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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on April 09, 2013, 11:14:16 PM

In any case she was a sexy actress in the day but I'm not that interested in hearing her interviewed as an 'expert' on a paranormal/'science'/current events radio show.
I really have to disagree with you.  She is the perfect guest for a Noory hosted Coast (perhaps not so much a Bell hosted Coast.) Here is a nutritional expert who is writing the book (in her words) "How I Cured My Husband's Cancer," because he is now five years in remission and it's all about the foods. He had both lung and bladder cancer.

A guest who can talk to Noory about nutrition on this program and return once she publishes her latest work to promote it and tell us all to eat our vegies in order to cure lung cancer.  She is VERY much the perfect Coast to Coast guest...  The best guests have found a way for us to cure ourselves of cancer so long as we avoid medication and doctors.


Quote from: popple on April 09, 2013, 03:12:14 AM


    Marilu Henner, of Taxi fame, in the studio to talk about health and memory.  She said her kids have "never had a glass of milk, or a cheese burger."  All right.  I get it.  Heath is important.  We all want to live forever and do the best for our kids.  But are you really going to deny a child the joy...the absolute joy... of a glass of milk and an oriole cookie?  Really?  If you can do that, you have convictions of steel and may God bless you. Stephan Schwartz on consciousness.  George remains befuddled.
     We are fortunate that during the now infamous "parade" someone had a camera and the forthought to record the event.  The Snorology Research Institute is presently studying this recording and is confident that, with today's advanced technology, we can pinpoint, to the exact frame, the moment when Coast to Coast, a once vibrant and noble endeavour, was assassinated.  Vigilance.


Quote from: valdez on April 10, 2013, 05:31:59 AM

    Marilu Henner, of Taxi fame, in the studio to talk about health and memory.  She said her kids have "never had a glass of milk, or a cheese burger."  All right.  I get it.  Heath is important.  We all want to live forever and do the best for our kids.  But are you really going to deny a child the joy...the absolute joy... of a glass of milk and an oriole cookie?  Really?  If you can do that, you have convictions of steel and may God bless you. Stephan Schwartz on consciousness.  George remains befuddled.

" We are fortunate that during the now infamous "parade" someone had a camera and the forthought to record the event.  The Snorology Research Institute is presently studying this recording and is confident that, with today's advanced technology, we can pinpoint, to the exact frame, the moment when Coast to Coast, a once vibrant and noble endeavour, was assassinated.  Vigilance. "

One of the best descriptions of what Snoory has done to this program.

Could perhaps that gif be missing one important frame ?

The one where the car goes off a nearby freeway ramp under construction at full speed because the driver snapped after listening to Tommy and Snoorge all day ?

And Henner, while being on my list of women I wanted to do one day, always has struck me as being just a little off center from the rest of us somehow.

And just where was she when she was losing her virginity ? Out howling at the moon as Armstrong landed on it ?


I'd still like to know just what in the hell having all these Hollywood types has to do with the damned paranormal.

Art warned about being drawn into the orbit of the LA scene.

Snoory got sucked into it willingly.

And still sucks.

In fact another name for him is Suckzilla.

And ... George Noory Sucks.


Coast is a different show now. No longer from the high desert but now from the high socal. I expect them to start having shows about how to pick a plastic surgeon any day now


Any star can lay some claim to being healthy, or having a consciousness experience.  If they are unhealthy they check into a weight loss clinic or drug rehab.  Talk is cheap and that is what Coast has become. 
That is why the radio went into dead silence last evening, and will continue to remain there as far this choice of handling the program goes.


" Yes, distinguished members of the Hollywood Press. Here at Snoorge Labs we've now developed Snoze W.A.V.E. ( We Are Vapid Egotists ) Technology that will enable the 2013 Snoorgemobile to eventually operate on wave technology alone. "

" Watch the screen as Snoorge and Tommy take it out for its final test trial. "

" As you can clearly see, as Tommy moves his arm down, Snoorge move his up, thus allowing the vehicle to approach and exceed the zero point energy level necessary for the vehicle to increase mileage and even eventually require no fuel at all. In fact, we also have discovered an unknown factor with this.  We've found that the Snoorgemobile may even be able to achieve so much lift that it can fly without wings or a jet or propeller. "

" Watch closely as the Snoorgemobile accelerates and breaks the sound barrier. "


" Our crack team of engineers have informed me that they are certain they can correct this minor fault before the car goes into production and we'll have a new press conference very soon. "


Quote from: valdez on April 10, 2013, 05:31:59 AM

     We are fortunate that during the now infamous "parade" someone had a camera and the forthought to record the event.  The Snorology Research Institute is presently studying this recording and is confident that, with today's advanced technology, we can pinpoint, to the exact frame, the moment when Coast to Coast, a once vibrant and noble endeavour, was assassinated.  Vigilance.

