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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



I predict that Noory will probably sneak out early tonight and they will sneak in a replay segment of old open lines, because Noory is going to appear at that Contact in the Desert event tomorrow...

Quote from: Morgus on May 20, 2017, 01:19:50 AM
I predict that Noory will probably sneak out early tonight and they will sneak in a replay segment of old open lines, because Noory is going to appear at that Contact in the Desert event tomorrow...
That is a page out of the noory playbook, indeed. I wouldn't be surprised

Quote from: 21st Century Man on May 20, 2017, 01:08:45 AM
Anytime, man.  :D ;) I read Bean's books and he comes across as upfront and honest.  He sure lived a hellish life for the first 40 years.
and to think, i get upset when the coffee is burned. kind of puts things in perspective


Quote from: Sarcastic Plastic on May 19, 2017, 11:17:29 AM
It's Norma Desmond syndrome. Snorch will always be ready for his close-up even though we wish him to be far far away.
Quote from: sumthinz going on on May 20, 2017, 01:36:15 AM
and to think, i get upset when the coffee is burned. kind of puts things in perspective
Why isn't he sweating like Jimmy?


Quote from: CronkitesGhost on May 18, 2017, 02:59:34 AM
Oh yeah.  And once in Houston he then danced with a lady in green pants.  He looked at Tommy saying, "So, this is Houston's finest?". Unbelievable.  Just when you think you know someone.  Then. They.  Sing.  And.  Dance.  With.  A.  Frog.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 12, 2017, 08:55:49 AM
I thought it was a good show as well. I think it turned into a good show because the guest rejected Noory usually unnecessary political spin.

-First question out of the gate, "Did you watch the Trump interview with NBC, I thought it was unfair, how the interviewer kept interrupting Trump" (There was a pause as the guest contemplates, why is he asking me this") the guest replies with a very meek "Uh I guess"
-Second question, the mandatory Comey  question "Don't you think Trump comes off as a good guy, he fired Comey for talking out of turn on Hillary emails (yeah Jorge, not a leading question at all, and again what does this have to do with nuclear caves?) Guest replies "The timing suggests it has to do more with the Russian investigation"
Jorge: "  :o Okay, let's get to you book"

HAHA, You can almost sense Jorge pulling on the breaks after the guest didn't follow his political narrative. It was for the best, as for the rest of the segment they focused on a pretty interesting topic about nuclear hideouts and caves. Who and what will be saved, etc without the need to hop back to politics spin

I was in and out of sleep by the second guest, but I did hear the guest (a female) talk about threesomes. Which I think it perked ol' Georgie boy up as I heard him mumbling "OH!!" after she mention it.  lol. I must admit it got my attention as well as I was half asleep and took a pause and thought "Wait what"
He didn't censor it?  How did threesomes come into the show?

Gyoza Girl

According to Steve Quayle and Tim Alberino, the giants crowded into Sardinia. Maybe this is where we get the expression, "They were packed in like Sardinians."

Quote from: sumthinz going on on May 20, 2017, 12:24:06 AM
Guest Bill Bean referenced a photo posted on the c2c website of him as a child that he claims shows strange beings, but i just cannot find any such thing. Can anyone identify anything out of the ordinary in that pic?
Fran-chesskin monk???

Green Goblin with witch hat

X wood strips in window frame+red window decorations+overactive imagination=Alien grey with 4' head trying to crash family Christmas celebration



For the first time in a few years I may actually actively tune in as tonight's episode unfolds. The circus surrounding a "live remote viewing experiment" are too good to pass up, even if what little I've heard of Connie Willis makes me wonder how she'll conduct herself in any sort of reasonable manner...

...time to check 'er out.


From the other night. Wow. Pray for Marcus from the Nederlands who is protecting his bar owner friend who is being extorted for 40K Euros and is loosing weight, calls about him being "dangerous to the police," etc. As a "security man" he knows how to fight and is an empath and now the police are harassing the old people who he lives with since Christmas. He was put in a mental hospital and drugged. But now he is back home. (Keep in mind that Moroccans etc are allowed to run amok in places there- my editorial comment.) He works for the "very secret, worldwide, very small network" who knows about the end-times and "even the police don't know the line between good and evil." Norry offers advice "I wouldn't go there." But Marcus knows "who he is in the Bible" and can prove it with "two documents." He is "totally against violence" as per his conscientious objectors statement previously (they had compulsory service requirements.) Gideon is his "job description." He is busy with a documentary. He can prove it. He has filed some "revelations" and "has seen things from the present and future and his connecting the dots." Norry says "convince them you are psychic...but not go over...." "reign in this people but don't go over the edge with these people, I know how they are."  ;D Now a caller about college hazing but "will get into it next time" and a story about a guy's neighbor shooting a bee hive with a shotgun.

