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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?


Roy Hinkley

Quote from: Quick Karl on May 30, 2013, 11:11:23 PM
Its only take me 3-seconds of hearing Richard Hoaxland's voice and I nearly rip the knob off the radio switching to the classic music channel.

Me too!  The guy makes a conspiracy out of everything!  And everything looks like something strange to this dork.  I would love to see this guy take a Rorschach test.

Roy Hinkley

George actually laughed at the end of the shtory about the lady being run over by the car.
Nice compassion.

Quote from: Roy Hinkley on May 30, 2013, 11:21:27 PM
George actually laughed at the end of the shtory about the lady being run over by the car.
Nice compassion.

I noticed that too.  He told a story of a woman's car running her over, apparently driverless.  Then he giggled while saying something along the lines of "They think there may have been another driver in the car.  They're trying to find out."

Quote from: ziznak on May 29, 2013, 11:09:11 PM
"Soooo how did yew start working as a TV reporter?"

"What drives you?"
or "What makes you keep doing what you do?"

Really?  An hour of prime coast to coast time with nothing but variations of George saying "should people get angry when they argue?" and the guest saying "no it's more effective to stay calm."  I'm not really focusing on it but every time I do that's all I hear them saying.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 30, 2013, 11:56:29 PM
Really?  An hour of prime coast to coast time with nothing but variations of George saying "should people get angry when they argue?" and the guest saying "no it's more effective to stay calm."  I'm not really focusing on it but every time I do that's all I hear them saying.
apparently Noory wasted that first hour with that so he could get callers and the guest to compliment him on having a 'monotone voice' in his radio interviews...


Hoagland was on at the start of the first hour tonight for a few minutes to report that the mountain-sized near-earth asteroid coming close to earth tomorrow has a sliver-like companion object.
Hoagland mentioned he is scheduled to be the main c2c guest in a couple weeks and requested a full 4 hours for his astonishing reports that night, guaranteed to blow Noory's socks off..

Roy Hinkley

Quote from: Morgus on May 31, 2013, 12:13:29 AM
..... (Dick Hoaglund) requested a full 4 hours for his astonishing reports that night, guaranteed to blow Noory's socks off..
I have heard that a hundred times from Dick, and he has never come through with anything remotely amazing, just one of his paranoid conspiracy theories.


Any more, when I hear George's biographical recollections it just makes me laugh.  I've stopped doing math and checking any facts.  Just like any other drivel that spews from under his nasty Iron Sheik stache, we know its all bullshit. 

Oh great, tonight we have the moldy cow... sonic booms... disasters......... monotonous.............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

LMH: "Molecule specific energy" smooshes wheat while nuicanse plants are "untouched".

Yeah, kinda like how when I mow my lawn, the next day the dandylions are already sticking a foot above everything else.

They call it "GROWIN' LIKE A WEED" for a reason. Sheesh.

Quote from: Roy Hinkley on May 31, 2013, 12:48:28 AM
I have heard that a hundred times from Dick, and he has never come through with anything remotely amazing, just one of his paranoid conspiracy theories.

But he's already told NASA everything they know about the solar system.  Water on Europa.  Water on Mars.  Oxidized iron on Mars. Water on the Moon.  Those damned bureaucratic scientists would be so much faster to get on the Hoagland bus if they just didn't waste so much time eliminating variables and verifying things.  There's nothing you can't figure out by whipping a fifty year old accutronic watch out of your pocket and quickly taking a reading as you jerk your body around while trying to avoid those pesky authorities at ancient heritage sites.  Who needs bench marks, controls, and peer review?

Quote from: Tara on May 30, 2013, 08:22:51 AM
Last night sNoory said that his mother gave him a book about the Betty and Barney Hill story when he was 14; it changed his life and supposedly made him want to be a journalist...

George has had many life changing events - leading to restaurants, horse farms, becoming a movie star or at least President.  They didn't all work out.  Fortunately he is full of inspiration.

I hated the one where he decided copying Art Bell's show in St Louis was his calling.  I encourage him with his recent idea of YouTube TV show host - he really should dump radio and do this full time.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on May 31, 2013, 01:45:00 AM

George has had many life changing events - leading to restaurants, horse farms, becoming a movie star or at least President.  They didn't all work out.  Fortunately he is full of inspiration.

