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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



George, why won't you acknowledge my pizza roll video? Is it too soon..?


Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on August 15, 2013, 09:18:15 PM
Hilarious thread ......
-->Cheerleaders for George<--

Just because I or other people are trying to have a civil conversation with the man doesn't mean we're fucking cheerleaders. I haven't fully listened to the show in years. I am considering giving it a try again if George keeps up with his campaign to improve.

If you wanna call me a cheerleader for Art you'd be right. I mean I've spent countless hours making fracking movie trailers for his new show.


The show is NOT as much about entertainment as when Art did it, but thats because this planet changed after 9/11.
We still do the vast paranormal and supernatural shows. But we also do conspiracies, alternative health and so much more
. I do about 10 speaking engagements a year around the country to anyways from 500-1500 people per event and they ALL want variety.
Our numbers dont lie, ratings are at an all time high. I see them every month. We had to keep pace with the changing world.
So to answer your question, it's part entertainment and a lot of truth seeking, and sometimes they cross over.


Well i for one am just going to follow the same rule that I have with your show.
As soon as i hear your voice or see you type......

Maybe it's just your unique personality George, we all have one but it always seems to me that you are not that interested in what you're doing, yeah. you say you are but I feel something different comes from you when you're on air no matter how you try to fake it you just sound tired.. except when it comes to Superman of course :)

Also I'm wondering if you could comment about whether you became disillusioned with all the paranormal claims when nothing concrete happened December 21st, and this is you trying to get back into it.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on August 15, 2013, 09:19:52 PM
    11   11    11   11  11  11  11 11  11  11

    9/11   9/11   9/11   9/11     9/11  9/11   9/11

Heh heh, classhic. QFT

EDIT: Fixed/Added 9/11 uggg... ::) .
Can never have enough cowbell, or 9/11.


Coaster I love your pizza roll video.....the 20 minute mark, sounds like a ghost to me or someone in a far off studio hitting a mike!
Sort of like the screams from hell ????

Quote from: Gnoory on August 15, 2013, 09:23:13 PM
The school is NOT as much about entertainment as when Art did it, but thats because this planet changed after 9/11.
We still do the vast paranormal and supernatural shows. But we also do conspiracies, alternative health and so much more
. I do about 10 speaking engagements a year around the country to anyways from 500-1500 people per event and they ALL want variety.
Our numbers dont lie, ratings are at an all time high. I see them every month. We had to keep pace with the changing world.
So to answer your question, it's part entertainment and a lot of truth seeking, and sometimes they cross over.

Okay, you didn't have to answer that one and you did.  Thank you for your response.


George I say this in all sincerity, fuck the ratings. You are way too concerned with conforming to the masses. You can't please everyone. I guarantee if you narrowed things down, improved your interview skills, and did some of the other suggestions your ratings would go through the roof.


DEC 21...I have always felt and still do that we are in for a major solar event and that is what the Mayans were trying to convey.


Yeah the US changed after 9/11. We pretty much went back to pre-9/11. And I don't see how that makes much difference with the paranormal.


I CANT disregard the ratings, its a part of the industry. Art will live and die by memberships. Its the same thing

I think I would have a lot of complaints but honestly my biggest one is could you try to stay focused?
No you're not. No you're not.  Engage, engage, engage then lock and load!


Quote from: Gnoory on August 15, 2013, 09:26:58 PM
DEC 21...I have always felt and still do that we are in for a major solar event and that is what the Mayans were trying to convey.

The Mayans and Dec 21st was a fun topic... not many took it literally... well most people with rational thought.


It's rather interesting to see George or at the very least one of his flunkies posting here.

My question is- What's with the cryptic messages and poor sentence structure? This forum is not twitter or a text, you can use more than 160 characters.  The way you pose your posts on here only adds fuel to the debate that you are not professional and lack any form of sincerity in the final product you produce.

