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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?


An unusual show tonight.  Guest Richard Bach wasn't really pushing carnivora, disasters, end-of-the world supplies, remote viewing home kits...or much of anything. The Smithsonian wasn't trying to hide Jonathon Livingston Seagull from Americans.   The callers told him how much they loved his book.  He was happy his book helped people.

J Seagull always reminded me of Rudyard Kipling's the White Seal story (no not Arizona gubernatorial candidate Steven Seagull or one-time Coast host Mike Seagull). Here is the animated White Seal, by the master Chuck Jones (his Rikki-Tiki-Tavi is quite good as well).



Quote from: UFQuack on February 11, 2014, 03:56:02 AM
Here's Jorch after tickling his dragon:

Beautiful! But I think Joorch has spent way too much time CHASING the dragon!


Woke up at 4 a.m. Couldn't get back to sleep. Decided to listen to my C2C Insider app because I had wanted to catch this Richard Bach show but fell asleep.

Big mistake. 

I'm only about an hour into this interview and of course irritated as hell.

Richard Bach is delightful. He's so engaging, I'm thinking, "There's no way this guy is gonna let George drift off and play Angry Birds during this interview."

Bach talks about his near death experience after a plane crash. He describes the actual crash, how he doesn't remember it as a crash â€" he remembers it as a gentle landing â€" and how it affected his beliefs about violent deaths, and that maybe those who die violently have other experiences. Then he starts talking about how, after his coma, with a little determination he started manifesting good things he wanted, like rebuilding his plane Puff to the point where he was flying in her again. I was really getting inspired but George kept bringing the conversation back to MUNDANE DETAILED QUESTIONS ABOUT HIS PHYSICAL INJURIES.

When Bach finally gets back around to his rebuilt plane, George exclaims, "YOU REBUILT THE PLANE?!" as if Bach hadn't just TALKED ABOUT IT IN DETAIL 10 MINUTES BEFORE. At this point we're only 20 minutes into the interview and I'm thinking, "Seriously??!!! He's zoning out on the guest this early??!!"

Bach starts talking about the details of his NDE, about finding a door he didn't open, about the choice he had to make to stay where he was or come back here, and George interrupts him with an incorrect index card question about a fourth part of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull." Bach again tries to get into the philosophical lessons he learned after his NDE and George interrupts him with "Why do you think so many people bought the book 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull'?"

How dare you for not following George's index cards, Bach! It's the only way he can follow a conversation!

Then George asks him if he was able to fly Puff again. I want to scream. Bach already told this very inspirational story about 20 minutes ago, George. Then George says, "Let's go over the details of your crash," and that's it. I'm about to throw my phone across the room. Unbelievable. We did this 30 minutes ago, George. Remember? People had to convince him it was a crash because he remembered a gentle landing? It changed his whole perspective on death?

All this, followed by a sentence in which George says "amazing" twice.

We end the first hour of the Bach interview with George saying, "Let's come back after the break and take some calls!" and we STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN to Bach's revelations about life after his NDE.

Later, Bach tries to get deep again and prompts the question, "Did you get much media coverage when you wrote Jonathan Livingston Seagull?"



I needed a little inspiration this morning. I needed some hope. You crushed any chance of it with your index cards and your pedestrian outlook on life. This interview could have lifted many people out of drudgery. But you ruined it. You ruined it for all of us.

I don't even want to listen anymore. I'm canceling this Insider membership. I'm done.

George, you lack the ability to get deep. You have lost a sense of wonder and magic. You have become a symbol of a brain-dead, zombie society. Put the crown back on. You are king of the realm of mundane. 


It is true that so much has changed since the earlier days before the corporate dingle berry infected our once beloved Alternative News. George has succumbed to the Big Corps way of conformity to what they deem okay to air, no more great late nights with on edge all alternative news that people actually wants to hear, Just look at the numbers drop over the past year.
I just heard too that George Knapp was released or let go, or quit.
I love listening to Art and will continue to be a loyal listener and Roswells to you..lol


Quote from: Freyster65 on February 11, 2014, 06:19:19 AM
I just heard too that George Knapp was released or let go, or quit.

OMG What??!!!  :o

Hi Freyster -- where did you hear (read) this?


Quote from: NoMoreNoory on February 10, 2014, 08:01:35 PM
And Tuesday, he has Linda Stasi back on, discussing the Veil Of Veronica. She, you'll recall, was the victim of his hilarious "Why did you write that book?" scary voice non-gag. Is she nuts or desperate that she would even consider going back on the show after that? I suggest we bombard Noory with demands that he finally apologise to her.

