NEW", young-KITTEN: named "JUNIOR"!!!!!  He (will NEVER replace "BABY"), but he HELPS (at least)!!--But:, (MORE RECENTLY)....as of April of 2011, I, ((NOW)), INSTEAD, have another (FEMALE) Kitty-Cat named "SWEETIE"--who is about three years old, and VERY, VERY, SWEET (as her name suggests)!!! (You see, I  HAD TO "give "Junior" back to the (nice couple) whom I first adopted HIM"-- because HE was SOOOOO rambunctious, and wild, and (SOOOOOOOO  MANY TIMES he "CHEWED on my CABLE CORDS, as well as my Electricial Wires", that I was AFRAID that he'd hurt (or kill) himself), you see. : SO, I had to give him back to that nice couple, (who now LOVE HIM, and take GOOD CARE of him, (AS I TAKE GOOD CARE OF "SWEETIE"), and "Junior" (is now) about 1 and 1/2 years old...and having a womderful time with his (original family)!!!...and when he "HEARS MY VOICE" on their answering machine, when I call  that couple (for advice regarding "SWEETIE"--my PRESENT FEMALE CAT), "Junior" (ALWAYS)--I've been told-- rushes over to their answering machine to "listen to MY VOICE"!!- (as HE still remembers me, and LOVES ME)!!! SO: NOW, (ofcourse, I have "SWEETIE")!!! And she's a DARLING KITTY-CAT!!!

How is this guy not best friends with Faulkie?


i never remember ARt doing so many health shows!


Quote from: Morgus on February 02, 2015, 03:41:01 AM
Here is some interesting info on frequent c2cam caller 'Bill from West Hartford, Conn' the amateur atheist astronomer at his facebook page:

Falkie? Is that you?

Quote from: nextgen.fm on February 02, 2015, 04:15:42 AM
i never remember ARt doing so many health shows!

He did a few but not as many. Usually they were strange medical tales or something along those lines. Coast listeners probably wouldn't mind  medical topics if they were more interesting.

By the way anyone find it odd Art mentioned he didn't want to be associated with the show especially the medical shows which gave out possibly dangerous medical advice and a few days latter we get a perfect example of this.

Quote from: Morgus on February 02, 2015, 03:41:01 AM
Here is some interesting info on frequent c2cam caller 'Bill from West Hartford, Conn' the amateur atheist astronomer at his facebook page:

About William

       I'm a nice guy, who has a (14-year-old) "Tuxedo-Colored"-Kitty-Cat named "BABY". I've had her since September 1st of 1996, when I adopted her from the Connecticut Humane Society! She was born in June of 1995. "UP-DATE": as of June 21st, 2010, my precious CAT "BABY" HAS DIED!!!!- - (from complications from  her Diabetes) that she had since January of 2009. I (NOW) have a "NEW", young-KITTEN: named "JUNIOR"!!!!!  He (will NEVER replace "BABY"), but he HELPS (at least)!!--But:, (MORE RECENTLY)....as of April of 2011, I, ((NOW)), INSTEAD, have another (FEMALE) Kitty-Cat named "SWEETIE"--who is about three years old, and VERY, VERY, SWEET (as her name suggests)!!! (You see, I  HAD TO "give "Junior" back to the (nice couple) whom I first adopted HIM"-- because HE was SOOOOO rambunctious, and wild, and (SOOOOOOOO  MANY TIMES he "CHEWED on my CABLE CORDS, as well as my Electricial Wires", that I was AFRAID that he'd hurt (or kill) himself), you see. : SO, I had to give him back to that nice couple, (who now LOVE HIM, and take GOOD CARE of him, (AS I TAKE GOOD CARE OF "SWEETIE"), and "Junior" (is now) about 1 and 1/2 years old...and having a womderful time with his (original family)!!!...and when he "HEARS MY VOICE" on their answering machine, when I call  that couple (for advice regarding "SWEETIE"--my PRESENT FEMALE CAT), "Junior" (ALWAYS)--I've been told-- rushes over to their answering machine to "listen to MY VOICE"!!- (as HE still remembers me, and LOVES ME)!!! SO: NOW, (ofcourse, I have "SWEETIE")!!! And she's a DARLING KITTY-CAT!!!

Someone posted his date profile from somewhere, he said a good date idea would be listening to his calls to C2C and Clyde Lewis.

I actually feel bad for the guy. I have feeling he is a typical Noory listener/fan.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on February 02, 2015, 04:32:36 AM
Someone posted his date profile from somewhere, he said a good date idea would be listening to his calls to C2C and Clyde Lewis.

I actually feel bad for the guy. I have feeling he is a typical Noory listener/fan.

Ha! I don't listen to Coast so I always wondered if that was the same guy that calls in and argues with Clyde Lewis.

I checked out Johnny Noory's favorite forum... Last post was in November and it was about Art with people saying they, "miss the good old days".   :-[



Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 02, 2015, 03:45:40 AM
For some reason, I recently ordered the Penguin paperback edition of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

What's the Egyptology book?

Did you read about how the "curators" at the Cairo Museum permanently fucked up King Tut's 3,300-year old golden mask -- one of the greatest finds in archaeological history? ......

