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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM

Value Of Pi

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 04:21:20 PM
Well, it looks as if no one picked up on Trump's greed comments last night.  And today, Pat Robertson is even endorsing him.   :-\ Believe me, I get the anger.  I'm angry too for many of the same reasons as Trump supporters.  I just think he is the wrong man with less than adequate verbal skills and an unhinged temper at times.  Looks like I'm in the minority in the party.  I can live with that and I will hope that Trump makes the correct decisions and I hope to be here a year from now extolling the greatness of Donald Trump.

Rubio has no chance.  He is not going to win squat.  Cruz will at least win Texas most likely.  Again, Kasich and Carson need to get their egos in control and drop out.

Well, I'm sure that many people picked up on those comments, but those still able to think freely are probably too stunned to respond. Not just because of the comments, but because of the Trump juggernaut. Give it a little time. There will be a response, but it will probably be too little, too late. Cruz is not the candidate different factions can rally around. Kasich, maybe. How I don't know.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 04:21:20 PM
Well, it looks as if no one picked up on Trump's greed comments last night.  And today, Pat Robertson is even endorsing him.   :-\ Believe me, I get the anger.  I'm angry too for many of the same reasons as Trump supporters.  I just think he is the wrong man with less than adequate verbal skills and an unhinged temper at times.  Looks like I'm in the minority in the party.  I can live with that and I will hope that Trump makes the correct decisions and I hope to be here a year from now extolling the greatness of Donald Trump.

Rubio has no chance.  He is not going to win squat.  Cruz will at least win Texas most likely.  Again, Kasich and Carson need to get their egos in control and drop out.

I was wondering about the possibility of Trump sealing the deal on Super Tuesday and one of the other candidates to drop out and run 3rd party (Tea Party?). If Trump pisses one of the other guys off enough I could see it happening. I think there's a good 50%+ of Republicans that wont or don't want to vote for Trump.


It's hard to envision a scenario where Trump doesn't take the nomination. I suppose if everyone dropped out this week except Rubio and Cruz it might be possible, but even then that might not go the way everyone thinks due to the fact that more of Bush's support went for Trump than anyone anticipated.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on February 24, 2016, 04:35:10 PM
Well, I'm sure that many people picked up on those comments, but those still able to think freely are probably too stunned to respond. Not just because of the comments, but because of the Trump juggernaut. Give it a little time. There will be a response, but it will probably be too little, too late. Cruz is not the candidate different factions can rally around. Kasich, maybe. How I don't know.

As much as I hate to admit it, I agree about Cruz.  His likability factor is lacking.  He needs to go to charm school and work on that.  I do think he is a principled man and was right in opposing Republican leadership.  The party needs new leaders in Washington and maybe Cruz will attain a position in a decade or so.  He does have friends in the Senate like Lee, Sessions, and I think I heard another Senator endorse Cruz today but I didn't catch his name.  He also aligns with Rand Paul on many occasions.  The most vocal opponents of Cruz in the Republican causcus in the Senate are McConnell, McCain and his butt-buddy, Lindsey Graham.  They are hardly loved by the Republican base.

I'm listening to Michael Medved now and he is under the illusion that Marco Rubio is the best candidate for President and still has a chance to win.  He hates both Trump and Cruz and he's got his panties in a wad that his favorite candidates have all been losers.  Talk about a neo-con.

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 24, 2016, 04:44:29 PM
It's hard to envision a scenario where Trump doesn't take the nomination. I suppose if everyone dropped out this week except Rubio and Cruz it might be possible, but even then that might not go the way everyone thinks due to the fact that more of Bush's support went for Trump than anyone anticipated.

At this point I agree barring a Trump implosion and I don't see that happening.  It would have happened already given some of the outlandish things he has said.  He would probably still win if it was discovered he was the Anti-Christ and, no, I don't believe he is that.  He'll just get more of the atheist and Luciferian vote if that comes out. LOL.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 04:52:30 PM
I'm listening to Michael Medved now and he is under the illusion that Marco Rubio is the best candidate for President and still has a chance to win.  He hates both Trump and Cruz and he's got his panties in a wad that his favorite candidates have all been losers.  Talk about a neo-con.
In this case, Medved doesn't "get it."  Rubio blew himself up with the gang of 8 crap.  He shouldn't have gone anywhere near Big Foot Schumer.  If I was looking to recruit a good used car salesman or carnie, I'd consider both Rubio and Schumer.