The exact moment may be under assessment but there's no doubt there was but one prime C2C assassin.  George Noory sucks! 

Quote from: Falkie2013 on April 10, 2013, 08:24:11 AM

" Yes, distinguished members of the Hollywood Press. Here at Snoorge Labs we've now developed Snoze W.A.V.E. ( We Are Vapid Egotists ) Technology that will enable the 2013 Snoorgemobile to eventually operate on wave technology alone. "

I'm sorry to say, but most people usually miss the hidden costs of alternative energy technology.  What you save in gasoline along with carbon and NOx emissions will be more than fully offset by the cost of pizza rolls, tumeric, and the resulting NOxious fumes.

But I will admit, your findings based on the evidence presented in the gifs on this forum meet or exceed the new Hoagland Scientific Standard (H.S.S.) for Burden of Scientific proof (Hoagland's B.S. -- the 'p' is omitted because it was considered redundant to mention 'proof' when Hoagland's name is already spelled out).


Quote from: WOTR on April 10, 2013, 02:58:54 AM
I really have to disagree with you.  She is the perfect guest for a Noory hosted Coast (perhaps not so much a Bell hosted Coast.) Here is a nutritional expert who is writing the book (in her words) "How I Cured My Husband's Cancer," because he is now five years in remission and it's all about the foods. He had both lung and bladder cancer.

A guest who can talk to Noory about nutrition on this program and return once she publishes her latest work to promote it and tell us all to eat our vegies in order to cure lung cancer.  She is VERY much the perfect Coast to Coast guest...  The best guests have found a way for us to cure ourselves of cancer so long as we avoid medication and doctors.

I agree re Henner being a typical guest now on the show, but the claim about her husband's cancer being in remission for 5 years begs the question: If true, has the diet been a significant factor?


Quote from: WOTR on April 10, 2013, 02:58:54 AM
I really have to disagree with you.  She is the perfect guest for a Noory hosted Coast (perhaps not so much a Bell hosted Coast.) Here is a nutritional expert who is writing the book (in her words) "How I Cured My Husband's Cancer," because he is now five years in remission and it's all about the foods. He had both lung and bladder cancer.

A guest who can talk to Noory about nutrition on this program and return once she publishes her latest work to promote it and tell us all to eat our vegies in order to cure lung cancer.  She is VERY much the perfect Coast to Coast guest...  The best guests have found a way for us to cure ourselves of cancer so long as we avoid medication and doctors.

Sad but true.  PremRat should stop any pretense and re-title C2C to "It's Your Health, with Jorch Nooree!"  Just another radio infomercial scam.  No paranormal entertainment value here, folks, move along.  Just another train wreck.  :P

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 10, 2013, 12:32:46 AM
       Yeah, I admit to be being harshly cynical, and maybe her story is true...but the timing seems a little too Hollywood. As far as the licentiousness of that era goes, I think my neighborhood was "ahead of the times", not necessarily in a good way. I was born in '75, and there were at least dozen kids I grew up with whose mothers had their first kids as teens between 1968-76, some cases involved marriage, but not all, maybe not even a majority.

Possibly I'm a little naive.

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 10, 2013, 12:32:46 AM

        To the point of her being an "expert" on C2C...it's just more evidence of where the show is right now. It's more Issac the bartender than Issac Asimov. More Arthur Fonzarelli than Arthur C Clarke.

Maybe I didn't give her enough credit.  Like the other poster said Marilu Henner flogging a book favours comparably to the current infomercial format, and that memory skill is worthy of an hour on the new Coast.  But in general it would be good if he brought in Ph.D.'s who have devoted their lives to a subject -- or just people who had had truly notable experiences -- rather than celebrities (or 'self-taught scientists') who came upon it later in life without the necessary background to understand what they are talking about (not saying this about Henner... I was reasonably impressed with what she had to say).  Dale Brown revealing his scientific theories really isn't that interesting -- although, in his favour as a C2C guest he does have lots of books to sell.

I can see the conversation now: 

Author:  Mr. Tommy, my agent says I have to come on your program to promote my new book.
Tommy:  Is it about the paranormal?
Author:  No.
Tommy:  Does it have any conspiracy theories in it?
Author:  No.
Tommy:  Anything about spirituality, health, or fringe scientific theories?
Author:  No.
Tommy:  Anything I can use?
Author:  Well one time when I was five...
Tommy:  Good enough, I don't need to know.  See you tonight.