     Capital idea.  I just sent the goon an email.  I wanted to sent Stasi one reminding her of the treatment she received in that circus he calls a show, but alas her website list no email address.  Sadness.

Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 11, 2014, 04:04:34 AM
An unusual show tonight.  Guest Richard Bach wasn't really pushing carnivora, disasters, end-of-the world supplies, remote viewing home kits...or much of anything. The Smithsonian wasn't trying to hide Jonathon Livingston Seagull from Americans.   The callers told him how much they loved his book.  He was happy his book helped people.  J Seagull always reminded me of Rudyard Kipling's the White Seal story (no not Arizona gubernatorial candidate Steven Seagull or one-time Coast host Mike Seagull). Here is the animated White Seal, by the master Chuck Jones (his Rikki-Tiki-Tavi is quite good as well).
Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 11, 2014, 06:07:17 AM
...You are king of the realm of mundane... 

     I'll have to check out this "White Seal."  I remember liking Rikki-Tiki-Tavi.  I always looked forward to it when it would come on television, back in the days before VCRs, when you had to wait a year before the networks would re-play something.  So there was Richard Bach, a thoughtful writer talking about, among other things, writing, and the process, and the mysterious muse that accompanies it, and I was wondering why George didn't regale us with his thoughts and feelings on writing.  I would have loved to hear about the anguish and toil and self-doubt he may have experienced while he was working on "Late Night Snacks."  Bill Gertz on the impending conquest of China uber alles.  George also had Robert Zimmerman on to discuss Richard Branson's space endeavors, but Zimmerman seems to be souring on Branson. "I'm sorry," he said.  "I have to be honest."   Cracks in Herr Noory's Iron Curtain.  I love it.


Quote from: coaster on February 11, 2014, 01:59:05 AM
Noory's guest tonight has a plane named "Puff" so Noory felt it fitting to play "Puff The Magic Dragon" which has absolutely nothing to do with flying a plane.
Actually, there is a link - though I doubt sNoory remembers it.  The first aircraft gunships developed for Vietnam were C-47s (military version of the DC-3) firing three miniguns out of the windows and cargo doors of the plane.  The GIs nicknamed it "Puff the Magic Dragon,"  and by 1964 they were using the radio call signs "Puff."

Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 11, 2014, 06:07:17 AM
... George, you lack the ability to get deep. You have lost a sense of wonder and magic. You have become a symbol of a brain-dead, zombie society. Put the crown back on. You are king of the realm of mundane.

For George to be mundane would be a giant step up.  Oh, if he were only to become merely 'mundane'.

No, George is much worse.  He doesn't care.  He isn't listening.  He enjoys displaying his laziness selfishness and rudeness by doing zero prep work.

Other than the pay, and what he thinks is fame, he has to hate his job.  He has to.  Who enjoys a job they have no interest in?  That takes away all their evenings?

The seasoned guests would do well to come on the show and just interview themselves.  Stop when George interrupts with a dumb comment or question, then just go right back to what they were talking about.

Someone could write a post like yours about George's performance every night, yet here is what his employer said about him last year when they extended his contract (also posted the other day in the Art Bell thread):

“The continued growth and success of COAST TO COAST AM is a testament to GEORGE’s incredible talent and dedication,” stated JULIE TALBOTT, President/Content And Affiliate Services for National Media Groups, CLEAR CHANNEL MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT.  “Each year, GEORGE takes COAST to COAST AM to new heights, and we couldn’t be happier to extend our partnership with him for years to come.”...


I'm sure he loves his job, because it gives him exactly what he wants in life.  A massive ego massage for zero effort.  The man is worse than lazy, selfish, and rude, he's downright juvenile.   That little clip of him slapping himself in the face with a fucking calf implant and looking so smug and pleased with his perfectly orchestrated physical comedy is arguably the most perfect illustration of George's whole 'thing'.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 11, 2014, 10:29:10 AM

For George to be mundane would be a giant step up.  Oh, if he were only to become merely 'mundane'.

No, George is much worse.  He doesn't care.  He isn't listening.  He enjoys displaying his laziness selfishness and rudeness by doing zero prep work.

Other than the pay, and what he thinks is fame, he has to hate his job.  He has to.  Who enjoys a job they have no interest in?  That takes away all their evenings?