Quote from: ItsOver on February 24, 2016, 05:04:31 PM
In this case, Medved doesn't "get it."  Rubio blew himself up with the gang of 8 crap.  He shouldn't have gone anywhere near Big Foot Schumer.  If I was looking to recruit a good used car salesman or carnie, I'd consider both Rubio and Schumer.


Shit, most politicians fall into that category.  If most Washington politicians got fired and hired at used car lots,  used car sales would explode.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 04:33:23 PM
Yeah, but no one is going to want Kasich on the ticket if he continues to stay in and I'm convinced Trump could easily take Ohio without Kasich.  He will probably beat Kasich there in the primary.  Kasich is not doing himself any favors by staying in at this point.
I would not be at all surprised to see Trump take Ohio, with or without Kasich on the ticket.  Kasich, at this point, is no doubt analyzing his options and how to play his hand.  This Tuesday will be interesting and I'll be interested to see just how well Trump does in Texas.  Even if he doesn't take Texas, a strong showing is going to be just about as good.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 05:09:45 PM

Shit, most politicians fall into that category.  If most Washington politicians got fired and hired at used car lots,  used car sales would explode.
Ha!  No doubt there.  It's just that some really look the part.  Rubio needs to lay off the Brylcreem and Schumer is F'n hopeless, short of plastic surgery and extreme mannerism make-over, including a voice coach.  He's a slime-ball politician only a mobster should love.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 05:01:22 PM
At this point I agree barring a Trump implosion and I don't see that happening.  It would have happened already given some of the outlandish things he has said.  He would probably still win if it was discovered he was the Anti-Christ and, no, I don't believe he is that.  He'll just get more of the atheist and Luciferian vote if that comes out. LOL.

Yes, I'm not certain that Trump *can* implode. He'd have done it already. He's got the Teflon effect going like nobody since Reagan. I've said it before, but Donald Trump literally invented a way to win this, and I think he'll probably do the same with the GE.

Trump has done us at least one favor. When Jeb dropped out, that was it for the Bush family presence in US politics. They're done. We can all move on. 


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2016, 05:01:22 PM
At this point I agree barring a Trump implosion and I don't see that happening.  It would have happened already given some of the outlandish things he has said.  He would probably still win if it was discovered he was the Anti-Christ and, no, I don't believe he is that.  He'll just get more of the atheist and Luciferian vote if that comes out. LOL.
Apparently they are going to try to use alleged mafia connections against him, but that was tried before. According to report Billary handlers say "scorched earth campaign" against Trump since it looks like she will get it. Will it work? Assuming she is not indicted (which I doubt due to her position, connections, and personal intel organization's 'dirt' on others) what can she use that hasn't? Trump just needs to watch himself, really. He already has gotten away with stuff that would've sunk others so I would advise him not to change but keep anger in somewhat check especially in any debate with Billary because the press and her will try to stir him up into a gaff, make him look unstable, or make a shocking statement that is way over the top.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 24, 2016, 05:19:21 PM
Yes, I'm not certain that Trump *can* implode. He'd have done it already. He's got the Teflon effect going like nobody since Reagan. I've said it before, but Donald Trump literally invented a way to win this, and I think he'll probably do the same with the GE.

Trump has done us at least one favor. When Jeb dropped out, that was it for the Bush family presence in US politics. They're done. We can all move on.
I got a good laugh today.  Despite what some folks think of Limbaugh, I find him quite affable and entertaining.  I heard him call Trump "Donaldus Maximus" today.



Quote from: albrecht on February 24, 2016, 05:23:45 PM
Apparently they are going to try to use alleged mafia connections against him, but that was tried before. According to report Billary handlers say "scorched earth campaign" against Trump since it looks like she will get it. Will it work? Assuming she is not indicted (which I doubt due to her position, connections, and personal intel organization's 'dirt' on others) what can she use that hasn't? Trump just needs to watch himself, really. He already has gotten away with stuff that would've sunk others so I would advise him not to change but keep anger in somewhat check especially in any debate with Billary because the press and her will try to stir him up into a gaff, make him look unstable, or make a shocking statement that is way over the top.
Billary using alleged mafia connections against The Trumpster?  Boy, that's rich.  Good thing she lost her mirror a long time ago.