Quote from: albrecht on May 20, 2017, 11:06:39 PM
From the other night. Wow. Pray for Marcus from the Nederlands who is protecting his bar owner friend who is being extorted for 40K Euros and is loosing weight, calls about him being "dangerous to the police," etc. As a "security man" he knows how to fight and is an empath and now the police are harassing the old people who he lives with since Christmas. He was put in a mental hospital and drugged. But now he is back home. (Keep in mind that Moroccans etc are allowed to run amok in places there- my editorial comment.) He works for the "very secret, worldwide, very small network" who knows about the end-times and "even the police don't know the line between good and evil." Norry offers advice "I wouldn't go there." But Marcus knows "who he is in the Bible" and can prove it with "two documents." He is "totally against violence" as per his conscientious objectors statement previously (they had compulsory service requirements.) Gideon is his "job description." He is busy with a documentary. He can prove it. He has filed some "revelations" and "has seen things from the present and future and his connecting the dots." Norry says "convince them you are psychic...but not go over...." "reign in this people but don't go over the edge with these people, I know how they are."  ;D Now a caller about college hazing but "will get into it next time" and a story about a guy's neighbor shooting a bee hive with a shotgun.

Classic Jorch response while he was talking to Markus who literally deteriorated over a 5 minute phone call to the point I thought the next thing I was going to hear was cops busting the door down and putting him back in the mental hospital. Poor guy.

But anyway as Markus detailed his tale of woe at some point he informed Jorch 'I am harassing the police' to which Jorch replied 'Good for you Markus'  ;D

Quote from: JesusJuice💯👌👏 on April 12, 2017, 11:31:30 PM
Someone or something keeps scratching and tapping at the front door and then the back door and then back to the front. I don't see anyone. I'm going to go outside and investigate.

This is Jesus Juice's last post......


Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on May 21, 2017, 05:01:48 PM
This is Jesus Juice's last post......
A bit worrying. The last posts by Foodlion were regarding security for his property due to meth heads trespassing and stealing. And the law enforcement in the are being corrupt or non-responsive.

Quote from: Chocolate coated jackboot on May 20, 2017, 01:25:49 PM
Fran-chesskin monk???

Green Goblin with witch hat

X wood strips in window frame+red window decorations+overactive imagination=Alien grey with 4' head trying to crash family Christmas celebration

reminds me of many nights as an insomniac kid finding faces in the patterns of my grandparent's faux wood paneling...good times 😱


Noory, 1:34, "... 'Dinah' Merrill is dead at 93. A lot of you won't know her name, but . . . Yaddah yaddah yaddah".
And, YOU, George? Her name is Dina Merril, pronounced Deena, not Dinah.
  May I suggest a third option to the survey, "Can Noory pronounce anything correctly? 1. NO   2. NO      3. HELL NO


Jorch's first hour guest tonight, Dr. Joel "veterinarian" Wallach shilling his Longevity wares, giving out medical advice to the general public, and touting the multi-level marketing Longevity sales opportunities for those who wish to be their 'own boss'.  Jeez.  Can't. Fucking. Wait.   :o :o >:( >:(


Quote from: Dateline on May 22, 2017, 11:27:33 PM
Norry is used goods.

George Noory ....... the High Priest of late night paranormal talk radio.
Making $$ ....
Countless radio stations running his excellent show.
Successful private business ....
Young and good looking ....
Sings/looks better than Tom Jones in his younger days ....

Art Bell ......
Un-employed ....
What show ?
Delusional 'senior citizen' ..... on the trail of the mythical stalker.
Art who ?


Yesterday show was actually kind of fun if you like a guest who makes Jorch uncomfortable. Your first 15-minutes is your normal "I don't do politics and I am not bias" segment with Jorch who than brings on two Trump cheerleaders to tell us that A) There's nothing in the Russia Trump connection (R. Stone) and B) The middle east trip by Trump went great (J Corsi) Of course Noory with no follow up on why any of the "non bias" guests for example, why is Corsi for the arm deals with middle east countries when he spoke against such things before? Oh yeah and Corsi also said "Trump denounce terrorism there, the exact words aren't important" Which is a 180 turn on being critical on Obama for not using the exact words.

The first main guest was actually pretty good (C. Hulet) yes it was a geopolitical show, but he let everybody have it, including calling Trump a fraud. He did bring up the Saudi trip (somehow the unbiased news guy in the first 15-minutes missed) and said "I can't believe some are calling it a great trip (I wonder if that was a punch towards Corsi from earlier on) when you give money (to be fair I don't think money was given) and weapons of course they are going to make it look good, but you know those weapons always end up attacking back either through the county or sold to terrorists"

You can feel the panic on Noory. Hulet is pretty much calling out the hypocrisy of C2C, Corsi, Alex Jones etc. So what does smooth operator like George do? "What about that Seth Rich story" WTF. That's sure was a smooth segue Jorch. He pretty much went, stop talking about what Trump actually did in the middle east trip and lets talk about this unconfirmed and flaky story about Clinton.

I was too sleepy to catch the second half guest, it was about witches, which can be hit or miss. I might try to catch the repeat.


