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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 12, 2014, 12:31:31 AM
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on February 12, 2014, 12:39:35 AM
Quote from: rondo on February 12, 2014, 01:28:06 AM
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on February 12, 2014, 02:07:34 AM
...a sack of shit.

    The coming ice storm here in the great and powerful south has taken me off the road early.  I won't be finishing the show, so I'll be missing out on L.A. Marzulli and Brien Foerster and their little elongated skull what-not batshit nonsense.  What's important is that George didn't have it in him to apologize to Linda Stasi, and continued to waste her time with his childish ruse.  We either walk through this life following some sort of code, or we don't, but ultimately we get away with nothing.  You got a reckoning coming, George.  For sure.

I like Marzulli a lot.  He really seems to believe everything he says. He makes for an entertaining show plus I lean toward his viewpoint on life so that helps.  He is believable whereas someone like Steve Quayle who probably share's Marzull's worldview sounds batshit crazy.

I sympathize with you Valdez.  I am also in the south, Kennesaw GA, and it just started sleeting like crazy, should be changing to snow soon, thank God.  Most of the freezing rain should be to the south of Atlanta.


Quote from: Ben Shockley on February 12, 2014, 02:18:45 AM

We're all deeply disturbed, lonely and desperate hatuhrz, Ben.  Why do you ask?  :-[


Quote from: Scully on February 12, 2014, 04:27:40 AM
We're all deeply disturbed, lonely and desperate hatuhrz, Ben.  Why do you ask?  :-[

and thats why are are here


Quote from: Ben Shockley on February 12, 2014, 02:18:45 AM
I listened to see if Jorch would come clean about his little prank and,just maybe ,apologize to Linda Stasi.But true to form he proved that not only is he a dumbass but also a dumbass without dignity.


Quote from: Scully on February 11, 2014, 09:42:24 PM
Thanks for getting this all down in words, Seraphim. You saved me a bunch of typing. That show was one of the most frustrating examples of Jorchism I've heard yet. I didn't make it all the way to the end because there's only so much frustration a person can take before murder begins to sound like an option. :P

"Ma'am, there are so many people with a motive, I just wouldn't know where to begin."  ;)


Quote from: Gassy Man on February 12, 2014, 02:00:17 AM
George once again proves that his reasoning powers are shit. 

He asked the guest, Linda, if she would want to know the date of her death so she could change it.  She correctly pointed out to him that if she knew the date ahead of time, that meant it was predetermined and couldn't be changed.  George then argued that he believed free will would overcome that.  She correctly pointed out that what he was talking about wasn't free will (and then he talked over her before she could say it was fate).  Then he continued to babble bullshit while she tried as politely as she could to explain his own flawed logic to him.

George Noory is the Karl Pilkington of terrestrial radio.


Quote from: tmock00 on February 12, 2014, 08:07:17 AM
George Noory is the Karl Pilkington of terrestrial radio.

How dare you sir. Karl is a nice guy who is kind to animals.


Quote from: BobGrau on February 12, 2014, 08:21:41 AM
How dare you sir. Karl is a nice guy who is kind to animals.

Nope - Karl only likes insects. I think you might be getting him confused with Derek, who loves animals and reminds us that "kindness is magic."

PS - Not a "sir" but a "ma'am."  ;)


Quote from: tmock00 on February 12, 2014, 08:35:10 AM
Nope - Karl only likes insects. I think you might be getting him confused with Derek, who loves animals and reminds us that "kindness is magic."

PS - Not a "sir" but a "ma'am."  ;)

:-[ Pardon me, ma'am!

Karl is still a much more genuine person than noory and I think you're being unfair to him. As for Derek, I'm afraid I've never watched it. Ricky does my fuckin head in.


Quote from: valdez on February 12, 2014, 03:05:36 AM
    The coming ice storm here in the great and powerful south has taken me off the road early. 

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 12, 2014, 03:26:39 AM
I sympathize with you Valdez.  I am also in the south, Kennesaw GA, and it just started sleeting like crazy, should be changing to snow soon, thank God.  Most of the freezing rain should be to the south of Atlanta.

