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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?


Histronic Fop

Quote from: Morgus on June 04, 2013, 01:47:57 PMPat Boone already called in last week so Noory could wish Pat a Happy Birthday. Of course Noory had to let Pat know his own birthday was coming up and that they were both Gemini, which Pat said he didn't know anything about that...
Oh, that's right. That exchange was so awkward and painful to listen to, that I think I just blocked it out. Is that technically missing time?

Quote from: West of the Rockies on June 04, 2013, 02:57:31 PM
George is a colossal putz, a lazy social-buffoon who has through a great cosmic injustice found his way to the show.  He clearly thinks he is sharper than all of his guests and listeners; he seems to think he's some swarthy love-god, too.  Gack.

That's awesome, worthy of a PhD in Snoorology


cosmic injustice....
I'm soooo gonna start saying that

Quote from: Immy on June 03, 2013, 09:49:17 PM
After trying to find that Pee Wee Reese moment I stumbled across this exchange, which is a very telling peek into Jorch's psyche. First a failed Skype call, then this:

GN: Jimmy in Vermont...North Vermont, Washington. Hey Jim, go ahead...[silence]...Jim?
Jim: [laughing] Am I there?
GN: Yes you are!
Jim: Oh. I'm in Mount Vernon, Washington...
GN: That's what I said.
Jim: Oh. Well, I heard something else.

We all did Jim, we all did. It was the clear, unambiguous sound of an iconic radio show being helmed by a moron. And the worst kind of moron - one that denies his stupidity and makes excuses.

Paper Boy got me thinking about this again.  Mount Vernon is where the I-5 bridge collapsed that caused George so much concern because people from Seattle wouldn't be able to get to his show in Vancouver.  You would think he would have been right on top of that, asking the caller if his friends had to take bush planes last weekend to see him live.


During the 2 hours of open lines last night, one caller sounded just like UFO Phil, so Noory made him say things that UFO Phil says.
It probably was UFO Phil playing with Noory...

Quote from: ziznak on June 04, 2013, 03:28:39 PM
What a perfect encapsulization of the true snoron... in basically one small paragraph.  You are a genius.

Wow, thank you for the kind words! I know I probably piss people off now and then here with my avuncular scolding, but I do genuinely appreciate the kind words.


How sickening - thats whats up at the c2cam website right now - looks like something a 2nd grader might draw.
Tonight's show will probably be nonstop callers and guests wishing Noory a Happy Birthday and he will be eating all the phony attention right up... :P


query: should we rename this thread "the George Noory codependent enablers forum"? because despite the fact that George sucks some of us continue to tune in


Strong gene pool in the Noory family. He looks exactly like his mother.
from coast's fuckbook page -" Today is the day, we celebrate your birth and being part of the party on planet earth -  so happy birthday George, your shining light brightens up our star-lit-nights !"

Quote from: coaster on June 04, 2013, 07:13:48 PM
... from coast's fuckbook page -" Today is the day, we celebrate your birth and being part of the party on planet earth -  so happy birthday George, your shining light brightens up our star-lit-nights !"


That's how it works in places like PremRat.  George is treated as if he's a complete success there due to his ass-kissing, and those lower on the org chart are then expected to kiss his ass daily if not hourly. 

Quote from: coaster on June 04, 2013, 07:13:48 PM
from coast's fuckbook page -" Today is the day, we celebrate your birth and being part of the party on planet earth -  so happy birthday George, your shining light brightens up our star-lit-nights !"

I was alright with the asskissing right up until "...your shining light brightens up our star-lit-nights".

No, snoron's shining light doesn't brighten up my night because a. snoron is several batteries short of a dim light and b. the bunko crap he disseminates across the airwaves is responsible for lowering IQs on a massive scale. But happy birthday anyway, Jorge. Have a plate of pizza rolls.


Yep it sure looks like tonight Noory will play up and take advantage of his birthday for all its worth.
The c2cam website keeps adding more junk for Noory's birthday tonight, including this photo they posted:

George Noory pictured with his Mother, around 1955


heheheh.... see we all start out cute little kids.  Even with those eyebrows ripped straight from "the count" on sesame street.  Those eyebrows just scream out "wait until we an grow facial hair!!"

Histronic Fop

I'm really stoned right now off some righteous bright green shit...and George Noory still sucks.

Where's this dumb motherfucker find all these so-called experts?


Quote from: Morgus on June 04, 2013, 09:02:15 PM
Yep it sure looks like tonight Noory will play up and take advantage of his birthday for all its worth.
The c2cam website keeps adding more junk for Noory's birthday tonight, including this photo they posted:

George Noory pictured with his Mother, around 1955

Wow! If you've ever wondered what Georgie would look like in drag well wonder no more.


As expected Noory's guest just buttered him up about his birthday and you could hear Noory gushing, thats exactly what he planned for tonight with all his dropping hints about his birthday for the past week...

Quick Karl

It just makes no sense whatsoever that this guy is still on the air. It is impossible for C2C to have anywhere near the ratings that Art had, and nearly every friend I have that was a fan of Art detests Noory and just does not listen anymore.

I just cannot imagine what the suits at the company the runs this excuse for a freak show can possibly be thinking...