Break out the popcorn for a Donaldus Maximus vs. Billary show.  Any debate should be a pay-for-view only, which I would gladly pay for, for entertainment value alone.


Glen Beck just tweeted that Trump is showing how Hitler came to power...lol...guess the fast is over...all this from the guy who promoted Palin..he's a complete boob at this point...fun to watch the embarrassing meltdown!


Quote from: ItsOver on February 24, 2016, 05:31:26 PM
Billary using alleged mafia connections against The Trumpster?  Boy, that's rich.  Good thing she lost her mirror a long time ago.

Break out the popcorn for a Donaldus Maximus vs. Billary show.  Any debate should be a pay-for-view only, which I would gladly pay for, for entertainment value alone.
I know someone like her with her past trying to dig up dirt on others is laughable. The "I Am Woman" thing is not working (at least for now against Bernie) and with the Bill stuff, and her dismissal/helping to cover-up, the "events" makes it a hard sell, I think. Maybe those Bernie folks will support against Trump but I don't know. They are pretty angry at her for the delegate/super-delegate stuff. I just hope my initial possible thought on Trump (very conspiracy thought that  he was some kind of stalking-horse for Billary) aren't true and that he doesn't, somehow, implode.
It will be interesting entertainment to see. PPV stuff indeed.


Quote from: chefist on February 24, 2016, 05:38:31 PM
Glen Beck just tweeted that Trump is showing how Hitler came to power...lol...guess the fast is over...all this from the guy who promoted Palin..he's a complete boob at this point...fun to watch the embarrassing meltdown!
Did he cry? I think he is mad that Trump stopped by at some caucus site where he was going to give a speech. The man cries just too much.

Btw, they could just be nutjobs but I'm wondering if some of the "Pro-Trump/Pro-Hitler" posters on BG aren't operators for Cruz or even Hillary or something. Because even in their warped mind any kind of associating Trump with Hitler can't be seen as a good marketing campaign.


Quote from: chefist on February 24, 2016, 05:38:31 PM
Glen Beck just tweeted that Trump is showing how Hitler came to power...lol...guess the fast is over...all this from the guy who promoted Palin..he's a complete boob at this point...fun to watch the embarrassing meltdown!
His radio show is only good when he's not on it.  At least Pat Gray and Stu are entertaining and give me a few laughs.  Beck just comes across as an annoying, know-it-all, nut case, psycho cult leader on a rant.


Quote from: albrecht on February 24, 2016, 05:44:11 PM
Did he cry? I think he is mad that Trump stopped by at some caucus site where he was going to give a speech. The man cries just too much.

Btw, they could just be nutjobs but I'm wondering if some of the "Pro-Trump/Pro-Hitler" posters on BG aren't operators for Cruz or even Hillary or something. Because even in their warped mind any kind of associating Trump with Hitler can't be seen as a good marketing campaign.
If Mr. Hope and Change didn't burn down the U.S. Capitol building and get his own personal brown shirt army, I doubt a guy with casinos and strange hair is going to.

Quote from: albrecht on February 24, 2016, 03:32:02 PM
Ha. This is a great example of why you let an attorney speak for you. "She loaned..." Whoops!

That reminds me of a Judge Judy clip where the plaintiff is suing the defendant over the value of the purse he stole and the contents contained inside.  Judge Judy asks the plaintiff what was inside the purse and during the plaintiff reading off the contents the defendant interrupts and says "Your Honor, that wasn't inside the purse".

Judgement for the Plaintiff


Quote from: ItsOver on February 24, 2016, 05:49:13 PM
If Mr. Hope and Change didn't burn down the U.S. Capitol building and get his own personal brown shirt army, I doubt a guy with casinos and strange hair is going to.