George Noory seems to think if it isn't in a movie or a novel, it's not valid.

Quote from: b_dubb on April 10, 2013, 07:45:38 AM
Coast is a different show now. No longer from the high desert but now from the high socal. I expect them to start having shows about how to pick a plastic surgeon any day now

Very true... I'm surprised we don't hear George say, "From the OC, it's Coast to Coast with MEEEEEEEE!, George Noory....."


Marilu Henner mentioned she met Noory at some recent live health event they were both guests at and conspired there to have her on c2c.
Its part of Noory's alternative health obsession and gave Noory a woman to flirt with live in the studio.
Noory told her she looked great (at age 60) and her voice in reply was flirtatious...


Quote from: valdez on April 10, 2013, 05:31:59 AM

     She said her kids have "never had a glass of milk, or a cheese burger." 
Those poor kids.


I don't blame her for not feeding her kids cheeseburgers. Her career kind of dived after Taxi, last I heard she was writing crackpot health books and going through desperate avenues to sell them. Cheeseburgers can get expensive fast.


I think humans should be exposed to as many foods as possible when young.  Isn't that how we build up tolerances and fend off future allergies and what not?  Last night was a non-listening night for me.  I can't stand when they do anything new agey... UNconsciousness... and health crap.  This is the shit that alienates the old school coast listeners.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on April 10, 2013, 07:36:06 AM
I'd still like to know just what in the hell having all these Hollywood types has to do with the damned paranormal[size=78%].[/size]

Art interviewed plenty of hollywood types.  I listened to the Merle Haggard interview today on FineArt.  What a good interview that was.  And it even touched on the paranormal.  Lots of interesting stuff, and they didn't even touch on the music (for which I'm glad, since I don't like country).


I think he meant D list celebrities with nothing of interest to say. Who doesn't want to hear what Merle Haggard has to say?

You know, I normally don't check in with this topic cause it's just too damn long, but now I'm glad I just so happened to! I can't believe Noory in the muscle car, let alone a parade for that matter! How desperate is he for P.R.? Looks like a bad "Grand Theft Auto" or something! Also you could make an entire thread alone out of this whole picture! My caption would be, "You know I'm the pimp badass of late night radio, and there's nothin anyone can do about it!"   ;D


Seems to me that Noory has that embarrassed/angry look on his face that you see when someone realizes he has been/is being punked by people he thought were his friends. I'd like to know the nature of Noory's relationship with Tim Conway Jr.


I bet the majority of the crowd had no idea who they were.

There are certain expressions and gestures that have worn out their welcome.  Hasn't it been a good ten years now since "That's gotta hurt..." or "That's gonna leave a mark..." were mildly clever?  I think Noory's pointing in that "You da man!" style was cool in fraternities back in about 1998....


Jorch does all sorts of cheesy game show hosty things. Have you seen him jump onto the stage on his "tv show".


Quote from: coaster on April 10, 2013, 05:23:35 PM
I bet the majority of the crowd had no idea who they were.

Why yes they did.  One of Mr. Conway's staff typed his name in a 100 pt. font (real big) and printed it out and taped it to the side of the car where the morning traffic reporter's name had been.  They refused to be in the parade because, well, it caused too much traffic on Saturday, and they do not work Saturday's.  Everyone could read, but they missed that traffic reporter.


The Nobody has been found.  His name is Noory the Nobody.

Quote from: RedMichael on April 10, 2013, 02:29:23 PM
... Her career kind of dived after Taxi...

I could probably count on one hand the sit-coms that I thought were truly funny.  Taxi was one of them.

Roy Hinkley

It is safe to say anyone would look small sitting next to Tommie, but Jorch looks really tiny in that big old muscle car - does anyone know how tall, (or rather short that is), Jorch is?


Quote from: Morgus on April 10, 2013, 01:27:03 PM
Marilu Henner mentioned she met Noory at some recent live health event they were both guests at and conspired there to have her on c2c.
Its part of Noory's alternative health obsession and gave Noory a woman to flirt with live in the studio.
Noory told her she looked great (at age 60) and her voice in reply was flirtatious...

Must be disGeorge's alleged intense "show prep:" He actually asked her, "The memory. How did you, I mean have you always been good memorizing things?"

OK,  so maybe they didn't talk much when they met at the event. Maybe her publisher didn't provide a press kit. Maybe there were no notes on the book cover. But a simple search for "Henner, memory" or some such would have informed him that she's one of the rare persons with the condition known as Highly Superior Auto-Biographical Memory, or H-SAM. There was even a 60 Minutes segment on the subject a while back which included her.

Jeez, what a dolt. And he sucks.

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