I hated the one where he decided copying Art Bell's show in St Louis was his calling.  I encourage him with his recent idea of YouTube TV show host - he really should dump radio and do this full time.

That would be great.  Now we just need to do something about those Gaiam TV spam ads.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 30, 2013, 11:56:29 PM
Really?  An hour of prime coast to coast time with nothing but variations of George saying "should people get angry when they argue?" and the guest saying "no it's more effective to stay calm."  I'm not really focusing on it but every time I do that's all I hear them saying.
I was in the same boat- not really listening.  Every time I tuned in, I heard Noory making up another story of things he thought he should say to sound smart about human behavior (along with another time he obviously cut the caller off early and sot of finished up the thought for him.)  The last one was the he just does not like when there is a car accident and people are running around screaming rather than reacting properly.  How many accidents is this idiot around that this is something that concerns him?!? 

I think he took something in his head of how people might react in an emergency, blew it out of proportion and applied it to how people react in all of the car accidents he sees.  I have seen a couple accidents (and put a lot of miles on most years.)  Only one or two that were more than fender benders where there was a real sense of emergency.  Yeah, people react in strange ways- but I have yet to see somebody running around in circles (probably flapping their arms in Georges mind as well), screaming and panicking.  Standing back and watching in horror- yes.  But never Georgies idea of panicking and screaming... though I am sure he saw it on television once.

Why can he not stick to the troooth and just stop talking out of his ass...


Quote from: Morgus on May 31, 2013, 12:13:29 AM
Hoagland mentioned he is scheduled to be the main c2c guest in a couple weeks and requested a full 4 hours for his astonishing reports that night, guaranteed to blow Noory's socks off..
I loved how he requested the four hours while live on Coast (I think it is a bit of a pressure tactic to get the full four hours that are not generally offered to him.)  The guest after that made a request to be on for a segment as well (sorry- I do not recall who, just that he is another regular like Hoagland.)

The beginning of the evening sounded like all of Georges little lackeys begging for some air time.  Must make king Noory feel important and powerful.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 31, 2013, 02:06:30 AM
That would be great.  Now we just need to do something about those Gaiam TV spam ads.

Every one you see on your screen, Google gets a few pennies from them.  Click on them and it costs GTV even more.

Or just get an ad blocker - I haven't seen any GTV ads for awhile.

A caller phoned in and spent several minutes asking LMH some (frankly whacked out) questions about the behaviour of the moon and a supposed brown dwarf near Pluto.  LMH got about one sentence into her answer when George suddenly asked about sink holes.  Wth?  So Linda had to get sidetracked for awhile addressing that question before getting back to the caller's original inquiry.

No wonder I tune this program out most of the time.

Quote from: WOTR on May 31, 2013, 02:10:35 AM
....But never Georgies idea of panicking and screaming... though I am sure he saw it on television once.

Why can he not stick to the troooth and just stop talking out of his ass...

Most of George's deep knowledge seems to come from bad TV programs and movies.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on May 31, 2013, 02:25:05 AM

Every one you see on your screen, Google gets a few pennies from them.  Click on them and it costs GTV even more.

Or just get an ad blocker - I haven't seen any GTV ads for awhile.

They do seem to have tapered off, but that's a good idea about draining GTV of their advertising budget.


So Linda answered a caller's alien visitation question and George asked her, "Linda, have we been able to replace the shoes of Budd Hopkins and Dr. John Mack?"

Uh, we're interested in replacing the people, not their footwear, genius.  Although I guess George could get someone from his stable of "psychic" guests to ask them what size feet they had.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on May 31, 2013, 01:45:00 AM

...I encourage him with his recent idea of YouTube TV show host - he really should dump radio and do this full time.

Perhaps this is the answer... We offer Noory a deal - we thuh haterz will support his future televisual endeavours with gusto, adding our considerable numbers to his inexplicably existing fanbase. In return, he agrees to Get The Fuck Off Of Coast.