Quote from: Zetaspeak on May 23, 2017, 05:15:54 PM
Yesterday show was actually kind of fun if you like a guest who makes Jorch uncomfortable. Your first 15-minutes is your normal "I don't do politics and I am not bias" segment with Jorch who than brings on two Trump cheerleaders to tell us that A) There's nothing in the Russia Trump connection (R. Stone) and B) The middle east trip by Trump went great (J Corsi) Of course Noory with no follow up on why any of the "non bias" guests for example, why is Corsi for the arm deals with middle east countries when he spoke against such things before? Oh yeah and Corsi also said "Trump denounce terrorism there, the exact words aren't important" Which is a 180 turn on being critical on Obama for not using the exact words.

The first main guest was actually pretty good (C. Hulet) yes it was a geopolitical show, but he let everybody have it, including calling Trump a fraud. He did bring up the Saudi trip (somehow the unbiased news guy in the first 15-minutes missed) and said "I can't believe some are calling it a great trip (I wonder if that was a punch towards Corsi from earlier on) when you give money (to be fair I don't think money was given) and weapons of course they are going to make it look good, but you know those weapons always end up attacking back either through the county or sold to terrorists"

You can feel the panic on Noory. Hulet is pretty much calling out the hypocrisy of C2C, Corsi, Alex Jones etc. So what does smooth operator like George do? "What about that Seth Rich story" WTF. That's sure was a smooth segue Jorch. He pretty much went, stop talking about what Trump actually did in the middle east trip and lets talk about this unconfirmed and flaky story about Clinton.

I was too sleepy to catch the second half guest, it was about witches, which can be hit or miss. I might try to catch the repeat.
It was fun to hear Norry get uncomfortable with Hulet going after Trump and everyone. And then the weak apology by Norry because Hulet mentioned, jokingly I think, that Trump would never step down and not only will run again but will want to run for a 3 term and "kind of guy you'd have to shoot to get out of office."

The "witch" is bizarre and I'm going to turn him off for hockey but it started bizarrely with him explaining his view on the world as like this: "Baseball is a perfect, self-contained system but you remember that pitcher, uhh, you know in the 70s who pitched a perfect game on LSD? I forget his name*. I see it like that."  :o
*Dock Ellis


Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on May 23, 2017, 04:47:31 PM
George Noory ....... the High Priest of late night paranormal talk radio.
Making $$ ....
Countless radio stations running his excellent show.
Successful private business ....
Young and good looking ....
Sings/looks better than Tom Jones in his younger days ....

Art Bell ......
Un-employed ....
What show ?
Delusional 'senior citizen' ..... on the trail of the mythical stalker.
Art who ?

Don't listen, passe', referring to Norry.


Thought I'd drop in and leave this here.

Quote from: BattyBrooke on May 23, 2017, 11:19:29 PM
Thought I'd drop in and leave this here.

Looks like a Kennedy.  Hopefully Teddy, wandering the earth in search of a drink in the afterlife.


Doc Wallach just said he gave Jerry Lewis the cure for muscular distrophy a few years ago....

Dic Wallach also said he is getting 10,000 new patients per month. (Uhh.. what?)

Dic also said he commanded a boy in a wheelchair to walk, and the boy "got up and ran around that barn."

Wow. The stories keep getting more amazing with this guy.


Quote from: Deeyeennoveeyetee E. on May 24, 2017, 01:13:28 AM
Dic Wallach also said he is getting 10,000 new patients per month. (Uhh.. what?)

I walked into the kitchen where coast was playing just in time to hear that claim.  10,000 NEW patients a month.  If you do the math and figure 6 consultations to cure COPD, diabetes and blindness, that amounts to roughly one consultation every 10 seconds of a work day (yeah, I'm sure he has a team of quacks with primary school degrees standing by to assist him.)

George should really be ashamed that he allows himself to be used as a conduit to lure in his listeners and does not even bother to question how the hell this quack claims to cure COPD.  What?  A diet modification? The strategic addition of a macro nutrient or magic multi-vitamin?

Finally- sprang from his wheelchair!?!  I didn't know that Coast was now part of the trinity broadcast network.  Just send George your "love offerings" for forgiveness of your sins and he will add financial and spiritual rewards that you have never dreamed of!  He and his team of disgusting cretins will pray over your letters and offerings each night asking that you be released from your burdens.  Yes, my beloved, if you give till it hurts, you will be rewarded with eternal health that will spring from your radio and blanket you in a healing wave of love. 

Disgusting pieces of human excrement.


Shameful disgusting BS with 75% commercials that's C2C ! Praying on listeners with miracle health cures is about as low as it gets and it sure as hell isn't entertaining. George Knapp is the only reason most of us tune in and if we are lucky we get him once a week   :'(


My thought were, as I ate buttered popcorn in silence at two in the morning, what can I listen to?  Coast was not a preference over silence. 

I look forward until either Richard Syrett or Dave Shrader become the permanent host.  Until then silence is my friend. 

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