I haven't listened to C2C in quite some time because frankly, it sucks. Your lackadaisical approach to the show has turned me & numerous others off to the show.

I'm sure you will come back with a reply how the show is growing and listenership is at an all time high, but I'm not buying it. I doubt anyone else with an IQ over 80 is buying it either.


George, you're ducking my question.  What happens at the 20-second mark of this clip?



Not buying it? You dont have to youll only believe what you want to. I see hard data all the time.


Seems everyone milked the December 2012 thing for all that they could. The Mayan calendar was a paycheck for a lot of pseudosciences and outright hucksters.
edit-maxwell, he did answer your question. He said it sounded like a ghost or someone hitting the microphone.


Quote from: Gnoory on August 15, 2013, 09:28:18 PM
I CANT disregard the ratings, its a part of the industry. Art will live and die by memberships. Its the same thing

GEORGE, read this very carefully, I am saying metaphorically you need to stop listening to the sales people and focus groups and all that BS for a bit and trust your gut instinct. If you do and the ratings go down dramatically, return to form.

It's not about not watching the ratings, it's about not letting it dictate how you do the show. Major difference. Please comprehend that.


I'll let you get back to your'thread'. Be well, I mean that in all sincerity


I do wonder how 10 million listeners down to 3 to 3.5 million listeners is successful.

Quote from: onan on August 15, 2013, 09:33:52 PM
I do wonder how 10 million listeners down to 3 to 3.5 million listeners is successful.

And those are cumulative for the week, not daily


Quote from: Gnoory on August 15, 2013, 09:23:13 PM
The show is NOT as much about entertainment as when Art did it, but thats because this planet changed after 9/11.
We still do the vast paranormal and supernatural shows. But we also do conspiracies, alternative health and so much more
. I do about 10 speaking engagements a year around the country to anyways from 500-1500 people per event and they ALL want variety.
Our numbers dont lie, ratings are at an all time high. I see them every month. We had to keep pace with the changing world.
So to answer your question, it's part entertainment and a lot of truth seeking, and sometimes they cross over.

You forgot to add  "That's carnovera C-A-R-N-O-V-E-R-A carnovera" into that glorious copy & past spam, sir.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Gnoory on August 15, 2013, 09:32:35 PM
I'll let you get back to your'thread'. Be well, I mean that in all sincerity


    We gots served. By thread   he's calling us a bunch of needlepoint cat ladies.  :'(


Quote from: Gnoory on August 15, 2013, 09:28:18 PM
I CANT disregard the ratings, its a part of the industry. Art will live and die by memberships. Its the same thing

If 10,000 people sign up for Art it will be a success.

More likely he will cause about 100,000 to sign up over time. That's a massive success.

Quote from: Gnoory on August 15, 2013, 09:26:58 PM
DEC 21...I have always felt and still do that we are in for a major solar event and that is what the Mayans were trying to convey.


Quote from: Gnoory on August 15, 2013, 09:30:44 PM
Not buying it? You dont have to youll only believe what you want to. I see hard data all the time.

You're damn right I'm not buying it. My knowledge of radio is pretty limited, but I'm all eyes & ears if you want to share some factual data with us with corresponding proof to back up your claim.

As far as I "only believe what I want to", that's not true. In my profession I have to be impartial. I carry that over into my personal life as well.

You threw it out there, show us some of this "hard data" you see.

George Noory just showed his true character.  He doesn't care about anything but having a job.  He will always suck.  It's silly he would get online at all to defend fucking ratings.  What a flunky.  Does nothin' and reaps benefits.  Well WTF a lot of the world works like that.

Quote from: Maxwell on August 15, 2013, 09:30:07 PM
George, you're ducking my question.  What happens at the 20-second mark of this clip?


I think he did reply-

Quote from: Gnoory on August 15, 2013, 09:24:56 PM
...the 20 minute mark, sounds like a ghost to me or someone in a far off studio hitting a mike!
Sort of like the screams from hell ????

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