I'm in Memphis. We had some chaos this morning but it looks like it's dying down. I feel sort of sad and left out. I wish I had a legitimate reason to lie in bed, drink spiked hot chocolate and play video games. I mean, I could still do it, but there would be that nagging "I should be doing something productive" feeling in the back of my mind.

Doesn't Linda ever Google herself? Surely someone has sent her that "George lies with a fake voice" video from YouTube by now??

I remember her now. Once she talked about seeing her dead friend in the car outside her house and taking a picture. Did anyone ever see that picture? And last night she mentioned that while she was on a recent vacation, every photo of her turned out distorted. She always talks about weird photos but never seems to have them.

She sounds like several drama/attention-seeking women I know who desperately want something paranormal to happen to them so they're always making up stories and stretching scenarios.


Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 11, 2014, 06:07:17 AM
Woke up at 4 a.m. Couldn't get back to sleep. Decided to listen to my C2C Insider app because I had wanted to catch this Richard Bach show but fell asleep.

Big mistake. 

I'm only about an hour into this interview and of course irritated as hell.

Richard Bach is delightful. He's so engaging, I'm thinking, "There's no way this guy is gonna let George drift off and play Angry Birds during this interview."

Bach talks about his near death experience after a plane crash. He describes the actual crash, how he doesn't remember it as a crash â€" he remembers it as a gentle landing â€" and how it affected his beliefs about violent deaths, and that maybe those who die violently have other experiences. Then he starts talking about how, after his coma, with a little determination he started manifesting good things he wanted, like rebuilding his plane Puff to the point where he was flying in her again. I was really getting inspired but George kept bringing the conversation back to MUNDANE DETAILED QUESTIONS ABOUT HIS PHYSICAL INJURIES.

When Bach finally gets back around to his rebuilt plane, George exclaims, "YOU REBUILT THE PLANE?!" as if Bach hadn't just TALKED ABOUT IT IN DETAIL 10 MINUTES BEFORE. At this point we're only 20 minutes into the interview and I'm thinking, "Seriously??!!! He's zoning out on the guest this early??!!"

Bach starts talking about the details of his NDE, about finding a door he didn't open, about the choice he had to make to stay where he was or come back here, and George interrupts him with an incorrect index card question about a fourth part of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull." Bach again tries to get into the philosophical lessons he learned after his NDE and George interrupts him with "Why do you think so many people bought the book 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull'?"

How dare you for not following George's index cards, Bach! It's the only way he can follow a conversation!

Then George asks him if he was able to fly Puff again. I want to scream. Bach already told this very inspirational story about 20 minutes ago, George. Then George says, "Let's go over the details of your crash," and that's it. I'm about to throw my phone across the room. Unbelievable. We did this 30 minutes ago, George. Remember? People had to convince him it was a crash because he remembered a gentle landing? It changed his whole perspective on death?

All this, followed by a sentence in which George says "amazing" twice.

We end the first hour of the Bach interview with George saying, "Let's come back after the break and take some calls!" and we STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN to Bach's revelations about life after his NDE.

Later, Bach tries to get deep again and prompts the question, "Did you get much media coverage when you wrote Jonathan Livingston Seagull?"



I needed a little inspiration this morning. I needed some hope. You crushed any chance of it with your index cards and your pedestrian outlook on life. This interview could have lifted many people out of drudgery. But you ruined it. You ruined it for all of us.

I don't even want to listen anymore. I'm canceling this Insider membership. I'm done.

George, you lack the ability to get deep. You have lost a sense of wonder and magic. You have become a symbol of a brain-dead, zombie society. Put the crown back on. You are king of the realm of mundane.

No question about it. This was one of the worst shows ever, except as a demonstration of some of Disgeorge's most annoying qualities.


Quote from: Scully on February 12, 2014, 04:27:40 AM
We're all deeply disturbed, lonely and desperate hatuhrz, Ben.  Why do you ask?  :-[

LOL and this  :)

Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 12, 2014, 11:09:50 AM
... She sounds like several drama/attention-seeking women I know who desperately want something paranormal to happen to them so they're always making up stories and stretching scenarios.

