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Things That Annoy You

Started by onan, May 22, 2011, 02:41:35 AM

Eddie Coyle

        Annoying me right now. A six feet high pile of books toppled due to the humidity and now I've got rearrange that fuckin' area. My OCD is making me endure that furnace of a room.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on September 03, 2013, 09:28:43 PMI wish had ANY emotional experience from my first trip to the movies. The celluloid alchemy I was witness to as a three year old was The North Avenue Irregulars   on Sunday Feb 11, 1979....
Something about loveable old ladies being detectives who crack a caper involving greedheads? Or am I mixing my forgettable Disney movies?


Quote from: bateman on September 03, 2013, 06:46:03 PM
Want to feel old? The first movie I remember my parents taking me to see was Jurassic Park in 1993. I was 8.
I'm just going to (try to) forget I read this post.  We are all adults here. Just for the record, my 10 year old loved the movie and the book. 

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on September 03, 2013, 09:40:08 PM
Something about loveable old ladies being detectives who crack a caper involving greedheads? Or am I mixing my forgettable Disney movies?

    Operative word being forgettable, I think it involved churchgoers standing up to local nogoodniks who I guess were "mobsters" because they looked swarthy. I honestly don't recall ever seeing this film on TV or anything in the past 34 years, 6 months and 20 days since my first exposure to it.

      Considering my insomnia, general idleness and eidetic memory. That's kinda astounding.


Quote from: bateman on September 03, 2013, 09:26:51 PM
But seriously, Old Yeller is a tough watch for a kid.

I was traumatized after my aunt brought over "Fire in the Sky" one night when I was 8 or 9. I ran upstairs to my parents in blind panic after this charming scene:

Builds character or thickens the skin I guess.  I can't even look at the imbed let alone watch the scene.


these little white emo kids running around in wool knit hats when its hot as shit out.  Not saying I was a fashion genius at the same age but damn.  shit annoys the hell out of me.


Quote from: ziznak on September 03, 2013, 10:42:33 PM
these little white emo kids running around in wool knit hats when its hot as shit out.  Not saying I was a fashion genius at the same age but damn.  shit annoys the hell out of me.

Rampant in LA. It's 75 degrees year round, why do you even own a winter hat??


Quote from: Nucky Nolan on August 29, 2013, 11:02:34 PM
Andy Levy should stage a coup. Greg Gutfeld should just admit that he's a neoconservative statist, and his constant jokes about gay Asian house slaves are troubling.

greg gutfeld is what you get when a massive corporate media entity run by humorless, professional pant suits (the type who often force their employees into sensitivity training) starts looking for a host who is safe yet "edgy" (at least, as they define "edgy"). 

red eye is just such a horrible show.  its discussion panels are usually filled with people who take life and themselves too seriously and who have no natural comedic inclinations at all (particularly the women they have on).  i've seen it several times (because sometimes you're reeeeeally bored), and not once has that show even made me crack a smile.  it annoys me to see jim norton and anthoy cumia on that show because they're both so much funnier than red eye deserves.  however, i think they make appearances simply because they view it as a good promotional vehicle.  i'd probably do the same in their position, but behind the scenes, i'm sure jim and anthony have probably never ever ever watched the show (unless it were to watch the appearance of someone they know).

i've been hoping to see red eye cancelled for years.  i'm tired of turning on fnc and sighing in frustration as i know i have to wait for something useful to come on.  fnc is fucking not where i go to get my comedy.

Yorkshire pud

People who judge other people's sex lives by their washing hanging on the clothes line.

Yorkshire pud

Just reading this made me annoyed for the family concerned; Who are these fucking morons? They're too stupid and irresponsible to live with humans. Isn't there an island they can all be shipped to where they can live out their fantasies away from the rest of society? Without reading you might be thinking "Yeah, but they didn't turn down the money from the production company" if only that were so;
The film was made on a specially-constructed set which looks different from the couple's actual home and no filming took place at the farmhouse itself.


Quote from: Sardondi on September 03, 2013, 09:11:29 PM
The first movie I remember was Old Yeller in a second or third release when I was 4-5 years old. I cried - sobbed - all the way home, and for hours after I got home. They tell me I was inconsolable even at home, wailing, "He shot Old Yeller! He shot Old Yeller!" over and over. All my parents thought about when deciding on what movie for our movie outing was "Walt Disney" and "dog". My poor parents didn't deserve all that guilt - it was that damn Walt Disney's fault. 

I remember that year.  My parents were separated, and my dad would come and pick up his daughters every Sunday for a fun day out.  Usually that meant going to a movie or "shopping."  We saw Bambi and Old Yeller.  I was so upset and depressed that my mother said we couldn't go to any more movies with my dad.  Of course, my sisters hated my guts, but only for a while.  He would take us "shopping" instead, which meant we got to go with him to a bar.  Women would shower us with costume jewelry, plastic high heels, and hair ribbons. I was too young to be interested in what it was they were showering my dad with...(my formative years were spent being a "wingman" for my father.)

But I've always been very displeased with Mr. Disney.  Especially when I figured out that any woman who had a worthwhile thought was the villain, and the vapid twit was the heroine in his movies.

Maybe I'll tell you about watching "Nester, the Christmas Donkey" with my daughter some time... :'(

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on September 04, 2013, 04:12:33 AM
People who judge other people's sex lives by their washing hanging on the clothes line.

     So shallow of them. Everybody knows you judge another's sex life by what's drying in their bathtub.

First movie experience: For me it was Forbidden Planet or maybe The Caine Mutiny.



Quote"It’s pretty detrimental to society when we reinforce the idea that poor or crime-heavy areas are places to be categorically avoided or shamed," David Holmes wrote on PandoDaily. "As if to assume that every person who lives in an area with comparatively high crime or poverty is a criminal, or that these areas are devoid of culture or positivity."