The seasoned guests would do well to come on the show and just interview themselves.  Stop when George interrupts with a dumb comment or question, then just go right back to what they were talking about.

Someone could write a post like yours about George's performance every night, yet here is what his employer said about him last year when they extended his contract (also posted the other day in the Art Bell thread):

“The continued growth and success of COAST TO COAST AM is a testament to GEORGE’s incredible talent and dedication,” stated JULIE TALBOTT, President/Content And Affiliate Services for National Media Groups, CLEAR CHANNEL MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT.  “Each year, GEORGE takes COAST to COAST AM to new heights, and we couldn’t be happier to extend our partnership with him for years to come.”...


Why PremRat continues to waste money on Jorch is beyond me.  The whole situation with PremRat and C2C is like a Dilbert cartoon come to life.   C2C would indeed be so much better if it had NO host and just guests interviewing themselves, which is what the good ones do anyway.  Jorch is just an unnecessary, aggravating distraction. 


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 11, 2014, 04:04:34 AM
J Seagull always reminded me of Rudyard Kipling's the White Seal story (no not Arizona gubernatorial candidate Steven Seagull or one-time Coast host Mike Seagull). Here is the animated White Seal, by the master Chuck Jones (his Rikki-Tiki-Tavi is quite good as well).


This is awesome.

I'm afraid to watch Part 2. Please tell me he doesn't get killed by Man.  :(


I listened to Gertz on the Chinese military expansion.  Technically good but his political bias neutralizes his arguments with half the audience. Noory said we should just lock the leaders is a room and let them beat each other up.  I made the same argument...when I was 12.  What a superficial, dopey jackass.  All I can figure is that Noory is either a ruthless shark in corporate politics...or holds some nasty videos of PRN mgmt.  I couldn't bring myself to listen to 3 hours of touchy-feely crap with Bach. 


Quote from: Juan on February 11, 2014, 06:54:23 AM
Actually, there is a link - though I doubt sNoory remembers it.  The first aircraft gunships developed for Vietnam were C-47s (military version of the DC-3) firing three miniguns out of the windows and cargo doors of the plane.  The GIs nicknamed it "Puff the Magic Dragon,"  and by 1964 they were using the radio call signs "Puff."
I stand corrected. I highly doubt Noory made that connection though. He probably just wanted to hear his favorite song.
I also find it funny when Noory mentions reading a book in the past. He almost brags about it. Does anyone find it odd that when Noory mentions reading a book he tells us how old he was when he read it? Way to go George, you read a book. Gold star you imbecile.


I like it when he says Chariot of the Gods was the first book he read, not realizing that we would know he was 18-years old when the book was published.
George Noory sucks.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on February 11, 2014, 12:24:45 PM
...I couldn't bring myself to listen to 3 hours of touchy-feely crap with Bach.

Same here.  Talk about not having an "edge."  ::)  Especially with Georgie Livingston I Suck as the "host."


Quote from: Juan on February 11, 2014, 01:04:37 PM
I like it when he says Chariot of the Gods was the first book he read, not realizing that we would know he was 18-years old when the book was published.
George Noory sucks.
He was probably done looking at the amazing pikshers somewhere in his 40's, started reading it in his 50's, I think.
Thy Suckage Overfloweth


Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 11, 2014, 06:07:17 AM
Woke up at 4 a.m. Couldn't get back to sleep. Decided to listen to my C2C Insider app because I had wanted to catch this Richard Bach show but fell asleep.

Big mistake. 

I'm only about an hour into this interview and of course irritated as hell.

Richard Bach is delightful. He's so engaging, I'm thinking, "There's no way this guy is gonna let George drift off and play Angry Birds during this interview."

Bach talks about his near death experience after a plane crash. He describes the actual crash, how he doesn't remember it as a crash â€" he remembers it as a gentle landing â€" and how it affected his beliefs about violent deaths, and that maybe those who die violently have other experiences. Then he starts talking about how, after his coma, with a little determination he started manifesting good things he wanted, like rebuilding his plane Puff to the point where he was flying in her again. I was really getting inspired but George kept bringing the conversation back to MUNDANE DETAILED QUESTIONS ABOUT HIS PHYSICAL INJURIES.