     Richard C. Hoagland promises to buy George some socks.  Anger talk with Dr. Peter Breggin.  George wants people who have "ever witnessed someone shouting" to call in and tell us about it.  Linda Moulton Howe on Monsanto and bees and sinkholes and George wonders if the entire structure of the earth is collapsing.  Confused about what day it is, George plays the Brother Iz song.   


I was moved to send Jorch an email suggesting he tell his buddy Alex Jones about the not screaming and shouting stuff.

So far, no response.  8)


Quote from: valdez on May 31, 2013, 05:49:27 AMConfused about what day it is, George plays the Brother Iz song.   
probably that happened because Noory has been taking off so many Fridays recently that he now thinks of Thursday as his new Friday so plays bumper music a day early?
half expected him to finish last night with UFO Phil's stupid song...  :o


Quote from: Scully on May 31, 2013, 06:39:15 AM
I was moved to send Jorch an email suggesting he tell his buddy Alex Jones about the not screaming and shouting stuff.
So far, no response.  8)
i immediately thought of Alex Jones last night as well - he must go hoarse a lot with his constant yelling...


Quote from: Morgus on May 31, 2013, 11:38:18 AM
i immediately thought of Alex Jones last night as well - he must go hoarse a lot with his constant yelling...
he does go hoarse.  when he was on opie and anthony after doing C2C when the boston bomber stuff was going down you could tell his throat was destroyed.

Abby Normal

Quote from: Morgus on May 31, 2013, 12:13:29 AM
Hoagland was on at the start of the first hour tonight for a few minutes to report that the mountain-sized near-earth asteroid coming close to earth tomorrow has a sliver-like companion object.
Hoagland mentioned he is scheduled to be the main c2c guest in a couple weeks and requested a full 4 hours for his astonishing reports that night, guaranteed to blow Noory's socks off..

From CBS News:  A huge asteroid set to sail past Earth on Friday has its own moon, NASA scientists have just discovered.

Researchers obtained a series of radar images of the approaching asteroid 1998 QE2 late Wednesday (May 29) using the Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, Calif. Images captured over the course of two hours showed that the asteroid is actually a binary system.

The main space rock is the size of nine ocean liners, roughly 1.7 miles (2.7 kilometers) across, and the satellite that orbits it is estimated to be 2,000 feet (600 meters) wide, according to NASA.

Binary systems are quite common among near-Earth asteroids. Of space rocks at least 655 feet (200 meters) across, about 16 percent are binary or triple systems, NASA officials said.

Here's the link to the story: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-205_162-57587055/approaching-asteroid-1998-qe2-has-a-moon-images-reveal/

Mr. HoaxLand will no doubt tell George that NASA's version of the asteroid is a lie and that only he, Richard HoaxLand, knows the truth.  Can you imagine the mental condition of the people who contribute money to HoaxLand's website?


Hoagland told Noory last night that the asteroid's companion object is very bright and shiny, almost like a metallic UFO perhaps?

Some of the better paraphrased moments this week...

May 29th, 2013 with Graham Hancock
GN: "Welcome back with Graham HAGNOCK"
(no bother correcting himself)

GH: (on the ark of the covenant)
GN: "Is the clock ticking...?"

GN: "...mmmm..."

GN: "This cataclysm... that wiped everything out.... how big was it?"
GH: "...oh, it was global...."
GN: "Was it biblical?"

GN: "We're going to have another classic coast to coast on the next program..."

(Guest on alien abductions)
GN: "What if these people being abducted... are being lifted straight up??...is that possible?"
(Guest): (laughing) ...Anything's possible...

From May 30th, 2013 with Linda Howe
GN: "What about these stories of the 'Black Knight'... this satellite that is tens of thousands of years old... from a different galaxy..."
LH: "I don't have any factual data on that... do you?"
GN: "No... no... but it's a great story though. Let's take another call

GN: We're gonna have to get you back to Denver for our Beyond Belief program to get you in the area again..."

Abby Normal

Quote from: Morgus on May 31, 2013, 02:21:07 PM
Hoagland told Noory last night that the asteroid's companion object is very bright and shiny, almost like a metallic UFO perhaps?

The asteroid and its satellite passed by Earth about 10 minutes ago.  No word if Marvin the Martian was flying the companion object.  Maybe he stopped by DQ for a burger and shake? 

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