George Noory being one of them


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 11, 2014, 10:29:10 AM

For George to be mundane would be a giant step up.  Oh, if he were only to become merely 'mundane'.....yet here is what his employer said about him last year when they extended his contract (also posted the other day in the Art Bell thread):

“The continued growth and success of COAST TO COAST AM is a testament to GEORGE’s incredible talent and dedication,” stated JULIE TALBOTT, President/Content And Affiliate Services for National Media Groups, CLEAR CHANNEL MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT.  “Each year, GEORGE takes COAST to COAST AM to new heights, and we couldn’t be happier to extend our partnership with him for years to come.”...


What a bunch of whores.


Recent show with Susan Masino on her book, "The Secrets of the Universe":

Susan:  "....to me it's kind of a primer to the paranormal."

George:  A portal.

Yes, those portals are just everywhere.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 12, 2014, 03:26:39 AM
I like Marzulli a lot.  He really seems to believe everything he says. He makes for an entertaining show plus I lean toward his viewpoint on life so that helps.  He is believable whereas someone like Steve Quayle who probably share's Marzull's worldview sounds batshit crazy...

Though I find those shows interesting and not without merit (the host notwithstanding) I'm often annoyed by the guests who start from a personal Biblical or religious viewpoint and then find all the "evidence" that appears to support their beliefs.


Quote from: tmock00 on February 12, 2014, 08:07:17 AM
George Noory is the Karl Pilkington of terrestrial radio.

You may have opened yourself up to a defamation suit from Karl.

Top 10 Funniest/Stupid Things Karl Pilkington Has Ever Said:

Top 10 Funniest/Stupid Things Karl Pilkington Has Ever Said


Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 12, 2014, 11:09:50 AM

I remember her now. Once she talked about seeing her dead friend in the car outside her house and taking a picture. Did anyone ever see that picture? And last night she mentioned that while she was on a recent vacation, every photo of her turned out distorted. She always talks about weird photos but never seems to have them.

My question, which Noory should have asked is this:  If that friend sat in her car for three hours outside of your home......WHY IN THE HELL DIDN'T YOU WALK OUT AND SPEAK WITH HER????


Quote from: ufogadfly on February 12, 2014, 11:41:19 AM
You may have opened yourself up to a defamation suit from Karl.

Top 10 Funniest/Stupid Things Karl Pilkington Has Ever Said:

Top 10 Funniest/Stupid Things Karl Pilkington Has Ever Said
Pilkington is hilarious. He is so odd.


Oh my god... could we somehow get noory to interview Karl Pilkington?

Gnoory, are you reading this? I'll sign up for a month if you do it.


Quote from: BobGrau on February 12, 2014, 04:05:15 PM
Oh my god... could we somehow get noory to interview Karl Pilkington?

LOL! Can you just imagine how that interview would go?  I don't even want to think about it ... or wait ... maybe I do ...  :o

Situation in raliegh nc with snow storm is insane.

Fucking southners. Cars burning, vehicles abandoned, etc.
It's like a god dam zombie apcolypse.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on February 12, 2014, 10:06:31 PM
Situation in raliegh nc with snow storm is insane.

Fucking southners. Cars burning, vehicles abandoned, etc.
It's like a god dam zombie apcolypse.

If you had to cannibalize Joorch to survive...would you do it?

Quote from: DocHolliday on February 12, 2014, 10:08:59 PM
If you had to cannibalize Joorch to survive...would you do it?

No all that turmeric would give me the shits.

Quote from: b_dubb on February 12, 2014, 10:09:09 PM
I hope Onan is okay

If anyone was dumb enough to get on the road with these fucktards is prolly in traffic. The freeways are abandoned, littered with cars, some set fucking ablaze. It took people 5 hours to drive less than 10 miles.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on February 12, 2014, 10:12:27 PM
No all that turmeric would give me the shits.

The Carnivora would counter it though, I'd think.

Cancer, step outside the box!!!!!!!!!111

Quote from: nooryisawesome on February 12, 2014, 10:15:12 PM
If anyone was dumb enough to get on the road with these fucktards is prolly in traffic. The freeways are abandoned, littered with cars, some set fucking ablaze. It took people 5 hours to drive less than 10 miles.
I just turned on the weather channel in the background to check out this weather.

What is the topic tonight on C2C? I have become completely dependent on Seraphim's show preview posts.

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