Back to the Classic music channel!


Several times a year we get to thank and celebrate George. His birthday. His anniversary with c2c. The anniversary of the website not dedicated to its founder. The anniversary of the app no one likes. The anniversary of rollgate. It's a great time!

Quote from: Morgus on June 05, 2013, 01:13:41 AM
As expected Noory's guest just buttered him up about his birthday and you could hear Noory gushing, thats exactly what he planned for tonight with all his dropping hints about his birthday for the past week...

How dumb is George Noory to not realize that no one - no one - other than him and maybe his mother give a hoot about his birthday.  Except maybe to make fun of him by pretending to go along.  The way he acts, the stuff he says, he has to be and has to have been almost completely isolated for decades.


Quote from: Histronic Fop on June 04, 2013, 11:05:21 PM
Where's this dumb motherfucker find all these so-called experts?
i noticed Noory often comments to a new guest about meeting him or her at some conference event, so that must be where he finds many of the newer guests...


. . . a picture of George with his mom? You guys are vicious . . .


I in no way insulted his mother. I just posted the picture because I thought they looked the same. I'm sure she is/was a fine woman. I imagine she had a tough time raising jorch. Even when he was older I'm sure she kept all the sharp corners in the house covered.


I can't wait for Wednesday's C-A-R-N-I-V-O-R-A craptastic infomercial show. This classic stinker is brought to you by PremRat and sNoory, becau$e they "care."


Quote from: michio on June 05, 2013, 03:11:44 AM
I can't wait for Wednesday's C-A-R-N-I-V-O-R-A craptastic infomercial show. This classic stinker is brought to you by PremRat and sNoory, becau$e they "care."

Yeah Buddy, can't hardly wait for tomorrow night's Ty "Carnivora" Bollinger cancer $pectacular!  Interested to hear if he and Jorch once again address the "haters" that plague them both.  Last visit with Ty was a hoot!  $nake oil and Snoory---let the entertainment begin!

As usual, George Noory SUCKS!


In the alleged news segment, George read a story about the recall of a frozen berry product called "Organic Antioxidant Blend" packaged under the Townsend label when sold at Costco and under the Harris Teeter name when sold at those stores.  All of the bags are sold in the West.  People who have eaten the product have come down with Hepatitis A.

George asked one of his "experts" - "How could this happen?  It's organic."

The guest evaded the question.

But here's the answer George - because it's "natural."


I was a first guest tap out last night.  Probably won't even check in tonight.


     Not as much of a fuss about his birthday as I thought there would be.  I figured he'd have all the usuall suspects call in and bow to the emperor.  Still, he should have taken the night off instead of running these interviews into the ground with his mindlessness.  I got nothing from the Penny Peirce segment on perception and attention, and I think there was hope for Tina Sacchi (who is a hottie) on the SBNR  (spiritual but not religious - I'm getting so tired of acronyms, I'm gonna start a Fed Up with Acronyms Association...eh, that would be FUWAA) phenomenon.  George said, "I think my religion gave me a foundation when I was younger that allowed me to make these decisions when I was older."  Those would be the decisions he makes when he's not consulting Satan's pendulum.  Glyniss McCants is on Giam.  I check out the video on the c2c website to see if she was still a hottie as well.  Not so much.
*  *  *

     Here are a few preliminary recent findings from the Snoorolgy Research Institute that, in accordance with it's charter, and in memorandum, are required (within 90 days of a full, half, or quarter moon) to be disseminated for review:
     * Whenever George begins a question with the name of the guest he has absolutely no idea what he's about to ask.
     * The moment George becomes completely bored with the subject at hand is right after "how are youuuu?"
     * The number of gimmicks George comes up with to increase "insider" subscriptions (live chat/George time/George wash your car) is directly proportional to the number of subscriptions that fall short of monthly quotas and expectations.
     * That Ozzy song will never be played.
     * Calculating the time it is taking to build, the c2c "Hawaiian" studio will be the size of the Death Star.


Quote from: PurpleChirple on June 05, 2013, 03:31:58 AM
Yeah Buddy, can't hardly wait for tomorrow night's Ty "Carnivora" Bollinger cancer $pectacular!  Interested to hear if he and Jorch once again address the "haters" that plague them both.  Last visit with Ty was a hoot!  $nake oil and Snoory---let the entertainment begin!

As usual, George Noory SUCKS!

Was a big fan of some of the Star Trek shows when they were on TV.  When they would get attacked and the enemy was able to penetrate their shields, as a preventative measure they would have to modulate their shields to rotate the frequencies.  Was they just pumping in a blast of C-A-R-N-I-V-O-R-A?


Quote from: ziznak on June 05, 2013, 05:21:36 AM
I was a first guest tap out last night.  Probably won't even check in tonight.


Histronic Fop

Personally, I'd like to hear about the history of Carnivora. For example, how, in 1985, did Ronald Reagan hear about Carnivora and how did he get it to the White House at the time when only the President could obtain this world class healer. My second question would be, did Carnivora contribute to Reagan's raging Alzheimer's.

One thing we'll hear a lot of out of Ty Bollinger tonight: "That's a great question, George."

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