When Bach finally gets back around to his rebuilt plane, George exclaims, "YOU REBUILT THE PLANE?!" as if Bach hadn't just TALKED ABOUT IT IN DETAIL 10 MINUTES BEFORE. At this point we're only 20 minutes into the interview and I'm thinking, "Seriously??!!! He's zoning out on the guest this early??!!"

Bach starts talking about the details of his NDE, about finding a door he didn't open, about the choice he had to make to stay where he was or come back here, and George interrupts him with an incorrect index card question about a fourth part of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull." Bach again tries to get into the philosophical lessons he learned after his NDE and George interrupts him with "Why do you think so many people bought the book 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull'?"

How dare you for not following George's index cards, Bach! It's the only way he can follow a conversation!

Then George asks him if he was able to fly Puff again. I want to scream. Bach already told this very inspirational story about 20 minutes ago, George. Then George says, "Let's go over the details of your crash," and that's it. I'm about to throw my phone across the room. Unbelievable. We did this 30 minutes ago, George. Remember? People had to convince him it was a crash because he remembered a gentle landing? It changed his whole perspective on death?

All this, followed by a sentence in which George says "amazing" twice.

We end the first hour of the Bach interview with George saying, "Let's come back after the break and take some calls!" and we STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN to Bach's revelations about life after his NDE.

Later, Bach tries to get deep again and prompts the question, "Did you get much media coverage when you wrote Jonathan Livingston Seagull?"



I needed a little inspiration this morning. I needed some hope. You crushed any chance of it with your index cards and your pedestrian outlook on life. This interview could have lifted many people out of drudgery. But you ruined it. You ruined it for all of us.

I don't even want to listen anymore. I'm canceling this Insider membership. I'm done.

George, you lack the ability to get deep. You have lost a sense of wonder and magic. You have become a symbol of a brain-dead, zombie society. Put the crown back on. You are king of the realm of mundane.

Brilliant summary of what transpired last night.  I wish to God that Lisa, Tom, or anyone with power to fire Noory,  would take the time to read this post. 


Quote from: Nebraska888 on February 11, 2014, 02:03:30 PM

Brilliant summary of what transpired last night.  I wish to God that Lisa, Tom, or anyone with power to fire Noory,  would take the time to read this post.

If the hosts themselves are aware of this site, I can't help but assume that Lisa and the rest of the bunch has been made aware of this site as well.  What they do with the information is anyone's guess--it's obvious what George does.

I get the impression that Premiere is still very much bitter towards Art and they consider George is the "lesser evil".


Remember when ol' george was on here telling everyone how knew he faded during interviews and he was going to really, really, double-dog try to improve....   
Can you say "Mean Reversion".


Quote from: Seraphim27 on February 11, 2014, 06:07:17 AM
...I needed a little inspiration this morning. I needed some hope. You crushed any chance of it with your index cards and your pedestrian outlook on life. This interview could have lifted many people out of drudgery. But you ruined it....

Seraphim you have crystalized my thoughts here - I felt exactly the same way.  R. Bach was genuine and thoughtful and actually managing to chip away at my hardened cynical armor before Noor-Bore interfered with the natural communication flow just as you described.  When it comes to good conversations, he's like a bad substance that messes them up - an interfernooron.


Quote from: Nebraska888 on February 11, 2014, 02:03:30 PM

Brilliant summary of what transpired last night.  I wish to God that Lisa, Tom, or anyone with power to fire Noory,  would take the time to read this post.
Pointless. Seraphim would just be called a "hater". Obviously none of us understand the brilliance that is George Noory..


Quote from: awake on February 11, 2014, 02:49:18 PM
Remember when ol' george was on here telling everyone how he was going to head the constructive criticisms given by those who would respond to him.    Can you say "Mean Reversion"....

When he showed-up here, my BS alarm just about deafened me.


It's just sad that a show that was so well done for so many years has just been obliterated by a buffoon and a corporate culture of "lowest common denominator".  Fucking tragic.   :-\


It is.  Over 1400 pages and counting here are a testament to it.


George noory is a shit stain in the history of talk radio.


Noory has two areas where Bell is no match for him; business sense and picking contract lawyers.  Unlike Art B, a perpetually easy mark for network mgmt and their contract lawyers, Noory was smart enough to hire sharp lawyers who've apparently built an impressive legal cage around his C2C seat.  Its got to be the reason.  I suspect that CEO Pittman of Clear Channel is gob-smacked frequently when he hears what Nitwit Noory said last night.

Can someone post a link to the infamous "you shouldnt have written that book" incident?

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