'Bubba Ho Tep' ............ starring Bruce Campbell, will give you all the info you'll ever need about Egypt .....


The smartest strategy George Noory could play right now would be to admit, - on air - that he sucks, and has always sucked.  If he does this he will garner sympathy from his existing audience and perhaps a little respect from his critics.  He'll look like an underdog which will galvinize him against his fiercest critics.


Quote from: Morgus on February 02, 2015, 03:41:01 AM
Here is some interesting info on frequent c2cam caller 'Bill from West Hartford, Conn' the amateur atheist astronomer at his facebook page:

About William

       I'm a nice guy, who has a (14-year-old) "Tuxedo-Colored"-Kitty-Cat named "BABY". I've had her since September 1st of 1996, when I adopted her from the Connecticut Humane Society! She was born in June of 1995. "UP-DATE": as of June 21st, 2010, my precious CAT "BABY" HAS DIED!!!!- - (from complications from  her Diabetes) that she had since January of 2009. I (NOW) have a "NEW", young-KITTEN: named "JUNIOR"!!!!!  He (will NEVER replace "BABY"), but he HELPS (at least)!!--But:, (MORE RECENTLY)....as of April of 2011, I, ((NOW)), INSTEAD, have another (FEMALE) Kitty-Cat named "SWEETIE"--who is about three years old, and VERY, VERY, SWEET (as her name suggests)!!! (You see, I  HAD TO "give "Junior" back to the (nice couple) whom I first adopted HIM"-- because HE was SOOOOO rambunctious, and wild, and (SOOOOOOOO  MANY TIMES he "CHEWED on my CABLE CORDS, as well as my Electricial Wires", that I was AFRAID that he'd hurt (or kill) himself), you see. : SO, I had to give him back to that nice couple, (who now LOVE HIM, and take GOOD CARE of him, (AS I TAKE GOOD CARE OF "SWEETIE"), and "Junior" (is now) about 1 and 1/2 years old...and having a womderful time with his (original family)!!!...and when he "HEARS MY VOICE" on their answering machine, when I call  that couple (for advice regarding "SWEETIE"--my PRESENT FEMALE CAT), "Junior" (ALWAYS)--I've been told-- rushes over to their answering machine to "listen to MY VOICE"!!- (as HE still remembers me, and LOVES ME)!!! SO: NOW, (ofcourse, I have "SWEETIE")!!! And she's a DARLING KITTY-CAT!!!

OH CRAP!!!!!

New Blood!!!  (slurp slurp)

Let's get that guy over here!!!!!!!!!!

This is a cat friendly community. he'd LOVE it here!!!

Quote from: Marc.Knight on February 02, 2015, 10:10:08 AM
The smartest strategy George Noory could play right now would be to admit, - on air - that he sucks, and has always sucked.  If he does this he will garner sympathy from his existing audience and perhaps a little respect from his critics.  He'll look like an underdog which will galvinize him against his fiercest critics.

George should have a nightly segment where he reads the best post of the day and responds to it. 

A radio host with even an ounce of talent would be able to turn it into a running gag and a listener favorite part of the show. 


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 02, 2015, 10:18:20 AM
George should have a nightly segment where he reads the best post of the day and responds to it. 

A radio host with even an ounce of talent would be able to turn it into a running gag and a listener favorite part of the show.

Excellent idea.

Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 02, 2015, 03:45:40 AM
For some reason, I recently ordered the Penguin paperback edition of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

What's the Egyptology book?

Did you read about how the "curators" at the Cairo Museum permanently fucked up King Tut's 3,300-year old golden mask -- one of the greatest finds in archaeological history?

They used expoxy on his broken-off chin beard which also got onto the face and somebody scratched it up trying to scrape that off.  It looks like absolute shit now.

Of course, George Noory never reported it.

Its an older book from 1997 by David M. Rohl, a bit of a rogue Egyptologist. Its called Pharoahs and Kings.  The last 75 years have seen much archaeological evidence that contradicts the Biblical narrative.  He says the reason the evidence contradicts the narrative is because the old chronology includes an unnecessarily long 3rd Intermediate Period in Egyptian history.  If you take out the 200 years that there is little evidence for, the rest of the archaeological evidence supports the historical narrative of the Bible.  Under the new chronology, the contradictory evidence becomes supportive of the Bible.  Rohl does not come from a Christian or Jewish background and he has no religious agenda.  His findings are generally not accepted by mainstream archaeologists but he does find support among new, young entrants in the field.  I have to say I'm rather impressed by his work but I'd like to read a coherent rebuttal from his critics.  I have the feeling that older Egyptologists have invested a lot of faith in the traditional chronology and they don't like someone upsetting the applecart. 


Quote from: Major Ed Damien on February 02, 2015, 12:54:23 AM
George has "a friend who smokes like a fish."

He really said that.

That made me laugh. The guest should have asked Jorch if your friend drinks like a chimney and smokes like a fish.

(someone already had the same thought last page sorry) Jorch's synapses are not quite firing right, he also seems confused by the guests answers often. He either makes an off quip, or misstates what the guest just said. He is either an idiot or not paying attention, probably both.

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