Hahahahaha! You shouldn't avoid crime-heavy areas?? Uhh, drive your nice car through the ghetto & see how that goes for you. I had to do a band interview at the former "Tweeter Center" in scenic Camden, NJ in 2004 or 5. We were advised BY POLICE not to even stop at red lights.

Don't be surprised when taking a stroll, or a drive, having a picnic, or taking in the vibrant culture in a "crime-ridden area" THAT YOU MAY YOURSELF BECOME A VICTIM OF SAID CRIME.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on September 04, 2013, 02:05:09 PM
     So shallow of them. Everybody knows you judge another's sex life by what's drying in their bathtub.

Post of the fucking year.

Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on September 04, 2013, 02:34:14 PM
First movie experience: For me it was Forbidden Planet or maybe The Caine Mutiny.

I don't think I can truly remember the first film I ever saw.  I do not recall my parents taking my three sisters and I as small children to see a film in a walk-in theater ever.  I was about 14 when I finally saw a movie with my parents in a walk-in.  We did go to the drive-in's once in a while.  Can't recall the specific film I would have seen first, but I loved the drive-in experience:  going in pajamas, eating popcorn... Did soda taste differently when we were kids?  It seemed to have so much more flavor and kick. 

Hmmm... this is not so much a "things that annoy me" kind of post is it.  Damn.

Okay, here goes:  I hate that drive-in theaters appear to be a thing of the past.  The nearest one to me is the S.F. Bay Area, some 3-4 hours away (much too far to drive).


maybe the original Freaky Friday.  or Digby.  vividly remember seeing Star Wars in the theater. 


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on September 04, 2013, 02:05:09 PM
     So shallow of them. Everybody knows you judge another's sex life by what's drying in their bathtub.
Or the sheets n pillows... and in my case the ceiling.


My first movie was either ET or Tron, not sure which was first.
Last movie I saw in the cinema was the Hobbit, and when I say 'last' I mean 'I'm not sitting through another piece of shit like that ever again'


(The old guy steps up to his typewriter)
The first movie I remember seeing (youngest kid with three older sisters) was at a drive in, Hard Day's Night.


Quote from: b_dubb on September 04, 2013, 08:06:15 PM
maybe the original Freaky Friday.  or Digby.  vividly remember seeing Star Wars in the theater.

Hahahaha Yeah, these. Either Freaky Friday or Digby for me too, although I think Digby was a drive in. I forgot all about goddammed Digby. 


First movie I saw was probably Red River Valley.  My family is from Winnipeg, Manitoba.  The Red River runs through it.  She was probably pining for home while relocated here in California.  What a miscue for her.  It had horses and that was good with me.

Later formative films include Mary Poppins, Planet of the Apes and 2001.

Nucky Nolan

Quote from: MV on September 04, 2013, 02:44:02 AM
greg gutfeld is what you get when a massive corporate media entity run by humorless, professional pant suits (the type who often force their employees into sensitivity training) starts looking for a host who is safe yet "edgy" (at least, as they define "edgy"). 

red eye is just such a horrible show.  its discussion panels are usually filled with people who take life and themselves too seriously and who have no natural comedic inclinations at all (particularly the women they have on).  i've seen it several times (because sometimes you're reeeeeally bored), and not once has that show even made me crack a smile.  it annoys me to see jim norton and anthoy cumia on that show because they're both so much funnier than red eye deserves.  however, i think they make appearances simply because they view it as a good promotional vehicle.  i'd probably do the same in their position, but behind the scenes, i'm sure jim and anthony have probably never ever ever watched the show (unless it were to watch the appearance of someone they know).

i've been hoping to see red eye cancelled for years.  i'm tired of turning on fnc and sighing in frustration as i know i have to wait for something useful to come on.  fnc is fucking not where i go to get my comedy.

I must take issue with that. There are no pantsuits on Fox News. You see less leg at a strip club. ;) I don't mind "Red Eye" when the guests and discussions are good, but I understand some of your misgivings.

I can't remember the first movie I saw, but I remember the Will Rogers' (?) charities collecting at the start of the movie.

I also remember watching Time Rider and Time Bandits.


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on September 05, 2013, 12:23:53 PMI can't remember the first movie I saw, but I remember the Will Rogers' (?) charities collecting at the start of the movie.

I also remember watching Time Rider and Time Bandits.
And we can't can't forget Time After Time, No Time For Sergeants, The Land That Time Forgot, Time Cop, Once Upon A Time In America, Once Upon A Time In The West and Hard Times.

Yorkshire pud

The first film I remember my father taking me to was 2001 A space Odyssey.... I remember coming out with him and asking "Dad, what was that about?".."I haven't a clue son"... He said the same about Where Eagles Dare; having an interest in aircraft I thought I was helping point out the continuity errors  by pointing out that the Bell helicopter used wasn't around in WW2, and certainly not used by the Germans.


Quote from: Sardondi on September 05, 2013, 12:38:55 PM
And we can't can't forget Time After Time, No Time For Sergeants, The Land That Time Forgot, Time Cop, Once Upon A Time In America, Once Upon A Time In The West and Hard Times.

I saw Time After Time as part of my 10th birthday party.  I've loved David Warner ever since.

Tinfoil Hat

The first movie I saw in a movie theater was the classic "Grizzly Adams". Does anyone remember Dan Haggerty? Denver Pyle was a very inspired casting choice in that one.

Eddie Coyle

         That the "weather delay" has become routine in college/pro football. Hmmm, let's schedule games during tropical season and be shocked by rain and wind arriving.


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