I don't know if you've noticed, but there are marked similarities going on between Trump and Hoagland's hair. Could it be that Trump's inexplicable rise to the top of US politics might be related to that? I'm not saying it's the torsion field, but it's the torsion field.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 24, 2016, 05:56:00 PM
I don't know if you've noticed, but there are marked similarities going on between Trump and Hoagland's hair. Could it be that Trump's inexplicable rise to the top of US politics might be related to that? I'm not saying it's the torsion field, but it's the torsion field.
Good point. I wonder if they have the same hair stylist. And they both stay on message or their "models," physics and actual models. Any subject: can related to torsion and 19.5 or, in Trump's case: Making America Great Again!


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on February 24, 2016, 05:56:00 PM
I don't know if you've noticed, but there are marked similarities going on between Trump and Hoagland's hair. Could it be that Trump's inexplicable rise to the top of US politics might be related to that? I'm not saying it's the torsion field, but it's the torsion field.
"It's all in the data hair.  Look at the data hair!"

Quote from: ItsOver on February 24, 2016, 05:31:26 PM
Billary using alleged mafia connections against The Trumpster?  Boy, that's rich.  Good thing she lost her mirror a long time ago.

Break out the popcorn for a Donaldus Maximus vs. Billary show.  Any debate should be a pay-for-view only, which I would gladly pay for, for entertainment value alone.

The Trumpster needs to tread carefully there.  She's been debating punching bag Bernie "damned emails" Sanders.  If/when it comes down to the Clinton/Trump debates, the Trumpster needs be running at 1/3 speed.  If he goes in at 100% the outcome could be horrific.   Hillary is not well as it is and he  truly could induce a  stroke. 

Can you imagine?   If Shrill Hill starts babbling about a 'War on Women', he'll blast her with "well your husband is a sexual predator and *you* enabled him".   If she prattles on about disenfranchisement he'll pound that nail with "The only reason you won the nomination is because the party hacks put you here - you disenfranchised your own base".  If she whines about "Fairness" he'll put the cap in her ass. "If an employee at Lockheed handled corporate emails the way you did he or she would be in prison now.  Fairness?  The only reason you are walking around free is because of the elite privilege you hold in the Democratic party.  When I win, we will revisit this fairness subject".

At that point a vein would blow out in her head and Trump would look like a real meanie........


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on February 24, 2016, 06:03:53 PM

The Trumpster needs to tread carefully there.  She's been debating punching bag Bernie "damned emails" Sanders.  If/when it comes down to the Clinton/Trump debates, the Trumpster needs be running at 1/3 speed.  If he goes in at 100% the outcome could be horrific.   Hillary is not well as it is and he  truly could induce a  stroke. 

Can you imagine?   If Shrill Hill starts babbling about a 'War on Women', he'll blast her with "well your husband is a sexual predator and *you* enabled him".   If she prattles on about disenfranchisement he'll pound that nail with "The only reason you won the nomination is because the party hacks put you here - you disenfranchised your own base".  If she whines about "Fairness" he'll put the cap in her ass. "If an employee at Lockheed handled corporate emails the way you did he or she would be in prison now.  Fairness?  The only reason you are walking around free is because of the elite privilege you hold in the Democratic party.  When I win, we will revisit this fairness subject".

At that point a vein would blow out in her head and Trump would look like a real meanie........
Hehehe.  Hey, at least we'll get one debate shock show for the ages.  This guy should moderate.  Forget Megan Kelly.  ;)

Quote from: ItsOver on February 24, 2016, 06:12:26 PM
Hehehe.  Hey, at least we'll get one debate shock show for the ages.  This guy should moderate.  Forget Megan Kelly.  ;)

Were assuming Hillary would agree to debate with Trump.

I honestly see her simply not participating in any debates.  I think that would be the smart move if I was her.

Quote from: albrecht on February 24, 2016, 05:44:11 PM
Did he cry? I think he is mad that Trump stopped by at some caucus site where he was going to give a speech. The man cries just too much.

Btw, they could just be nutjobs but I'm wondering if some of the "Pro-Trump/Pro-Hitler" posters on BG aren't operators for Cruz or even Hillary or something. Because even in their warped mind any kind of associating Trump with Hitler can't be seen as a good marketing campaign.

Never trust a man who cries on cue.

Move over Art! America's got a new daddy, Donald Trump!

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